
Xcode Command Line Tools

Dynare highly benefits from installing Xcode Command Line Tools (an Apple product). To install the Xcode Command Line Tools type the following into

xcode-select --install

Compilation Environment for use_dll option

Dynare ships a compilation environment that can be used with the use_dll option. To install this environment correctly, the Xcode Command Line Tools are sufficient. Check this by running the following command in the MATLAB command window:

mex -setup

If you get a warning in MATLAB, that Xcode is installed, but its license has not been accepted, please refer to the manual for a workaround.

Moreover, we recommend making use of optimized compilation flags and for this you need to install GCC via Homebrew. Follow to install Homebrew and then type the following into

brew install gcc@GCC_VERSION

If you already have installed GCC, Dynare will automatically prefer it for use_dll if the binaries are either in /opt/homebrew/bin/gcc-GCC_VERSION (arm64) or in /usr/local/bin/gcc-GCC_VERSION (x86_64). Otherwise, it will fall back to Clang in /usr/bin/clang (for both arm64 and x86_64).