#include #include #include "ModFile.hh" #include "Interface.hh" ModFile::ModFile() : expressions_tree(symbol_table, num_constants), model_tree(symbol_table, num_constants), linear(false) { } ModFile::~ModFile() { for(vector::iterator it = statements.begin(); it != statements.end(); it++) delete (*it); } void ModFile::addStatement(Statement *st) { statements.push_back(st); } void ModFile::checkPass() { model_tree.checkPass(); for(vector::iterator it = statements.begin(); it != statements.end(); it++) (*it)->checkPass(mod_file_struct); if (mod_file_struct.simul_present && mod_file_struct.stoch_simul_or_similar_present) { cerr << "Error: a mod file cannot contain both a simul command and one of {stoch_simul, estimation, olr, osr}" << endl; exit(-1); } } void ModFile::computingPass() { // Set things to compute if (mod_file_struct.simul_present) model_tree.computeJacobian = true; else { if (mod_file_struct.order_option < 1 || mod_file_struct.order_option > 3) { cerr << "Incorrect order option..." << endl; exit(-1); } model_tree.computeJacobianExo = true; if (mod_file_struct.order_option >= 2) model_tree.computeHessian = true; if (mod_file_struct.order_option == 3) model_tree.computeThirdDerivatives = true; } model_tree.computingPass(global_eval_context); for(vector::iterator it = statements.begin(); it != statements.end(); it++) (*it)->computingPass(); } void ModFile::writeOutputFiles(const string &basename, bool clear_all) const { ofstream mOutputFile; if (basename.size()) { string fname(basename); fname += interfaces::function_file_extension(); mOutputFile.open(fname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if (!mOutputFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open file " << fname << " for writing" << endl; exit(-1); } } else { cerr << "Error: Missing file name" << endl; exit(-1); } mOutputFile << interfaces::comment() << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::comment() << "Status : main Dynare file " << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::comment() << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::comment() << "Warning : this file is generated automatically by Dynare" << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::comment() << " from model file (.mod)" << endl << endl; if (clear_all) mOutputFile << "clear all" << endl; mOutputFile << "tic;" << endl; mOutputFile << "global M_ oo_ exedet_ exdet_ recur_ recurs_ " << endl; mOutputFile << "global options_ endval_" << endl; mOutputFile << "global ys0_ recurs0_ ex0_ ct_" << endl; mOutputFile << "options_ = [];" << endl; mOutputFile << "M_.fname = '" << basename << "';" << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::comment() << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::comment() << "Some global variables initialisation" << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::comment() << endl; mOutputFile << "global_initialization;" << endl; mOutputFile << "diary off;" << endl << "warning off;" << endl << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::delete_file(basename + ".log") << ";" << endl; mOutputFile << "warning on;" << endl << "warning backtrace;" << endl; mOutputFile << "logname_ = '" << basename << ".log';" << endl; mOutputFile << "diary '" << basename << ".log';" << endl; if (model_tree.mode == eDLLMode) { mOutputFile << "if "; mOutputFile << interfaces::file_exist(basename + "_static.c") << endl; mOutputFile << " clear " << basename << "_static" << endl; mOutputFile << " " << interfaces::compile(basename +"_static.c") << endl; mOutputFile << "end" << endl; mOutputFile << "if "; mOutputFile << interfaces::file_exist(basename + "_dynamic.c") << endl; mOutputFile << " clear " << basename << "_dynamic" << endl; mOutputFile << " " + interfaces::compile(basename+"_dynamic.c") << endl; mOutputFile << "end" << endl; } else { mOutputFile << "erase_compiled_function('" + basename +"_static');" << endl; mOutputFile << "erase_compiled_function('" + basename +"_dynamic');" << endl; mOutputFile << interfaces::load_model_function_files(basename); } symbol_table.writeOutput(mOutputFile); if (linear == 1) mOutputFile << "options_.linear = 1;" << endl; model_tree.writeOutput(mOutputFile); cout << "Processing outputs ..." << endl; model_tree.writeStaticFile(basename); model_tree.writeDynamicFile(basename); // Print statements for(vector::const_iterator it = statements.begin(); it != statements.end(); it++) (*it)->writeOutput(mOutputFile, basename); mOutputFile << "save('" << basename << "_results', 'oo_');" << endl; mOutputFile << "diary off" << endl; mOutputFile << endl << "disp(['Total computing time : ' sec2hms(round(toc)) ]);" << endl; mOutputFile.close(); }