classdef dprior properties p6 = []; % Prior first hyperparameter. p7 = []; % Prior second hyperparameter. p3 = []; % Lower bound of the prior support. p4 = []; % Upper bound of the prior support. lb = []; % Truncated prior lower bound. ub = []; % Truncated prior upper bound. uniform_index = []; % Index for the uniform priors. gaussian_index = []; % Index for the gaussian priors. gamma_index = []; % Index for the gamma priors. beta_index = []; % Index for the beta priors. inverse_gamma_1_index = []; % Index for the inverse gamma type 1 priors. inverse_gamma_2_index = []; % Index for the inverse gamma type 2 priors. weibull_index = []; % Index for the weibull priors. uniform_draws = false; gaussian_draws = false; gamma_draws = false; beta_draws = false; inverse_gamma_1_draws = false; inverse_gamma_2_draws = false; weibull_draws = false; end methods function o = dprior(BayesInfo, PriorTrunc, Uniform) % Class constructor. % % INPUTS % - BayesInfo [struct] Informations about the prior distribution, aka bayestopt_. % - PriorTrunc [double] scalar, probability mass to be excluded, aka options_.prior_trunc % - Uniform [logical] scalar, produce uniform random deviates on the prior support. % % OUTPUTS % - o [dprior] scalar, prior object. % % REQUIREMENTS % None. o.p6 = BayesInfo.p6; o.p7 = BayesInfo.p7; o.p3 = BayesInfo.p3; o.p4 = BayesInfo.p4; bounds = prior_bounds(BayesInfo, PriorTrunc); =; o.ub = bounds.ub; if nargin>2 && Uniform prior_shape = repmat(5, length(o.p6), 1); else prior_shape = BayesInfo.pshape; end o.beta_index = find(prior_shape==1); if ~isempty(o.beta_index) o.beta_draws = true; end o.gamma_index = find(prior_shape==2); if ~isempty(o.gamma_index) o.gamma_draws = true; end o.gaussian_index = find(prior_shape==3); if ~isempty(o.gaussian_index) o.gaussian_draws = true; end o.inverse_gamma_1_index = find(prior_shape==4); if ~isempty(o.inverse_gamma_1_index) o.inverse_gamma_1_draws = true; end o.uniform_index = find(prior_shape==5); if ~isempty(o.uniform_index) o.uniform_draws = true; end o.inverse_gamma_2_index = find(prior_shape==6); if ~isempty(o.inverse_gamma_2_index) o.inverse_gamma_2_draws = true; end o.weibull_index = find(prior_shape==8); if ~isempty(o.weibull_index) o.weibull_draws = true; end end function p = draw(o) % Return a random draw from the prior distribution. % % INPUTS % - o [dprior] % % OUTPUTS % - p [double] m×1 vector, random draw from the prior distribution (m is the number of estimated parameters). % % REMARKS % None. % % EXAMPLE % % >> Prior = dprior(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); % >> d = Prior.draw() p = NaN(rows(, 1); if o.uniform_draws p(o.uniform_index) = rand(length(o.uniform_index),1).*(o.p4(o.uniform_index)-o.p3(o.uniform_index)) + o.p3(o.uniform_index); out_of_bound = find( (p(o.uniform_index)>o.ub(o.uniform_index)) | (p(o.uniform_index)o.ub(o.uniform_index)) | (p(o.uniform_index)o.ub(o.gaussian_index)) | (p(o.gaussian_index)o.ub(o.gaussian_index)) | (p(o.gaussian_index)o.ub(o.gamma_index)) | (p(o.gamma_index)o.ub(o.gamma_index)) | (p(o.gamma_index)o.ub(o.beta_index)) | (p(o.beta_index)o.ub(o.beta_index)) | (p(o.beta_index)o.ub(o.inverse_gamma_1_index)) | (p(o.inverse_gamma_1_index)o.ub(o.inverse_gamma_1_index)) | (p(o.inverse_gamma_1_index)o.ub(o.inverse_gamma_2_index)) | (p(o.inverse_gamma_2_index)o.ub(o.inverse_gamma_2_index)) | (p(o.inverse_gamma_2_index)o.ub(o.weibull_index)) | (p(o.weibull_index)o.ub(o.weibull_index)) | (p(o.weibull_index)> Prior = dprior(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); % >> Prior.draws(1e6) P = NaN(rows(, 1); parfor i=1:n P(:,i) = draw(o); end end end % methods end % classdef --*-- Unit tests --*-- %@test:1 %$ % Fill global structures with required fields... %$ prior_trunc = 1e-10; %$ p0 = repmat([1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8], 2, 1); % Prior shape %$ p1 = .4*ones(14,1); % Prior mean %$ p2 = .2*ones(14,1); % Prior std. %$ p3 = NaN(14,1); %$ p4 = NaN(14,1); %$ p5 = NaN(14,1); %$ p6 = NaN(14,1); %$ p7 = NaN(14,1); %$ %$ for i=1:14 %$ switch p0(i) %$ case 1 %$ % Beta distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = 1; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = beta_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i), p4(i)); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 1); %$ case 2 %$ % Gamma distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = gamma_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i), p4(i)); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 2); %$ case 3 %$ % Normal distribution %$ p3(i) = -Inf; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ p6(i) = p1(i); %$ p7(i) = p2(i); %$ p5(i) = p1(i); %$ case 4 %$ % Inverse Gamma (type I) distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = inverse_gamma_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i), 1, false); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 4); %$ case 5 %$ % Uniform distribution %$ [p1(i), p2(i), p6(i), p7(i)] = uniform_specification(p1(i), p2(i), p3(i), p4(i)); %$ p3(i) = p6(i); %$ p4(i) = p7(i); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 5); %$ case 6 %$ % Inverse Gamma (type II) distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = inverse_gamma_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i), 2, false); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 6); %$ case 8 %$ % Weibull distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = weibull_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i)); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 8); %$ otherwise %$ error('This density is not implemented!') %$ end %$ end %$ %$ BayesInfo.pshape = p0; %$ BayesInfo.p1 = p1; %$ BayesInfo.p2 = p2; %$ BayesInfo.p3 = p3; %$ BayesInfo.p4 = p4; %$ BayesInfo.p5 = p5; %$ BayesInfo.p6 = p6; %$ BayesInfo.p7 = p7; %$ %$ ndraws = 1e5; %$ m0 = BayesInfo.p1; %zeros(14,1); %$ v0 = diag(BayesInfo.p2.^2); %zeros(14); %$ %$ % Call the tested routine %$ try %$ % Instantiate dprior object %$ o = dprior(BayesInfo, prior_trunc, false); %$ % Do simulations in a loop and estimate recursively the mean and the variance. %$ for i = 1:ndraws %$ draw = o.draw(); %$ m1 = m0 + (draw-m0)/i; %$ m2 = m1*m1'; %$ v0 = v0 + ((draw*draw'-m2-v0) + (i-1)*(m0*m0'-m2'))/i; %$ m0 = m1; %$ end %$ t(1) = true; %$ catch %$ t(1) = false; %$ end %$ %$ if t(1) %$ t(2) = all(abs(m0-BayesInfo.p1)<3e-3); %$ t(3) = all(all(abs(v0-diag(BayesInfo.p2.^2))<5e-3)); %$ end %$ T = all(t); %@eof:1 %@test:2 %$ % Fill global structures with required fields... %$ prior_trunc = 1e-10; %$ p0 = repmat([1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8], 2, 1); % Prior shape %$ p1 = .4*ones(14,1); % Prior mean %$ p2 = .2*ones(14,1); % Prior std. %$ p3 = NaN(14,1); %$ p4 = NaN(14,1); %$ p5 = NaN(14,1); %$ p6 = NaN(14,1); %$ p7 = NaN(14,1); %$ %$ for i=1:14 %$ switch p0(i) %$ case 1 %$ % Beta distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = 1; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = beta_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i), p4(i)); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 1); %$ case 2 %$ % Gamma distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = gamma_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i), p4(i)); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 2); %$ case 3 %$ % Normal distribution %$ p3(i) = -Inf; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ p6(i) = p1(i); %$ p7(i) = p2(i); %$ p5(i) = p1(i); %$ case 4 %$ % Inverse Gamma (type I) distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = inverse_gamma_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i), 1, false); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 4); %$ case 5 %$ % Uniform distribution %$ [p1(i), p2(i), p6(i), p7(i)] = uniform_specification(p1(i), p2(i), p3(i), p4(i)); %$ p3(i) = p6(i); %$ p4(i) = p7(i); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 5); %$ case 6 %$ % Inverse Gamma (type II) distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = inverse_gamma_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i), 2, false); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 6); %$ case 8 %$ % Weibull distribution %$ p3(i) = 0; %$ p4(i) = Inf; %$ [p6(i), p7(i)] = weibull_specification(p1(i), p2(i)^2, p3(i)); %$ p5(i) = compute_prior_mode([p6(i) p7(i)], 8); %$ otherwise %$ error('This density is not implemented!') %$ end %$ end %$ %$ BayesInfo.pshape = p0; %$ BayesInfo.p1 = p1; %$ BayesInfo.p2 = p2; %$ BayesInfo.p3 = p3; %$ BayesInfo.p4 = p4; %$ BayesInfo.p5 = p5; %$ BayesInfo.p6 = p6; %$ BayesInfo.p7 = p7; %$ %$ ndraws = 1e5; %$ %$ % Call the tested routine %$ try %$ % Instantiate dprior object. %$ o = dprior(BayesInfo, prior_trunc, false); %$ X = o.draws(ndraws); %$ m = mean(X, 2); %$ v = var(X, 0, 2); %$ t(1) = true; %$ catch %$ t(1) = false; %$ end %$ %$ if t(1) %$ t(2) = all(abs(m-BayesInfo.p1)<3e-3); %$ t(3) = all(all(abs(v-BayesInfo.p2.^2)<5e-3)); %$ end %$ T = all(t); %@eof:2