function [Q,R] = qr2(X) % function [Q,R] = qr2(X) % This routine performs a qr decomposition of matrix X such that the % diagonal scalars of the upper-triangular matrix R are positive. If X % is a full (column) rank matrix, then R is also the cholesky % factorization of X'X. This property is needed for the Del Negro % & Schorfheides's identification scheme. % % INPUTS % See matlab's documentation. % % OUTPUTS % See matlab's documentation. % % ALGORITHM % None. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2007) % Gnu Public License. [Q,R] = qr(X); indx = find(diag(R)<0); if ~isempty(indx) Q(:,indx) = -Q(:,indx); R(indx,:) = -R(indx,:); end