function prior_posterior_statistics(type,Y,gend) % function PosteriorFilterSmootherAndForecast(Y,gend, type) % Computes posterior filter smoother and forecasts % % INPUTS % type: posterior % prior % gsa % Y: data % gend: number of observations % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2005-2008) % Gnu Public License. global options_ estim_params_ oo_ M_ bayestopt_ nvx = estim_params_.nvx; nvn = estim_params_.nvn; ncx = estim_params_.ncx; ncn = estim_params_.ncn; np = ; npar = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+np; offset = npar-np; naK = length(options_.filter_step_ahead); %% MaxNumberOfBytes=options_.MaxNumberOfBytes; endo_nbr=M_.endo_nbr; exo_nbr=M_.exo_nbr; nvobs = size(options_.varobs,1); iendo = 1:endo_nbr; horizon = options_.forecast; moments_varendo = options_.moments_varendo; if horizon i_last_obs = gend+(1-M_.maximum_endo_lag:0); end maxlag = M_.maximum_endo_lag; %% DirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis'); load([ DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh_history']) FirstMhFile = record.KeepedDraws.FirstMhFile; FirstLine = record.KeepedDraws.FirstLine; TotalNumberOfMhFiles = sum(record.MhDraws(:,2)); LastMhFile = TotalNumberOfMhFiles; TotalNumberOfMhDraws = sum(record.MhDraws(:,1)); NumberOfDraws = TotalNumberOfMhDraws-floor(options_.mh_drop*TotalNumberOfMhDraws); clear record; if ~isempty(options_.subdraws) B = options_.subdraws; if B > NumberOfDraws B = NumberOfDraws; end else B = min(1200, round(0.25*NumberOfDraws)); end %% MAX_nruns = min(B,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(npar+2)/8)); MAX_nsmoo = min(B,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/((endo_nbr)*gend)/8)); MAX_ninno = min(B,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(exo_nbr*gend)/8)); MAX_nerro = min(B,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(size(options_.varobs,1)*gend)/8)); if naK MAX_naK = min(B,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(size(options_.varobs,1)* ... length(options_.filter_step_ahead)*gend)/8)); end if horizon MAX_nforc1 = min(B,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/((endo_nbr)*(horizon+maxlag))/8)); MAX_nforc2 = min(B,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/((endo_nbr)*(horizon+maxlag))/ ... 8)); IdObs = bayestopt_.mfys; end MAX_momentsno = min(B,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(get_moments_size(options_)*8))); %% varlist = options_.varlist; if isempty(varlist) varlist = M_.endo_names; SelecVariables = transpose(1:M_.endo_nbr); nvar = M_.endo_nbr; else nvar = size(varlist,1); SelecVariables = []; for i=1:nvar if ~isempty(strmatch(varlist(i,:),M_.endo_names,'exact')) SelecVariables = [SelecVariables;strmatch(varlist(i,:),M_.endo_names,'exact')]; end end end irun = ones(8,1); ifil = zeros(8,1); h = waitbar(0,'Taking subdraws...'); stock_param = zeros(MAX_nruns, npar); stock_logpo = zeros(MAX_nruns,1); stock_ys = zeros(MAX_nruns,endo_nbr); run_smoother = 0; if options_.smoother stock_smooth = zeros(endo_nbr,gend,MAX_nsmoo); stock_innov = zeros(exo_nbr,gend,B); stock_error = zeros(nvobs,gend,MAX_nerro); run_smoother = 1; end if options_.filter_step_ahead stock_filter = zeros(naK,endo_nbr,gend+ ... options_.filter_step_ahead(end),MAX_naK); run_smoother = 1; end if options_.forecast stock_forcst_mean = zeros(endo_nbr,horizon+maxlag,MAX_nforc1); stock_forcst_total = zeros(endo_nbr,horizon+maxlag,MAX_nforc2); run_smoother = 1; end if moments_varendo stock_moments = cell(MAX_momentsno,1); end for b=1:B [deep, logpo] = GetOneDraw(type); set_all_parameters(deep); dr = resol(oo_.steady_state,0); if moments_varendo stock_moments{irun(8)} = compute_model_moments(dr,M_,options_); end if run_smoother [alphahat,etahat,epsilonhat,ahat,SteadyState,trend_coeff,aK] = ... DsgeSmoother(deep,gend,Y); if options_.loglinear stock_smooth(dr.order_var,:,irun(1)) = alphahat(1:endo_nbr,:)+ ... repmat(log(dr.ys(dr.order_var)),1,gend); else stock_smooth(dr.order_var,:,irun(1)) = alphahat(1:endo_nbr,:)+ ... repmat(dr.ys(dr.order_var),1,gend); end if nvx stock_innov(:,:,irun(2)) = etahat; end if nvn stock_error(:,:,irun(3)) = epsilonhat; end if naK stock_filter(:,dr.order_var,:,irun(4)) = aK(options_.filter_step_ahead,1:endo_nbr,:); end if horizon yyyy = alphahat(iendo,i_last_obs); yf = forcst2a(yyyy,dr,zeros(horizon,exo_nbr)); if options_.prefilter == 1 yf(:,IdObs) = yf(:,IdObs)+repmat(bayestopt_.mean_varobs', ... horizon+maxlag,1); end yf(:,IdObs) = yf(:,IdObs)+(gend+[1-maxlag:horizon]')*trend_coeff'; if options_.loglinear == 1 yf = yf+repmat(log(SteadyState'),horizon+maxlag,1); % yf = exp(yf); else yf = yf+repmat(SteadyState',horizon+maxlag,1); end yf1 = forcst2(yyyy,horizon,dr,1); if options_.prefilter == 1 yf1(:,IdObs,:) = yf1(:,IdObs,:)+ ... repmat(bayestopt_.mean_varobs',[horizon+maxlag,1,1]); end yf1(:,IdObs,:) = yf1(:,IdObs,:)+repmat((gend+[1-maxlag:horizon]')* ... trend_coeff',[1,1,1]); if options_.loglinear == 1 yf1 = yf1 + repmat(log(SteadyState'),[horizon+maxlag,1,1]); % yf1 = exp(yf1); else yf1 = yf1 + repmat(SteadyState',[horizon+maxlag,1,1]); end stock_forcst_mean(:,:,irun(6)) = yf'; stock_forcst_total(:,:,irun(7)) = yf1'; end end stock_param(irun(5),:) = deep; stock_logpo(irun(5),1) = logpo; stock_ys(irun(5),:) = SteadyState'; irun = irun + ones(8,1); if irun(1) > MAX_nsmoo | b == B stock = stock_smooth(:,:,1:irun(1)-1); ifil(1) = ifil(1) + 1; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_smooth' int2str(ifil(1))],'stock'); irun(1) = 1; end if nvx & (irun(2) > MAX_ninno | b == B) stock = stock_innov(:,:,1:irun(2)-1); ifil(2) = ifil(2) + 1; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_inno' int2str(ifil(2))],'stock'); irun(2) = 1; end if nvn & (irun(3) > MAX_error | b == B) stock = stock_error(:,:,1:irun(3)-1); ifil(3) = ifil(3) + 1; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_error' int2str(ifil(3))],'stock'); irun(3) = 1; end if naK & (irun(4) > MAX_naK | b == B) stock = stock_filter(:,:,:,1:irun(4)-1); ifil(4) = ifil(4) + 1; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_filter' int2str(ifil(4))],'stock'); irun(4) = 1; end if irun(5) > MAX_nruns | b == B stock = stock_param(1:irun(5)-1,:); ifil(5) = ifil(5) + 1; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_param' int2str(ifil(5))],'stock','stock_logpo','stock_ys'); irun(5) = 1; end if horizon & (irun(6) > MAX_nforc1 | b == B) stock = stock_forcst_mean(:,:,1:irun(6)-1); ifil(6) = ifil(6) + 1; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_forc_mean' int2str(ifil(6))],'stock'); irun(6) = 1; end if horizon & (irun(7) > MAX_nforc2 | b == B) stock = stock_forcst_total(:,:,1:irun(7)-1); ifil(7) = ifil(7) + 1; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_forc_total' int2str(ifil(7))],'stock'); irun(7) = 1; end if moments_varendo & (irun(8) > MAX_momentsno | b == B) stock = stock_moments(1:irun(8)-1); ifil(8) = ifil(8) + 1; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_moments' int2str(ifil(8))],'stock'); irun(8) = 1; end waitbar(b/B,h); end close(h) stock_gend=gend; stock_data=Y; save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_data'],'stock_gend','stock_data'); if options_.smoother pm3(endo_nbr,gend,ifil(1),B,'Smoothed variables',... M_.endo_names(SelecVariables),M_.endo_names,'tit_tex',M_.endo_names,... 'names2','smooth',[M_.fname '/metropolis'],'_smooth') end if options_.forecast pm3(endo_nbr,horizon+maxlag,ifil(6),B,'Forecasted variables (mean)',... M_.endo_names(SelecVariables),M_.endo_names,'tit_tex',M_.endo_names,... 'names2','smooth',[M_.fname '/metropolis'],'_forc_mean') pm3(endo_nbr,horizon+maxlag,ifil(6),B,'Forecasted variables (total)',... M_.endo_names(SelecVariables),M_.endo_names,'tit_tex',M_.endo_names,... 'names2','smooth',[M_.fname '/metropolis'],'_forc_total') end