function [x,fval,exitflag] = simplex_optimization_routine(objective_function,x,options,var_names,varargin) % Nelder-Mead like optimization routine (see % % By default the standard values for the reflection, the expansion, the contraction % and the shrink coefficients are used (alpha = 1, chi = 2, psi = 1 / 2 and σ = 1 / 2). % % The routine automatically restarts from the current solution while amelioration is possible. % % INPUTS % o objective_function [string] Name of the objective function to be minimized. % o x [double] n*1 vector, starting guess of the optimization routine. % o options [structure] Options of this implementation of the simplex algorithm. % o var_names [cell] Names of parameters % for verbose output % o varargin [cell of structures] Structures to be passed to the objective function. % % varargin{1} --> DynareDataset % varargin{2} --> DatasetInfo % varargin{3} --> DynareOptions % varargin{4} --> Model % varargin{5} --> EstimatedParameters % varargin{6} --> BayesInfo % varargin{1} --> DynareResults % % OUTPUTS % o x [double] n*1 vector, estimate of the optimal inputs. % o fval [double] scalar, value of the objective at the optimum. % o exitflag [integer] scalar equal to 0 or 1 (0 if the algorithm did not converge to % a minimum). % Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Set verbose mode verbose = options.verbosity; % Set header if verbose header = sprintf('#Iter. #FnCalls. Best Value Worst Value Norm(f) Norm(x) Move'); iter_ = ' '; fval_ = ' '; end % Set number of control variables. number_of_variables = length(x); % get options. if isempty(options.maxfcall) max_func_calls = options.maxfcallfactor*number_of_variables; else max_func_calls=options.maxfcall; end % Set tolerance parameter. if isfield(options,'tolerance') && isfield(options.tolerance,'x') x_tolerance = options.tolerance.x; else x_tolerance = 1e-4; end % Set tolerance parameter. if isfield(options,'tolerance') && isfield(options.tolerance,'f') f_tolerance = options.tolerance.f; else f_tolerance = 1e-4; end % Set maximum number of iterations. if isfield(options,'maxiter') max_iterations = options.maxiter; else max_iterations = 10000; end % Set reflection parameter. if isfield(options,'reflection_parameter') if isfield(options.reflection_parameter,'value') rho = options.reflection_parameter.value; else rho = 1.0; end if isfield(options.reflection_parameter,'random') randomize_rho = options.reflection_parameter.random; lambda_rho = 1/rho; else randomize_rho = 0; end else rho = 1.0; randomize_rho = 0; end % Set expansion parameter. if isfield(options,'expansion_parameter') if isfield(options.expansion_parameter,'value') chi = options.expansion_parameter.value; else chi = 2.0; end if isfield(options.expansion_parameter,'random') randomize_chi = options.expansion_parameter.random; lambda_chi = 1/chi; else randomize_chi = 0; end if isfield(options.expansion_parameter,'optim') optimize_expansion_parameter = options.expansion_parameter.optim; else optimize_expansion_parameter = 0; end else chi = 2.0; randomize_chi = 0; optimize_expansion_parameter = 1; end % Set contraction parameter. if isfield(options,'contraction_parameter') if isfield(options.contraction_parameter,'value') psi = options.contraction_parameter.value; else psi = 0.5; end if isfield(options.contraction_parameter,'random') randomize_psi = options.expansion_parameter.random; else randomize_psi = 0; end else psi = 0.5; randomize_psi = 0; end % Set shrink parameter. if isfield(options,'shrink_parameter') if isfield(options.shrink_parameter,'value') sigma = options.shrink_parameter.value; else sigma = 0.5; end if isfield(options.shrink_parameter,'random') randomize_sigma = options.shrink_parameter.random; else randomize_sigma = 0; end else sigma = 0.5; randomize_sigma = 0; end % Set delta parameter. if isfield(options,'delta_factor')% Size of the simplex delta = options.delta_factor; else delta = 0.05; end DELTA = delta; zero_delta = delta/200;% To be used instead of delta if x(i) is zero. % Set max_no_improvements. if isfield(options,'max_no_improvements') max_no_improvements = options.max_no_improvements; else max_no_improvements = number_of_variables*10; end % Set vector of indices. unit_vector = ones(1,number_of_variables); trend_vector_1 = 1:number_of_variables; trend_vector_2 = 2:(number_of_variables+1); % Set initial simplex around the initial guess (x). if verbose skipline() disp('Simplex initialization...') end initial_point = x; [initial_score,~,nopenalty] = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); if ~nopenalty disp('Cannot initialize the simplex with the provided initial guess.') skipline() error('simplex_optimization_routine:: Initial condition is wrong!') else [v,fv,delta] = simplex_initialization(objective_function,initial_point,initial_score,delta,zero_delta,1,varargin{:}); if verbose disp('Done!') skipline() end func_count = number_of_variables + 1; iter_count = 1; if verbose disp(['Objective function value: ' num2str(fv(1))]) skipline() end end vold = v; no_improvements = 0; simplex_init = 1; simplex_iterations = 1; max_simplex_algo_iterations = 3; simplex_algo_iterations = 1; best_point = v(:,1); best_point_score = fv(1); convergence = 0; tooslow = 0; iter_no_improvement_break = 0; max_no_improvement_break = 1; if verbose disp(header) end critF = 1.0; critX = 1.0; while (func_count < max_func_calls) && (iter_count < max_iterations) && (simplex_algo_iterations<=max_simplex_algo_iterations) % Do we really need to continue? if critF <= max(f_tolerance,10*eps(fv(1))) && critX <= max(x_tolerance,10*eps(max(v(:,1)))) convergence = 1; end if critX <= x_tolerance^2 && critF>1 tooslow = 1; end % Set random reflection and expansion parameters if needed. if randomize_rho rho = -log(rand)/lambda_rho; end if randomize_chi chi = -log(rand)/lambda_chi; end % Set random contraction and shrink parameters if needed. if randomize_psi psi = rand; end if randomize_sigma sigma = rand; end % Compute the reflection point xbar = mean(v(:,trend_vector_1),2); % Average of the n best points. xr = xbar + rho*(xbar-v(:,end)); x = xr; fxr = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); func_count = func_count+1; if fxr < fv(1)% xr is better than previous best point v(:,1). % Calculate the expansion point xe = xbar + rho*chi*(xbar-v(:,end)); x = xe; fxe = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); func_count = func_count+1; if fxe < fxr% xe is even better than xr. if optimize_expansion_parameter % Compute optimal expansion... xee = xbar + rho*chi*1.01*(xbar-v(:,end)); x = xee; fxee = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); func_count = func_count+1; if fxeef_tolerance*10*fxeee_old fxeee_old = fxeee; xeee_old = xeee; else decrease = 0; end end xe = xeee_old; fxe = fxeee_old; else decrease = 1; weight = rho*chi; fxeee_old = fxee; xeee_old = xee; while decrease weight = weight/1.02; xeee = xbar + weight*(xbar-v(:,end)); x = xeee; fxeee = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); func_count = func_count+1; if (fxeeef_tolerance*10*fxeee_old fxeee_old = fxeee; xeee_old = xeee; else decrease = 0; end end xe = xeee_old; fxe = fxeee_old; end move = 'expand-opt'; else move = 'expand'; end v(:,end) = xe; fv(end) = fxe; else% if xe is not better than xr. v(:,end) = xr; fv(end) = fxr; move = 'reflect-1'; end else% xr is not better than previous best point v(:,1). if fxr < fv(number_of_variables)% xr is better than previous point v(:,n). v(:,end) = xr; fv(end) = fxr; move = 'reflect-0'; else% xr is not better than previous point v(:,n). if fxr < fv(end)% xr is better than previous worst point [=> outside contraction]. xc = (1 + psi*rho)*xbar - psi*rho*v(:,end); x = xc; fxc = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); func_count = func_count+1; if fxc <= fxr v(:,end) = xc; fv(end) = fxc; move = 'contract outside'; else move = 'shrink'; end else% xr is the worst point [=> inside contraction]. xcc = (1-psi)*xbar + psi*v(:,end); x = xcc; fxcc = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); func_count = func_count+1; if fxcc < fv(end) v(:,end) = xcc; fv(end) = fxcc; move = 'contract inside'; else % perform a shrink move = 'shrink'; end end if strcmp(move,'shrink') for j=trend_vector_2 v(:,j)=v(:,1)+sigma*(v(:,j) - v(:,1)); x = v(:,j); fv(j) = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); end func_count = func_count + number_of_variables; end end end % Sort n+1 points by incresing order of the objective function values. [fv,sort_idx] = sort(fv); v = v(:,sort_idx); critF = max(abs(fv(1)-fv(trend_vector_2))); critX = max(max(abs(v(:,trend_vector_2)-v(:,unit_vector)))); if verbose if ~mod(simplex_iterations, 50) skipline() disp(header) end iter = int2str(simplex_iterations); fval = int2str(func_count); iter_(1:length(iter)) = iter; fval_(1:length(fval)) = fval; if isfinite(fv(end)) && isfinite(fv(1)) if fv(end)<0 disp(sprintf('%s %s %12.7E %12.7E %12.7E %12.7E %s', iter_, fval_, fv(1), fv(end), critF, critX, move)) else if fv(1)>0 disp(sprintf('%s %s %12.7E %12.7E %12.7E %12.7E %s', iter_, fval_, fv(1), fv(end), critF, critX, move)) else disp(sprintf('%s %s %12.7E %12.7E %12.7E %12.7E %s', iter_, fval_, fv(1), fv(end), critF, critX, move)) end end else if isfinite(fv(1)) disp(sprintf(['%s %s %12.7E %12.7E %s'], iter_, fval_, fv(1) , critX, move)) else disp(sprintf('%s %s %12.7E %s', iter_, fval_, critX, move)) end end end iter_count = iter_count + 1; simplex_iterations = simplex_iterations+1; if abs(best_point_score-fv(1))max_no_improvements if verbose skipline() disp(['NO SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT AFTER ' int2str(no_improvements) ' ITERATIONS!']) skipline() end if simplex_algo_iterations<=max_simplex_algo_iterations % Compute the size of the simplex delta = delta*1.05; % Compute the new initial simplex. [v,fv,delta] = simplex_initialization(objective_function,best_point,best_point_score,delta,zero_delta,1,varargin{:}); if verbose disp('(Re)Start with a lager simplex based on the best current values for the control variables.') skipline() disp(header) end % Reset counters no_improvements = 0; func_count = func_count + number_of_variables; iter_count = iter_count+1; iter_no_improvement_break = iter_no_improvement_break + 1; simplex_init = simplex_init+1; simplex_iterations = simplex_iterations+1; end end if ((func_count==max_func_calls) || (iter_count==max_iterations) || (iter_no_improvement_break==max_no_improvement_break) || convergence || tooslow) [v,fv,delta] = simplex_initialization(objective_function,best_point,best_point_score,DELTA,zero_delta,1,varargin{:}); if func_count==max_func_calls if verbose skipline() disp(['MAXIMUM NUMBER OF OBJECTIVE FUNCTION CALLS EXCEEDED (' int2str(max_func_calls) ')!']) skipline() end elseif iter_count== max_iterations if verbose skipline() disp(['MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITERATIONS EXCEEDED (' int2str(max_iterations) ')!']) skipline() end elseif iter_no_improvement_break==max_no_improvement_break if verbose skipline() disp(['MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SIMPLEX REINITIALIZATION EXCEEDED (' int2str(max_no_improvement_break) ')!']) skipline() end iter_no_improvement_break = 0; if simplex_algo_iterations==max_simplex_algo_iterations max_no_improvements = Inf;% Do not stop until convergence is reached! continue end elseif tooslow skipline() disp(['CONVERGENCE NOT ACHIEVED AFTER ' int2str(simplex_iterations) ' ITERATIONS! IMPROVING TOO SLOWLY!']) skipline() else skipline() disp(['CONVERGENCE ACHIEVED AFTER ' int2str(simplex_iterations) ' ITERATIONS!']) skipline() end if simplex_algo_iterations= max_func_calls disp_verbose('Maximum number of objective function calls has been exceeded!',verbose) exitflag = 0; end if iter_count>= max_iterations disp_verbose('Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded!',verbose) exitflag = 0; end function [v,fv,delta] = simplex_initialization(objective_function,point,point_score,delta,zero_delta,check_delta,varargin) n = length(point); v = zeros(n,n+1); v(:,1) = point; fv = zeros(n+1,1); fv(1) = point_score; if length(delta)==1 delta = repmat(delta,n,1); end for j = 1:n y = point; if y(j) ~= 0 y(j) = (1 + delta(j))*y(j); else y(j) = zero_delta; end v(:,j+1) = y; x = y; [fv(j+1),~,nopenalty_flag] = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); if check_delta while ~nopenalty_flag if y(j)~=0 delta(j) = delta(j)/1.1; else zero_delta = zero_delta/1.1; end y = point; if y(j) ~= 0 y(j) = (1 + delta(j))*y(j); else y(j) = zero_delta; end v(:,j+1) = y; x = y; [fv(j+1),~,nopenalty_flag] = feval(objective_function,x,varargin{:}); end end end % Sort by increasing order of the objective function values. [fv,sort_idx] = sort(fv); v = v(:,sort_idx);