function [nodes,weights] = gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes(n,a,b) % Computes the weights and nodes for a Legendre Gaussian quadrature rule. %@info: %! @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{nodes}, @var{weights} =} gauss_hermite_weights_and_nodes (@var{n}) %! @anchor{gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes} %! @sp 1 %! Computes the weights and nodes for a Legendre Gaussian quadrature rule. designed to approximate integrals %! on the finite interval (-1,1) of an unweighted smooth function. %! @sp 2 %! @strong{Inputs} %! @sp 1 %! @table @ @var %! @item n %! Positive integer scalar, number of nodes (order of approximation). %! @item a %! Double scalar, lower bound. %! @item b %! Double scalar, upper bound. %! @end table %! @sp 1 %! @strong{Outputs} %! @sp 1 %! @table @ @var %! @item nodes %! n*1 vector of doubles, the nodes (roots of an order n Legendre polynomial) %! @item weights %! n*1 vector of doubles, the associated weights. %! @end table %! @sp 2 %! @strong{Remarks:} %! Only the first input argument (the number of nodes) is mandatory. The second and third input arguments %! are used if a change of variables is necessary (ie if we need nodes over the interval [a,b] instead of %! of the default interval [-1,1]). %! @sp 2 %! @strong{This function is called by:} %! @sp 2 %! @strong{This function calls:} %! @sp 2 %! @end deftypefn %@eod: % Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % AUTHOR(S) stephane DOT adjemian AT univ DASH lemans DOT fr bb = sqrt(1./(4-(1./transpose(1:n-1)).^2)); aa = zeros(n,1); JacobiMatrix = diag(bb,1)+diag(aa)+diag(bb,-1); [JacobiEigenVectors,JacobiEigenValues] = eig(JacobiMatrix); [nodes,idx] = sort(diag(JacobiEigenValues)); JacobiEigenVector = JacobiEigenVectors(1,:); JacobiEigenVector = transpose(JacobiEigenVector(idx)); weights = 2*JacobiEigenVector.^2; if nargin==3 weights = .5*(b-a)*weights; nodes = .5*(nodes+1)*(b-a)+a; end %@test:1 %$ [n2,w2] = gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes(2); %$ [n3,w3] = gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes(3); %$ [n4,w4] = gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes(4); %$ [n5,w5] = gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes(5); %$ [n7,w7] = gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes(7); %$ %$ %$ % Expected nodes (taken from Judd (1998, table 7.2)). %$ e2 = .5773502691; e2 = [-e2; e2]; %$ e3 = .7745966692; e3 = [-e3; 0 ; e3]; %$ e4 = [.8611363115; .3399810435]; e4 = [-e4; flipud(e4)]; %$ e5 = [.9061798459; .5384693101]; e5 = [-e5; 0; flipud(e5)]; %$ e7 = [.9491079123; .7415311855; .4058451513]; e7 = [-e7; 0; flipud(e7)]; %$ %$ % Expected weights (taken from Judd (1998, table 7.2) and %$ f2 = [1; 1]; %$ f3 = [5; 8; 5]/9; %$ f4 = [18-sqrt(30); 18+sqrt(30)]; f4 = [f4; flipud(f4)]/36; %$ f5 = [322-13*sqrt(70); 322+13*sqrt(70)]/900; f5 = [f5; 128/225; flipud(f5)]; %$ f7 = [.1294849661; .2797053914; .3818300505]; f7 = [f7; .4179591836; flipud(f7)]; %$ %$ % Check the results. %$ t(1) = dassert(e2,n2,1e-9); %$ t(2) = dassert(e3,n3,1e-9); %$ t(3) = dassert(e4,n4,1e-9); %$ t(4) = dassert(e5,n5,1e-9); %$ t(5) = dassert(e7,n7,1e-9); %$ t(6) = dassert(w2,f2,1e-9); %$ t(7) = dassert(w3,f3,1e-9); %$ t(8) = dassert(w4,f4,1e-9); %$ t(9) = dassert(w5,f5,1e-9); %$ t(10) = dassert(w7,f7,1e-9); %$ T = all(t); %@eof:1 %@test:2 %$ nmax = 50; %$ %$ t = zeros(nmax,1); %$ %$ for i=1:nmax %$ [n,w] = gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes(i); %$ t(i) = dassert(sum(w),2,1e-12); %$ end %$ %$ T = all(t); %@eof:2 %@test:3 %$ [n,w] = gauss_legendre_weights_and_nodes(9,pi,2*pi); %$ % Check that the %$ t(1) = all(n>pi); %$ t(2) = all(n<2*pi); %$ t(3) = dassert(sum(w),pi,1e-12); %$ T = all(t); %@eof:3