/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "ConfigFile.hh" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; Hook::Hook(string &global_init_file_arg) { if (global_init_file_arg.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: The Hook must have a Global Initialization File argument." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } hooks["global_init_file"] = global_init_file_arg; } Path::Path(vector &includepath_arg) { if (includepath_arg.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: The Path must have an Include argument." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } paths["include"] = includepath_arg; } SlaveNode::SlaveNode(string &computerName_arg, string port_arg, int minCpuNbr_arg, int maxCpuNbr_arg, string &userName_arg, string &password_arg, string &remoteDrive_arg, string &remoteDirectory_arg, string &dynarePath_arg, string &matlabOctavePath_arg, bool singleCompThread_arg, string &operatingSystem_arg) : computerName(computerName_arg), port(port_arg), minCpuNbr(minCpuNbr_arg), maxCpuNbr(maxCpuNbr_arg), userName(userName_arg), password(password_arg), remoteDrive(remoteDrive_arg), remoteDirectory(remoteDirectory_arg), dynarePath(dynarePath_arg), matlabOctavePath(matlabOctavePath_arg), singleCompThread(singleCompThread_arg), operatingSystem(operatingSystem_arg) { if (computerName.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: The node must have a ComputerName." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!operatingSystem.empty()) if (operatingSystem.compare("windows") != 0 && operatingSystem.compare("unix") != 0) { cerr << "ERROR: The OperatingSystem must be either 'unix' or 'windows' (Case Sensitive)." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Cluster::Cluster(member_nodes_t member_nodes_arg) : member_nodes(member_nodes_arg) { if (member_nodes.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: The cluster must have at least one member node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } ConfigFile::ConfigFile(bool parallel_arg, bool parallel_test_arg, bool parallel_slave_open_mode_arg, const string &cluster_name_arg) : parallel(parallel_arg), parallel_test(parallel_test_arg), parallel_slave_open_mode(parallel_slave_open_mode_arg), cluster_name(cluster_name_arg) { } ConfigFile::~ConfigFile() { } void ConfigFile::getConfigFileInfo(const string &config_file) { using namespace boost; ifstream *configFile; if (config_file.empty()) { string defaultConfigFile (""); // Test OS and try to open default file #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) if (getenv("APPDATA") == NULL) { if (parallel || parallel_test) cerr << "ERROR: "; else cerr << "WARNING: "; cerr << "APPDATA environment variable not found." << endl; if (parallel || parallel_test) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { defaultConfigFile += getenv("APPDATA"); defaultConfigFile += "\\dynare.ini"; } #else if (getenv("HOME") == NULL) { if (parallel || parallel_test) cerr << "ERROR: "; else cerr << "WARNING: "; cerr << "HOME environment variable not found." << endl; if (parallel || parallel_test) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { defaultConfigFile += getenv("HOME"); defaultConfigFile += "/.dynare"; } #endif configFile = new ifstream(defaultConfigFile.c_str(), fstream::in); if (!configFile->is_open()) if (parallel || parallel_test) { cerr << "ERROR: Could not open the default config file (" << defaultConfigFile << ")" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else return; } else { configFile = new ifstream(config_file.c_str(), fstream::in); if (!configFile->is_open()) { cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't open file " << config_file << endl;; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } string name, computerName, port, userName, password, remoteDrive, remoteDirectory, dynarePath, matlabOctavePath, operatingSystem, global_init_file; vector includepath; int minCpuNbr = 0, maxCpuNbr = 0; bool singleCompThread = true; member_nodes_t member_nodes; bool inHooks = false; bool inNode = false; bool inCluster = false; bool inPaths = false; while (configFile->good()) { string line; getline(*configFile, line); trim(line); if (line.empty() || !line.compare(0, 1, "#")) continue; if (!line.compare("[node]") || !line.compare("[cluster]") || !line.compare("[hooks]") || !line.compare("[paths]")) { if (!global_init_file.empty()) // we were just in [hooks] addHooksConfFileElement(global_init_file); else if (!includepath.empty()) // we were just in [paths] addPathsConfFileElement(includepath); else // we were just in [node] or [cluster] addParallelConfFileElement(inNode, inCluster, member_nodes, name, computerName, port, minCpuNbr, maxCpuNbr, userName, password, remoteDrive, remoteDirectory, dynarePath, matlabOctavePath, singleCompThread, operatingSystem); //! Reset communication vars / option defaults if (!line.compare("[hooks]")) { inHooks = true; inNode = false; inCluster = false; inPaths = false; } else if (!line.compare("[node]")) { inHooks = false; inNode = true; inCluster = false; inPaths = false; } else if (!line.compare("[paths]")) { inHooks = false; inNode = false; inCluster = false; inPaths = true; } else { inHooks = false; inNode = false; inCluster = true; inPaths = false; } name = userName = computerName = port = password = remoteDrive = remoteDirectory = dynarePath = matlabOctavePath = operatingSystem = global_init_file = ""; includepath.clear(); minCpuNbr = maxCpuNbr = 0; singleCompThread = true; member_nodes.clear(); } else { vector tokenizedLine; split(tokenizedLine, line, is_any_of("=")); if (tokenizedLine.size() != 2) { cerr << "ERROR (in config file): Options should be formatted as 'option = value'." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } trim(tokenizedLine.front()); trim(tokenizedLine.back()); if (inHooks) if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("GlobalInitFile")) if (global_init_file.empty()) global_init_file = tokenizedLine.back(); else { cerr << "ERROR: May not have more than one GlobalInitFile option in [hooks] block." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { cerr << "ERROR: Unrecognized option " << tokenizedLine.front() << " in [hooks] block." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (inPaths) if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("Include")) if (includepath.empty()) { vector tokenizedPath; split(tokenizedPath, tokenizedLine.back(), is_any_of(":"), token_compress_on); for (vector::iterator it = tokenizedPath.begin(); it != tokenizedPath.end(); it++ ) if (!it->empty()) { trim(*it); includepath.push_back(*it); } } else { cerr << "ERROR: May not have more than one Include option in [paths] block." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { cerr << "ERROR: Unrecognized option " << tokenizedLine.front() << " in [paths] block." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("Name")) name = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("CPUnbr")) { vector tokenizedCpuNbr; split(tokenizedCpuNbr, tokenizedLine.back(), is_any_of(":")); try { if (tokenizedCpuNbr.size() == 1) { minCpuNbr = 1; maxCpuNbr = lexical_cast< int >(tokenizedCpuNbr.front()); } else if (tokenizedCpuNbr.size() == 2 && tokenizedCpuNbr[0].at(0) == '[' && tokenizedCpuNbr[1].at(tokenizedCpuNbr[1].size()-1) == ']') { tokenizedCpuNbr[0].erase(0, 1); tokenizedCpuNbr[1].erase(tokenizedCpuNbr[1].size()-1, 1); minCpuNbr = lexical_cast< int >(tokenizedCpuNbr[0]); maxCpuNbr = lexical_cast< int >(tokenizedCpuNbr[1]); } } catch (const bad_lexical_cast &) { cerr << "ERROR: Could not convert value to integer for CPUnbr." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (minCpuNbr <= 0 || maxCpuNbr <= 0) { cerr << "ERROR: Syntax for the CPUnbr option is as follows:" << endl << " 1) CPUnbr = " << endl << " or 2) CPUnbr = [:]" << endl << " where is an Integer > 0." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } minCpuNbr--; maxCpuNbr--; if (minCpuNbr > maxCpuNbr) { int tmp = maxCpuNbr; maxCpuNbr = minCpuNbr; minCpuNbr = tmp; } } else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("Port")) port = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("ComputerName")) computerName = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("UserName")) userName = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("Password")) password = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("RemoteDrive")) remoteDrive = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("RemoteDirectory")) remoteDirectory = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("DynarePath")) dynarePath = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("MatlabOctavePath")) matlabOctavePath = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("SingleCompThread")) if (tokenizedLine.back().compare("true") == 0) singleCompThread = true; else if (tokenizedLine.back().compare("false") == 0) singleCompThread = false; else { cerr << "ERROR (in config file): The value passed to SingleCompThread may only be 'true' or 'false'." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("OperatingSystem")) operatingSystem = tokenizedLine.back(); else if (!tokenizedLine.front().compare("Members")) { char_separator sep(" ,;", "()", drop_empty_tokens); tokenizer > tokens(tokenizedLine.back(), sep); bool begin_weight = false; string node_name; for (tokenizer >::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); it++) { string token (*it); if (token.compare("(") == 0) { begin_weight = true; continue; } else if (token.compare(")") == 0) { node_name.clear(); begin_weight = false; continue; } if (!begin_weight) { if (!node_name.empty()) if (member_nodes.find(node_name) != member_nodes.end()) { cerr << "ERROR (in config file): Node entered twice in specification of cluster." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else member_nodes[node_name] = 1.0; node_name = token; } else try { double weight = lexical_cast(token.c_str()); if (weight <= 0) { cerr << "ERROR (in config file): Misspecification of weights passed to Members option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } member_nodes[node_name] = weight; } catch (bad_lexical_cast &) { cerr << "ERROR (in config file): Misspecification of weights passed to Members option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (!node_name.empty()) if (member_nodes.find(node_name) == member_nodes.end()) member_nodes[node_name] = 1.0; else { cerr << "ERROR (in config file): Node entered twice in specification of cluster." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { cerr << "ERROR (in config file): Option " << tokenizedLine.front() << " is invalid." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } if (!global_init_file.empty()) addHooksConfFileElement(global_init_file); else if (!includepath.empty()) addPathsConfFileElement(includepath); else addParallelConfFileElement(inNode, inCluster, member_nodes, name, computerName, port, minCpuNbr, maxCpuNbr, userName, password, remoteDrive, remoteDirectory, dynarePath, matlabOctavePath, singleCompThread, operatingSystem); configFile->close(); delete configFile; } void ConfigFile::addHooksConfFileElement(string &global_init_file) { if (global_init_file.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: The global initialization file must be passed to the GlobalInitFile option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else hooks.push_back(new Hook(global_init_file)); } void ConfigFile::addPathsConfFileElement(vector &includepath) { if (includepath.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: The path to be included must be passed to the Include option." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else paths.push_back(new Path(includepath)); } void ConfigFile::addParallelConfFileElement(bool inNode, bool inCluster, member_nodes_t member_nodes, string &name, string &computerName, string port, int minCpuNbr, int maxCpuNbr, string &userName, string &password, string &remoteDrive, string &remoteDirectory, string &dynarePath, string &matlabOctavePath, bool singleCompThread, string &operatingSystem) { //! ADD NODE if (inNode) if (!member_nodes.empty()) { cerr << "Invalid option passed to [node]." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (name.empty() || slave_nodes.find(name) != slave_nodes.end()) { cerr << "ERROR: Every node must be assigned a unique name." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else slave_nodes[name] = new SlaveNode(computerName, port, minCpuNbr, maxCpuNbr, userName, password, remoteDrive, remoteDirectory, dynarePath, matlabOctavePath, singleCompThread, operatingSystem); //! ADD CLUSTER else if (inCluster) if (minCpuNbr > 0 || maxCpuNbr > 0 || !userName.empty() || !password.empty() || !remoteDrive.empty() || !remoteDirectory.empty() || !dynarePath.empty() || !matlabOctavePath.empty() || !operatingSystem.empty()) { cerr << "Invalid option passed to [cluster]." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (name.empty() || clusters.find(name) != clusters.end()) { cerr << "ERROR: The cluster must be assigned a unique name." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { if (clusters.empty()) firstClusterName = name; clusters[name] = new Cluster(member_nodes); } } void ConfigFile::checkPass(WarningConsolidation &warnings) const { bool global_init_file_declared = false; for (vector::const_iterator it = hooks.begin() ; it != hooks.end(); it++) { const map hookmap = (*it)->get_hooks(); for (map ::const_iterator mapit = hookmap.begin() ; mapit != hookmap.end(); mapit++) if (mapit->first.compare("global_init_file") == 0) if (global_init_file_declared == true) { cerr << "ERROR: Only one global initialization file may be provided." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else global_init_file_declared = true; } if (!parallel && !parallel_test) return; //! Check Slave Nodes if (slave_nodes.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: At least one node must be defined in the config file." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (map::const_iterator it = slave_nodes.begin(); it != slave_nodes.end(); it++) { #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN32__) //For Linux/Mac, check that cpuNbr starts at 0 if (it->second->minCpuNbr != 0) warnings << "WARNING: On Unix-based operating systems, you cannot specify the CPU that is " << "used in parallel processing. This will be adjusted for you such that the " << "same number of CPUs are used." << endl; #endif if (!it->second->port.empty()) try { boost::lexical_cast< int >(it->second->port); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the port must be an integer." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!it->second->computerName.compare("localhost")) // We are working locally { if (!it->second->remoteDrive.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the RemoteDrive option may not be passed for a local node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!it->second->remoteDirectory.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the RemoteDirectory option may not be passed for a local node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { if (it->second->userName.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the UserName option must be passed for every remote node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (it->second->operatingSystem.compare("windows") == 0) { if (it->second->password.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the Password option must be passed under Windows for every remote node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (it->second->remoteDrive.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the RemoteDrive option must be passed under Windows for every remote node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) if (it->second->operatingSystem.empty()) { if (it->second->password.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the Password option must be passed under Windows for every remote node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (it->second->remoteDrive.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the RemoteDrive option must be passed under Windows for every remote node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } #endif if (it->second->remoteDirectory.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR (node " << it->first << "): the RemoteDirectory must be specified for every remote node." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } //! Check Clusters if (clusters.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR: At least one cluster must be defined in the config file." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!cluster_name.empty() && clusters.find(cluster_name) == clusters.end()) { cerr << "ERROR: Cluster Name " << cluster_name << " was not found in the config file." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (map::const_iterator it = clusters.begin(); it != clusters.end(); it++) for (member_nodes_t::const_iterator itmn = it->second->member_nodes.begin(); itmn != it->second->member_nodes.end(); itmn++) if (slave_nodes.find(itmn->first) == slave_nodes.end()) { cerr << "Error: node " << itmn->first << " specified in cluster " << it->first << " was not found" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void ConfigFile::transformPass() { if (!parallel && !parallel_test) return; #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN32__) //For Linux/Mac, check that cpuNbr starts at 0 for (map::const_iterator it = slave_nodes.begin(); it != slave_nodes.end(); it++) if (it->second->minCpuNbr != 0) { it->second->maxCpuNbr = it->second->maxCpuNbr - it->second->minCpuNbr; it->second->minCpuNbr = 0; } #endif map::const_iterator cluster_it; if (cluster_name.empty()) cluster_it = clusters.find(firstClusterName); else cluster_it = clusters.find(cluster_name); double weight_denominator = 0.0; for (member_nodes_t::const_iterator it = cluster_it->second->member_nodes.begin(); it != cluster_it->second->member_nodes.end(); it++) weight_denominator += it->second; for (member_nodes_t::iterator it = cluster_it->second->member_nodes.begin(); it != cluster_it->second->member_nodes.end(); it++) it->second /= weight_denominator; } vector ConfigFile::getIncludePaths() const { vector include_paths; for (vector::const_iterator it = paths.begin() ; it != paths.end(); it++) { map > pathmap = (*it)->get_paths(); for (map >::const_iterator mapit = pathmap.begin() ; mapit != pathmap.end(); mapit++) for (vector::const_iterator vecit = mapit->second.begin(); vecit != mapit->second.end(); vecit++) include_paths.push_back(*vecit); } return include_paths; } void ConfigFile::writeHooks(ostream &output) const { for (vector::const_iterator it = hooks.begin() ; it != hooks.end(); it++) { map hookmap = (*it)->get_hooks(); for (map ::const_iterator mapit = hookmap.begin() ; mapit != hookmap.end(); mapit++) output << "options_." << mapit->first << " = '" << mapit->second << "';" << endl; } } void ConfigFile::writeCluster(ostream &output) const { if (!parallel && !parallel_test) return; map::const_iterator cluster_it; if (cluster_name.empty()) cluster_it = clusters.find(firstClusterName); else cluster_it = clusters.find(cluster_name); int i = 1; for (map::const_iterator it = slave_nodes.begin(); it != slave_nodes.end(); it++) { bool slave_node_in_member_nodes = false; for (member_nodes_t::const_iterator itmn = cluster_it->second->member_nodes.begin(); itmn != cluster_it->second->member_nodes.end(); itmn++) if (!it->first.compare(itmn->first)) slave_node_in_member_nodes = true; if (!slave_node_in_member_nodes) continue; output << "options_.parallel"; if (i > 1) output << "(" << i << ")"; i++; output << " = struct('Local', "; if (it->second->computerName.compare("localhost")) output << "0, "; else output << "1, "; output << "'ComputerName', '" << it->second->computerName << "', " << "'Port', '" << it->second->port << "', " << "'CPUnbr', [" << it->second->minCpuNbr << ":" << it->second->maxCpuNbr << "], " << "'UserName', '" << it->second->userName << "', " << "'Password', '" << it->second->password << "', " << "'RemoteDrive', '" << it->second->remoteDrive << "', " << "'RemoteDirectory', '" << it->second->remoteDirectory << "', " << "'DynarePath', '" << it->second->dynarePath << "', " << "'MatlabOctavePath', '" << it->second->matlabOctavePath << "', " << "'OperatingSystem', '" << it->second->operatingSystem << "', " << "'NodeWeight', '" << (cluster_it->second->member_nodes.find(it->first))->second << "', "; if (it->second->singleCompThread) output << "'SingleCompThread', 'true');" << endl; else output << "'SingleCompThread', 'false');" << endl; } if (parallel_slave_open_mode) output << "options_.parallel_info.leaveSlaveOpen = 1;" << endl; output << "InitializeComputationalEnvironment();" << endl; if (parallel_test) output << "ErrorCode = AnalyseComputationalEnvironment(options_.parallel, options_.parallel_info);" << endl << "disp(['AnalyseComputationalEnvironment returned with Error Code: ' num2str(ErrorCode)]);" << endl << "diary off;" << endl << "return;" << endl; } void ConfigFile::writeEndParallel(ostream &output) const { if ((!parallel && !parallel_test) || !parallel_slave_open_mode) return; output << "if options_.parallel_info.leaveSlaveOpen == 1" << endl << " closeSlave(options_.parallel,options_.parallel_info.RemoteTmpFolder);" << endl << "end" << endl; }