/* Tests that local_state_space_iteration_2 and local_state_space_iteration_k (for k=2) return the same results. This file must be run after first_spec.mod (both are based on the same model). */ @#include "first_spec_common.inc" varobs q ca; shocks; var eeps = 0.04^2; var nnu = 0.03^2; var q = 0.01^2; var ca = 0.01^2; end; // Initialize various structures estimation(datafile='my_data.mat',order=2,mode_compute=0,mh_replic=0,filter_algorithm=sis,nonlinear_filter_initialization=2 ,cova_compute=0 %tell program that no covariance matrix was computed ); stoch_simul(order=2, periods=200, irf=0, k_order_solver); // Really perform the test nparticles = 100; /* We generate particles using realistic distributions (though this is not strictly needed) */ state_idx = oo_.dr.order_var((M_.nstatic+1):(M_.nstatic+M_.npred+M_.nboth)); yhat = chol(oo_.var(state_idx,state_idx))*randn(M_.npred+M_.nboth, nparticles); epsilon = chol(M_.Sigma_e)*randn(M_.exo_nbr, nparticles); dr = oo_.dr; // “rf” stands for “Reduced Form” rf_ghx = dr.ghx(dr.restrict_var_list, :); rf_ghu = dr.ghu(dr.restrict_var_list, :); rf_constant = dr.ys(dr.order_var)+0.5*dr.ghs2; rf_constant = rf_constant(dr.restrict_var_list, :); rf_ghxx = dr.ghxx(dr.restrict_var_list, :); rf_ghuu = dr.ghuu(dr.restrict_var_list, :); rf_ghxu = dr.ghxu(dr.restrict_var_list, :); tStart1 = tic; for i=1:10000, ynext1 = local_state_space_iteration_2(yhat, epsilon, rf_ghx, rf_ghu, rf_constant, rf_ghxx, rf_ghuu, rf_ghxu, 1); end, tElapsed1 = toc(tStart1); tStart2 = tic; for i=1:10000, ynext2 = local_state_space_iteration_k(yhat, epsilon, dr, M_, options_); end, tElapsed2 = toc(tStart2); if max(max(abs(ynext1-ynext2))) > 1e-14 error('Inconsistency between local_state_space_iteration_2 and local_state_space_iteration_k') end if tElapsed1