/* Tests perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_{setup,solver} using a CSV datafile */ var c k; varexo x; parameters alph gam delt bet aa; alph=0.5; gam=0.5; delt=0.02; bet=0.05; aa=0.5; model; c + k - aa*x*k(-1)^alph - (1-delt)*k(-1); c^(-gam) - (1+bet)^(-1)*(aa*alph*x(+1)*k^(alph-1) + 1 - delt)*c(+1)^(-gam); end; initval; x = 1; k = ((delt+bet)/(1.0*aa*alph))^(1/(alph-1)); c = aa*k^alph-delt*k; end; steady; check; perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_setup(periods = 7, datafile = 'pfwee.csv'); // First simulation with default options perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_solver; pfwee1 = oo_.endo_simul; // Second simulation with alternative guess values perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors_solver(terminal_steady_state_as_guess_value); pfwee2 = oo_.endo_simul; // Now compute the solution by hand to verify the results perfect_foresight_setup; // Information arriving in period 1 (temp shock now) oo_.exo_simul(2,1) = 1.2; perfect_foresight_solver; // Information arriving in period 2 (temp shock now + permanent shock in future) oo_.exo_simul(3,1) = 1.3; oo_.exo_steady_state = 1.1; oo_.exo_simul(end, 1) = oo_.exo_steady_state; oo_.steady_state = evaluate_steady_state(oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, M_, options_, true); oo_.endo_simul(:, end) = oo_.steady_state; options_.periods = 6; saved_endo = oo_.endo_simul(:, 1); saved_exo = oo_.exo_simul(1, :); oo_.endo_simul = oo_.endo_simul(:, 2:end); oo_.exo_simul = oo_.exo_simul(2:end, :); perfect_foresight_solver; oo_.endo_simul = [ saved_endo oo_.endo_simul ]; oo_.exo_simul = [ saved_exo; oo_.exo_simul ]; // Information arriving in period 3 (temp shock now + permanent shock in future) oo_.exo_simul(4,1) = 1.4; oo_.exo_steady_state = 1.2; oo_.exo_simul(end, 1) = oo_.exo_steady_state; oo_.steady_state = evaluate_steady_state(oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, M_, options_, true); oo_.endo_simul(:, end) = oo_.steady_state; options_.periods = 5; saved_endo = oo_.endo_simul(:, 1:2); saved_exo = oo_.exo_simul(1:2, :); oo_.endo_simul = oo_.endo_simul(:, 3:end); oo_.exo_simul = oo_.exo_simul(3:end, :); perfect_foresight_solver; oo_.endo_simul = [ saved_endo oo_.endo_simul ]; oo_.exo_simul = [ saved_exo; oo_.exo_simul ]; // Information arriving in period 6 (permanent shock arriving now) oo_.exo_simul(7,1) = 1.1; oo_.exo_simul(8,1) = 1.1; oo_.exo_steady_state = 1.1; oo_.exo_simul(end, 1) = oo_.exo_steady_state; oo_.steady_state = evaluate_steady_state(oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, M_, options_, true); oo_.endo_simul(:, end) = oo_.steady_state; options_.periods = 2; saved_endo = oo_.endo_simul(:, 1:5); saved_exo = oo_.exo_simul(1:5, :); oo_.endo_simul = oo_.endo_simul(:, 6:end); oo_.exo_simul = oo_.exo_simul(6:end, :); perfect_foresight_solver; oo_.endo_simul = [ saved_endo oo_.endo_simul ]; oo_.exo_simul = [ saved_exo; oo_.exo_simul ]; % We should have strict equality with first pfwee simulation, because algorithm % and guess values are exactly the same. if any(any(pfwee1-oo_.endo_simul ~= 0)) error('Error in perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors') end % For the 2nd simulation, since the guess values are different, there are some % numerical differences if max(max(abs(pfwee2-oo_.endo_simul))) > 10*options_.dynatol.f error('Error in perfect_foresight_with_expectation_errors + terminal_steady_state_as_guess_value') end