/* * Copyright © 2007-2023 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Interpreter.hh" Interpreter::Interpreter(Evaluate& evaluator_arg, double* params_arg, double* y_arg, double* ya_arg, double* x_arg, double* steady_y_arg, double* direction_arg, int y_size_arg, int nb_row_x_arg, int periods_arg, int y_kmin_arg, int y_kmax_arg, int maxit_arg_, double solve_tolf_arg, double markowitz_c_arg, int minimal_solving_periods_arg, int stack_solve_algo_arg, int solve_algo_arg, bool print_arg, const mxArray* GlobalTemporaryTerms_arg, bool steady_state_arg, bool block_decomposed_arg, int col_x_arg, int col_y_arg, const BasicSymbolTable& symbol_table_arg, int verbosity_arg) : symbol_table {symbol_table_arg}, steady_state {steady_state_arg}, block_decomposed {block_decomposed_arg}, evaluator {evaluator_arg}, minimal_solving_periods {minimal_solving_periods_arg}, y_size {y_size_arg}, y_kmin {y_kmin_arg}, y_kmax {y_kmax_arg}, periods {periods_arg}, verbosity {verbosity_arg} { pivotva = nullptr; mem_mngr.init_Mem(); symbolic = true; alt_symbolic = false; alt_symbolic_count = 0; res1a = 9.0e60; tbreak_g = 0; start_compare = 0; restart = 0; IM_i.clear(); lu_inc_tol = 1e-10; Symbolic = nullptr; Numeric = nullptr; params = params_arg; y = y_arg; ya = ya_arg; x = x_arg; steady_y = steady_y_arg; direction = direction_arg; nb_row_x = nb_row_x_arg; periods = periods_arg; maxit_ = maxit_arg_; solve_tolf = solve_tolf_arg; slowc = 1; slowc_save = 1; markowitz_c = markowitz_c_arg; minimal_solving_periods = minimal_solving_periods_arg; stack_solve_algo = stack_solve_algo_arg; solve_algo = solve_algo_arg; print = print_arg; col_x = col_x_arg; col_y = col_y_arg; int ntt {evaluator.getNumberOfTemporaryTerms()}; if (GlobalTemporaryTerms_arg) { if (steady_state) assert(ntt == static_cast(mxGetNumberOfElements(GlobalTemporaryTerms_arg))); else assert(periods * ntt == static_cast(mxGetNumberOfElements(GlobalTemporaryTerms_arg))); GlobalTemporaryTerms = mxDuplicateArray(GlobalTemporaryTerms_arg); } else { if (steady_state) GlobalTemporaryTerms = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ntt, 1, mxREAL); else GlobalTemporaryTerms = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(periods, ntt, mxREAL); } T = mxGetPr(GlobalTemporaryTerms); } void Interpreter::evaluate_over_periods(bool forward) { if (steady_state) compute_block_time(0, false, false); else { if (forward) { for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) compute_block_time(0, false, false); it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; // Do not leave it_ in inconsistent state } else { for (it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; it_ >= y_kmin; it_--) compute_block_time(0, false, false); it_ = y_kmin; // Do not leave it_ in inconsistent state (see #1727) } } } void Interpreter::solve_simple_one_periods() { bool cvg = false; int iter = 0; double ya; double slowc = 1; res1 = 0; while (!(cvg || iter >= maxit_)) { Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; ya = y[Block_Contain[0].Variable + Per_y_]; compute_block_time(0, false, false); if (!isfinite(res1)) { res1 = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); while ((isinf(res1) || isnan(res1)) && (slowc > 1e-9)) { compute_block_time(0, false, false); if (!isfinite(res1)) { slowc /= 1.5; if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("Reducing the path length in Newton step slowc=%f\n", slowc); feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT); y[Block_Contain[0].Variable + Per_y_] = ya - slowc * (r[0] / g1[0]); if (fetestexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW)) { res1 = numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); if (verbosity >= 1) mexPrintf(" Singularity in block %d", block_num + 1); } } } } double rr; rr = r[0]; cvg = (fabs(rr) < solve_tolf); if (cvg) continue; feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT); y[Block_Contain[0].Variable + Per_y_] += -slowc * (rr / g1[0]); if (fetestexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW)) { res1 = numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); if (verbosity >= 1) mexPrintf(" Singularity in block %d", block_num + 1); } iter++; } if (!cvg) throw FatalException {"In Solve Forward simple, convergence not achieved in block " + to_string(block_num + 1) + ", after " + to_string(iter) + " iterations"}; } void Interpreter::solve_simple_over_periods(bool forward) { g1 = static_cast(mxMalloc(sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(g1, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, sizeof(double)); r = static_cast(mxMalloc(sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(r, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, sizeof(double)); if (steady_state) { it_ = 0; solve_simple_one_periods(); } else { if (forward) { for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) solve_simple_one_periods(); it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; // Do not leave it_ in inconsistent state } else { for (it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; it_ >= y_kmin; it_--) solve_simple_one_periods(); it_ = y_kmin; // Do not leave it_ in inconsistent state (see #1727) } } mxFree(g1); mxFree(r); } void Interpreter::compute_complete_2b() { res1 = 0; res2 = 0; max_res = 0; for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) { Per_u_ = (it_ - y_kmin) * u_count_int; Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; int shift = (it_ - y_kmin) * size; compute_block_time(Per_u_, false, false); if (!(isnan(res1) || isinf(res1))) for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { double rr; rr = r[i]; res[i + shift] = rr; if (max_res < fabs(rr)) { max_res = fabs(rr); max_res_idx = i; } res2 += rr * rr; res1 += fabs(rr); } else return; } it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; // Do not leave it_ in inconsistent state } void Interpreter::evaluate_a_block(bool initialization, bool single_block, const string& bin_base_name) { switch (type) { case BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward: if (steady_state) { compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[j] = y[Block_Contain[j].Variable] - ya[Block_Contain[j].Variable]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[Block_Contain[j].Equation] = y[Block_Contain[j].Variable] - ya[Block_Contain[j].Variable]; } else { for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) { Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * size + j] = y[it_ * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Variable] - ya[it_ * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Variable]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Equation] = y[it_ * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Variable] - ya[it_ * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Variable]; } } break; case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardSimple: g1 = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(g1, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * size * sizeof(double)); r = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(r, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); if (steady_state) { compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[j] = r[j]; } else { for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) { Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * size + j] = r[j]; } } mxFree(g1); mxFree(r); break; case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete: if (initialization) { fixe_u(); Read_SparseMatrix(bin_base_name, false); } #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("in SOLVE FORWARD COMPLETE r = mxMalloc(%d*sizeof(double))\n", size); #endif r = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(r, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); if (steady_state) { compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[j] = r[j]; } else { for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) { Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * size + j] = r[j]; } } mxFree(r); break; case BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward: if (steady_state) { compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[j] = y[Block_Contain[j].Variable] - ya[Block_Contain[j].Variable]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[Block_Contain[j].Equation] = y[Block_Contain[j].Variable] - ya[Block_Contain[j].Variable]; } else { for (it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; it_ >= y_kmin; it_--) { Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * size + j] = y[it_ * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Variable] - ya[it_ * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Variable]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Equation] = y[it_ * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Variable] - ya[it_ * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Variable]; } } break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardSimple: g1 = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(g1, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * size * sizeof(double)); r = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(r, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); if (steady_state) { compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[j] = r[j]; } else { for (it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; it_ >= y_kmin; it_--) { Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * size + j] = r[j]; } } mxFree(g1); mxFree(r); break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete: if (initialization) { fixe_u(); Read_SparseMatrix(bin_base_name, false); } r = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(r, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); if (steady_state) { compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[j] = r[j]; } else { for (it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; it_ >= y_kmin; it_--) { Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; compute_block_time(0, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * size + j] = r[j]; } } mxFree(r); break; case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete: if (initialization) { fixe_u(); Read_SparseMatrix(bin_base_name, true); } u_count = u_count_int * (periods + y_kmax + y_kmin); r = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(r, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) { Per_u_ = (it_ - y_kmin) * u_count_int; Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; compute_block_time(Per_u_, true, false); if (!single_block) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * y_size + Block_Contain[j].Equation] = r[j]; else for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) residual[(it_ - y_kmin) * size + j] = r[j]; } mxFree(r); break; } } int Interpreter::simulate_a_block( const vector_table_conditional_local_type& vector_table_conditional_local, bool single_block, const string& bin_base_name) { max_res = 0; max_res_idx = 0; bool cvg; double* y_save; #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("simulate_a_block type = %d, periods=%d, y_kmin=%d, y_kmax=%d\n", type, periods, y_kmin, y_kmax); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif switch (type) { case BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward: #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("EVALUATE FORWARD\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif evaluate_over_periods(true); break; case BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward: #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("EVALUATE BACKWARD\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif evaluate_over_periods(false); break; case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardSimple: #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("SOLVE FORWARD SIMPLE size=%d\n", size); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif solve_simple_over_periods(true); break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardSimple: #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("SOLVE BACKWARD SIMPLE\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif solve_simple_over_periods(false); break; case BlockSimulationType::solveForwardComplete: #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("SOLVE FORWARD COMPLETE\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif if (vector_table_conditional_local.size()) evaluate_a_block(true, single_block, bin_base_name); else { fixe_u(); Read_SparseMatrix(bin_base_name, false); } Per_u_ = 0; Simulate_Newton_One_Boundary(true); mxFree(u); mxFree(index_equa); mxFree(index_vara); fill_n(direction, y_size * col_y, 0); End_Solver(); break; case BlockSimulationType::solveBackwardComplete: #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("SOLVE BACKWARD COMPLETE\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif if (vector_table_conditional_local.size()) evaluate_a_block(true, single_block, bin_base_name); else { fixe_u(); Read_SparseMatrix(bin_base_name, false); } Per_u_ = 0; Simulate_Newton_One_Boundary(false); mxFree(index_equa); mxFree(index_vara); fill_n(direction, y_size * col_y, 0); mxFree(u); End_Solver(); break; case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesSimple: case BlockSimulationType::solveTwoBoundariesComplete: #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("SOLVE TWO BOUNDARIES\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif if (steady_state) { if (verbosity >= 1) mexPrintf("SOLVE TWO BOUNDARIES in a steady state model: impossible case\n"); return ERROR_ON_EXIT; } if (vector_table_conditional_local.size()) evaluate_a_block(true, single_block, bin_base_name); else { fixe_u(); Read_SparseMatrix(bin_base_name, true); } u_count = u_count_int * (periods + y_kmax + y_kmin); r = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(r, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); res = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * periods * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(res, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * periods * sizeof(double)); y_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(y_size * sizeof(double) * (periods + y_kmax + y_kmin))); test_mxMalloc(y_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, y_size * sizeof(double) * (periods + y_kmax + y_kmin)); iter = 0; if (!is_linear || stack_solve_algo == 4) // On linear blocks, stack_solve_algo=4 may // need more than one iteration to find the // optimal (unitary!) path length { cvg = false; glambda2 = g0 = very_big; try_at_iteration = 0; int u_count_saved = u_count; while (!(cvg || (iter >= maxit_))) { res2 = 0; res1 = 0; max_res = 0; max_res_idx = 0; copy_n(y, y_size * (periods + y_kmax + y_kmin), y_save); if (vector_table_conditional_local.size()) for (auto& it1 : vector_table_conditional_local) if (it1.is_cond) y[it1.var_endo + y_kmin * size] = it1.constrained_value; compute_complete_2b(); if (!(isnan(res1) || isinf(res1))) cvg = (max_res < solve_tolf); if (isnan(res1) || isinf(res1) || (stack_solve_algo == 4 && iter > 0)) copy_n(y_save, y_size * (periods + y_kmax + y_kmin), y); u_count = u_count_saved; int prev_iter = iter; Simulate_Newton_Two_Boundaries(cvg, vector_table_conditional_local); iter++; if (iter > prev_iter) { g0 = res2; gp0 = -res2; try_at_iteration = 0; slowc_save = slowc; } } if (!cvg) throw FatalException {"In Solve two boundaries, convergence not achieved in block " + to_string(block_num + 1) + ", after " + to_string(iter) + " iterations"}; } else { res1 = 0; res2 = 0; max_res = 0; max_res_idx = 0; compute_complete_2b(); cvg = false; Simulate_Newton_Two_Boundaries(cvg, vector_table_conditional_local); max_res = 0; max_res_idx = 0; } slowc = 1; // slowc is modified when stack_solve_algo=4, so restore it if (r) mxFree(r); if (y_save) mxFree(y_save); if (u) mxFree(u); if (index_vara) mxFree(index_vara); if (index_equa) mxFree(index_equa); if (res) mxFree(res); fill_n(direction, y_size * col_y, 0); End_Solver(); break; default: throw FatalException {"In simulate_a_block, Unknown type = " + to_string(static_cast(type))}; return ERROR_ON_EXIT; } return NO_ERROR_ON_EXIT; } void Interpreter::check_for_controlled_exo_validity(const vector& sconstrained_extended_path) { vector exogenous {evaluator.getCurrentBlockExogenous()}; vector endogenous {evaluator.getCurrentBlockEndogenous()}; for (auto& it : sconstrained_extended_path) { if (find(endogenous.begin(), endogenous.end(), it.exo_num) != endogenous.end() && find(exogenous.begin(), exogenous.end(), it.var_num) == exogenous.end()) throw FatalException {"\nThe conditional forecast involving as constrained variable " + symbol_table.getName(SymbolType::endogenous, it.exo_num) + " and as endogenized exogenous " + symbol_table.getName(SymbolType::exogenous, it.var_num) + " that do not appear in block=" + to_string(block_num + 1) + ")\nYou should not use block in model options"}; else if (find(endogenous.begin(), endogenous.end(), it.exo_num) != endogenous.end() && find(exogenous.begin(), exogenous.end(), it.var_num) != exogenous.end() && (type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateForward || type == BlockSimulationType::evaluateBackward)) throw FatalException {"\nThe conditional forecast cannot be implemented for the block=" + to_string(block_num + 1) + ") that has to be evaluated instead to be solved\nYou should not " "use block in model options"}; else if (find(previous_block_exogenous.begin(), previous_block_exogenous.end(), it.var_num) != previous_block_exogenous.end()) throw FatalException { "\nThe conditional forecast involves in the block " + to_string(block_num + 1) + " the endogenized exogenous " + symbol_table.getName(SymbolType::exogenous, it.var_num) + " that appear also in a previous block\nYou should not use block in model options"}; } for (auto it : exogenous) previous_block_exogenous.push_back(it); } pair> Interpreter::MainLoop(const string& bin_basename, bool evaluate, int block, bool constrained, const vector& sconstrained_extended_path, const vector_table_conditional_local_type& vector_table_conditional_local) { int nb_blocks {evaluator.getTotalBlockNumber()}; if (block >= nb_blocks) throw FatalException {"Interpreter::MainLoop: Input argument block = " + to_string(block + 1) + " is greater than the number of blocks in the model (" + to_string(nb_blocks) + " see M_.block_structure" + (steady_state ? "_stat" : "") + ".block)"}; vector blocks; if (block < 0) { blocks.resize(nb_blocks); iota(blocks.begin(), blocks.end(), 0); } else blocks.push_back(block); jacobian_block.resize(nb_blocks); jacobian_exo_block.resize(nb_blocks); jacobian_det_exo_block.resize(nb_blocks); double max_res_local = 0; int max_res_idx_local = 0; if (block < 0) { if (steady_state) residual = vector(y_size); else residual = vector(y_size * periods); } for (int current_block : blocks) { evaluator.gotoBlock(current_block); block_num = current_block; size = evaluator.getCurrentBlockSize(); type = evaluator.getCurrentBlockType(); is_linear = evaluator.isCurrentBlockLinear(); Block_Contain = evaluator.getCurrentBlockEquationsAndVariables(); u_count_int = evaluator.getCurrentBlockUCount(); if (constrained) check_for_controlled_exo_validity(sconstrained_extended_path); if (print) { if (steady_state) residual = vector(size); else residual = vector(size * periods); evaluator.printCurrentBlock(); } else if (evaluate) { #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("jacobian_block=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(%d, %d, mxREAL)\n", size, getCurrentBlockNbColJacob()); #endif jacobian_block[current_block] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, evaluator.getCurrentBlockNbColJacob(), mxREAL); if (!steady_state) { #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("allocates jacobian_exo_block( %d, %d, mxREAL)\n", size, evaluator.getCurrentBlockExoSize()); mexPrintf("(0) Allocating Jacobian\n"); #endif jacobian_exo_block[current_block] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, evaluator.getCurrentBlockExoSize(), mxREAL); jacobian_det_exo_block[current_block] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, evaluator.getCurrentBlockExoDetSize(), mxREAL); } if (block >= 0) { if (steady_state) residual = vector(size); else residual = vector(size * periods); } evaluate_a_block(true, block >= 0, bin_basename); } else { #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("endo in block %d, size=%d, type=%d, steady_state=%d, is_linear=%d, " "endo_nbr=%d, u_count_int=%d\n", current_block + 1, size, type, steady_state, is_linear, symbol_table_endo_nbr, u_count_int); #endif bool result; if (sconstrained_extended_path.size()) { jacobian_block[current_block] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, evaluator.getCurrentBlockNbColJacob(), mxREAL); jacobian_exo_block[current_block] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, evaluator.getCurrentBlockExoSize(), mxREAL); jacobian_det_exo_block[current_block] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, evaluator.getCurrentBlockExoDetSize(), mxREAL); residual = vector(size * periods); result = simulate_a_block(vector_table_conditional_local, block >= 0, bin_basename); } else result = simulate_a_block(vector_table_conditional_local, block >= 0, bin_basename); if (max_res > max_res_local) { max_res_local = max_res; max_res_idx_local = max_res_idx; } if (result == ERROR_ON_EXIT) return {ERROR_ON_EXIT, {}}; } } max_res = max_res_local; max_res_idx = max_res_idx_local; Close_SaveCode(); return {true, blocks}; } string Interpreter::elastic(string str, unsigned int len, bool left) { if (str.length() > len) return str; else { int diff = len - str.length(); if (diff % 2 == 0) { if (left) { // mexPrintf("(1) diff=%d\n",diff); str.insert(str.end(), diff - 1, ' '); str.insert(str.begin(), 1, ' '); } else { str.insert(str.end(), diff / 2, ' '); str.insert(str.begin(), diff / 2, ' '); } } else { if (left) { // mexPrintf("(2) diff=%d\n",diff); str.insert(str.end(), diff - 1, ' '); str.insert(str.begin(), 1, ' '); } else { str.insert(str.end(), ceil(diff / 2), ' '); str.insert(str.begin(), ceil(diff / 2 + 1), ' '); } } return str; } } pair> Interpreter::extended_path(const string& file_name, bool evaluate, int block, int nb_periods, const vector& sextended_path, const vector& sconstrained_extended_path, const vector& dates, const table_conditional_global_type& table_conditional_global) { size_t size_of_direction = y_size * col_y * sizeof(double); auto* y_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(size_of_direction)); test_mxMalloc(y_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size_of_direction); auto* x_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(nb_row_x * col_x * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(x_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, nb_row_x * col_x * sizeof(double)); vector_table_conditional_local_type vector_table_conditional_local; vector_table_conditional_local.clear(); int endo_name_length_l = static_cast(symbol_table.maxEndoNameLength()); for (int j = 0; j < col_x * nb_row_x; j++) { x_save[j] = x[j]; x[j] = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < col_x; j++) x[y_kmin + j * nb_row_x] = x_save[y_kmin + j * nb_row_x]; for (int i = 0; i < y_size * col_y; i++) y_save[i] = y[i]; if (endo_name_length_l < 8) endo_name_length_l = 8; int old_verbosity {verbosity}; verbosity = 0; ostringstream res1; res1 << std::scientific << 2.54656875434865131; int real_max_length = res1.str().length(); int date_length = dates[0].length(); int table_length = 2 + date_length + 3 + endo_name_length_l + 3 + real_max_length + 3 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 2; string line; line.insert(line.begin(), table_length, '-'); line.insert(line.length(), "\n"); if (old_verbosity >= 1) { mexPrintf("\nExtended Path simulation:\n"); mexPrintf("-------------------------\n"); mexPrintf(line.c_str()); string title = "|" + elastic("date", date_length + 2, false) + "|" + elastic("variable", endo_name_length_l + 2, false) + "|" + elastic("max. value", real_max_length + 2, false) + "| iter. |" + elastic("cvg", 5, false) + "|\n"; mexPrintf(title.c_str()); mexPrintf(line.c_str()); } bool r; vector blocks; for (int t = 0; t < nb_periods; t++) { previous_block_exogenous.clear(); if (old_verbosity >= 1) { mexPrintf("|%s|", elastic(dates[t], date_length + 2, false).c_str()); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } for (const auto& it : sextended_path) x[y_kmin + (it.exo_num - 1) * nb_row_x] = it.value[t]; vector_table_conditional_local.clear(); if (auto it = table_conditional_global.find(t); it != table_conditional_global.end()) vector_table_conditional_local = it->second; tie(r, blocks) = MainLoop(file_name, evaluate, block, true, sconstrained_extended_path, vector_table_conditional_local); for (int j = 0; j < y_size; j++) { y_save[j + (t + y_kmin) * y_size] = y[j + y_kmin * y_size]; if (y_kmin > 0) y[j] = y[j + y_kmin * y_size]; } for (int j = 0; j < col_x; j++) { x_save[t + y_kmin + j * nb_row_x] = x[y_kmin + j * nb_row_x]; if (t < nb_periods) x[y_kmin + j * nb_row_x] = x_save[t + 1 + y_kmin + j * nb_row_x]; } if (old_verbosity >= 1) { ostringstream res1; res1 << std::scientific << max_res; mexPrintf("%s|%s| %4d | x |\n", elastic(symbol_table.getName(SymbolType::endogenous, max_res_idx), endo_name_length_l + 2, true) .c_str(), elastic(res1.str(), real_max_length + 2, false).c_str(), iter); mexPrintf(line.c_str()); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } } verbosity = old_verbosity; for (int i = 0; i < y_size * col_y; i++) y[i] = y_save[i]; for (int j = 0; j < col_x * nb_row_x; j++) x[j] = x_save[j]; if (y_save) mxFree(y_save); if (x_save) mxFree(x_save); return {true, blocks}; } pair> Interpreter::compute_blocks(const string& file_name, bool evaluate, int block) { // The big loop on intructions vector s_plan_junk; vector_table_conditional_local_type vector_table_conditional_local_junk; auto [r, blocks] = MainLoop(file_name, evaluate, block, false, s_plan_junk, vector_table_conditional_local_junk); return {true, blocks}; } int Interpreter::NRow(int r) const { return NbNZRow[r]; } int Interpreter::NCol(int c) const { return NbNZCol[c]; } pair Interpreter::At_Row(int r) const { return {NbNZRow[r], FNZE_R[r]}; } NonZeroElem* Interpreter::At_Pos(int r, int c) const { NonZeroElem* first {FNZE_R[r]}; while (first->c_index != c) first = first->NZE_R_N; return first; } pair Interpreter::At_Col(int c) const { return {NbNZCol[c], FNZE_C[c]}; } pair Interpreter::At_Col(int c, int lag) const { NonZeroElem* first {FNZE_C[c]}; int i = 0; while (first->lag_index != lag && first) first = first->NZE_C_N; if (first) { NonZeroElem* firsta {first}; if (!firsta->NZE_C_N) i++; else { while (firsta->lag_index == lag && firsta->NZE_C_N) { firsta = firsta->NZE_C_N; i++; } if (firsta->lag_index == lag) i++; } } return {i, first}; } void Interpreter::Delete(int r, int c) { NonZeroElem *first = FNZE_R[r], *firsta = nullptr; while (first->c_index != c) { firsta = first; first = first->NZE_R_N; } if (firsta) firsta->NZE_R_N = first->NZE_R_N; if (first == FNZE_R[r]) FNZE_R[r] = first->NZE_R_N; NbNZRow[r]--; first = FNZE_C[c]; firsta = nullptr; while (first->r_index != r) { firsta = first; first = first->NZE_C_N; } if (firsta) firsta->NZE_C_N = first->NZE_C_N; if (first == FNZE_C[c]) FNZE_C[c] = first->NZE_C_N; u_liste.push_back(first->u_index); mem_mngr.mxFree_NZE(first); NbNZCol[c]--; } void Interpreter::Insert(int r, int c, int u_index, int lag_index) { NonZeroElem *firstn, *first, *firsta, *a; firstn = mem_mngr.mxMalloc_NZE(); first = FNZE_R[r]; firsta = nullptr; while (first->c_index < c && (a = first->NZE_R_N)) { firsta = first; first = a; } firstn->u_index = u_index; firstn->r_index = r; firstn->c_index = c; firstn->lag_index = lag_index; if (first->c_index > c) { if (first == FNZE_R[r]) FNZE_R[r] = firstn; if (firsta) firsta->NZE_R_N = firstn; firstn->NZE_R_N = first; } else { first->NZE_R_N = firstn; firstn->NZE_R_N = nullptr; } NbNZRow[r]++; first = FNZE_C[c]; firsta = nullptr; while (first->r_index < r && (a = first->NZE_C_N)) { firsta = first; first = a; } if (first->r_index > r) { if (first == FNZE_C[c]) FNZE_C[c] = firstn; if (firsta) firsta->NZE_C_N = firstn; firstn->NZE_C_N = first; } else { first->NZE_C_N = firstn; firstn->NZE_C_N = nullptr; } NbNZCol[c]++; } void Interpreter::Close_SaveCode() { SaveCode.close(); } void Interpreter::Read_SparseMatrix(const string& file_name, bool two_boundaries) { unsigned int eq, var; int lag; mem_mngr.fixe_file_name(file_name); if (!SaveCode.is_open()) { filesystem::path binfile {file_name + "/model/bytecode/" + (block_decomposed ? "block/" : "") + (steady_state ? "static" : "dynamic") + ".bin"}; SaveCode.open(binfile, ios::in | ios::binary); if (!SaveCode.is_open()) throw FatalException {"In Read_SparseMatrix, " + binfile.string() + " cannot be opened"}; } IM_i.clear(); if (two_boundaries) { if (stack_solve_algo == 5) { for (int i = 0; i < u_count_init - size; i++) { int val; SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&eq), sizeof(eq)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&var), sizeof(var)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&lag), sizeof(lag)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&val), sizeof(val)); IM_i[{eq, var, lag}] = val; } for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) IM_i[{j, size * (periods + y_kmax), 0}] = j; } else if ((stack_solve_algo >= 0 && stack_solve_algo <= 4) || stack_solve_algo == 6) { for (int i = 0; i < u_count_init - size; i++) { int val; SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&eq), sizeof(eq)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&var), sizeof(var)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&lag), sizeof(lag)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&val), sizeof(val)); IM_i[{var - lag * size, -lag, eq}] = val; } for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) IM_i[{size * (periods + y_kmax), 0, j}] = j; } else throw FatalException {"Invalid value for solve_algo or stack_solve_algo"}; } else { if ((stack_solve_algo == 5 && !steady_state) || (solve_algo == 5 && steady_state)) { for (int i = 0; i < u_count_init; i++) { int val; SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&eq), sizeof(eq)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&var), sizeof(var)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&lag), sizeof(lag)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&val), sizeof(val)); IM_i[{eq, var, lag}] = val; } } else if (steady_state || ((stack_solve_algo >= 0 && stack_solve_algo <= 4) || stack_solve_algo == 6)) { for (int i = 0; i < u_count_init; i++) { int val; SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&eq), sizeof(eq)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&var), sizeof(var)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&lag), sizeof(lag)); SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&val), sizeof(val)); IM_i[{var - lag * size, -lag, eq}] = val; } } else throw FatalException {"Invalid value for solve_algo or stack_solve_algo"}; } int index_vara_size {size * (two_boundaries ? periods + y_kmin + y_kmax : 1)}; index_vara = static_cast(mxMalloc(index_vara_size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(index_vara, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, index_vara_size * sizeof(int)); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&index_vara[j]), sizeof(*index_vara)); if (two_boundaries) for (int i = 1; i < periods + y_kmin + y_kmax; i++) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) index_vara[j + size * i] = index_vara[j + size * (i - 1)] + y_size; index_equa = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(index_equa, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) SaveCode.read(reinterpret_cast(&index_equa[j]), sizeof(*index_equa)); } bool Interpreter::Simple_Init() { pivot = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivot, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); pivot_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivot_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); pivotk = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivotk, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); pivotv = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(pivotv, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); pivotva = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(pivotva, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); b = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(b, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); line_done = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(bool))); test_mxMalloc(line_done, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(bool)); mem_mngr.init_CHUNK_BLCK_SIZE(u_count); int i = size * sizeof(NonZeroElem*); FNZE_R = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(FNZE_R, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); FNZE_C = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(FNZE_C, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); auto** temp_NZE_R = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(temp_NZE_R, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); auto** temp_NZE_C = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(temp_NZE_C, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); i = size * sizeof(int); NbNZRow = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(NbNZRow, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); NbNZCol = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(NbNZCol, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { line_done[i] = false; FNZE_C[i] = nullptr; FNZE_R[i] = nullptr; temp_NZE_C[i] = nullptr; temp_NZE_R[i] = nullptr; NbNZRow[i] = 0; NbNZCol[i] = 0; } int u_count1 = size; for (auto& [key, value] : IM_i) { auto& [eq, var, lag] = key; if (lag == 0) /*Build the index for sparse matrix containing the jacobian : u*/ { NbNZRow[eq]++; NbNZCol[var]++; NonZeroElem* first = mem_mngr.mxMalloc_NZE(); first->NZE_C_N = nullptr; first->NZE_R_N = nullptr; first->u_index = u_count1; first->r_index = eq; first->c_index = var; first->lag_index = lag; if (!FNZE_R[eq]) FNZE_R[eq] = first; if (!FNZE_C[var]) FNZE_C[var] = first; if (temp_NZE_R[eq]) temp_NZE_R[eq]->NZE_R_N = first; if (temp_NZE_C[var]) temp_NZE_C[var]->NZE_C_N = first; temp_NZE_R[eq] = first; temp_NZE_C[var] = first; u_count1++; } } double cum_abs_sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { b[i] = i; cum_abs_sum += fabs(u[i]); } bool zero_solution {cum_abs_sum < 1e-20}; mxFree(temp_NZE_R); mxFree(temp_NZE_C); u_count = u_count1; return zero_solution; } bool Interpreter::Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary(const mxArray* A_m, const mxArray* b_m, const mxArray* x0_m) const { double* b = mxGetPr(b_m); if (!b) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't retrieve b vector"}; double* x0 = mxGetPr(x0_m); if (!x0) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't retrieve x0 vector"}; mwIndex* Ai = mxGetIr(A_m); if (!Ai) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't allocate Ai index vector"}; mwIndex* Aj = mxGetJc(A_m); if (!Aj) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't allocate Aj index vector"}; double* A = mxGetPr(A_m); if (!A) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't retrieve A matrix"}; for (int i = 0; i < y_size * (periods + y_kmin); i++) ya[i] = y[i]; #ifdef DEBUG unsigned int max_nze = mxGetNzmax(A_m); #endif unsigned int NZE = 0; int last_var = 0; double cum_abs_sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { b[i] = u[i]; cum_abs_sum += fabs(b[i]); x0[i] = y[i]; } bool zero_solution {cum_abs_sum < 1e-20}; Aj[0] = 0; last_var = 0; for (auto& [key, index] : IM_i) { auto& [var, ignore, eq] = key; if (var != last_var) { Aj[1 + last_var] = NZE; last_var = var; } #ifdef DEBUG if (index < 0 || index >= u_count_alloc || index > size + size * size) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, index (" + to_string(index) + ") out of range for u vector max = " + to_string(size + size * size) + " allocated = " + to_string(u_count_alloc)}; if (NZE >= max_nze) throw FatalException { "In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, exceeds the capacity of A_m sparse matrix"}; #endif A[NZE] = u[index]; Ai[NZE] = eq; NZE++; #ifdef DEBUG if (eq < 0 || eq >= size) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, index (" + to_string(eq) + ") out of range for b vector"}; if (var < 0 || var >= size) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, index (" + to_string(var) + ") out of range for index_vara vector"}; if (index_vara[var] < 0 || index_vara[var] >= y_size) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary, index (" + to_string(index_vara[var]) + ") out of range for y vector max=" + to_string(y_size) + " (0)"}; #endif } Aj[size] = NZE; return zero_solution; } tuple Interpreter::Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary(const mxArray* x0_m) const { auto* b = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(b, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); if (!b) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't retrieve b vector"}; double* x0 = mxGetPr(x0_m); if (!x0) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't retrieve x0 vector"}; SuiteSparse_long* Ap = static_cast(mxMalloc((size + 1) * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long))); test_mxMalloc(Ap, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, (size + 1) * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)); if (!Ap) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't allocate Ap index vector"}; size_t prior_nz = IM_i.size(); SuiteSparse_long* Ai = static_cast(mxMalloc(prior_nz * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long))); test_mxMalloc(Ai, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, prior_nz * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)); if (!Ai) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't allocate Ai index vector"}; auto* Ax = static_cast(mxMalloc(prior_nz * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(Ax, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, prior_nz * sizeof(double)); if (!Ax) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, can't retrieve Ax matrix"}; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; ya[eq + it_ * y_size] = y[eq + it_ * y_size]; } #ifdef DEBUG unsigned int max_nze = prior_nz; // mxGetNzmax(A_m); #endif unsigned int NZE = 0; int last_var = 0; double cum_abs_sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { b[i] = u[i]; cum_abs_sum += fabs(b[i]); x0[i] = y[i]; } bool zero_solution {cum_abs_sum < 1e-20}; Ap[0] = 0; last_var = 0; for (auto& [key, index] : IM_i) { auto& [var, ignore, eq] = key; if (var != last_var) { Ap[1 + last_var] = NZE; last_var = var; } #ifdef DEBUG if (index < 0 || index >= u_count_alloc || index > size + size * size) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, index (" + to_string(index) + ") out of range for u vector max = " + to_string(size + size * size) + " allocated = " + to_string(u_count_alloc)}; if (NZE >= max_nze) throw FatalException { "In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, exceeds the capacity of A_m sparse matrix"}; #endif Ax[NZE] = u[index]; Ai[NZE] = eq; NZE++; #ifdef DEBUG if (eq < 0 || eq >= size) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, index (" + to_string(eq) + ") out of range for b vector"}; if (var < 0 || var >= size) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, index (" + to_string(var) + ") out of range for index_vara vector"}; if (index_vara[var] < 0 || index_vara[var] >= y_size) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary, index (" + to_string(index_vara[var]) + ") out of range for y vector max=" + to_string(y_size) + " (0)"}; #endif } Ap[size] = NZE; return {zero_solution, Ap, Ai, Ax, b}; } int Interpreter::find_exo_num(const vector& sconstrained_extended_path, int value) { auto it = find_if(sconstrained_extended_path.begin(), sconstrained_extended_path.end(), [=](auto v) { return v.exo_num == value; }); if (it != sconstrained_extended_path.end()) return it - sconstrained_extended_path.begin(); else return -1; } int Interpreter::find_int_date(const vector>& per_value, int value) { auto it = find_if(per_value.begin(), per_value.end(), [=](auto v) { return v.first == value; }); if (it != per_value.end()) return it - per_value.begin(); else return -1; } tuple Interpreter::Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries( const mxArray* x0_m, const vector_table_conditional_local_type& vector_table_conditional_local) const { int n = periods * size; auto* b = static_cast(mxMalloc(n * sizeof(double))); if (!b) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't retrieve b vector"}; double* x0 = mxGetPr(x0_m); if (!x0) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't retrieve x0 vector"}; SuiteSparse_long* Ap = static_cast(mxMalloc((n + 1) * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long))); test_mxMalloc(Ap, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, (n + 1) * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)); if (!Ap) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't allocate Ap index vector"}; size_t prior_nz = IM_i.size() * periods; SuiteSparse_long* Ai = static_cast(mxMalloc(prior_nz * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long))); test_mxMalloc(Ai, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, prior_nz * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)); if (!Ai) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't allocate Ai index vector"}; auto* Ax = static_cast(mxMalloc(prior_nz * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(Ax, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, prior_nz * sizeof(double)); if (!Ax) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't retrieve Ax matrix"}; for (int i = 0; i < y_size * (periods + y_kmin); i++) ya[i] = y[i]; unsigned int NZE = 0; int last_var = 0; for (int i = 0; i < periods * size; i++) { b[i] = 0; x0[i] = y[index_vara[size * y_kmin + i]]; } double* jacob_exo; int row_x = 0; #ifdef DEBUG int col_x; #endif if (vector_table_conditional_local.size()) { jacob_exo = mxGetPr(jacobian_exo_block[block_num]); row_x = mxGetM(jacobian_exo_block[block_num]); #ifdef DEBUG col_x = mxGetN(jacobian_exo_block[block_num]); #endif } else jacob_exo = nullptr; #ifdef DEBUG int local_index; #endif bool fliped = false; bool fliped_exogenous_derivatives_updated = false; int flip_exo; Ap[0] = 0; for (int t = 0; t < periods; t++) { last_var = -1; int var = 0; for (auto& [key, value] : IM_i) { var = get<0>(key); int eq = get<2>(key) + size * t; int lag = -get<1>(key); int index = value + (t - lag) * u_count_init; if (var != last_var) { Ap[1 + last_var + t * size] = NZE; last_var = var; if (var < size * (periods + y_kmax)) { if (t == 0 && vector_table_conditional_local.size()) { fliped = vector_table_conditional_local[var].is_cond; fliped_exogenous_derivatives_updated = false; } else fliped = false; } else fliped = false; } if (fliped) { if (t == 0 && var < (periods + y_kmax) * size && lag == 0 && vector_table_conditional_local.size()) { flip_exo = vector_table_conditional_local[var].var_exo; #ifdef DEBUG local_index = eq; #endif if (!fliped_exogenous_derivatives_updated) { fliped_exogenous_derivatives_updated = true; for (int k = 0; k < row_x; k++) { if (jacob_exo[k + row_x * flip_exo] != 0) { Ax[NZE] = jacob_exo[k + row_x * flip_exo]; Ai[NZE] = k; NZE++; #ifdef DEBUG if (local_index < 0 || local_index >= size * periods) throw FatalException { "In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(local_index) + ") out of range for b vector"}; if (k + row_x * flip_exo < 0 || k + row_x * flip_exo >= row_x * col_x) throw FatalException { "In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)) + ") out of range for jacob_exo vector"}; if (t + y_kmin + flip_exo * nb_row_x < 0 || t + y_kmin + flip_exo * nb_row_x >= nb_row_x * this->col_x) throw FatalException { "In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)]) + ") out of range for x vector max=" + to_string(nb_row_x * this->col_x)}; #endif u[k] -= jacob_exo[k + row_x * flip_exo] * x[t + y_kmin + flip_exo * nb_row_x]; } } } } } if (var < (periods + y_kmax) * size) { int ti_y_kmin = -min(t, y_kmin); int ti_y_kmax = min(periods - (t + 1), y_kmax); int ti_new_y_kmax = min(t, y_kmax); int ti_new_y_kmin = -min(periods - (t + 1), y_kmin); if (lag <= ti_new_y_kmax && lag >= ti_new_y_kmin) /*Build the index for sparse matrix containing the jacobian : u*/ { #ifdef DEBUG if (NZE >= prior_nz) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, exceeds the " "capacity of allocated sparse matrix"}; #endif if (!fliped) { Ax[NZE] = u[index]; Ai[NZE] = eq - lag * size; NZE++; } else /*if (fliped)*/ { #ifdef DEBUG if (eq - lag * size < 0 || eq - lag * size >= size * periods) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(eq - lag * size) + ") out of range for b vector"}; if (var + size * (y_kmin + t) < 0 || var + size * (y_kmin + t) >= size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax)) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(var + size * (y_kmin + t)) + ") out of range for index_vara vector"}; if (index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t)] < 0 || index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t)] >= y_size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax)) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t)]) + ") out of range for y vector max=" + to_string(y_size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax))}; #endif b[eq - lag * size] += u[index] * y[index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t)]]; } } if (lag > ti_y_kmax || lag < ti_y_kmin) { #ifdef DEBUG if (eq < 0 || eq >= size * periods) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(eq) + ") out of range for b vector"}; if (var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag) < 0 || var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag) >= size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax)) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)) + ") out of range for index_vara vector"}; if (index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)] < 0 || index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)] >= y_size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax)) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)]) + ") out of range for y vector max=" + to_string(y_size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax))}; #endif b[eq] += u[index + lag * u_count_init] * y[index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)]]; } } else /* ...and store it in the u vector*/ { #ifdef DEBUG if (index < 0 || index >= u_count_alloc) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(index) + ") out of range for u vector"}; if (eq < 0 || eq >= (size * periods)) throw FatalException {"In Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(eq) + ") out of range for b vector"}; #endif b[eq] += u[index]; } } } Ap[size * periods] = NZE; #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("Ax = ["); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(NZE); i++) mexPrintf("%f ", Ax[i]); mexPrintf("]\n"); mexPrintf("Ap = ["); for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) mexPrintf("%d ", Ap[i]); mexPrintf("]\n"); mexPrintf("Ai = ["); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(NZE); i++) mexPrintf("%d ", Ai[i]); mexPrintf("]\n"); #endif return {Ap, Ai, Ax, b}; } void Interpreter::Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries(const mxArray* A_m, const mxArray* b_m, const mxArray* x0_m) const { double* b = mxGetPr(b_m); if (!b) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't retrieve b vector"}; double* x0 = mxGetPr(x0_m); if (!x0) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't retrieve x0 vector"}; mwIndex* Aj = mxGetJc(A_m); if (!Aj) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't allocate Aj index vector"}; mwIndex* Ai = mxGetIr(A_m); if (!Ai) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't allocate Ai index vector"}; double* A = mxGetPr(A_m); if (!A) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, can't retrieve A matrix"}; for (int i = 0; i < y_size * (periods + y_kmin); i++) ya[i] = y[i]; unsigned int NZE = 0; int last_var = 0; for (int i = 0; i < periods * size; i++) { b[i] = 0; x0[i] = y[index_vara[size * y_kmin + i]]; } Aj[0] = 0; for (int t = 0; t < periods; t++) { last_var = 0; for (auto& [key, value] : IM_i) { int var = get<0>(key); if (var != last_var) { Aj[1 + last_var + t * size] = NZE; last_var = var; } int eq = get<2>(key) + size * t; int lag = -get<1>(key); int index = value + (t - lag) * u_count_init; if (var < (periods + y_kmax) * size) { int ti_y_kmin = -min(t, y_kmin); int ti_y_kmax = min(periods - (t + 1), y_kmax); int ti_new_y_kmax = min(t, y_kmax); int ti_new_y_kmin = -min(periods - (t + 1), y_kmin); if (lag <= ti_new_y_kmax && lag >= ti_new_y_kmin) /*Build the index for sparse matrix containing the jacobian : u*/ { #ifdef DEBUG if (index < 0 || index >= u_count_alloc || index > size + size * size) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(index) + ") out of range for u vector max = " + to_string(size + size * size) + " allocated = " + to_string(u_count_alloc)}; if (NZE >= prior_nz) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, exceeds the " "capacity of allocated sparse matrix"}; #endif A[NZE] = u[index]; Ai[NZE] = eq - lag * size; NZE++; } if (lag > ti_y_kmax || lag < ti_y_kmin) { #ifdef DEBUG if (eq < 0 || eq >= size * periods) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(eq) + ") out of range for b vector"}; if (var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag) < 0 || var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag) >= size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax)) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)) + ") out of range for index_vara vector"}; if (index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)] < 0 || index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)] >= y_size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax)) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)]) + ") out of range for y vector max=" + to_string(y_size * (periods + y_kmin + y_kmax))}; #endif b[eq] += u[index + lag * u_count_init] * y[index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t + lag)]]; } } else /* ...and store it in the u vector*/ { #ifdef DEBUG if (index < 0 || index >= u_count_alloc) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(index) + ") out of range for u vector"}; if (eq < 0 || eq >= (size * periods)) throw FatalException {"In Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries, index (" + to_string(eq) + ") out of range for b vector"}; #endif b[eq] += u[index]; } } } Aj[size * periods] = NZE; } void Interpreter::Init_Gaussian_Elimination() { double tmp_b = 0.0; pivot = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * periods * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivot, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * periods * sizeof(int)); pivot_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * periods * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivot_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * periods * sizeof(int)); pivotk = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * periods * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivotk, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * periods * sizeof(int)); pivotv = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * periods * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(pivotv, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * periods * sizeof(double)); pivotva = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * periods * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(pivotva, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * periods * sizeof(double)); b = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * periods * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(b, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * periods * sizeof(int)); line_done = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * periods * sizeof(bool))); test_mxMalloc(line_done, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * periods * sizeof(bool)); mem_mngr.init_CHUNK_BLCK_SIZE(u_count); int i = (periods + y_kmax + 1) * size * sizeof(NonZeroElem*); FNZE_R = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(FNZE_R, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); FNZE_C = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(FNZE_C, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); auto** temp_NZE_R = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(temp_NZE_R, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); auto** temp_NZE_C = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(temp_NZE_C, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); i = (periods + y_kmax + 1) * size * sizeof(int); NbNZRow = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(NbNZRow, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); NbNZCol = static_cast(mxMalloc(i)); test_mxMalloc(NbNZCol, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, i); for (int i = 0; i < periods * size; i++) { b[i] = 0; line_done[i] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < (periods + y_kmax + 1) * size; i++) { FNZE_C[i] = nullptr; FNZE_R[i] = nullptr; temp_NZE_C[i] = nullptr; temp_NZE_R[i] = nullptr; NbNZRow[i] = 0; NbNZCol[i] = 0; } // pragma omp parallel for ordered private(it4, ti_y_kmin, ti_y_kmax, eq, var, lag) // schedule(dynamic) for (int t = 0; t < periods; t++) { int ti_y_kmin = -min(t, y_kmin); int ti_y_kmax = min(periods - (t + 1), y_kmax); int eq = -1; // pragma omp ordered for (auto& [key, value] : IM_i) { int var = get<1>(key); if (eq != get<0>(key) + size * t) tmp_b = 0; eq = get<0>(key) + size * t; if (var < (periods + y_kmax) * size) { int lag {get<2>(key)}; if (lag <= ti_y_kmax && lag >= ti_y_kmin) /*Build the index for sparse matrix containing the jacobian : u*/ { var += size * t; NbNZRow[eq]++; NbNZCol[var]++; NonZeroElem* first = mem_mngr.mxMalloc_NZE(); first->NZE_C_N = nullptr; first->NZE_R_N = nullptr; first->u_index = value + u_count_init * t; first->r_index = eq; first->c_index = var; first->lag_index = lag; if (FNZE_R[eq] == nullptr) FNZE_R[eq] = first; if (FNZE_C[var] == nullptr) FNZE_C[var] = first; if (temp_NZE_R[eq] != nullptr) temp_NZE_R[eq]->NZE_R_N = first; if (temp_NZE_C[var] != nullptr) temp_NZE_C[var]->NZE_C_N = first; temp_NZE_R[eq] = first; temp_NZE_C[var] = first; } else /*Build the additive terms ooutside the simulation periods related to the first lags and the last leads...*/ { if (lag < ti_y_kmin) tmp_b += u[value + u_count_init * t] * y[index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t)]]; else tmp_b += u[value + u_count_init * t] * y[index_vara[var + size * (y_kmin + t)]]; } } else /* ...and store it in the u vector*/ { b[eq] = value + u_count_init * t; u[b[eq]] += tmp_b; tmp_b = 0; } } } mxFree(temp_NZE_R); mxFree(temp_NZE_C); } int Interpreter::Get_u() { if (!u_liste.empty()) { int i = u_liste.back(); u_liste.pop_back(); return i; } else { if (u_count < u_count_alloc) { int i = u_count; u_count++; return i; } else { u_count_alloc += 5 * u_count_alloc_save; u = static_cast(mxRealloc(u, u_count_alloc * sizeof(double))); if (!u) throw FatalException {"In Get_u, memory exhausted (realloc(" + to_string(u_count_alloc * sizeof(double)) + "))"}; int i = u_count; u_count++; return i; } } } void Interpreter::Delete_u(int pos) { u_liste.push_back(pos); } void Interpreter::Clear_u() { u_liste.clear(); } void Interpreter::End_Gaussian_Elimination() { mem_mngr.Free_All(); mxFree(FNZE_R); mxFree(FNZE_C); mxFree(NbNZRow); mxFree(NbNZCol); mxFree(b); mxFree(line_done); mxFree(pivot); mxFree(pivot_save); mxFree(pivotk); mxFree(pivotv); mxFree(pivotva); } bool Interpreter::compare(int* save_op, int* save_opa, int* save_opaa, int beg_t, long nop4) { long nop = nop4 / 2; double r = 0.0; bool OK = true; int* diff1 = static_cast(mxMalloc(nop * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(diff1, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, nop * sizeof(int)); int* diff2 = static_cast(mxMalloc(nop * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(diff2, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, nop * sizeof(int)); int max_save_ops_first = -1; long j = 0, i = 0; while (i < nop4 && OK) { auto* save_op_s = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[i]); auto* save_opa_s = reinterpret_cast(&save_opa[i]); auto* save_opaa_s = reinterpret_cast(&save_opaa[i]); diff1[j] = save_op_s->first - save_opa_s->first; max_save_ops_first = max(max_save_ops_first, save_op_s->first + diff1[j] * (periods - beg_t)); switch (save_op_s->operat) { case IFLD: case IFDIV: OK = (save_op_s->operat == save_opa_s->operat && save_opa_s->operat == save_opaa_s->operat && diff1[j] == (save_opa_s->first - save_opaa_s->first)); i += 2; break; case IFLESS: case IFSUB: diff2[j] = save_op_s->second - save_opa_s->second; OK = (save_op_s->operat == save_opa_s->operat && save_opa_s->operat == save_opaa_s->operat && diff1[j] == (save_opa_s->first - save_opaa_s->first) && diff2[j] == (save_opa_s->second - save_opaa_s->second)); i += 3; break; default: throw FatalException {"In compare, unknown operator = " + to_string(save_op_s->operat)}; } j++; } // the same pivot for all remaining periods if (OK) { for (int i = beg_t; i < periods; i++) for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) pivot[i * size + j] = pivot[(i - 1) * size + j] + size; if (max_save_ops_first >= u_count_alloc) { u_count_alloc += max_save_ops_first; u = static_cast(mxRealloc(u, u_count_alloc * sizeof(double))); if (!u) throw FatalException {"In compare, memory exhausted (realloc(" + to_string(u_count_alloc * sizeof(double)) + "))"}; } for (int t = 1; t < periods - beg_t - y_kmax; t++) { int i = j = 0; while (i < nop4) { auto* save_op_s = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[i]); double* up = &u[save_op_s->first + t * diff1[j]]; switch (save_op_s->operat) { case IFLD: r = *up; i += 2; break; case IFDIV: *up /= r; i += 2; break; case IFSUB: *up -= u[save_op_s->second + t * diff2[j]] * r; ; i += 3; break; case IFLESS: *up = -u[save_op_s->second + t * diff2[j]] * r; i += 3; break; } j++; } } int t1 = max(1, periods - beg_t - y_kmax); int periods_beg_t = periods - beg_t; for (int t = t1; t < periods_beg_t; t++) { int i = j = 0; int gap = periods_beg_t - t; while (i < nop4) { if (auto* save_op_s = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[i]); save_op_s->lag < gap) { double* up = &u[save_op_s->first + t * diff1[j]]; switch (save_op_s->operat) { case IFLD: r = *up; i += 2; break; case IFDIV: *up /= r; i += 2; break; case IFSUB: *up -= u[save_op_s->second + t * diff2[j]] * r; i += 3; break; case IFLESS: *up = -u[save_op_s->second + t * diff2[j]] * r; i += 3; break; } } else switch (save_op_s->operat) { case IFLD: case IFDIV: i += 2; break; case IFSUB: case IFLESS: i += 3; break; } j++; } } } mxFree(diff1); mxFree(diff2); return OK; } int Interpreter::complete(int beg_t) { double yy = 0.0; int size_of_save_code = (1 + y_kmax) * size * (size + 1 + 4) / 2 * 4; int* save_code = static_cast(mxMalloc(size_of_save_code * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(save_code, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size_of_save_code * sizeof(int)); int size_of_diff = (1 + y_kmax) * size * (size + 1 + 4); int* diff = static_cast(mxMalloc(size_of_diff * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(diff, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size_of_diff * sizeof(int)); long cal_y = y_size * y_kmin; long i = (beg_t + 1) * size - 1; long nop = 0; for (long j = i; j > i - size; j--) { long pos = pivot[j]; NonZeroElem* first; long nb_var; tie(nb_var, first) = At_Row(pos); first = first->NZE_R_N; nb_var--; save_code[nop] = IFLDZ; save_code[nop + 1] = 0; save_code[nop + 2] = 0; save_code[nop + 3] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if ((nop + 3) >= size_of_save_code) mexPrintf("out of save_code[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nop + 2, size_of_save_code); #endif nop += 4; for (long k = 0; k < nb_var; k++) { save_code[nop] = IFMUL; save_code[nop + 1] = index_vara[first->c_index] + cal_y; save_code[nop + 2] = first->u_index; save_code[nop + 3] = first->lag_index; #ifdef DEBUG if ((nop + 3) >= size_of_save_code) mexPrintf("out of save_code[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nop + 2, size_of_save_code); #endif nop += 4; first = first->NZE_R_N; } save_code[nop] = IFADD; save_code[nop + 1] = b[pos]; save_code[nop + 2] = 0; save_code[nop + 3] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if ((nop + 3) >= size_of_save_code) mexPrintf("out of save_code[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nop + 2, size_of_save_code); #endif nop += 4; save_code[nop] = IFSTP; save_code[nop + 1] = index_vara[j] + y_size * y_kmin; save_code[nop + 2] = 0; save_code[nop + 3] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if ((nop + 2) >= size_of_save_code) mexPrintf("out of save_code[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nop + 2, size_of_save_code); #endif nop += 4; } i = beg_t * size - 1; long nop1 = 0, nopa = 0; for (long j = i; j > i - size; j--) { long pos = pivot[j]; NonZeroElem* first; long nb_var; tie(nb_var, first) = At_Row(pos); first = first->NZE_R_N; nb_var--; diff[nopa] = 0; diff[nopa + 1] = 0; nopa += 2; nop1 += 4; for (long k = 0; k < nb_var; k++) { diff[nopa] = save_code[nop1 + 1] - (index_vara[first->c_index] + cal_y); diff[nopa + 1] = save_code[nop1 + 2] - (first->u_index); #ifdef DEBUG if ((nop1 + 2) >= size_of_save_code) mexPrintf("out of save_code[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nop1 + 2, size_of_save_code); if ((nopa + 1) >= size_of_diff) mexPrintf("out of diff[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nopa + 2, size_of_diff); #endif nopa += 2; nop1 += 4; first = first->NZE_R_N; } diff[nopa] = save_code[nop1 + 1] - (b[pos]); diff[nopa + 1] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if ((nop1 + 3) >= size_of_save_code) mexPrintf("out of save_code[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nop1 + 2, size_of_save_code); if ((nopa + 1) >= size_of_diff) mexPrintf("out of diff[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nopa + 2, size_of_diff); #endif nopa += 2; nop1 += 4; diff[nopa] = save_code[nop1 + 1] - (index_vara[j] + y_size * y_kmin); diff[nopa + 1] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if ((nop1 + 4) >= size_of_save_code) mexPrintf("out of save_code[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nop1 + 2, size_of_save_code); if ((nopa + 1) >= size_of_diff) mexPrintf("out of diff[%d] (bound=%d)\n", nopa + 2, size_of_diff); #endif nopa += 2; nop1 += 4; } long max_var = (periods + y_kmin) * y_size; long min_var = y_kmin * y_size; for (int t = periods + y_kmin - 1; t >= beg_t + y_kmin; t--) { int j = 0, k; int ti = t - y_kmin - beg_t; for (int i = 0; i < nop; i += 4) { switch (save_code[i]) { case IFLDZ: yy = 0; break; case IFMUL: k = save_code[i + 1] + ti * diff[j]; if (k < max_var && k > min_var) yy += y[k] * u[save_code[i + 2] + ti * diff[j + 1]]; break; case IFADD: yy = -(yy + u[save_code[i + 1] + ti * diff[j]]); break; case IFSTP: k = save_code[i + 1] + ti * diff[j]; double err = yy - y[k]; y[k] += slowc * (err); break; } j += 2; } } mxFree(save_code); mxFree(diff); return (beg_t); } void Interpreter::bksub(int tbreak, int last_period) { for (int i = 0; i < y_size * (periods + y_kmin); i++) y[i] = ya[i]; if (symbolic && tbreak) last_period = complete(tbreak); else last_period = periods; for (int t = last_period + y_kmin - 1; t >= y_kmin; t--) { int ti = (t - y_kmin) * size; int cal = y_kmin * size; int cal_y = y_size * y_kmin; for (int i = ti - 1; i >= ti - size; i--) { int j = i + cal; int pos = pivot[i + size]; auto [nb_var, first] = At_Row(pos); first = first->NZE_R_N; nb_var--; int eq = index_vara[j] + y_size; double yy = 0; for (int k = 0; k < nb_var; k++) { yy += y[index_vara[first->c_index] + cal_y] * u[first->u_index]; first = first->NZE_R_N; } yy = -(yy + y[eq] + u[b[pos]]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq] += slowc * yy; } } } void Interpreter::simple_bksub() { for (int i = 0; i < y_size; i++) y[i + it_ * y_size] = ya[i + it_ * y_size]; for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int pos = pivot[i]; auto [nb_var, first] = At_Row(pos); first = first->NZE_R_N; nb_var--; int eq = index_vara[i]; double yy = 0; for (int k = 0; k < nb_var; k++) { yy += y[index_vara[first->c_index] + it_ * y_size] * u[first->u_index]; first = first->NZE_R_N; } yy = -(yy + y[eq + it_ * y_size] + u[b[pos]]); direction[eq + it_ * y_size] = yy; y[eq + it_ * y_size] += slowc * yy; } } mxArray* Interpreter::subtract_A_B(const mxArray* A_m, const mxArray* B_m) { size_t n_A = mxGetN(A_m); size_t m_A = mxGetM(A_m); double* A_d = mxGetPr(A_m); size_t n_B = mxGetN(B_m); double* B_d = mxGetPr(B_m); mxArray* C_m = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m_A, n_B, mxREAL); double* C_d = mxGetPr(C_m); for (int j = 0; j < static_cast(n_A); j++) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_A; i++) { size_t index = j * m_A + i; C_d[index] = A_d[index] - B_d[index]; } return C_m; } mxArray* Interpreter::Sparse_subtract_SA_SB(const mxArray* A_m, const mxArray* B_m) { size_t n_A = mxGetN(A_m); size_t m_A = mxGetM(A_m); mwIndex* A_i = mxGetIr(A_m); mwIndex* A_j = mxGetJc(A_m); size_t total_nze_A = A_j[n_A]; double* A_d = mxGetPr(A_m); size_t n_B = mxGetN(B_m); mwIndex* B_i = mxGetIr(B_m); mwIndex* B_j = mxGetJc(B_m); size_t total_nze_B = B_j[n_B]; double* B_d = mxGetPr(B_m); mxArray* C_m = mxCreateSparse(m_A, n_B, m_A * n_B, mxREAL); mwIndex* C_i = mxGetIr(C_m); mwIndex* C_j = mxGetJc(C_m); double* C_d = mxGetPr(C_m); unsigned int nze_B = 0, nze_C = 0, nze_A = 0; unsigned int A_col = 0, B_col = 0, C_col = 0; C_j[C_col] = 0; while (nze_A < total_nze_A || nze_B < total_nze_B) { while (nze_A >= static_cast(A_j[A_col + 1]) && (nze_A < total_nze_A)) A_col++; size_t A_row = A_i[nze_A]; while (nze_B >= static_cast(B_j[B_col + 1]) && (nze_B < total_nze_B)) B_col++; size_t B_row = B_i[nze_B]; if (A_col == B_col) { if (A_row == B_row && (nze_B < total_nze_B && nze_A < total_nze_A)) { C_d[nze_C] = A_d[nze_A++] - B_d[nze_B++]; C_i[nze_C] = A_row; while (C_col < A_col) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; C_j[A_col + 1] = nze_C++; C_col = A_col; } else if ((A_row < B_row && nze_A < total_nze_A) || nze_B == total_nze_B) { C_d[nze_C] = A_d[nze_A++]; C_i[nze_C] = A_row; while (C_col < A_col) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; C_j[A_col + 1] = nze_C++; C_col = A_col; } else { C_d[nze_C] = -B_d[nze_B++]; C_i[nze_C] = B_row; while (C_col < B_col) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; C_j[B_col + 1] = nze_C++; C_col = B_col; } } else if ((A_col < B_col && nze_A < total_nze_A) || nze_B == total_nze_B) { C_d[nze_C] = A_d[nze_A++]; C_i[nze_C] = A_row; while (C_col < A_col) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; C_j[A_col + 1] = nze_C++; C_col = A_col; } else { C_d[nze_C] = -B_d[nze_B++]; C_i[nze_C] = B_row; while (C_col < B_col) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; C_j[B_col + 1] = nze_C++; C_col = B_col; } } while (C_col < n_B) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; mxSetNzmax(C_m, nze_C); return C_m; } mxArray* Interpreter::mult_SAT_B(const mxArray* A_m, const mxArray* B_m) { size_t n_A = mxGetN(A_m); mwIndex* A_i = mxGetIr(A_m); mwIndex* A_j = mxGetJc(A_m); double* A_d = mxGetPr(A_m); size_t n_B = mxGetN(B_m); double* B_d = mxGetPr(B_m); mxArray* C_m = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n_A, n_B, mxREAL); double* C_d = mxGetPr(C_m); for (int j = 0; j < static_cast(n_B); j++) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_A; i++) { double sum = 0; size_t nze_A = A_j[i]; while (nze_A < static_cast(A_j[i + 1])) { size_t i_A = A_i[nze_A]; sum += A_d[nze_A++] * B_d[i_A]; } C_d[j * n_A + i] = sum; } return C_m; } mxArray* Interpreter::Sparse_mult_SAT_B(const mxArray* A_m, const mxArray* B_m) { size_t n_A = mxGetN(A_m); mwIndex* A_i = mxGetIr(A_m); mwIndex* A_j = mxGetJc(A_m); double* A_d = mxGetPr(A_m); size_t n_B = mxGetN(B_m); size_t m_B = mxGetM(B_m); double* B_d = mxGetPr(B_m); mxArray* C_m = mxCreateSparse(n_A, n_B, n_A * n_B, mxREAL); mwIndex* C_i = mxGetIr(C_m); mwIndex* C_j = mxGetJc(C_m); double* C_d = mxGetPr(C_m); unsigned int nze_C = 0; // unsigned int nze_A = 0; unsigned int C_col = 0; C_j[C_col] = 0; // #pragma omp parallel for for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_B; j++) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_A; i++) { double sum = 0; size_t nze_A = A_j[i]; while (nze_A < static_cast(A_j[i + 1])) { size_t i_A = A_i[nze_A]; sum += A_d[nze_A++] * B_d[i_A]; } if (fabs(sum) > 1e-10) { C_d[nze_C] = sum; C_i[nze_C] = i; while (C_col < j) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; nze_C++; } } while (C_col < m_B) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; mxSetNzmax(C_m, nze_C); return C_m; } mxArray* Interpreter::Sparse_mult_SAT_SB(const mxArray* A_m, const mxArray* B_m) { size_t n_A = mxGetN(A_m); mwIndex* A_i = mxGetIr(A_m); mwIndex* A_j = mxGetJc(A_m); double* A_d = mxGetPr(A_m); size_t n_B = mxGetN(B_m); mwIndex* B_i = mxGetIr(B_m); mwIndex* B_j = mxGetJc(B_m); double* B_d = mxGetPr(B_m); mxArray* C_m = mxCreateSparse(n_A, n_B, n_A * n_B, mxREAL); mwIndex* C_i = mxGetIr(C_m); mwIndex* C_j = mxGetJc(C_m); double* C_d = mxGetPr(C_m); size_t nze_B = 0, nze_C = 0, nze_A = 0; unsigned int C_col = 0; C_j[C_col] = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_B; j++) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_A; i++) { double sum = 0; nze_B = B_j[j]; nze_A = A_j[i]; while (nze_A < static_cast(A_j[i + 1]) && nze_B < static_cast(B_j[j + 1])) { size_t i_A = A_i[nze_A]; size_t i_B = B_i[nze_B]; if (i_A == i_B) sum += A_d[nze_A++] * B_d[nze_B++]; else if (i_A < i_B) nze_A++; else nze_B++; } if (fabs(sum) > 1e-10) { C_d[nze_C] = sum; C_i[nze_C] = i; while (C_col < j) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; nze_C++; } } while (C_col < n_B) C_j[++C_col] = nze_C; mxSetNzmax(C_m, nze_C); return C_m; } mxArray* Interpreter::Sparse_transpose(const mxArray* A_m) { size_t n_A = mxGetN(A_m); size_t m_A = mxGetM(A_m); mwIndex* A_i = mxGetIr(A_m); mwIndex* A_j = mxGetJc(A_m); size_t total_nze_A = A_j[n_A]; double* A_d = mxGetPr(A_m); mxArray* C_m = mxCreateSparse(n_A, m_A, total_nze_A, mxREAL); mwIndex* C_i = mxGetIr(C_m); mwIndex* C_j = mxGetJc(C_m); double* C_d = mxGetPr(C_m); unsigned int nze_C = 0, nze_A = 0; fill_n(C_j, m_A + 1, 0); map, double> B2; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_A; i++) while (nze_A < static_cast(A_j[i + 1])) { C_j[A_i[nze_A] + 1]++; B2[{A_i[nze_A], i}] = A_d[nze_A]; nze_A++; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_A; i++) C_j[i + 1] += C_j[i]; for (auto& [key, val] : B2) { C_d[nze_C] = val; C_i[nze_C++] = key.second; } return C_m; } void Interpreter::compute_block_time(int my_Per_u_, bool evaluate, bool no_derivatives) { #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("compute_block_time\n"); #endif double *jacob {nullptr}, *jacob_exo {nullptr}, *jacob_exo_det {nullptr}; if (evaluate) { jacob = mxGetPr(jacobian_block[block_num]); if (!steady_state) { jacob_exo = mxGetPr(jacobian_exo_block[block_num]); jacob_exo_det = mxGetPr(jacobian_det_exo_block[block_num]); } } try { evaluator.evaluateBlock(it_, y_kmin, y, y_size, x, nb_row_x, params, steady_y, u, my_Per_u_, T, periods, TEF, TEFD, TEFDD, r, g1, jacob, jacob_exo, jacob_exo_det, evaluate, no_derivatives); } catch (FloatingPointException& e) { res1 = numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("%s\n %s\n", e.message.c_str(), e.location.c_str()); } } bool Interpreter::compute_complete(bool no_derivatives) { bool result; res1 = 0; compute_block_time(0, false, no_derivatives); if (!(isnan(res1) || isinf(res1))) { res1 = 0; res2 = 0; max_res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { double rr; rr = r[i]; if (max_res < fabs(rr)) { max_res = fabs(rr); max_res_idx = i; } res2 += rr * rr; res1 += fabs(rr); } result = true; } else result = false; return result; } pair Interpreter::compute_complete(double lambda) { double res2_ = 0, max_res_ = 0; int max_res_idx_ = 0; if (steady_state) { it_ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; y[eq] = ya[eq] + lambda * direction[eq]; } Per_u_ = 0; Per_y_ = 0; if (compute_complete(true)) res2_ = res2; else return {false, numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()}; } else { for (int it = y_kmin; it < periods + y_kmin; it++) for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; y[eq + it * y_size] = ya[eq + it * y_size] + lambda * direction[eq + it * y_size]; } for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) { Per_u_ = (it_ - y_kmin) * u_count_int; Per_y_ = it_ * y_size; if (compute_complete(true)) { res2_ += res2; if (max_res > max_res_) { max_res = max_res_; max_res_idx = max_res_idx_; } } else return {false, numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()}; } it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; // Do not leave it_ in inconsistent state } if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf(" lambda=%e, res2=%e\n", lambda, res2_); double crit {res2_ / 2}; return {true, crit}; } tuple Interpreter::mnbrak(double& ax, double& bx) { constexpr double GOLD = 1.618034; constexpr double GLIMIT = 100.0; constexpr double TINY = 1.0e-20; constexpr tuple failval = {false, numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(), numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(), numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(), numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()}; auto sign = [](double a, double b) { return b >= 0.0 ? fabs(a) : -fabs(a); }; if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("bracketing ax=%f, bx=%f\n", ax, bx); auto [success, fa] = compute_complete(ax); if (!success) return failval; auto [success2, fb] = compute_complete(bx); if (!success2) return failval; if (fb > fa) { swap(ax, bx); swap(fa, fb); } double cx = bx + GOLD * (bx - ax); auto [success3, fc] = compute_complete(cx); if (!success3) return failval; while (fb > fc) { double r = (bx - ax) * (fb - fc); double q = (bx - cx) * (fb - fa); double u = bx - ((bx - cx) * q - (bx - ax) * r) / (2.0 * sign(fmax(fabs(q - r), TINY), q - r)); double ulim = bx + GLIMIT * (cx - bx); double fu; if ((bx - u) * (u - cx) > 0.0) { tie(success, fu) = compute_complete(u); if (!success) return failval; if (fu < fc) { ax = bx; bx = u; fa = fb; fb = fu; goto success; } else if (fu > fb) { cx = u; fc = fu; goto success; } u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); tie(success, fu) = compute_complete(u); if (!success) return failval; } else if ((cx - u) * (u - ulim) > 0.0) { tie(success, fu) = compute_complete(u); if (!success) return failval; if (fu < fc) { bx = cx; cx = u; u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); fb = fc; fc = fu; tie(success, fu) = compute_complete(u); if (!success) return failval; } } else if ((u - ulim) * (ulim - cx) >= 0.0) { u = ulim; tie(success, fu) = compute_complete(u); if (!success) return failval; } else { u = cx + GOLD * (cx - bx); tie(success, fu) = compute_complete(u); if (!success) return failval; } ax = bx; bx = cx; cx = u; fa = fb; fb = fc; fc = fu; } success: return {true, cx, fa, fb, fc}; } pair Interpreter::golden(double ax, double bx, double cx, double tol) { constexpr pair failval = {false, numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()}; const double R = 0.61803399; const double C = (1.0 - R); if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("golden\n"); int iter = 0, max_iter = 100; double x1, x2; double x0 = ax; double x3 = cx; if (fabs(cx - bx) > fabs(bx - ax)) { x1 = bx; x2 = bx + C * (cx - bx); } else { x2 = bx; x1 = bx - C * (bx - ax); } auto [success, f1] = compute_complete(x1); if (!success) return failval; auto [success2, f2] = compute_complete(x2); if (!success2) return failval; while (fabs(x3 - x0) > tol * (fabs(x1) + fabs(x2)) && f1 > solve_tolf && f2 > solve_tolf && iter < max_iter && abs(x1 - x2) > 1e-4) { if (f2 < f1) { x0 = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = R * x1 + C * x3; f1 = f2; tie(success, f2) = compute_complete(x2); if (!success) return failval; } else { x3 = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = R * x2 + C * x0; f2 = f1; tie(success, f1) = compute_complete(x1); if (!success) return failval; } iter++; } double xmin {f1 < f2 ? x1 : x2}; return {true, xmin}; } void Interpreter::End_Solver() { if (((stack_solve_algo == 0 || stack_solve_algo == 4) && !steady_state) || (solve_algo == 6 && steady_state)) { if (Symbolic) { umfpack_dl_free_symbolic(&Symbolic); Symbolic = nullptr; } if (Numeric) { umfpack_dl_free_numeric(&Numeric); Numeric = nullptr; } } } void Interpreter::Solve_LU_UMFPack_Two_Boundaries( SuiteSparse_long* Ap, SuiteSparse_long* Ai, double* Ax, double* b, const vector_table_conditional_local_type& vector_table_conditional_local) { int n {size * periods}; SuiteSparse_long sys = 0; std::array Control; std::array Info; std::vector res(n); umfpack_dl_defaults(Control.data()); SuiteSparse_long status = 0; if (iter == 0) { if (Symbolic) umfpack_dl_free_symbolic(&Symbolic); status = umfpack_dl_symbolic(n, n, Ap, Ai, Ax, &Symbolic, Control.data(), Info.data()); if (status != UMFPACK_OK) { umfpack_dl_report_info(Control.data(), Info.data()); umfpack_dl_report_status(Control.data(), status); throw FatalException {"umfpack_dl_symbolic failed"}; } } if (Numeric) umfpack_dl_free_numeric(&Numeric); status = umfpack_dl_numeric(Ap, Ai, Ax, Symbolic, &Numeric, Control.data(), Info.data()); if (status != UMFPACK_OK) { umfpack_dl_report_info(Control.data(), Info.data()); umfpack_dl_report_status(Control.data(), status); throw FatalException {"umfpack_dl_numeric failed"}; } status = umfpack_dl_solve(sys, Ap, Ai, Ax, res.data(), b, Numeric, Control.data(), Info.data()); if (status != UMFPACK_OK) { umfpack_dl_report_info(Control.data(), Info.data()); umfpack_dl_report_status(Control.data(), status); throw FatalException {"umfpack_dl_solve failed"}; } if (vector_table_conditional_local.size()) { for (int t = 0; t < periods; t++) if (t == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { bool fliped = vector_table_conditional_local[i].is_cond; if (fliped) { int eq = index_vara[i + size * (y_kmin)]; int flip_exo = vector_table_conditional_local[i].var_exo; double yy = -(res[i] + x[y_kmin + flip_exo * nb_row_x]); direction[eq] = 0; x[flip_exo * nb_row_x + y_kmin] += slowc * yy; } else { int eq = index_vara[i + size * (y_kmin)]; double yy = -(res[i] + y[eq]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq] += slowc * yy; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i + size * (t + y_kmin)]; double yy = -(res[i + size * t] + y[eq]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq] += slowc * yy; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i + size * y_kmin]; double yy = -(res[i] + y[eq]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq] += slowc * yy; } } mxFree(Ap); mxFree(Ai); mxFree(Ax); mxFree(b); } void Interpreter::Solve_LU_UMFPack_One_Boundary(SuiteSparse_long* Ap, SuiteSparse_long* Ai, double* Ax, double* b) { SuiteSparse_long sys = 0; std::array Control; std::array Info; std::vector res(size); umfpack_dl_defaults(Control.data()); SuiteSparse_long status = 0; if (iter == 0) { if (Symbolic) umfpack_dl_free_symbolic(&Symbolic); status = umfpack_dl_symbolic(size, size, Ap, Ai, Ax, &Symbolic, Control.data(), Info.data()); if (status != UMFPACK_OK) { umfpack_dl_report_info(Control.data(), Info.data()); umfpack_dl_report_status(Control.data(), status); throw FatalException {"umfpack_dl_symbolic failed"}; } } if (Numeric) umfpack_dl_free_numeric(&Numeric); status = umfpack_dl_numeric(Ap, Ai, Ax, Symbolic, &Numeric, Control.data(), Info.data()); if (status != UMFPACK_OK) { umfpack_dl_report_info(Control.data(), Info.data()); umfpack_dl_report_status(Control.data(), status); throw FatalException {"umfpack_dl_numeric failed"}; } status = umfpack_dl_solve(sys, Ap, Ai, Ax, res.data(), b, Numeric, Control.data(), Info.data()); if (status != UMFPACK_OK) { umfpack_dl_report_info(Control.data(), Info.data()); umfpack_dl_report_status(Control.data(), status); throw FatalException {"umfpack_dl_solve failed"}; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; double yy = -(res[i] + y[eq + it_ * y_size]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq + it_ * y_size] += slowc * yy; } mxFree(Ap); mxFree(Ai); mxFree(Ax); mxFree(b); } void Interpreter::Solve_Matlab_GMRES(mxArray* A_m, mxArray* b_m, bool is_two_boundaries, mxArray* x0_m) { size_t n = mxGetM(A_m); std::array field_names {"droptol", "type"}; std::array dims {static_cast(1)}; mxArray* Setup = mxCreateStructArray(dims.size(), dims.data(), field_names.size(), field_names.data()); mxSetFieldByNumber(Setup, 0, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar(lu_inc_tol)); mxSetFieldByNumber(Setup, 0, 1, mxCreateString("ilutp")); std::array lhs0; std::array rhs0 {A_m, Setup}; if (mexCallMATLAB(lhs0.size(), lhs0.data(), rhs0.size(), rhs0.data(), "ilu")) throw FatalException("In GMRES, the incomplete LU decomposition (ilu) has failed"); mxArray* L1 = lhs0[0]; mxArray* U1 = lhs0[1]; /*[za,flag1] = gmres(g1a,b,Blck_size,1e-6,Blck_size*periods,L1,U1);*/ std::array rhs {A_m, b_m, mxCreateDoubleScalar(size), mxCreateDoubleScalar(1e-6), mxCreateDoubleScalar(static_cast(n)), L1, U1, x0_m}; std::array lhs; mexCallMATLAB(lhs.size(), lhs.data(), rhs.size(), rhs.data(), "gmres"); mxArray* z = lhs[0]; mxArray* flag = lhs[1]; double flag1 {mxGetScalar(flag)}; mxDestroyArray(rhs0[1]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[2]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[3]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[4]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[5]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[6]); if (flag1 > 0) { if (flag1 == 1) mexWarnMsgTxt( ("Error in bytecode: No convergence inside GMRES, in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)) .c_str()); else if (flag1 == 2) mexWarnMsgTxt(("Error in bytecode: Preconditioner is ill-conditioned, in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)) .c_str()); else if (flag1 == 3) mexWarnMsgTxt(("Error in bytecode: GMRES stagnated (Two consecutive iterates were the " "same.), in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)) .c_str()); lu_inc_tol /= 10; } else { double* res = mxGetPr(z); if (is_two_boundaries) for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(n); i++) { int eq = index_vara[i + size * y_kmin]; double yy = -(res[i] + y[eq]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq] += slowc * yy; } else for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(n); i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; double yy = -(res[i] + y[eq + it_ * y_size]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq + it_ * y_size] += slowc * yy; } } mxDestroyArray(A_m); mxDestroyArray(b_m); mxDestroyArray(x0_m); mxDestroyArray(z); mxDestroyArray(flag); } void Interpreter::Solve_Matlab_BiCGStab(mxArray* A_m, mxArray* b_m, bool is_two_boundaries, mxArray* x0_m, int preconditioner) { /* precond = 0 => Jacobi precond = 1 => Incomplet LU decomposition*/ size_t n = mxGetM(A_m); mxArray *L1 = nullptr, *U1 = nullptr, *Diag = nullptr; if (preconditioner == 0) { std::array lhs0; std::array rhs0 {A_m, mxCreateDoubleScalar(0)}; mexCallMATLAB(lhs0.size(), lhs0.data(), rhs0.size(), rhs0.data(), "spdiags"); mxArray* tmp = lhs0[0]; double* tmp_val = mxGetPr(tmp); Diag = mxCreateSparse(n, n, n, mxREAL); mwIndex* Diag_i = mxGetIr(Diag); mwIndex* Diag_j = mxGetJc(Diag); double* Diag_val = mxGetPr(Diag); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { Diag_val[i] = tmp_val[i]; Diag_j[i] = i; Diag_i[i] = i; } Diag_j[n] = n; } else if (preconditioner == 1) { /*[L1, U1] = ilu(g1a=;*/ std::array field_names {"type", "droptol", "milu", "udiag", "thresh"}; const int type = 0, droptol = 1, milu = 2, udiag = 3, thresh = 4; std::array dims {static_cast(1)}; mxArray* Setup = mxCreateStructArray(dims.size(), dims.data(), field_names.size(), field_names.data()); mxSetFieldByNumber(Setup, 0, type, mxCreateString("ilutp")); mxSetFieldByNumber(Setup, 0, droptol, mxCreateDoubleScalar(lu_inc_tol)); mxSetFieldByNumber(Setup, 0, milu, mxCreateString("off")); mxSetFieldByNumber(Setup, 0, udiag, mxCreateDoubleScalar(0)); mxSetFieldByNumber(Setup, 0, thresh, mxCreateDoubleScalar(1)); std::array lhs0; std::array rhs0 {A_m, Setup}; if (mexCallMATLAB(lhs0.size(), lhs0.data(), rhs0.size(), rhs0.data(), "ilu")) throw FatalException {"In BiCGStab, the incomplete LU decomposition (ilu) has failed"}; L1 = lhs0[0]; U1 = lhs0[1]; mxDestroyArray(Setup); } double flags = 2; mxArray* z = nullptr; if (steady_state) /*Octave BicStab algorihtm involves a 0 division in case of a preconditionner equal to the LU decomposition of A matrix*/ { mxArray* res = mult_SAT_B(Sparse_transpose(A_m), x0_m); double* resid = mxGetPr(res); double* b = mxGetPr(b_m); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(n); i++) resid[i] = b[i] - resid[i]; std::array lhs; std::array rhs {L1, res}; mexCallMATLAB(lhs.size(), lhs.data(), rhs.size(), rhs.data(), "mldivide"); std::array rhs2 {U1, lhs[0]}; mexCallMATLAB(lhs.size(), lhs.data(), rhs2.size(), rhs2.data(), "mldivide"); z = lhs[0]; double* phat = mxGetPr(z); double* x0 = mxGetPr(x0_m); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(n); i++) phat[i] = x0[i] + phat[i]; /*Check the solution*/ res = mult_SAT_B(Sparse_transpose(A_m), z); resid = mxGetPr(res); double cum_abs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(n); i++) { resid[i] = b[i] - resid[i]; cum_abs += fabs(resid[i]); } if (cum_abs > 1e-7) flags = 2; else flags = 0; mxDestroyArray(res); } if (flags == 2) { if (preconditioner == 0) { /*[za,flag1] = bicgstab(g1a,b,1e-6,Blck_size*periods,L1,U1);*/ std::array rhs {A_m, b_m, mxCreateDoubleScalar(1e-6), mxCreateDoubleScalar(static_cast(n)), Diag}; std::array lhs; mexCallMATLAB(lhs.size(), lhs.data(), rhs.size(), rhs.data(), "bicgstab"); z = lhs[0]; mxArray* flag = lhs[1]; flags = mxGetScalar(flag); mxDestroyArray(flag); mxDestroyArray(rhs[2]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[3]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[4]); } else if (preconditioner == 1) { /*[za,flag1] = bicgstab(g1a,b,1e-6,Blck_size*periods,L1,U1);*/ std::array rhs {A_m, b_m, mxCreateDoubleScalar(1e-6), mxCreateDoubleScalar(static_cast(n)), L1, U1, x0_m}; std::array lhs; mexCallMATLAB(lhs.size(), lhs.data(), rhs.size(), rhs.data(), "bicgstab"); z = lhs[0]; mxArray* flag = lhs[1]; flags = mxGetScalar(flag); mxDestroyArray(flag); mxDestroyArray(rhs[2]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[3]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[4]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[5]); } } if (flags > 0) { if (flags == 1) mexWarnMsgTxt(("Error in bytecode: No convergence inside BiCGStab, in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)) .c_str()); else if (flags == 2) mexWarnMsgTxt(("Error in bytecode: Preconditioner is ill-conditioned, in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)) .c_str()); else if (flags == 3) mexWarnMsgTxt(("Error in bytecode: BiCGStab stagnated (Two consecutive iterates were the " "same.), in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)) .c_str()); lu_inc_tol /= 10; } else { double* res = mxGetPr(z); if (is_two_boundaries) for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(n); i++) { int eq = index_vara[i + size * y_kmin]; double yy = -(res[i] + y[eq]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq] += slowc * yy; } else for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(n); i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; double yy = -(res[i] + y[eq + it_ * y_size]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq + it_ * y_size] += slowc * yy; } } mxDestroyArray(A_m); mxDestroyArray(b_m); mxDestroyArray(x0_m); mxDestroyArray(z); } void Interpreter::Singular_display() { Simple_Init(); std::array rhs {mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, size, mxREAL)}; double* pind = mxGetPr(rhs[0]); for (int j = 0; j < size * size; j++) pind[j] = 0.0; for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) { auto [nb_eq, first] = At_Col(ii); for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq; j++) { int k = first->u_index; int jj = first->r_index; pind[ii * size + jj] = u[k]; first = first->NZE_C_N; } } std::array lhs; mexCallMATLAB(lhs.size(), lhs.data(), rhs.size(), rhs.data(), "svd"); mxArray* SVD_u = lhs[0]; mxArray* SVD_s = lhs[1]; double* SVD_ps = mxGetPr(SVD_s); double* SVD_pu = mxGetPr(SVD_u); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) if (abs(SVD_ps[i * (1 + size)]) < 1e-12) { mexPrintf(" The following equations form a linear combination:\n "); double max_u = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) if (abs(SVD_pu[j + i * size]) > abs(max_u)) max_u = SVD_pu[j + i * size]; vector equ_list; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { double rr = SVD_pu[j + i * size] / max_u; if (rr < -1e-10) { equ_list.push_back(j); if (rr != -1) mexPrintf(" - %3.2f*Dequ_%d_dy", abs(rr), j + 1); else mexPrintf(" - Dequ_%d_dy", j + 1); } else if (rr > 1e-10) { equ_list.push_back(j); if (j > 0) if (rr != 1) mexPrintf(" + %3.2f*Dequ_%d_dy", rr, j + 1); else mexPrintf(" + Dequ_%d_dy", j + 1); else if (rr != 1) mexPrintf(" %3.2f*Dequ_%d_dy", rr, j + 1); else mexPrintf(" Dequ_%d_dy", j + 1); } } mexPrintf(" = 0\n"); } mxDestroyArray(lhs[0]); mxDestroyArray(lhs[1]); mxDestroyArray(lhs[2]); if (block_num > 1) throw FatalException {"In Solve_ByteCode_Sparse_GaussianElimination, singular system in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)}; else throw FatalException {"In Solve_ByteCode_Sparse_GaussianElimination, singular system"}; } bool Interpreter::Solve_ByteCode_Sparse_GaussianElimination() { int pivj = 0, pivk = 0; auto** bc = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(NonZeroElem*))); test_mxMalloc(bc, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(*bc)); auto* piv_v = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(piv_v, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); int* pivj_v = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivj_v, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); int* pivk_v = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivk_v, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); int* NR = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(NR, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { /*finding the max-pivot*/ double piv = 0, piv_abs = 0; auto [nb_eq, first] = At_Col(i); int l = 0; int N_max = 0; bool one = false; for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq; j++) { if (!line_done[first->r_index]) { int k = first->u_index; int jj = first->r_index; int NRow_jj = NRow(jj); piv_v[l] = u[k]; double piv_fabs = fabs(u[k]); pivj_v[l] = jj; pivk_v[l] = k; NR[l] = NRow_jj; if (NRow_jj == 1 && !one) { one = true; piv_abs = piv_fabs; N_max = NRow_jj; } if (!one) { if (piv_fabs > piv_abs) piv_abs = piv_fabs; if (NRow_jj > N_max) N_max = NRow_jj; } else if (NRow_jj == 1) { if (piv_fabs > piv_abs) piv_abs = piv_fabs; if (NRow_jj > N_max) N_max = NRow_jj; } l++; } first = first->NZE_C_N; } if (piv_abs < eps) { mxFree(piv_v); mxFree(pivj_v); mxFree(pivk_v); mxFree(NR); mxFree(bc); if (steady_state) { if (verbosity >= 1) { if (block_num > 1) mexPrintf("Error: singular system in Simulate_NG in block %d\n", block_num + 1); else mexPrintf("Error: singular system in Simulate_NG"); } return true; } else { if (block_num > 1) throw FatalException { "In Solve_ByteCode_Sparse_GaussianElimination, singular system in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)}; else throw FatalException { "In Solve_ByteCode_Sparse_GaussianElimination, singular system"}; } } if (!one) { double markovitz = 0, markovitz_max = -9e70; for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (N_max > 0 && NR[j] > 0) { if (fabs(piv_v[j]) > 0) { if (markowitz_c > 0) markovitz = exp( log(fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs) - markowitz_c * log(static_cast(NR[j]) / static_cast(N_max))); else markovitz = fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs; } else markovitz = 0; } else markovitz = fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs; if (markovitz > markovitz_max) { piv = piv_v[j]; pivj = pivj_v[j]; // Line number pivk = pivk_v[j]; // positi markovitz_max = markovitz; } } } else for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (NR[j] == 1) { piv = piv_v[j]; pivj = pivj_v[j]; // Line number pivk = pivk_v[j]; // positi } } pivot[i] = pivj; pivotk[i] = pivk; pivotv[i] = piv; line_done[pivj] = true; /*divide all the non zeros elements of the line pivj by the max_pivot*/ int nb_var; tie(nb_var, first) = At_Row(pivj); for (int j = 0; j < nb_var; j++) { u[first->u_index] /= piv; first = first->NZE_R_N; } u[b[pivj]] /= piv; /*subtract the elements on the non treated lines*/ tie(nb_eq, first) = At_Col(i); auto [nb_var_piva, first_piva] = At_Row(pivj); int nb_eq_todo = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq && first; j++) { if (!line_done[first->r_index]) bc[nb_eq_todo++] = first; first = first->NZE_C_N; } for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq_todo; j++) { first = bc[j]; int row = first->r_index; double first_elem = u[first->u_index]; int nb_var_piv = nb_var_piva; NonZeroElem* first_piv = first_piva; auto [nb_var_sub, first_sub] = At_Row(row); int l_sub = 0, l_piv = 0; int sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index, piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; while (l_sub < nb_var_sub || l_piv < nb_var_piv) if (l_sub < nb_var_sub && (sub_c_index < piv_c_index || l_piv >= nb_var_piv)) { first_sub = first_sub->NZE_R_N; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size; l_sub++; } else if (sub_c_index > piv_c_index || l_sub >= nb_var_sub) { int tmp_u_count = Get_u(); Insert(row, first_piv->c_index, tmp_u_count, 0); u[tmp_u_count] = -u[first_piv->u_index] * first_elem; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size; l_piv++; } else { if (i == sub_c_index) { NonZeroElem* firsta = first; NonZeroElem* first_suba = first_sub->NZE_R_N; Delete(first_sub->r_index, first_sub->c_index); first = firsta->NZE_C_N; first_sub = first_suba; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size; l_sub++; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size; l_piv++; } else { u[first_sub->u_index] -= u[first_piv->u_index] * first_elem; first_sub = first_sub->NZE_R_N; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size; l_sub++; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size; l_piv++; } } u[b[row]] -= u[b[pivj]] * first_elem; } } for (int i = 0; i < y_size; i++) ya[i + it_ * y_size] = y[i + it_ * y_size]; slowc_save = slowc; simple_bksub(); End_Gaussian_Elimination(); mxFree(piv_v); mxFree(pivj_v); mxFree(pivk_v); mxFree(NR); mxFree(bc); return false; } void Interpreter::Solve_ByteCode_Symbolic_Sparse_GaussianElimination(bool symbolic) { /*Triangularisation at each period of a block using a simple gaussian Elimination*/ int *save_op = nullptr, *save_opa = nullptr, *save_opaa = nullptr; long int nop = 0, nopa = 0; bool record = false; int pivj = 0, pivk = 0; int tbreak = 0, last_period = periods; auto* piv_v = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(piv_v, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); int* pivj_v = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivj_v, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); int* pivk_v = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(pivk_v, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); int* NR = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(NR, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(int)); auto** bc = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(NonZeroElem*))); test_mxMalloc(bc, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(NonZeroElem*)); for (int t = 0; t < periods; t++) { #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE if (utIsInterruptPending()) throw UserException {}; #endif if (record && symbolic) { save_op = static_cast(mxMalloc(nop * sizeof(int))); test_mxMalloc(save_op, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, nop * sizeof(int)); nopa = nop; } nop = 0; Clear_u(); int ti = t * size; for (int i = ti; i < size + ti; i++) { /*finding the max-pivot*/ double piv = 0, piv_abs = 0; auto [nb_eq, first] = At_Col(i, 0); if ((symbolic && t <= start_compare) || !symbolic) { int l = 0, N_max = 0; bool one = false; piv_abs = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq; j++) { if (!line_done[first->r_index]) { int k = first->u_index; int jj = first->r_index; int NRow_jj = NRow(jj); piv_v[l] = u[k]; double piv_fabs = fabs(u[k]); pivj_v[l] = jj; pivk_v[l] = k; NR[l] = NRow_jj; if (NRow_jj == 1 && !one) { one = true; piv_abs = piv_fabs; N_max = NRow_jj; } if (!one) { if (piv_fabs > piv_abs) piv_abs = piv_fabs; if (NRow_jj > N_max) N_max = NRow_jj; } else if (NRow_jj == 1) { if (piv_fabs > piv_abs) piv_abs = piv_fabs; if (NRow_jj > N_max) N_max = NRow_jj; } l++; } first = first->NZE_C_N; } double markovitz = 0, markovitz_max = -9e70; int NR_max = 0; if (!one) for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (N_max > 0 && NR[j] > 0) { if (fabs(piv_v[j]) > 0) { if (markowitz_c > 0) markovitz = exp(log(fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs) - markowitz_c * log(static_cast(NR[j]) / static_cast(N_max))); else markovitz = fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs; } else markovitz = 0; } else markovitz = fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs; if (markovitz > markovitz_max) { piv = piv_v[j]; pivj = pivj_v[j]; // Line number pivk = pivk_v[j]; // positi markovitz_max = markovitz; NR_max = NR[j]; } } else for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (N_max > 0 && NR[j] > 0) { if (fabs(piv_v[j]) > 0) { if (markowitz_c > 0) markovitz = exp(log(fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs) - markowitz_c * log(static_cast(NR[j]) / static_cast(N_max))); else markovitz = fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs; } else markovitz = 0; } else markovitz = fabs(piv_v[j]) / piv_abs; if (NR[j] == 1) { piv = piv_v[j]; pivj = pivj_v[j]; // Line number pivk = pivk_v[j]; // positi markovitz_max = markovitz; NR_max = NR[j]; } } if (fabs(piv) < eps && verbosity >= 1) mexPrintf( "==> Error NR_max=%d, N_max=%d and piv=%f, piv_abs=%f, markovitz_max=%f\n", NR_max, N_max, piv, piv_abs, markovitz_max); if (NR_max == 0 && verbosity >= 1) mexPrintf("==> Error NR_max=0 and piv=%f, markovitz_max=%f\n", piv, markovitz_max); pivot[i] = pivj; pivot_save[i] = pivj; pivotk[i] = pivk; pivotv[i] = piv; } else { pivj = pivot[i - size] + size; pivot[i] = pivj; first = At_Pos(pivj, i); pivk = first->u_index; piv = u[pivk]; piv_abs = fabs(piv); } line_done[pivj] = true; if (record && symbolic) { if (nop + 1 >= nopa) { nopa = static_cast(mem_increasing_factor * static_cast(nopa)); save_op = static_cast(mxRealloc(save_op, nopa * sizeof(int))); } auto* save_op_s = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[nop]); save_op_s->operat = IFLD; save_op_s->first = pivk; save_op_s->lag = 0; nop += 2; if (piv_abs < eps) { if (block_num > 1) throw FatalException {"In Solve_ByteCode_Symbolic_Sparse_GaussianElimination, " "singular system in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)}; else throw FatalException { "In Solve_ByteCode_Symbolic_Sparse_GaussianElimination, singular system"}; } /*divide all the non zeros elements of the line pivj by the max_pivot*/ int nb_var; tie(nb_var, first) = At_Row(pivj); for (int j = 0; j < nb_var; j++) { u[first->u_index] /= piv; if (nop + j * 2 + 1 >= nopa) { nopa = static_cast(mem_increasing_factor * static_cast(nopa)); save_op = static_cast(mxRealloc(save_op, nopa * sizeof(int))); } save_op_s = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[nop + j * 2]); save_op_s->operat = IFDIV; save_op_s->first = first->u_index; save_op_s->lag = first->lag_index; first = first->NZE_R_N; } nop += nb_var * 2; u[b[pivj]] /= piv; if (nop + 1 >= nopa) { nopa = static_cast(mem_increasing_factor * static_cast(nopa)); save_op = static_cast(mxRealloc(save_op, nopa * sizeof(int))); } save_op_s = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[nop]); save_op_s->operat = IFDIV; save_op_s->first = b[pivj]; save_op_s->lag = 0; nop += 2; // Subtract the elements on the non treated lines tie(nb_eq, first) = At_Col(i); auto [nb_var_piva, first_piva] = At_Row(pivj); int nb_eq_todo = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq && first; j++) { if (!line_done[first->r_index]) bc[nb_eq_todo++] = first; first = first->NZE_C_N; } for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq_todo; j++) { t_save_op_s* save_op_s_l; NonZeroElem* first = bc[j]; int row = first->r_index; double first_elem = u[first->u_index]; if (nop + 1 >= nopa) { nopa = static_cast(mem_increasing_factor * static_cast(nopa)); save_op = static_cast(mxRealloc(save_op, nopa * sizeof(int))); } save_op_s_l = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[nop]); save_op_s_l->operat = IFLD; save_op_s_l->first = first->u_index; save_op_s_l->lag = abs(first->lag_index); nop += 2; int nb_var_piv = nb_var_piva; NonZeroElem* first_piv = first_piva; auto [nb_var_sub, first_sub] = At_Row(row); int l_sub = 0; int l_piv = 0; int sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; int piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; int tmp_lag = first_sub->lag_index; while (l_sub < nb_var_sub /*=NRow(row)*/ || l_piv < nb_var_piv) { if (l_sub < nb_var_sub && (sub_c_index < piv_c_index || l_piv >= nb_var_piv)) { /* There is no nonzero element at row pivot for this column ⇒ Nothing to do for the current element got to next column */ first_sub = first_sub->NZE_R_N; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size * periods; l_sub++; } else if (sub_c_index > piv_c_index || l_sub >= nb_var_sub) { // There is an nonzero element at row pivot but not at the current row=> // insert a negative element in the current row int tmp_u_count = Get_u(); int lag = first_piv->c_index / size - row / size; Insert(row, first_piv->c_index, tmp_u_count, lag); u[tmp_u_count] = -u[first_piv->u_index] * first_elem; if (nop + 2 >= nopa) { nopa = static_cast(mem_increasing_factor * static_cast(nopa)); save_op = static_cast(mxRealloc(save_op, nopa * sizeof(int))); } save_op_s_l = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[nop]); save_op_s_l->operat = IFLESS; save_op_s_l->first = tmp_u_count; save_op_s_l->second = first_piv->u_index; save_op_s_l->lag = max(first_piv->lag_index, abs(tmp_lag)); nop += 3; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size * periods; l_piv++; } else /*first_sub->c_index==first_piv->c_index*/ { if (i == sub_c_index) { NonZeroElem* firsta = first; NonZeroElem* first_suba = first_sub->NZE_R_N; Delete(first_sub->r_index, first_sub->c_index); first = firsta->NZE_C_N; first_sub = first_suba; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size * periods; l_sub++; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size * periods; l_piv++; } else { u[first_sub->u_index] -= u[first_piv->u_index] * first_elem; if (nop + 3 >= nopa) { nopa = static_cast(mem_increasing_factor * static_cast(nopa)); save_op = static_cast(mxRealloc(save_op, nopa * sizeof(int))); } save_op_s_l = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[nop]); save_op_s_l->operat = IFSUB; save_op_s_l->first = first_sub->u_index; save_op_s_l->second = first_piv->u_index; save_op_s_l->lag = max(abs(tmp_lag), first_piv->lag_index); nop += 3; first_sub = first_sub->NZE_R_N; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size * periods; l_sub++; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size * periods; l_piv++; } } } u[b[row]] -= u[b[pivj]] * first_elem; if (nop + 3 >= nopa) { nopa = static_cast(mem_increasing_factor * static_cast(nopa)); save_op = static_cast(mxRealloc(save_op, nopa * sizeof(int))); } save_op_s_l = reinterpret_cast(&save_op[nop]); save_op_s_l->operat = IFSUB; save_op_s_l->first = b[row]; save_op_s_l->second = b[pivj]; save_op_s_l->lag = abs(tmp_lag); nop += 3; } } else if (symbolic) { nop += 2; if (piv_abs < eps) { if (block_num > 1) throw FatalException {"In Solve_ByteCode_Symbolic_Sparse_GaussianElimination, " "singular system in block " + to_string(block_num + 1)}; else throw FatalException { "In Solve_ByteCode_Symbolic_Sparse_GaussianElimination, singular system"}; } // Divide all the non zeros elements of the line pivj by the max_pivot int nb_var; tie(nb_var, first) = At_Row(pivj); for (int j = 0; j < nb_var; j++) { u[first->u_index] /= piv; first = first->NZE_R_N; } nop += nb_var * 2; u[b[pivj]] /= piv; nop += 2; // Subtract the elements on the non treated lines tie(nb_eq, first) = At_Col(i); auto [nb_var_piva, first_piva] = At_Row(pivj); int nb_eq_todo = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq && first; j++) { if (!line_done[first->r_index]) bc[nb_eq_todo++] = first; first = first->NZE_C_N; } for (int j = 0; j < nb_eq_todo; j++) { NonZeroElem* first = bc[j]; int row = first->r_index; double first_elem = u[first->u_index]; nop += 2; int nb_var_piv = nb_var_piva; NonZeroElem* first_piv = first_piva; auto [nb_var_sub, first_sub] = At_Row(row); int l_sub = 0; int l_piv = 0; int sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; int piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; while (l_sub < nb_var_sub /*= NRow(row)*/ || l_piv < nb_var_piv) { if (l_sub < nb_var_sub && (sub_c_index < piv_c_index || l_piv >= nb_var_piv)) { /* There is no nonzero element at row pivot for this column ⇒ Nothing to do for the current element got to next column */ first_sub = first_sub->NZE_R_N; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size * periods; l_sub++; } else if (sub_c_index > piv_c_index || l_sub >= nb_var_sub) { /* There is an nonzero element at row pivot but not at the current row ⇒ insert a negative element in the current row */ int tmp_u_count = Get_u(); int lag = first_piv->c_index / size - row / size; Insert(row, first_piv->c_index, tmp_u_count, lag); u[tmp_u_count] = -u[first_piv->u_index] * first_elem; nop += 3; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size * periods; l_piv++; } else /*first_sub->c_index==first_piv->c_index*/ { if (i == sub_c_index) { NonZeroElem* firsta = first; NonZeroElem* first_suba = first_sub->NZE_R_N; Delete(first_sub->r_index, first_sub->c_index); first = firsta->NZE_C_N; first_sub = first_suba; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size * periods; l_sub++; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size * periods; l_piv++; } else { u[first_sub->u_index] -= u[first_piv->u_index] * first_elem; nop += 3; first_sub = first_sub->NZE_R_N; if (first_sub) sub_c_index = first_sub->c_index; else sub_c_index = size * periods; l_sub++; first_piv = first_piv->NZE_R_N; if (first_piv) piv_c_index = first_piv->c_index; else piv_c_index = size * periods; l_piv++; } } } u[b[row]] -= u[b[pivj]] * first_elem; nop += 3; } } } if (symbolic) { if (t > static_cast(periods * 0.35)) { symbolic = false; mxFree(save_opaa); mxFree(save_opa); mxFree(save_op); } else if (record && nop == nop1) { if (t > static_cast(periods * 0.35)) { symbolic = false; if (save_opaa) { mxFree(save_opaa); save_opaa = nullptr; } if (save_opa) { mxFree(save_opa); save_opa = nullptr; } if (save_op) { mxFree(save_op); save_op = nullptr; } } else if (save_opa && save_opaa) { if (compare(save_op, save_opa, save_opaa, t, nop)) { tbreak = t; tbreak_g = tbreak; break; } } if (save_opa) { if (save_opaa) { mxFree(save_opaa); save_opaa = nullptr; } save_opaa = save_opa; } save_opa = save_op; } else { if (nop == nop1) record = true; else { record = false; if (save_opa) { mxFree(save_opa); save_opa = nullptr; } if (save_opaa) { mxFree(save_opaa); save_opaa = nullptr; } } } nop1 = nop; } } mxFree(bc); mxFree(piv_v); mxFree(pivj_v); mxFree(pivk_v); mxFree(NR); if (symbolic) { if (save_op) mxFree(save_op); if (save_opa) mxFree(save_opa); if (save_opaa) mxFree(save_opaa); } // The backward substitution for (int i = 0; i < y_size * (periods + y_kmin); i++) ya[i] = y[i]; slowc_save = slowc; bksub(tbreak, last_period); End_Gaussian_Elimination(); } void Interpreter::Check_and_Correct_Previous_Iteration() { if (isnan(res1) || isinf(res1) || (res2 > g0 && iter > 0)) { while (isnan(res1) || isinf(res1)) { prev_slowc_save = slowc_save; slowc_save /= 1.1; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; y[eq + it_ * y_size] = ya[eq + it_ * y_size] + slowc_save * direction[eq + it_ * y_size]; } compute_complete(true); } while (res2 > g0 && slowc_save > 1e-1) { prev_slowc_save = slowc_save; slowc_save /= 1.5; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; y[eq + it_ * y_size] = ya[eq + it_ * y_size] + slowc_save * direction[eq + it_ * y_size]; } compute_complete(true); } if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("Error: Simulation diverging, trying to correct it using slowc=%f\n", slowc_save); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; y[eq + it_ * y_size] = ya[eq + it_ * y_size] + slowc_save * direction[eq + it_ * y_size]; } compute_complete(false); } else for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; y[eq + it_ * y_size] = ya[eq + it_ * y_size] + slowc_save * direction[eq + it_ * y_size]; } slowc_save = slowc; } bool Interpreter::Simulate_One_Boundary() { mxArray *b_m = nullptr, *A_m = nullptr, *x0_m = nullptr; SuiteSparse_long *Ap = nullptr, *Ai = nullptr; double *Ax = nullptr, *b = nullptr; int preconditioner = 1; try_at_iteration = 0; Clear_u(); bool singular_system = false; u_count_alloc_save = u_count_alloc; if (isnan(res1) || isinf(res1)) { #ifdef DEBUG for (int j = 0; j < y_size; j++) { bool select = false; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) if (j == index_vara[i]) { select = true; break; } if (select) mexPrintf("-> variable %s (%d) at time %d = %f direction = %f\n", get_variable(SymbolType::endogenous, j).c_str(), j + 1, it_, y[j + it_ * y_size], direction[j + it_ * y_size]); else mexPrintf(" variable %s (%d) at time %d = %f direction = %f\n", get_variable(SymbolType::endogenous, j).c_str(), j + 1, it_, y[j + it_ * y_size], direction[j + it_ * y_size]); } #endif if (steady_state) { if (verbosity >= 1) { if (iter == 0) mexPrintf(" the initial values of endogenous variables are too far from the " "solution.\nChange them!\n"); else mexPrintf( " dynare cannot improve the simulation in block %d at time %d (variable %d)\n", block_num + 1, it_ + 1, index_vara[max_res_idx] + 1); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } } else { if (iter == 0) throw FatalException {"In Simulate_One_Boundary, The initial values of endogenous " "variables are too far from the solution. Change them!"}; else throw FatalException { "In Simulate_One_Boundary, Dynare cannot improve the simulation in block " + to_string(block_num + 1) + " at time " + to_string(it_ + 1) + " (variable " + to_string(index_vara[max_res_idx] + 1)}; } } if (verbosity >= 1) { if (steady_state) { switch (solve_algo) { case 5: mexPrintf("MODEL STEADY STATE: (method=Sparse Gaussian Elimination)\n"); break; case 6: mexPrintf("MODEL STEADY STATE: (method=Sparse LU)\n"); break; case 7: mexPrintf(preconditioner_print_out("MODEL STEADY STATE: (method=GMRES)\n", preconditioner, true) .c_str()); break; case 8: mexPrintf(preconditioner_print_out("MODEL STEADY STATE: (method=BiCGStab)\n", preconditioner, true) .c_str()); break; } } mexPrintf("------------------------------------\n"); mexPrintf(" Iteration no. %d\n", iter + 1); mexPrintf(" Inf-norm error = %.3e\n", static_cast(max_res)); mexPrintf(" 2-norm error = %.3e\n", static_cast(sqrt(res2))); mexPrintf(" 1-norm error = %.3e\n", static_cast(res1)); mexPrintf("------------------------------------\n"); } bool zero_solution; if ((solve_algo == 5 && steady_state) || (stack_solve_algo == 5 && !steady_state)) zero_solution = Simple_Init(); else { x0_m = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, 1, mxREAL); if (!x0_m) throw FatalException {"In Simulate_One_Boundary, can't allocate x0_m vector"}; if (!((solve_algo == 6 && steady_state) || ((stack_solve_algo == 0 || stack_solve_algo == 1 || stack_solve_algo == 4 || stack_solve_algo == 6) && !steady_state))) { b_m = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(size, 1, mxREAL); if (!b_m) throw FatalException {"In Simulate_One_Boundary, can't allocate b_m vector"}; A_m = mxCreateSparse(size, size, min(static_cast(IM_i.size() * 2), size * size), mxREAL); if (!A_m) throw FatalException {"In Simulate_One_Boundary, can't allocate A_m matrix"}; zero_solution = Init_Matlab_Sparse_One_Boundary(A_m, b_m, x0_m); } else { tie(zero_solution, Ap, Ai, Ax, b) = Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_One_Boundary(x0_m); if (Ap_save[size] != Ap[size]) { mxFree(Ai_save); mxFree(Ax_save); Ai_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(Ap[size] * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long))); test_mxMalloc(Ai_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, Ap[size] * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)); Ax_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(Ap[size] * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(Ax_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, Ap[size] * sizeof(double)); } copy_n(Ap, size + 1, Ap_save); copy_n(Ai, Ap[size], Ai_save); copy_n(Ax, Ap[size], Ax_save); copy_n(b, size, b_save); } } if (zero_solution) for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int eq = index_vara[i]; double yy = -(y[eq + it_ * y_size]); direction[eq] = yy; y[eq + it_ * y_size] += slowc * yy; } else { if ((solve_algo == 5 && steady_state) || (stack_solve_algo == 5 && !steady_state)) singular_system = Solve_ByteCode_Sparse_GaussianElimination(); else if ((solve_algo == 7 && steady_state) || (stack_solve_algo == 2 && !steady_state)) Solve_Matlab_GMRES(A_m, b_m, false, x0_m); else if ((solve_algo == 8 && steady_state) || (stack_solve_algo == 3 && !steady_state)) Solve_Matlab_BiCGStab(A_m, b_m, false, x0_m, preconditioner); else if ((solve_algo == 6 && steady_state) || ((stack_solve_algo == 0 || stack_solve_algo == 1 || stack_solve_algo == 4 || stack_solve_algo == 6) && !steady_state)) { Solve_LU_UMFPack_One_Boundary(Ap, Ai, Ax, b); mxDestroyArray(x0_m); } } return singular_system; } bool Interpreter::solve_linear(bool do_check_and_correct) { bool cvg = false; compute_complete(false); cvg = (max_res < solve_tolf); if (!cvg || isnan(res1) || isinf(res1)) { if (do_check_and_correct) Check_and_Correct_Previous_Iteration(); bool singular_system = Simulate_One_Boundary(); if (singular_system && verbosity >= 1) Singular_display(); } return cvg; } void Interpreter::solve_non_linear() { max_res_idx = 0; bool cvg = false; iter = 0; glambda2 = g0 = very_big; while (!cvg && iter < maxit_) { cvg = solve_linear(iter > 0); g0 = res2; iter++; } if (!cvg) { if (steady_state) throw FatalException { "In Solve Forward/Backward Complete, convergence not achieved in block " + to_string(block_num + 1) + ", after " + to_string(iter) + " iterations"}; else throw FatalException { "In Solve Forward/Backward Complete, convergence not achieved in block " + to_string(block_num + 1) + ", at time " + to_string(it_) + ", after " + to_string(iter) + " iterations"}; } } void Interpreter::Simulate_Newton_One_Boundary(bool forward) { g1 = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(g1, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * size * sizeof(double)); r = static_cast(mxMalloc(size * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(r, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, size * sizeof(double)); iter = 0; if ((solve_algo == 6 && steady_state) || ((stack_solve_algo == 0 || stack_solve_algo == 1 || stack_solve_algo == 4 || stack_solve_algo == 6) && !steady_state)) { Ap_save = static_cast(mxMalloc((size + 1) * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long))); test_mxMalloc(Ap_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, (size + 1) * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)); Ap_save[size] = 0; Ai_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(1 * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long))); test_mxMalloc(Ai_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, 1 * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)); Ax_save = static_cast(mxMalloc(1 * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(Ax_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, 1 * sizeof(double)); b_save = static_cast(mxMalloc((size) * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long))); test_mxMalloc(b_save, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, (size) * sizeof(SuiteSparse_long)); } if (steady_state) { it_ = 0; if (!is_linear) solve_non_linear(); else solve_linear(false); } else if (forward) { if (!is_linear) for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) solve_non_linear(); else for (it_ = y_kmin; it_ < periods + y_kmin; it_++) solve_linear(false); } else { if (!is_linear) for (it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; it_ >= y_kmin; it_--) solve_non_linear(); else for (it_ = periods + y_kmin - 1; it_ >= y_kmin; it_--) solve_linear(false); } if ((solve_algo == 6 && steady_state) || ((stack_solve_algo == 0 || stack_solve_algo == 1 || stack_solve_algo == 4 || stack_solve_algo == 6) && !steady_state)) { mxFree(Ap_save); mxFree(Ai_save); mxFree(Ax_save); mxFree(b_save); } mxFree(g1); mxFree(r); } string Interpreter::preconditioner_print_out(string s, int preconditioner, bool ss) { int n = s.length(); string tmp = ", preconditioner="; switch (preconditioner) { case 0: if (ss) tmp.append("Jacobi on static jacobian"); else tmp.append("Jacobi on dynamic jacobian"); break; case 1: if (ss) tmp.append("incomplete lutp on static jacobian"); else tmp.append("incomplete lu0 on dynamic jacobian"); break; case 2: tmp.append("incomplete lutp on dynamic jacobian"); break; case 3: tmp.append("lu on static jacobian"); break; } s.insert(n - 2, tmp); return s; } void Interpreter::Simulate_Newton_Two_Boundaries( bool cvg, const vector_table_conditional_local_type& vector_table_conditional_local) { double top = 0.5; double bottom = 0.1; int preconditioner = 2; if (start_compare == 0) start_compare = y_kmin; u_count_alloc_save = u_count_alloc; auto t1 {chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()}; nop1 = 0; mxArray *b_m = nullptr, *A_m = nullptr, *x0_m = nullptr; double *Ax {nullptr}, *b {nullptr}; SuiteSparse_long *Ap = nullptr, *Ai = nullptr; assert(stack_solve_algo == 0 || stack_solve_algo == 2 || stack_solve_algo == 3 || stack_solve_algo == 4 || stack_solve_algo == 5); if (isnan(res1) || isinf(res1) || (res2 > 12 * g0 && iter > 0)) { if (iter == 0 || fabs(slowc_save) < 1e-8) { if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("res1 = %f, res2 = %f g0 = %f iter = %d\n", res1, res2, g0, iter); for (int j = 0; j < y_size; j++) { bool select = false; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) if (j == index_vara[i]) { select = true; break; } if (verbosity >= 2) { if (select) mexPrintf("-> variable %s (%d) at time %d = %f direction = %f\n", symbol_table.getName(SymbolType::endogenous, j).c_str(), j + 1, it_, y[j + it_ * y_size], direction[j + it_ * y_size]); else mexPrintf(" variable %s (%d) at time %d = %f direction = %f\n", symbol_table.getName(SymbolType::endogenous, j).c_str(), j + 1, it_, y[j + it_ * y_size], direction[j + it_ * y_size]); } } if (iter == 0) throw FatalException { "In Simulate_Newton_Two_Boundaries, the initial values of endogenous variables are " "too far from the solution. Change them!"}; else throw FatalException { "In Simulate_Newton_Two_Boundaries, dynare cannot improve the simulation in block " + to_string(block_num + 1) + " at time " + to_string(it_ + 1) + " (variable " + to_string(index_vara[max_res_idx] + 1) + " = " + to_string(max_res) + ")"}; } if (!(isnan(res1) || isinf(res1)) && !(isnan(g0) || isinf(g0)) && (stack_solve_algo == 4 || stack_solve_algo == 5)) { if (try_at_iteration == 0) { prev_slowc_save = slowc_save; slowc_save = max(-gp0 / (2 * (res2 - g0 - gp0)), bottom); } else { double t1 = res2 - gp0 * slowc_save - g0; double t2 = glambda2 - gp0 * prev_slowc_save - g0; double a = (1 / (slowc_save * slowc_save) * t1 - 1 / (prev_slowc_save * prev_slowc_save) * t2) / (slowc_save - prev_slowc_save); double b = (-prev_slowc_save / (slowc_save * slowc_save) * t1 + slowc_save / (prev_slowc_save * prev_slowc_save) * t2) / (slowc_save - prev_slowc_save); prev_slowc_save = slowc_save; slowc_save = max(min(-b + sqrt(b * b - 3 * a * gp0) / (3 * a), top * slowc_save), bottom * slowc_save); } glambda2 = res2; try_at_iteration++; if (slowc_save <= bottom) { for (int i = 0; i < y_size * (periods + y_kmin); i++) y[i] = ya[i] + direction[i]; g0 = res2; gp0 = -res2; try_at_iteration = 0; iter--; return; } } else { prev_slowc_save = slowc_save; slowc_save /= 1.05; } if (verbosity >= 2) { if (isnan(res1) || isinf(res1)) mexPrintf("The model cannot be evaluated, trying to correct it using slowc=%f\n", slowc_save); else mexPrintf("Simulation diverging, trying to correct it using slowc=%f\n", slowc_save); } for (int i = 0; i < y_size * (periods + y_kmin); i++) y[i] = ya[i] + slowc_save * direction[i]; iter--; return; } u_count += u_count_init; if (stack_solve_algo == 5) { if (alt_symbolic && alt_symbolic_count < alt_symbolic_count_max) { if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("Pivoting method will be applied only to the first periods.\n"); alt_symbolic = false; symbolic = true; markowitz_c = markowitz_c_s; alt_symbolic_count++; } if (res1 / res1a - 1 > -0.3 && symbolic && iter > 0) { if (restart > 2) { if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("Divergence or slowdown occurred during simulation.\nIn the next " "iteration, pivoting method will be applied to all periods.\n"); symbolic = false; alt_symbolic = true; markowitz_c_s = markowitz_c; markowitz_c = 0; } else { if (verbosity >= 2) mexPrintf("Divergence or slowdown occurred during simulation.\nIn the next " "iteration, pivoting method will be applied for a longer period.\n"); start_compare = min(tbreak_g, periods); restart++; } } else { start_compare = max(y_kmin, minimal_solving_periods); restart = 0; } } res1a = res1; if (verbosity >= 1) { if (iter == 0) { switch (stack_solve_algo) { case 0: mexPrintf("MODEL SIMULATION: (method=Sparse LU)\n"); break; case 2: mexPrintf(preconditioner_print_out("MODEL SIMULATION: (method=GMRES)\n", preconditioner, false) .c_str()); break; case 3: mexPrintf(preconditioner_print_out("MODEL SIMULATION: (method=BiCGStab)\n", preconditioner, false) .c_str()); break; case 4: mexPrintf("MODEL SIMULATION: (method=Sparse LU & optimal path length)\n"); break; case 5: mexPrintf("MODEL SIMULATION: (method=Sparse Gaussian Elimination)\n"); break; } } mexPrintf("------------------------------------\n"); mexPrintf(" Iteration no. %d\n", iter + 1); mexPrintf(" Inf-norm error = %.3e\n", static_cast(max_res)); mexPrintf(" 2-norm error = %.3e\n", static_cast(sqrt(res2))); mexPrintf(" 1-norm error = %.3e\n", static_cast(res1)); mexPrintf("------------------------------------\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } if (cvg) return; else { if (stack_solve_algo == 5) Init_Gaussian_Elimination(); else { x0_m = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(periods * size, 1, mxREAL); if (!x0_m) throw FatalException {"In Simulate_Newton_Two_Boundaries, can't allocate x0_m vector"}; if (stack_solve_algo == 0 || stack_solve_algo == 4) tie(Ap, Ai, Ax, b) = Init_UMFPACK_Sparse_Two_Boundaries(x0_m, vector_table_conditional_local); else { b_m = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(periods * size, 1, mxREAL); if (!b_m) throw FatalException { "In Simulate_Newton_Two_Boundaries, can't allocate b_m vector"}; if (stack_solve_algo != 0 && stack_solve_algo != 4) { A_m = mxCreateSparse(periods * size, periods * size, IM_i.size() * periods * 2, mxREAL); if (!A_m) throw FatalException { "In Simulate_Newton_Two_Boundaries, can't allocate A_m matrix"}; } Init_Matlab_Sparse_Two_Boundaries(A_m, b_m, x0_m); } } if (stack_solve_algo == 0 || stack_solve_algo == 4) { Solve_LU_UMFPack_Two_Boundaries(Ap, Ai, Ax, b, vector_table_conditional_local); mxDestroyArray(x0_m); } else if (stack_solve_algo == 2) Solve_Matlab_GMRES(A_m, b_m, true, x0_m); else if (stack_solve_algo == 3) Solve_Matlab_BiCGStab(A_m, b_m, true, x0_m, 1); else if (stack_solve_algo == 5) Solve_ByteCode_Symbolic_Sparse_GaussianElimination(symbolic); } using FloatSeconds = chrono::duration; auto t2 {chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()}; if (verbosity >= 1) { mexPrintf("(** %.2f seconds **)\n", FloatSeconds {t2 - t1}.count()); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } if (!steady_state && stack_solve_algo == 4) { double ax = -0.1, bx = 1.1; auto [success, cx, fa, fb, fc] = mnbrak(ax, bx); if (!success) return; auto [success2, xmin] = golden(ax, bx, cx, 1e-1); if (!success2) return; slowc = xmin; if (verbosity >= 1) { auto t3 {chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()}; mexPrintf("(** %.2f seconds **)\n", FloatSeconds {t3 - t2}.count()); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } } if (tbreak_g == 0) tbreak_g = periods; } void Interpreter::fixe_u() { u_count = u_count_int * periods; u_count_alloc = 2 * u_count; #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("fixe_u : alloc(%d double)\n", u_count_alloc); #endif u = static_cast(mxMalloc(u_count_alloc * sizeof(double))); test_mxMalloc(u, __LINE__, __FILE__, __func__, u_count_alloc * sizeof(double)); #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("u=%d\n", u); #endif fill_n(u, u_count_alloc, 0); u_count_init = u_count_int; }