function [m,s,p1,p2] = uniform_specification(m,s,p3,p4) % function [m,s,p1,p2] = uniform_specification(m,s,p3,p4) % Specification of the uniform density function parameters % % INPUTS % m: mean % s: standard deviation % p3: lower bound % p4: upper bound % OUTPUTS % m: mean % s: standard deviation % p1: lower bound % p2: upper bound % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2004-2008) % Gnu Public License. if ~(isnan(p3) | isnan(p4)) p1 = p3; p2 = p4; m = (p3+p4)/2; s = (p4-p3)/(sqrt(12)); else p1 = m-s*sqrt(3); p2 = m+s*sqrt(3); end