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Koopman and J. Durbin (2003, in \textit{Journal of Time Series Analysis}, vol. 24(1), pp. 85-98).\newline \noindent \textbf{``Fast Filtering and Smoothing for Multivariate State Space Models''}, S.J. Koopman and J. Durbin (2000, in \textit{Journal of Time Series Analysis}, vol. 21(3), pp. 282-296).\newline \bigskip \noindent \textsc{The State-Space Model}\footnote{Note that in Dynare, matrices $T$, $Z$, $R$, $H$ and $Q$ are assumed to be time invariant.}: \[y_t = Z\alpha_t + \varepsilon_t\] \[\alpha_{t+1} = T \alpha_t + R\eta_t\] with: \[\alpha_1 = a + A\delta + R_0\eta_0\] \noindent $m\times q$ matrix $A$ and $m\times(m-q)$ matrix $R_0$ are selection matrices (their columns constitue all the columns of the $m\times m$ identity matrix) so that $A'R_0 = 0$ and $A'\alpha_1 = \delta$. We assume that the vector $\delta$ is distributed as a $\mathcal{N}(0,\kappa I_q)$ for a given $\kappa > 0$. So that the expectation of $\alpha_1$ is a and its variance is $P$, with \[ P = \kappa P_{\infty} + P_{\star}\] \[ P_{\infty} = A A'\] \[ P_{\star} = R_0 Q_0 R_0'\] \noindent $P_{\infty}$ is a $m\times m$ diagonal matrix with $q$ ones and $m-q$ zeros. and where: $y_t$ is a $pp\times 1$ vector, $\alpha_t$ is a $mm\times 1$ vector, $\varepsilon_t$ is a $pp\times 1$ multivariate random variable (iid $\mathcal{N}(0,H)$), $\eta_t$ is a $rr\times 1$ multivariate random variable (iid $\mathcal{N}(0,Q)$), $a_1$ is a $mm\times 1$ vector, $Z_t$ is a $pp\times mm$ matrix, $T$ is a $mm \times mm$ matrix, $H$ is a $pp\times pp$ matrix, $R$ is a $mm\times rr$ matrix, $Q$ is a $rr\times rr$ matrix and $P_1$ is a $mm\times mm$ matrix. \newline \section{Filtering} \noindent The filtering equations are given by: \begin{equation} \begin{split} v_t &= y_t - Z a_t\\ F_t &= Z P_t Z' + H\\ K_t &= P_t Z' F_t^{-1}\\ a_{t+1} &= T (a_t + K_t v_t)\\ P_{t+1} &= T (P_t - P_tZ'K') T' + R Q R'\\ \end{split} \end{equation} $\{F_t\}$ and $\{v_t\}$ are used to evaluate the likelihood. A potentially faster algorithm (unfortunately not with matlab) is to consider a univariate approach to the multivariate Kalman filter (the covariance matrix associated to the measurement errors has to be diagonal: $H=diag(\sigma_1^2,\dots,\sigma_{pp}^2)$). Let $Z_i$ be line $i$ of the selection matrix $Z$. The univariate algorithm is as follows : \begin{equation} \begin{split} v_{t,i} &= y_{t,i} - Z_i a_t^{(i)}\\ F_t^{(i)} &= Z_i P_t^{(i)} Z_i' + \sigma_{i}^2\\ K_t^{(i)} &= P_t^{(i)} Z_i'\\ a_{t}^{(i+1)} &= a_t^{(i)} + K_t^{(i)} v_{t,i} / F_t^{(i)}\\ P_{t}^{(i+1)} &= P_{t}^{(i)} - K_{t}^{(i)} \left.K_t^{(i)}\right.' / F_t^{(i)}\\ a_{t+1}^{(1)} &= T a_t^{(pp)}\\ P_{t+1}^{(1)} &= T P_t^{(pp)} T' + R Q R'\\ \end{split} \end{equation} when $F_t^{(i)}$ is equal to zero we simply have $a_{t}^{(i+1)}=a_{t}^{(i)}$ and $P_{t}^{(i+1)}=P_{t}^{(i)}$. The log-likelihood is evaluated as follows: \begin{equation} \mathcal{L}_T = const -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{pp}\sum_{t=1}^n \log F_{t}^{(i)} + v_{t,i}^2 / F_{t}^{(i)} \end{equation} \bigskip \noindent The diffuse filtering equations are given by: \begin{equation} \begin{split} v_t &= y_t - Z a_t\\ F_{\infty,t} &= Z P_{\infty,t} Z' + H\\ K_{\infty,t} &= P_{\infty,t} Z' F_{\infty,t}^{-1}\\ F_{\ast,t} &= Z P_{\ast,t} Z' + H\\ K_{\ast,t} &= \left(P_{\ast,t} Z' - K_{\infty,t}F_{\ast,t}\right)F_{\infty,t}^{-1}\\ P_{\ast,t+1} &= T (P_{\ast,t}-P_{\ast,t}Z'K_{\infty,t}' - P_{\infty,t}Z'K_{\ast,t}') T' + R Q R'\\ P_{\infty,t+1} &= T(P_{\infty,t}-P_{\infty,t}Z'K_{\infty,t}')T'\\ a_{t+1} &= T (a_t + K_{\infty,t} v_t)\\ \end{split} \end{equation} When the condition $rank(P_{\infty,t+1})=0$ is satisfied we set $d=t$ and go back to the standard Kalman filtering equations. Here $F_{\infty,t}$ is assumed to be a full rank matrix. If this is not the case we switch to another algorithm. If $F_{\infty,t}=0$: \begin{equation} \begin{split} v_t &= y_t - Z a_t\\ F_{\ast,t} &= Z P_{\ast,t} Z' + H\\ K_{\ast,t} &= P_{\ast,t} Z'F_{\infty,t}^{-1}\\ P_{\ast,t+1} &= T (P_{\ast,t}-P_{\ast,t}Z'K_{\ast,t}') T' + R Q R'\\ P_{\infty,t+1} &= TP_{\infty,t}T'\\ a_{t+1} &= T (a_t + K_{\ast,t} v_t)\\ L_t &= T(I - K_t Z)\\ \end{split} \end{equation} otherwise, we consider a diffuse version of the univariate approach described above. \section{Smoothing} \noindent The smoothing equations are given by: \begin{equation} \begin{split} r_{t-1} &= Z' F_t^{-1}v_t + L_t' r_t\\ \widehat{\alpha}_t &= a_t + P_t r_{t-1} \\ \widehat{\eta}_t &= Q R r_t\\ \widehat{\varepsilon}_t &= H \left(F_t^{-1}v_t-K_t'r_t\right)\\ \end{split} \end{equation} initializing with $r_n = 0$ and with $L_t = T-K_tZ$. The diffuse smoothing equations are given by : \begin{equation} \begin{split} r_{t-1}^{(0)} &= L_{\infty,t}r_{t}^{(0)}\\ r_{t-1}^{(1)} &= Z' F_{\infty,t}^{-1}v_t - K_{\ast,t}'r_{t}^{(0)}+ L_{\infty,t}' r_t^{(1)}\\ \widehat{\alpha}_t &= a_t + P_{\ast,t} r_{t-1}^{(0)} + P_{\infty,t}r_{t-1}^{(1)}\\ \widehat{\eta}_t &= Q R r_t^{(0)}\\ \widehat{\varepsilon}_t &= -H K_{\infty,t}'r_t^{(0)}\\ \end{split} \end{equation} for $t = d,d-1,...,1$, where $d$ is such that $P_{\infty,d+1}=0$. This backward recurrence is initialized with $r_{d}^{(0)}=r_{d}$, obtained from the non diffuse Kalman smoother, and $r_{d}^{(1)}=0$. $L_{\infty,t} = T-K_{\infty,t}Z$.\newline \noindent A univariate smoothing algorithm has to be coded... In the smoothing part the matrix $F_t$ (or $F_{\infty,t}$) is assumed to be full rank... % ---------------------------------------------------------------- %\bibliographystyle{amsplain} %\bibliography{} \end{document} % ----------------------------------------------------------------