function [xparam1, hh, gg, fval, igg, hess_info] = newrat(func0, x, bounds, analytic_derivation, ftol0, nit, flagg, Verbose, Save_files, hess_info, prior_std, gradient_epsilon, parameter_names, varargin) % [xparam1, hh, gg, fval, igg, hess_info] = newrat(func0, x, bounds, analytic_derivation, ftol0, nit, flagg, Verbose, Save_files, hess_info, gradient_epsilon, parameter_names, varargin) % % Optimiser with outer product gradient and with sequences of univariate steps % uses Chris Sims subroutine for line search % % Inputs: % - func0 name of the function that also outputs the single contributions at times t=1,...,T % of the log-likelihood to compute outer product gradient % - x starting guess % - bounds prior bounds of parameters % - analytic_derivation 1 if analytic derivatives, 0 otherwise % - ftol0 termination criterion for function change % - nit maximum number of iterations % - flagg Indicator how to compute final Hessian (In each iteration, Hessian is computed with outer product gradient) % 0: final Hessian computed with outer product gradient % 1: final 'mixed' Hessian: diagonal elements computed with % numerical second order derivatives with correlation structure % as from outer product gradient % 2: full numerical Hessian % - Verbose 1 if explicit output is requested % - Save_files 1 if intermediate output is to be saved % - hess_info structure storing the step sizes for % computation of Hessian % - prior_std prior standard devation of parameters (can be NaN); % passed to mr_hessian % - gradient_epsilon [double] step size in gradient % - parameter_names [cell] names of parameters for error messages % - varargin other inputs % e.g. in dsge_likelihood and others: % varargin{1} --> DynareDataset % varargin{2} --> DatasetInfo % varargin{3} --> DynareOptions % varargin{4} --> Model % varargin{5} --> EstimatedParameters % varargin{6} --> BayesInfo % varargin{7} --> Bounds % varargin{8} --> DynareResults % % Outputs % - xparam1 parameter vector at optimum % - hh hessian % - gg gradient % - fval function value % - igg inverted outer product hessian % - hess_info structure with updated step length % Copyright © 2004-2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % initialize variable penalty penalty = 1e8; icount=0; nx=length(x); xparam1=x; %ftol0=1.e-6; htol_base = max(1.e-7, ftol0); flagit=0; % mode of computation of hessian in each iteration; hard-coded outer-product of gradients as it performed best in tests ftol=ftol0; gtol=1.e-3; htol=htol_base; htol0=htol_base; % force fcn, grad to function handle if ischar(func0) func0 = str2func(func0); end [fval0,exit_flag,gg,hh]=penalty_objective_function(x,func0,penalty,varargin{:}); if ~exit_flag disp_verbose('Bad initial parameter.',Verbose) return end fval=fval0; % initialize mr_gstep and mr_hessian outer_product_gradient=1; if isempty(hh) [dum, gg, htol0, igg, hhg, h1, hess_info]=mr_hessian(x,func0,penalty,flagit,htol,hess_info,bounds,prior_std,Save_files,varargin{:}); if isempty(dum) outer_product_gradient=0; igg = 1e-4*eye(nx); else hh0 = reshape(dum,nx,nx); hh=hhg; if min(eig(hh0))<0 hh0=hhg; %generalized_cholesky(hh0); elseif flagit==2 hh=hh0; igg=inv(hh); end end if max(htol0)>htol skipline() disp_verbose('Numerical noise in the likelihood',Verbose) disp_verbose('Tolerance has to be relaxed',Verbose) skipline() end else hh0=hh; hhg=hh; igg=inv(hh); h1=[]; end H = igg; if Verbose disp_eigenvalues_gradient(gg,hh); end g=gg; check=0; if Verbose if max(eig(hh))<0 disp('Negative definite Hessian! Local maximum!') pause end end if Save_files save('m1.mat','x','hh','g','hhg','igg','fval0') end igrad=1; inx=eye(nx); jit=0; if Save_files nig=[]; end ig=ones(nx,1); ggx=zeros(nx,1); while norm(gg)>gtol && check==0 && jit1 disp_verbose('Gradient step!!',Verbose) else igrad=0; end fval=fval1; x0=x01; end ig_pos=find(ig); if length(ig_pos)=ftol disp_verbose('Diagonal Hessian successful',Verbose) end fval=fval2; end if (fval0(icount)-fval)=ftol disp_verbose('Gradient direction successful',Verbose) end fval=fval3; end xparam1=x0; x(:,icount+1)=xparam1; fval0(icount+1)=fval; if (fval0(icount)-fval)0 [dum, gg, htol0, igg, hhg, h1, hess_info]=mr_hessian(xparam1,func0,penalty,flagg,ftol0,hess_info,bounds,prior_std,Save_files,varargin{:}); if flagg==2 hh = reshape(dum,nx,nx); ee=eig(hh); if min(ee)<0 hh=hhg; end else hh=hhg; end end end if Verbose disp(['Actual dxnorm ',num2str(norm(x(:,end)-x(:,end-1)))]) disp(['FVAL ',num2str(fval)]) disp(['Improvement ',num2str(fval0(icount)-fval)]) disp(['Ftol ',num2str(ftol)]) disp(['Htol ',num2str(max(htol0))]) disp_eigenvalues_gradient(gg,hh); end g(:,icount+1)=gg; else df = fval0(icount)-fval; disp_verbose(['Actual dxnorm ',num2str(norm(x(:,end)-x(:,end-1)))],Verbose) disp_verbose(['FVAL ',num2str(fval)],Verbose) disp_verbose(['Improvement ',num2str(df)],Verbose) disp_verbose(['Ftol ',num2str(ftol)],Verbose) disp_verbose(['Htol ',num2str(max(htol0))],Verbose) htol=htol_base; if norm(x(:,icount)-xparam1)>1.e-12 && analytic_derivation==0 try if Save_files save('m1.mat','x','fval0','nig','-append') end catch if Save_files save('m1.mat','x','fval0','nig') end end [dum, gg, htol0, igg, hhg, h1, hess_info]=mr_hessian(xparam1,func0,penalty,flagit,htol,hess_info,bounds,prior_std,Save_files,varargin{:}); if isempty(dum) outer_product_gradient=0; end if max(htol0)>htol skipline() disp_verbose('Numerical noise in the likelihood',Verbose) disp_verbose('Tolerance has to be relaxed',Verbose) skipline() end if ~outer_product_gradient H = bfgsi1(H,gg-g(:,icount),xparam1-x(:,icount),Verbose,Save_files); hh=inv(H); hhg=hh; else hh0 = reshape(dum,nx,nx); hh=hhg; if flagit==2 if min(eig(hh0))<=0 hh0=hhg; %generalized_cholesky(hh0); else hh=hh0; igg=inv(hh); end end H = igg; end elseif analytic_derivation [~,~,gg,hh]=penalty_objective_function(xparam1,func0,penalty,varargin{:}); hhg=hh; H = inv(hh); end if Verbose if max(eig(hh))<0 disp('Negative definite Hessian! Local maximum!') pause(1) end end t=toc(tic1); disp_verbose(['Elapsed time for iteration ',num2str(t),' s.'],Verbose) g(:,icount+1)=gg; if Save_files save('m1.mat','x','hh','g','hhg','igg','fval0','nig','H') end end end if Save_files save('m1.mat','x','hh','g','hhg','igg','fval0','nig') end if ftol>ftol0 skipline() disp_verbose('Numerical noise in the likelihood',Verbose) disp_verbose('Tolerance had to be relaxed',Verbose) skipline() end if jit==nit skipline() disp_verbose('Maximum number of iterations reached',Verbose) skipline() end if norm(gg)<=gtol disp_verbose(['Estimation ended:'],Verbose) disp_verbose(['Gradient norm < ', num2str(gtol)],Verbose) end if check==1 disp_verbose(['Estimation successful.'],Verbose) end return function x = check_bounds(x,bounds) inx = find(x>=bounds(:,2)); if ~isempty(inx) x(inx) = bounds(inx,2)-eps; end inx = find(x<=bounds(:,1)); if ~isempty(inx) x(inx) = bounds(inx,1)+eps; end function ee=disp_eigenvalues_gradient(gg,hh) disp(['Gradient norm ',num2str(norm(gg))]) ee=eig(hh); disp(['Minimum Hessian eigenvalue ',num2str(min(ee))]) disp(['Maximum Hessian eigenvalue ',num2str(max(ee))])