function y=PCL_Part_info_irf( H, varobs, ivar, M_, dr, irfpers,ii) % sets up parameters and calls part-info kalman filter % developed by G Perendia, July 2006 for implementation from notes by Prof. Joe Pearlman to % suit partial information RE solution in accordance with, and based on, the % Pearlman, Currie and Levine 1986 solution. % 22/10/06 - Version 2 for new Riccati with 4 params instead 5 % Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Recall that the state space is given by the % predetermined variables s(t-1), x(t-1) % and the jump variables x(t). % The jump variables have dimension NETA [junk,OBS] = ismember(varobs,M_.endo_names,'rows'); NOBS = length(OBS); G1=dr.PI_ghx; impact=dr.PI_ghu; nmat=dr.PI_nmat; CC=dr.PI_CC; NX=M_.exo_nbr; % no of exogenous varexo shock variables. FL_RANK=dr.PI_FL_RANK; NY=M_.endo_nbr; LL = sparse(1:NOBS,OBS,ones(NOBS,1),NY,NY); ss=size(G1,1); pd=ss-size(nmat,1); SDX=M_.Sigma_e^0.5; % =SD,not V-COV, of Exog shocks or M_.Sigma_e^0.5 num_exog x num_exog matrix if isempty(H) H=M_.H; end VV=H; % V-COV of observation errors. MM=impact*SDX; % R*(Q^0.5) in standard KF notation % observation vector indices % mapping to endogenous variables. L1=LL*dr.PI_TT1; L2=LL*dr.PI_TT2; MM1=MM(1:ss-FL_RANK,:); U11=MM1*MM1'; % SDX U22=0; % determine K1 and K2 observation mapping matrices % This uses the fact that measurements are given by L1*s(t)+L2*x(t) % and s(t) is expressed in the dynamics as % H1*eps(t)+G11*s(t-1)+G12*x(t-1)+G13*x(t). % Thus the observations o(t) can be written in the form % o(t)=K1*[eps(t)' s(t-1)' x(t-1)']' + K2*x(t) where % K1=[L1*H1 L1*G11 L1*G12] K2=L1*G13+L2 G12=G1(NX+1:ss-2*FL_RANK,:); KK1=L1*G12; K1=KK1(:,1:ss-FL_RANK); K2=KK1(:,ss-FL_RANK+1:ss)+L2; %pre calculate time-invariant factors A11=G1(1:pd,1:pd); A22=G1(pd+1:end, pd+1:end); A12=G1(1:pd, pd+1:end); A21=G1(pd+1:end,1:pd); Lambda= nmat*A12+A22; I_L=inv(Lambda); BB=A12*inv(A22); FF=K2*inv(A22); QQ=BB*U22*BB' + U11; UFT=U22*FF'; AA=A11-BB*A21; CCCC=A11-A12*nmat; % F in new notation DD=K1-FF*A21; % H in new notation EE=K1-K2*nmat; RR=FF*UFT+VV; if ~any(RR) % if zero add some dummy measurement err. variance-covariances % with diagonals 0.000001. This would not be needed if we used % the slow solver, or the generalised eigenvalue approach, % but these are both slower. RR=eye(size(RR,1))*1.0e-6; end SS=BB*UFT; VKLUFT=VV+K2*I_L*UFT; ALUFT=A12*I_L*UFT; FULKV=FF*U22*I_L'*K2'+VV; FUBT=FF*U22*BB'; nmat=nmat; % initialise pshat AQDS=AA*QQ*DD'+SS; DQDR=DD*QQ*DD'+RR; I_DQDR=inv(DQDR); AQDQ=AQDS*I_DQDR; ff=AA-AQDQ*DD; hh=AA*QQ*AA'-AQDQ*AQDS';%*(DD*QQ*AA'+SS'); rr=DD*QQ*DD'+RR; ZSIG0=disc_riccati_fast(ff,DD,rr,hh); PP=ZSIG0 +QQ; exo_names=M_.exo_names(M_.exo_names_orig_ord,:); DPDR=DD*PP*DD'+RR; I_DPDR=inv(DPDR); PDIDPDRD=PP*DD'*I_DPDR*DD; GG=[CCCC (AA-CCCC)*(eye(ss-FL_RANK)-PDIDPDRD); zeros(ss-FL_RANK) AA*(eye(ss-FL_RANK)-PDIDPDRD)]; imp=[impact(1:ss-FL_RANK,:); impact(1:ss-FL_RANK,:)]; % Calculate IRFs of observable series I_PD=(eye(ss-FL_RANK)-PDIDPDRD); LL0=[ EE (DD-EE)*I_PD]; VV = [ dr.PI_TT1 dr.PI_TT2]; stderr=diag(M_.Sigma_e^0.5); irfmat=zeros(size(dr.PI_TT1 ,1),irfpers+1); irfst=zeros(size(GG,1),irfpers+1); irfst(:,1)=stderr(ii)*imp(:,ii); for jj=2:irfpers+1; irfst(:,jj)=GG*irfst(:,jj-1); irfmat(:,jj-1)=VV*irfst(NX+1:ss-FL_RANK,jj); end y = irfmat(:,1:irfpers); save ([M_.fname '_PCL_PtInfoIRFs_' num2str(ii) '_' deblank(exo_names(ii,:))], 'irfmat','irfst');