function stab_map_marginal(lpmat, ibehaviour, inonbehaviour, aname, ipar, dirname) %function stab_map_1(lpmat, ibehaviour, inonbehaviour, aname, ipar, dirname) % % lpmat = Monte Carlo matrix % ibehaviour = index of behavioural runs % inonbehaviour = index of non-behavioural runs % aname = label of the analysis % ipar = index array of parameters to plot % dirname = (OPTIONAL) path of the directory where to save % (default: current directory) % % Plots: dotted lines for BEHAVIOURAL % solid lines for NON BEHAVIOURAL % USES smirnov global estim_params_ bayestopt_ M_ options_ fname_ = M_.fname; if nargin<5, ipar=[1:npar]; end nparplot=length(ipar); if nargin<6, dirname='';; end nshock = estim_params_.nvx; nshock = nshock + estim_params_.nvn; nshock = nshock + estim_params_.ncx; nshock = nshock + estim_params_.ncn; npar=size(lpmat,2); ishock= npar>; number_of_grid_points = 2^9; % 2^9 = 512 !... Must be a power of two. bandwidth = 0; % Rule of thumb optimal bandwidth parameter. kernel_function = 'gaussian'; % Gaussian kernel for Fast Fourrier Transform approximaton. %kernel_function = 'uniform'; % Gaussian kernel for Fast Fourrier Transform approximaton. lpmat=lpmat(:,ipar);*(1-ishock)); for i=1:ceil(npar/12), figure('name',aname), for j=1+12*(i-1):min(npar,12*i), subplot(3,4,j-12*(i-1)) optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(lpmat(ibehaviour,j),length(ibehaviour),bandwidth,kernel_function); [x1,f1] = kernel_density_estimate(lpmat(ibehaviour,j),number_of_grid_points,... optimal_bandwidth,kernel_function); plot(x1, f1,':k','linewidth',2) optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(lpmat(inonbehaviour,j),length(inonbehaviour),bandwidth,kernel_function); [x1,f1] = kernel_density_estimate(lpmat(inonbehaviour,j),number_of_grid_points,... optimal_bandwidth,kernel_function); hold on, plot(x1, f1,'k','linewidth',2) title(ftit{j},'interpreter','none') end saveas(gcf,[dirname,'/',fname_,'_',aname,'_',int2str(i)]) eval(['print -depsc2 ' dirname '\' fname_ '_' aname '_' int2str(i)]); eval(['print -dpdf ' dirname '\' fname_ '_' aname '_' int2str(i)]); if options_.nograph, close(gcf), end end