/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include using namespace std; #include "ComputingTasks.hh" #include "Interface.hh" #include "Statement.hh" SteadyStatement::SteadyStatement(const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : options_list(options_list_arg) { } void SteadyStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "steady;\n"; } SteadySparseStatement::SteadySparseStatement(const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : options_list(options_list_arg) { } void SteadySparseStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << basename << "_static;\n"; } CheckStatement::CheckStatement(const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : options_list(options_list_arg) { } void CheckStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "check;\n"; } void CheckStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct) { mod_file_struct.check_present = true; } SimulStatement::SimulStatement(const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : options_list(options_list_arg) { } void SimulStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct) { mod_file_struct.simul_present = true; } void SimulStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "simul(oo_.dr);\n"; } SimulSparseStatement::SimulSparseStatement(const OptionsList &options_list_arg, int compiler_arg, int mode_arg) : options_list(options_list_arg), compiler(compiler_arg), mode(mode_arg) { } void SimulSparseStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct) { mod_file_struct.simul_present = true; } void SimulSparseStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "if (~ options_.initval_file) & (size(oo_.endo_simul,2)second.c_str()); } void StochSimulStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "stoch_simul(var_list_);\n"; } RamseyPolicyStatement::RamseyPolicyStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void RamseyPolicyStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct) { mod_file_struct.stoch_simul_or_similar_present = true; /* Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct Since ramsey policy needs one further order of derivation (for example, for 1st order approximation, it needs 2nd derivatives), we add 1 to the order declared by user */ OptionsList::num_options_type::const_iterator it = options_list.num_options.find("order"); if (it != options_list.num_options.end()) mod_file_struct.order_option = atoi(it->second.c_str()) + 1; } void RamseyPolicyStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "ramsey_policy(var_list_);\n"; } EstimationStatement::EstimationStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void EstimationStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct) { mod_file_struct.stoch_simul_or_similar_present = true; // Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct OptionsList::num_options_type::const_iterator it = options_list.num_options.find("order"); if (it != options_list.num_options.end()) mod_file_struct.order_option = atoi(it->second.c_str()); } void EstimationStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "dynare_estimation(var_list_);\n"; } PriorAnalysisStatement::PriorAnalysisStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void PriorAnalysisStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "prior_analysis(var_list_);\n"; } PosteriorAnalysisStatement::PosteriorAnalysisStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void PosteriorAnalysisStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "posterior_analysis(var_list_);\n"; } DynareSensitivityStatement::DynareSensitivityStatement(const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : options_list(options_list_arg) { } void DynareSensitivityStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "dynare_sensitivity;" << endl; } RplotStatement::RplotStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void RplotStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "rplot(var_list_);\n"; } UnitRootVarsStatement::UnitRootVarsStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg) { } void UnitRootVarsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("options_.unit_root_vars", output); } PeriodsStatement::PeriodsStatement(int periods_arg) : periods(periods_arg) { } void PeriodsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { output << "options_.periods = " << periods << ";" << endl; output << "options_.simul = 1;" << endl; } CutoffStatement::CutoffStatement(double cutoff_arg) : cutoff(cutoff_arg) { } void CutoffStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { output << "options_.cutoff = " << cutoff << ";" << endl; } MarkowitzStatement::MarkowitzStatement(double markowitz_arg) : markowitz(markowitz_arg) { } void MarkowitzStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { output << "options_.markowitz = " << markowitz << ";" << endl; } DsampleStatement::DsampleStatement(int val1_arg) : val1(val1_arg), val2(-1) { } DsampleStatement::DsampleStatement(int val1_arg, int val2_arg) : val1(val1_arg), val2(val2_arg) { } void DsampleStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { if (val2 < 0) output << "options_.dsample = " << val1 << ";" << endl; else output << "options_.dsample = [" << val1 << "; " << val2 << "];" << endl; } VarobsStatement::VarobsStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg) { } void VarobsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("options_.varobs", output); } EstimatedParamsStatement::EstimatedParamsStatement(const vector &estim_params_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : estim_params_list(estim_params_list_arg), symbol_table(symbol_table_arg) { } void EstimatedParamsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { output << "global estim_params_\n"; output << "var_list_ = [];\n"; output << "estim_params_.var_exo = [];\n"; output << "estim_params_.var_endo = [];\n"; output << "estim_params_.corrx = [];\n"; output << "estim_params_.corrn = [];\n"; output << "estim_params_.param_names = [];\n"; output << "estim_params_.user_param_names = [];\n"; output << "estim_params_.param_vals = [];\n"; output << "M_.H = 0;\n"; vector::const_iterator it; for(it = estim_params_list.begin(); it != estim_params_list.end(); it++) { switch(it->type) { case 1: if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eExogenous) output << "estim_params_.var_exo = [estim_params_.var_exo; "; else if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eEndogenous) output << "estim_params_.var_endo = [estim_params_.var_endo; "; output << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1; break; case 2: output << "estim_params_.param_vals = [estim_params_.param_vals; "; output << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1; break; case 3: if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eExogenous) output << "estim_params_.corrx = [estim_params_.corrx; "; else if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eEndogenous) output << "estim_params_.corrn = [estim_params_.corrn; "; output << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1; output << " " << symbol_table.getID(it->name2)+1; break; } output << " " << it->init_val << " " << it->low_bound << " " << it->up_bound << " " << it->prior << " " << it->mean << " " << it->std << " " << it->p3 << " " << it->p4 << " " << it->jscale << "];\n"; } } EstimatedParamsInitStatement::EstimatedParamsInitStatement(const vector &estim_params_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : estim_params_list(estim_params_list_arg), symbol_table(symbol_table_arg) { } void EstimatedParamsInitStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { vector::const_iterator it; for(it = estim_params_list.begin(); it != estim_params_list.end(); it++) { if (it->type < 3) { if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eExogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_exo(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ");\n"; output << "estim_params_.var_exo(tmp1,2) = " << it->init_val << ";\n"; } else if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eEndogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_endo(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ");\n"; output << "estim_params_.var_endo(tmp1,2) = " << it->init_val << ";\n"; } else if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eParameter) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ");\n"; output << "estim_params_.param_vals(tmp1,2) = " << it->init_val << ";\n"; } } else { if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eExogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ")) & (estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name2)+1 << ");\n"; output << "estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,3) = " << it->init_val << ";\n"; } else if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eEndogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ")) & (estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name2)+1 << ";\n"; output << "estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,3) = " << it->init_val << ";\n"; } } } } EstimatedParamsBoundsStatement::EstimatedParamsBoundsStatement(const vector &estim_params_list_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : estim_params_list(estim_params_list_arg), symbol_table(symbol_table_arg) { } void EstimatedParamsBoundsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { vector::const_iterator it; for(it = estim_params_list.begin(); it != estim_params_list.end(); it++) { if (it->type < 3) { if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eExogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_exo(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ");\n"; output << "estim_params_.var_exo(tmp1,3) = " << it->low_bound << ";\n"; output << "estim_params_.var_exo(tmp1,4) = " << it->up_bound << ";\n"; } else if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eEndogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.var_endo(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ");\n"; output << "estim_params_.var_endo(tmp1,3) = " << it->low_bound << ";\n"; output << "estim_params_.var_endo(tmp1,4) = " << it->up_bound << ";\n"; } else if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eParameter) { output << "tmp1 = find(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ");\n"; output << "estim_params_.param_vals(tmp1,3) = " << it->low_bound << ";\n"; output << "estim_params_.param_vals(tmp1,4) = " << it->up_bound << ";\n"; } } else { if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eExogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrx(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ")) & (estim_params_.corrx(:,2)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name2)+1 << ");\n"; output << "estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,4) = " << it->low_bound << ";\n"; output << "estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,5) = " << it->up_bound << ";\n"; } else if (symbol_table.getType(it->name) == eEndogenous) { output << "tmp1 = find((estim_params_.corrn(:,1)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name)+1 << ")) & (estim_params_.corrn(:,2)==" << symbol_table.getID(it->name2)+1 << ";\n"; output << "estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,4) = " << it->low_bound << ";\n"; output << "estim_params_.corrx(tmp1,5) = " << it->up_bound << ";\n"; } } } } ObservationTrendsStatement::ObservationTrendsStatement(const trend_elements_type &trend_elements_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : trend_elements(trend_elements_arg), symbol_table(symbol_table_arg) { } void ObservationTrendsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { output << "options_.trend_coeff_ = {};" << endl; trend_elements_type::const_iterator it; for(it = trend_elements.begin(); it != trend_elements.end(); it++) { Type type = symbol_table.getType(it->first); if (type == eEndogenous) { output << "tmp1 = strmatch('" << it->first << "',options_.varobs,'exact');\n"; output << "options_.trend_coeffs{tmp1} = '"; it->second->writeOutput(output); output << "';" << endl; } else cout << "Error : Non-variable symbol used in TREND_COEFF: " << it->first << endl; } } CalibVarStatement::CalibVarStatement(const calib_var_type &calib_var_arg, const calib_covar_type &calib_covar_arg, const calib_ac_type &calib_ac_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : calib_var(calib_var_arg), calib_covar(calib_covar_arg), calib_ac(calib_ac_arg), symbol_table(symbol_table_arg) { } void CalibVarStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { output << interfaces::comment() << "\n" << interfaces::comment() << "CALIB_VAR \n" << interfaces::comment() << "\n"; for(int i = 1; i < 4 ; i++) { output << "calib_var_index{" << i << "} = [];\n"; output << "calib_targets{" << i << "} = [];\n"; output << "calib_weights{" << i << "}=[];\n"; } // Print calibration variances for(calib_var_type::const_iterator it = calib_var.begin(); it != calib_var.end(); it++) { const string &name = it->first; const string &weight = it->second.first; const NodeID expression = it->second.second; int id = symbol_table.getID(name) + 1; if (symbol_table.getType(name) == eEndogenous) { output << "calib_var_index{1} = [calib_var_index{1};" << id << "," << id << "];\n"; output << "calib_weights{1} = [calib_weights{1}; " << weight << "];\n"; output << "calib_targets{1} =[calib_targets{1}; "; expression->writeOutput(output); output << "];\n"; } else if (symbol_table.getType(name) == eExogenous) { output << "calib_var_index{3} = [calib_var_index{3};" << id << "," << id << "];\n"; output << "calib_weights{3} = [calib_weights{3}; " << weight << "];\n"; output << "calib_targets{3} =[calib_targets{3}; "; expression->writeOutput(output); output << "];\n"; } } // Print calibration covariances for(calib_covar_type::const_iterator it = calib_covar.begin(); it != calib_covar.end(); it++) { const string &name1 = it->first.first; const string &name2 = it->first.second; const string &weight = it->second.first; const NodeID expression = it->second.second; int id1 = symbol_table.getID(name1) + 1; int id2 = symbol_table.getID(name2) + 1; if (symbol_table.getType(name1) == eEndogenous) { output << "calib_var_index{1} = [calib_var_index{1};" << id1 << "," << id2 << "];\n"; output << "calib_weights{1} = [calib_weights{1}; " << weight << "];\n"; output << "calib_targets{1} =[calib_targets{1}; "; expression->writeOutput(output); output << "];\n"; } else if (symbol_table.getType(name1) == eExogenous) { output << "calib_var_index{3} = [calib_var_index{3};" << id1 << "," << id2 << "];\n"; output << "calib_weights{3} = [calib_weights{3}; " << weight << "];\n"; output << "calib_targets{3} =[calib_targets{3}; "; expression->writeOutput(output); output << "];\n"; } } // Print calibration autocorrelations int max_iar = 3; for(calib_ac_type::const_iterator it = calib_ac.begin(); it != calib_ac.end(); it++) { const string &name = it->first.first; int iar = it->first.second + 3; const string &weight = it->second.first; const NodeID expression = it->second.second; int id = symbol_table.getID(name) + 1; if (iar > max_iar) { // Create new variables for(int i = max_iar + 1; i <= iar; i++) { output << "calib_var_index{" << i << "} = [];\n"; output << "calib_targets{" << i << "} = [];\n"; output << "calib_weights{" << i << "}=[];\n"; } max_iar = iar; } output << "calib_var_index{" << iar << "} = [calib_var_index{" << iar << "};" << id << "];\n"; output << "calib_weights{" << iar << "} = [calib_weights{" << iar << "}; " << weight << "];\n"; output << "calib_targets{" << iar << "} =[calib_targets{" << iar << "}; "; expression->writeOutput(output); output << "];\n"; } } CalibStatement::CalibStatement(int covar_arg) : covar(covar_arg) { } void CalibStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { output << "M_.Sigma_e=calib(calib_var_index,calib_targets,calib_weights," << covar << ",Sigma_e_);\n"; } OsrParamsStatement::OsrParamsStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg) { } void OsrParamsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("osr_params_", output); } OsrStatement::OsrStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void OsrStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct) { mod_file_struct.stoch_simul_or_similar_present = true; // Fill in option_order of mod_file_struct OptionsList::num_options_type::const_iterator it = options_list.num_options.find("order"); if (it != options_list.num_options.end()) mod_file_struct.order_option = atoi(it->second.c_str()); } void OsrStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "osr(var_list_,osr_params_,obj_var_,optim_weights_);\n"; } OptimWeightsStatement::OptimWeightsStatement(const var_weights_type &var_weights_arg, const covar_weights_type &covar_weights_arg, const SymbolTable &symbol_table_arg) : var_weights(var_weights_arg), covar_weights(covar_weights_arg), symbol_table(symbol_table_arg) { } void OptimWeightsStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { output << interfaces::comment() << "OPTIM_WEIGHTS\n\n"; output << "optim_weights_ = sparse(M_.endo_nbr,M_.endo_nbr);\n"; output << "obj_var_ = [];\n\n"; for(var_weights_type::const_iterator it = var_weights.begin(); it != var_weights.end(); it++) { const string &name = it->first; const NodeID value = it->second; int id = symbol_table.getID(name) + 1; output << "optim_weights_(" << id << "," << id << ") = "; value->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; output << "obj_var_ = [obj_var_; " << id << "];\n"; } for(covar_weights_type::const_iterator it = covar_weights.begin(); it != covar_weights.end(); it++) { const string &name1 = it->first.first; const string &name2 = it->first.second; const NodeID value = it->second; int id1 = symbol_table.getID(name1) + 1; int id2 = symbol_table.getID(name2) + 1; output << "optim_weights_(" << id1 << "," << id2 << ") = "; value->writeOutput(output); output << ";" << endl; output << "obj_var_ = [obj_var_; " << id1 << " " << id2 << "];\n"; } } DynaSaveStatement::DynaSaveStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg, const string &filename_arg, const string &ext_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg), filename(filename_arg), ext(ext_arg) { } void DynaSaveStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "dynasave(" << filename; if (ext.size() > 0) output << "," << ext; output << ",var_list_);\n"; } DynaTypeStatement::DynaTypeStatement(const TmpSymbolTable &tmp_symbol_table_arg, const string &filename_arg, const string &ext_arg) : tmp_symbol_table(tmp_symbol_table_arg), filename(filename_arg), ext(ext_arg) { } void DynaTypeStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { tmp_symbol_table.writeOutput("var_list_", output); output << "dynatype(" << filename; if (ext.size() > 0) output << "," << ext; output << ",var_list_);\n"; } ModelComparisonStatement::ModelComparisonStatement(const filename_list_type &filename_list_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : filename_list(filename_list_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void ModelComparisonStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "ModelNames_ = {};\n"; output << "ModelPriors_ = {};\n"; for(filename_list_type::const_iterator it = filename_list.begin(); it != filename_list.end(); it++) { output << "ModelNames_ = { ModelNames_{:} '" << it->first << "};\n"; output << "ModelPriors_ = { ModelPriors_{:} '" << it->second << "};\n"; } output << "model_comparison(ModelNames_,ModelPriors_);\n"; } PlannerObjectiveStatement::PlannerObjectiveStatement(ModelTree *model_tree_arg) : model_tree(model_tree_arg) { } PlannerObjectiveStatement::~PlannerObjectiveStatement() { delete model_tree; } void PlannerObjectiveStatement::checkPass(ModFileStructure &mod_file_struct) { if (model_tree->equation_number() != 1) { cerr << "Error: planer_objective: should have only one equation!" << endl; exit(-1); } } void PlannerObjectiveStatement::computingPass() { model_tree->computeStaticHessian = true; model_tree->computingPass(eval_context_type()); } void PlannerObjectiveStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { model_tree->writeStaticFile(basename + "_objective"); } BVARDensityStatement::BVARDensityStatement(int maxnlags_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : maxnlags(maxnlags_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void BVARDensityStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "bvar_density(" << maxnlags << ");" << endl; } BVARForecastStatement::BVARForecastStatement(int nlags_arg, const OptionsList &options_list_arg) : nlags(nlags_arg), options_list(options_list_arg) { } void BVARForecastStatement::writeOutput(ostream &output, const string &basename) const { options_list.writeOutput(output); output << "bvar_forecast(" << nlags << ");" << endl; }