function [o,count,SSQ] = sumskipnan(x, DIM, W) % SUMSKIPNAN adds all non-NaN values. % % All NaN's are skipped; NaN's are considered as missing values. % SUMSKIPNAN of NaN's only gives O; and the number of valid elements is return. % SUMSKIPNAN is also the elementary function for calculating % various statistics (e.g. MEAN, STD, VAR, RMS, MEANSQ, SKEWNESS, % KURTOSIS, MOMENT, STATISTIC etc.) from data with missing values. % SUMSKIPNAN implements the DIMENSION-argument for data with missing values. % Also the second output argument return the number of valid elements (not NaNs) % % Y = sumskipnan(x [,DIM]) % [Y,N,SSQ] = sumskipnan(x [,DIM]) % [...] = sumskipnan(x, DIM, W) % % x input data % DIM dimension (default: []) % empty DIM sets DIM to first non singleton dimension % W weight vector for weighted sum, numel(W) must fit size(x,DIM) % Y resulting sum % N number of valid (not missing) elements % SSQ sum of squares % % the function FLAG_NANS_OCCURED() returns whether any value in x % is a not-a-number (NaN) % % features: % - can deal with NaN's (missing values) % - implements dimension argument. % - computes weighted sum % - compatible with Matlab and Octave % % see also: FLAG_NANS_OCCURED, SUM, NANSUM, MEAN, STD, VAR, RMS, MEANSQ, % SSQ, MOMENT, SKEWNESS, KURTOSIS, SEM % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; If not, see . % $Id: sumskipnan.m 9033 2011-11-08 20:58:07Z schloegl $ % Copyright (C) 2000-2005,2009,2011 by Alois Schloegl % Copyright (C) 2014 Dynare Team % This function is part of the NaN-toolbox % global FLAG_NANS_OCCURED; if nargin<2 DIM = []; end if nargin<3 W = []; end % an efficient implementation in C of the following lines % could significantly increase performance % only one loop and only one check for isnan is needed % An MEX-Implementation is available in sumskipnan.cpp % % Outline of the algorithm: % for { k=1,o=0,count=0; k++; k1,1); if isempty(DIM), DIM = 1; end end if (DIM<1), DIM = 1; end %% Hack, because min([])=0 for FreeMat v3.5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % non-float data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (isempty(W) && (~(isa(x,'float') || isa(x,'double')))) || ~flag_implicit_skip_nan() %%% skip always NaN's if ~isempty(W) error('SUMSKIPNAN: weighted sum of integers not supported, yet'); end x = double(x); o = sum(x,DIM); if nargout>1 sz = size(x); N = sz(DIM); sz(DIM) = 1; count = repmat(N,sz); if nargout>2 x = x.*x; SSQ = sum(x,DIM); end end return end if (length(size(x))=3) [o,count,SSQ] = sumskipnan_mex(real(x),DIM,FLAG_NANS_OCCURED,W); if (~isreal(x)) [io,icount,iSSQ] = sumskipnan_mex(imag(x),DIM,FLAG_NANS_OCCURED,W); if any(count(:)-icount(:)) error('Number of NaNs differ for REAL and IMAG part'); else o = o+i*io; SSQ = SSQ+iSSQ; end end return end end if ~isempty(W) error('weighted sumskipnan requires sumskipnan_mex'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % count non-NaN's %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargout>1 count = sum(x==x,DIM); FLAG_NANS_OCCURED = any(count(:)2 x = real(x).^2 + imag(x).^2; SSQ = sum(x,DIM); end %!assert(sumskipnan([1,2],1),[1,2]) %!assert(sumskipnan([1,NaN],2),1) %!assert(sumskipnan([1,NaN],2),1) %!assert(sumskipnan([nan,1,4,5]),10) %!assert(sumskipnan([nan,1,4,5]',1,[3;2;1;0]),6)