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stephane.adjemian@cepremap.cnrs.fr [02-04-2005]


function MakeAllFigures(NumberOfPlots,Caption,FigureProperties,Info)


 stephane.adjemian@cepremap.cnrs.fr [02-04-2005]


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function MakeAllFigures(NumberOfPlots,Caption,FigureProperties,Info)
0002 % stephane.adjemian@cepremap.cnrs.fr [02-04-2005]
0003 global M_ options_
0005 FigHandle = figure('Name',FigureProperties.Name);  
0007 NAMES = cell(NumberOfPlots,1);
0008 if options_.TeX
0009   TeXNAMES = cell(NumberOfPlots,1); 
0010 end
0012 if NumberOfPlots == 9
0013   nr = 3;
0014   nc = 3;
0015 elseif NumberOfPlots == 8
0016   nr = 3;
0017   nc = 3;
0018 elseif NumberOfPlots == 7
0019   nr = 3;
0020   nc = 3;
0021 elseif NumberOfPlots == 6
0022   nr = 2;
0023   nc = 3;
0024 elseif NumberOfPlots == 5
0025   nr = 3;
0026   nc = 2;
0027 elseif NumberOfPlots == 4
0028   nr = 2;
0029   nc = 2;
0030 elseif NumberOfPlots == 3
0031   nr = 2;
0032   nc = 2;
0033 elseif NumberOfPlots == 2
0034   nr = 1;
0035   nc = 2;
0036 elseif NumberOfPlots == 1
0037   nr = 1;
0038   nc = 1;
0039 end  
0041 for plt = 1:NumberOfPlots
0042   eval(['NumberOfCurves = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Number;'])
0043   NumberOfObservations = zeros(2,1);
0044   x = cell(NumberOfCurves,1);
0045   y = cell(NumberOfCurves,1);
0046   PltType = cell(NumberofCurves,1);
0047   top = NaN(NumberOfCurves,1);
0048   bottom = NaN(NumberOfCurves,1);
0049   binf = NaN(NumberOfCurves,1);
0050   bsup = NaN(NumberOfCurves,1);
0051   for curve = 1:NumberOfCurves
0052     eval(['x{' curve '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Curve' int2str(curve) '.xdata;'])
0053     eval(['y{' curve '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Curve' int2str(curve) '.ydata;'])
0054     eval(['name = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Curve' int2str(curve) '.variablename;'])
0055     eval(['PltType{' curve  '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Curve' int2str(curve) '.type']);
0056     if length(x{curve})-length(y{curve})
0057       disp('MakeFigure :: The number of observations in x doesn''t match with ')
0058       disp(['the number of observation in y for ' name ])
0059       return
0060     end
0061     if Info.PlotProperties.CutTop
0062       top(curve) = max(y{curve});
0063     else Info.PlotProperties.CutBottom
0064       bottom(curve) = min(y{curve});
0065     end
0066     binf(curve) = min(x{curve});
0067     bsup(curve) = max(x{curve});
0068   end
0069   ymax = max(top);
0070   ymin = min(bottom);
0071   xmin = min(binf);
0072   xmax = max(bsup);
0073   if isnan(ymin(plt))
0074     ymin = 0;
0075   end
0076   eval(['NAMES{' int2str(plt) '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.name;'])
0077   if options_.TeX
0078     eval(['TeXNAMES{' int2str(plt) '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.texname;'])
0079   end
0080   subplot(nr,nc,plt)
0081   hold on
0082   for curve = 1:NumberOfCurves
0083     hh = plot(x{curve},y{curve});
0084     if strcmpi(PltType{curve},'PriorDensity')
0085       set(hh,'Color',[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2)
0086       %
0087       %
0088     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'DensityEstimate')
0089       set(hh,'Color','k','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2)
0090       %
0091       %
0092     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'ModeEstimate')
0093       set(hh,'Color','g','LineStyle','--','LineWidth',2)
0094       %
0095       %
0096     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'SmoothVariable')
0097       set(hh,'Color','k','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2)
0098       %
0099       %
0100     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'Deciles')
0101       set(hh,'Color','g','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',1)
0102       %
0103       %
0104     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'Forecasts')
0105       set(hh,'Color','','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2)
0106       %
0107       %
0108     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'ForecastsHPD')
0109       set(hh,'Color','k','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',1)
0110       %
0111       %
0112     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'ForecastsDeciles')
0113       set(hh,'Color','g','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',1)
0114       %
0115       %
0116     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'DiagnosticWithin')
0117       set(hh,'Color','b','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2)
0118       %
0119       %
0120     elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'DiagnosticPooled')
0121       set(hh,'Color','r','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2)
0122       %
0123       %
0124     end  
0125   end
0126   axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax])
0127   title(NAMES{plt})
0128   drawnow
0129   hold off
0130 end
0132 if Info.SaveFormat.Eps
0133   if isempty(Info.SaveFormat.Name)
0134     eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName int2str(Info.SaveFormat.Number)]);
0135   else
0136     eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName Info.SaveFormat.Name]);  
0137   end
0138 end
0139 if Info.SaveFormat.Pdf
0140  if isempty(Info.SaveFormat.Name)
0141     eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName int2str(Info.SaveFormat.Number)]);
0142   else
0143     eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName Info.SaveFormat.Name]);  
0144  end
0145 end
0146 if Info.SaveFormat.Fig
0147  if isempty(Info.SaveFormat.Name)
0148     saveas(FigHandle,[M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName int2str(Info.SaveFormat.Number) '.fig']);
0149   else
0150     saveas(FigHandle,[M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName Info.SaveFormat.Name '.fig']);
0151  end
0152 end

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