function PosteriorIRF(type) % Builds posterior IRFs after the MH algorithm. % % INPUTS % o type [char] string specifying the joint density of the % deep parameters ('prior','posterior'). % % OUTPUTS % None (oo_ and plots). % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None % PARALLEL CONTEXT % This funtion has been parallelized in two different points. Then we have two core % functions associated with it(the _core1 and _core2). % See also the comments random_walk_metropolis_hastings.m funtion. % Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global options_ estim_params_ oo_ M_ bayestopt_ dataset_ dataset_info % Set the number of periods if isempty(options_.irf) || ~options_.irf options_.irf = 40; end % Set varlist if necessary varlist = options_.varlist; if isempty(varlist) varlist = char(options_.varobs); end options_.varlist = varlist; nvar = size(varlist,1); IndxVariables = []; for i=1:nvar idx = strmatch(deblank(varlist(i,:)),M_.endo_names,'exact'); if isempty(idx) disp(['PosteriorIRF :: ' deblank(varlist(i,:)) 'is not a declared endogenous variable!']) else IndxVariables = [IndxVariables,idx]; end end % Get index of shocks for requested IRFs irf_shocks_indx = getIrfShocksIndx(); % Set various parameters & Check or create directories nvx = estim_params_.nvx; nvn = estim_params_.nvn; ncx = estim_params_.ncx; ncn = estim_params_.ncn; np = ; npar = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+np; offset = npar-np; clear('nvx','nvn','ncx','ncn','np'); nvobs = dataset_.vobs; gend = dataset_.nobs; MaxNumberOfPlotPerFigure = 9; nn = sqrt(MaxNumberOfPlotPerFigure); MAX_nirfs_dsge = ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/(options_.irf*nvar*M_.exo_nbr)/8); MAX_nruns = ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/(npar+2)/8); if options_.dsge_var MAX_nirfs_dsgevar = ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/(options_.irf*nvobs*M_.exo_nbr)/8); else MAX_nirfs_dsgevar = 0; end DirectoryName = CheckPath('Output',M_.dname); if strcmpi(type,'posterior') MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis',M_.dname); elseif strcmpi(type,'gsa') if options_.opt_gsa.pprior MhDirectoryName = CheckPath(['GSA' filesep 'prior'],M_.dname); else MhDirectoryName = CheckPath(['GSA' filesep 'mc'],M_.dname); end else MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('prior',M_.dname); end delete([MhDirectoryName filesep M_.fname '_IRF_DSGEs*.mat']); delete([MhDirectoryName filesep M_.fname '_IRF_BVARDSGEs*.mat']); if strcmpi(type,'posterior') B = options_.sub_draws; options_.B = B; elseif strcmpi(type,'gsa') RootDirectoryName = CheckPath('gsa',M_.dname); if options_.opt_gsa.pprior load([ RootDirectoryName filesep M_.fname '_prior.mat'],'lpmat0','lpmat','istable') else load([ RootDirectoryName filesep M_.fname '_mc.mat'],'lpmat0','lpmat','istable') end x=[lpmat0(istable,:) lpmat(istable,:)]; clear lpmat istable B=size(x,1); options_.B = B; else% type = 'prior' B = options_.prior_draws; options_.B = B; end try delete([MhDirectoryName filesep M_.fname '_irf_dsge*.mat']) catch disp('No _IRFs (dsge) files to be deleted!') end try delete([MhDirectoryName filesep M_.fname '_irf_bvardsge*.mat']) catch disp('No _IRFs (bvar-dsge) files to be deleted!') end irun = 0; IRUN = 0; irun2 = 0; NumberOfIRFfiles_dsge = 1; NumberOfIRFfiles_dsgevar = 1; ifil2 = 1; % Create arrays if B <= MAX_nruns stock_param = zeros(B, npar); else stock_param = zeros(MAX_nruns, npar); end if B >= MAX_nirfs_dsge stock_irf_dsge = zeros(options_.irf,nvar,M_.exo_nbr,MAX_nirfs_dsge); else stock_irf_dsge = zeros(options_.irf,nvar,M_.exo_nbr,B); end if MAX_nirfs_dsgevar if B >= MAX_nirfs_dsgevar stock_irf_bvardsge = zeros(options_.irf,nvobs,M_.exo_nbr,MAX_nirfs_dsgevar); else stock_irf_bvardsge = zeros(options_.irf,nvobs,M_.exo_nbr,B); end NumberOfLags = options_.dsge_varlag; NumberOfLagsTimesNvobs = NumberOfLags*nvobs; if options_.noconstant NumberOfParametersPerEquation = NumberOfLagsTimesNvobs; else NumberOfParametersPerEquation = NumberOfLagsTimesNvobs+1; end Companion_matrix = diag(ones(nvobs*(NumberOfLags-1),1),-nvobs); end % First block of code executed in parallel. The function devoted to do it is PosteriorIRF_core1.m % function. b = 0; localVars=[]; % Save the local variables. localVars.IRUN = IRUN; localVars.irun = irun; localVars.irun2=irun2; localVars.npar = npar; localVars.type=type; if strcmpi(type,'posterior') while b options_.impulse_responses.plot_threshold name = deblank(varlist(j,:)); texname = deblank(varlist_TeX(j,:)); if j==1 NAMES = name; TEXNAMES = ['$' texname '$']; else NAMES = char(NAMES,name); TEXNAMES = char(TEXNAMES,['$' texname '$']); end end end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:size(TEXNAMES,1) fprintf(fidTeX,['\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n'],deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TEXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_Bayesian_IRF_%s}\n',M_.fname,deblank(tit(i,:))); if options_.relative_irf fprintf(fidTeX,['\\caption{Bayesian relative IRF.}']); else fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Bayesian IRF.}'); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:BayesianIRF:%s}\n',deblank(tit(i,:))); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end % The others file format are generated in parallel by PosteriorIRF_core2! % Comment for testing! if ~isoctave if isnumeric(options_.parallel) || (M_.exo_nbr*ceil(size(varlist,1)/MaxNumberOfPlotPerFigure))<8, [fout] = PosteriorIRF_core2(localVars,1,M_.exo_nbr,0); else isRemoteOctave = 0; for indPC=1:length(options_.parallel), isRemoteOctave = isRemoteOctave + (findstr(options_.parallel(indPC).MatlabOctavePath, 'octave')); end if isRemoteOctave [fout] = PosteriorIRF_core2(localVars,1,M_.exo_nbr,0); else globalVars = struct('M_',M_, ... 'options_', options_); [fout] = masterParallel(options_.parallel, 1, M_.exo_nbr,NamFileInput,'PosteriorIRF_core2', localVars, globalVars, options_.parallel_info); end end else [fout] = PosteriorIRF_core2(localVars,1,M_.exo_nbr,0); end % END parallel code! fprintf('Estimation::mcmc: Posterior IRFs, done!\n');