% Copyright © 2011-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Implementation notes: % % Before every call to Dynare, the contents of the workspace is saved in % 'wsMat.mat', and reloaded after Dynare has finished (this is necessary since % Dynare does a 'clear -all'). % Note that we take care of clearing oo_ before saving the workspace, % otherwise the newly created oo_ will be scratched upon loading, % thus making the path comparison bogus. % We also take care of clearing the 'exception' variable in all 'catch' % block, because otherwise the next 'load wsMat' within a 'catch' block will % overwrite the last exception. source_dir = getenv('source_root'); addpath([source_dir filesep 'tests' filesep 'utils']); addpath([source_dir filesep 'matlab']); % Test block_bytecode/ls2003.mod with various combinations of % block/bytecode/solve_algo/stack_solve_algo failedBlock = {}; cd block_bytecode tic; for blockFlag = 0:1 for storageFlag = 0:2 % 0=M-file, 1=use_dll, 2=bytecode default_solve_algo = 2; default_stack_solve_algo = 0; if ~blockFlag && storageFlag ~= 2 solve_algos = [1:4 9]; stack_solve_algos = [0 1 6]; elseif blockFlag && storageFlag ~= 2 solve_algos = [1:4 6:9]; stack_solve_algos = [0:4 6]; else solve_algos = 1:9; stack_solve_algos = 0:6; end if isoctave || user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox') solve_algos = [ 0 solve_algos ]; end % Workaround for strange race condition related to the static/dynamic % files (especially when we switch to/from use_dll) if isoctave && exist('+ls2003_tmp') rmdir('+ls2003_tmp', 's'); pause(1) end for i = 1:length(solve_algos) if ~blockFlag && storageFlag == 0 && (i == 1) % This is the reference simulation path against which all % other simulations will be tested try old_path = path; save wsMat run_ls2003(blockFlag, storageFlag, solve_algos(i), default_stack_solve_algo) load wsMat path(old_path); y_ref = oo_.endo_simul; save('test.mat','y_ref'); catch exception load wsMat path(old_path); failedBlock{size(failedBlock,2)+1} = ['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(solve_algos(i)) ',' num2str(default_stack_solve_algo) ')']; printTestError(['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(solve_algos(i)) ',' num2str(default_stack_solve_algo) ')'], exception); clear exception end else try old_path = path; clear oo_ % Ensure that oo_.endo_simul won’t be overwritten when loading wsMat save wsMat run_ls2003(blockFlag, storageFlag, solve_algos(i), default_stack_solve_algo) load wsMat path(old_path); % Test against the reference simulation path load('test.mat','y_ref'); diff = oo_.endo_simul - y_ref; if max(max(abs(diff))) > options_.dynatol.x failedBlock{size(failedBlock,2)+1} = ['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(solve_algos(i)) ',' num2str(default_stack_solve_algo) ')']; if isoctave exception.message = 'ERROR: simulation path differs from the reference path'; else exception = MException('Dynare:simerr', 'ERROR: simulation path differs from the reference path'); end printTestError(['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(solve_algos(i)) ',' num2str(default_stack_solve_algo) ')'], exception); clear exception end catch exception load wsMat path(old_path); failedBlock{size(failedBlock,2)+1} = ['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(solve_algos(i)) ',' num2str(default_stack_solve_algo) ')']; printTestError(['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(solve_algos(i)) ',' num2str(default_stack_solve_algo) ')'], exception); clear exception end end end for i = 1:length(stack_solve_algos) try old_path = path; clear oo_ % Ensure that oo_.endo_simul won’t be overwritten when loading wsMat save wsMat run_ls2003(blockFlag, storageFlag, default_solve_algo, stack_solve_algos(i)) load wsMat path(old_path); % Test against the reference simulation path load('test.mat','y_ref'); diff = oo_.endo_simul - y_ref; if max(max(abs(diff))) > options_.dynatol.x failedBlock{size(failedBlock,2)+1} = ['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(default_solve_algo) ',' num2str(stack_solve_algos(i)) ')']; if isoctave exception.message = 'ERROR: simulation path differs from the reference path'; else exception = MException('Dynare:simerr', 'ERROR: simulation path difers from the reference path'); end printTestError(['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(default_solve_algo) ',' num2str(stack_solve_algos(i)) ')'], exception); clear exception end catch exception load wsMat path(old_path); failedBlock{size(failedBlock,2)+1} = ['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(default_solve_algo) ',' num2str(stack_solve_algos(i)) ')']; printTestError(['block_bytecode' filesep 'run_ls2003.m(' num2str(blockFlag) ',' num2str(storageFlag) ',' num2str(default_solve_algo) ',' num2str(stack_solve_algos(i)) ')'], exception); clear exception end end end end delete('wsMat.mat') if size(failedBlock,2) > 0 fprintf('\n*** Failed tests: %s\n', failedBlock{:}) end fprintf('\n*** Elapsed time (in seconds): %.1f\n\n', toc); quit(size(failedBlock,2) > 0)