/* * This file replicates the IRFs of the small open economy model described in * Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Pablo Guerrón-Quintana, * Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez, and Martin Uribe (2011): "Risk Matters", * American Economic Review 101 (October 2011): 2530–2561. * * This implementation was written by Benjamin Born and Johannes Pfeifer. Please * note that the following copyright notice only applies to this Dynare * implementation of the * model. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ var sigma_r sigma_tb eps_r eps_tb X D K lambda C H Y I phi r; varexo u_sigma_r u_sigma_tb u_r u_tb u_x ; predetermined_variables K D; parameters r_bar rho_eps_r sigma_r_bar rho_sigma_r eta_r rho_eps_tb sigma_tb_bar rho_sigma_tb eta_tb delta alppha nu rho_x betta Phi phipar sigma_x D_bar omega eta; // Calibration from Table 3 rho_eps_r=0.97; sigma_r_bar=-5.71; rho_sigma_r=0.94; eta_r=0.46; // Calibration from Table 4 rho_eps_tb=0.95; sigma_tb_bar=-8.06; %8.05 in paper, but 8.06 in code rho_sigma_tb=0.94; eta_tb=0.13; nu=5; %inverse of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution eta=1000; %elasticity of labor to wages delta=0.014; %depreciation alppha = 0.32; % capital income share rho_x=0.95; %autocorrelation TFP // Calibration from Table 6 // r_bar=log(0.02); betta = 1/(1+exp(r_bar)); %discount factor Phi=0.001; %debt elasticity D_bar= 4; % steady state debt phipar=95; % capital adjustment costs sigma_x=log(0.015); omega=1; model; (exp(C))^-nu=exp(lambda); exp(lambda)/(1+exp(r))=exp(lambda)*Phi*((D(+1))-D_bar)+betta*exp(lambda(+1)); -exp(phi)+betta*((1-delta)*exp(phi(+1))+alppha*exp(Y(+1))/exp(K(+1))*exp(lambda(+1)))=0; omega*exp(H)^eta=(1-alppha)*exp(Y)/exp(H)*exp(lambda); exp(phi)*(1-phipar/2*((exp(I)-exp(I(-1)))/exp(I(-1)))^2-phipar*exp(I)/exp(I(-1))*((exp(I)-exp(I(-1)))/exp(I(-1))))+betta*exp(phi(+1))*phipar*(exp(I(+1))/exp(I))^2*((exp(I(+1))-exp(I))/exp(I))=exp(lambda); exp(Y)=exp(K)^alppha*(exp(X)*exp(H))^(1-alppha); X=rho_x*X(-1)+exp(sigma_x)*u_x; exp(K(+1))=(1-delta)*exp(K)+(1-phipar/2*(exp(I)/exp(I(-1))-1)^2)*exp(I); exp(Y)-exp(C)-exp(I)=(D)-(D(+1))/(1+exp(r))+Phi/2*((D(+1))-D_bar)^2; exp(r)=exp(r_bar)+eps_tb+eps_r; eps_tb=rho_eps_tb*eps_tb(-1)+exp(sigma_tb)*u_tb; sigma_tb=(1-rho_sigma_tb)*sigma_tb_bar+rho_sigma_tb*sigma_tb(-1)+eta_tb*u_sigma_tb; eps_r=rho_eps_r*eps_r(-1)+exp(sigma_r)*u_r; sigma_r=(1-rho_sigma_r)*sigma_r_bar+rho_sigma_r*sigma_r(-1)+eta_r*u_sigma_r; end; initval; sigma_tb=sigma_tb_bar; sigma_r=sigma_r_bar; eps_r=0; eps_tb=0; D=D_bar; % steady states taken from Mathematica code C=0.8779486025329908; K=3.293280327636415; lambda=-4.389743012664954; H=-0.0037203652717462993; phi=-4.389743012664954; I=-0.9754176217303792; Y=1.0513198564588924; r=r_bar; end; shocks; var u_x; stderr 1; var u_r; stderr 1; var u_tb; stderr 1; var u_sigma_tb; stderr 1; var u_sigma_r; stderr 1; end; resid(1); options_.solve_tolf=1E-12; steady(solve_algo=3); check; stoch_simul(order=3,pruning,irf=0,nofunctions,contemporaneous_correlation,TeX) C I Y H r D K lambda phi; comparison_policy_functions_dynare_mathematica;