% this is the Smets and Wouters (2007) model for which Komunjer and Ng (2011) % derived the minimal state space system. In Dynare, however, we use more % powerful minreal function /* * This file provides replication files for * Smets, Frank and Wouters, Rafael (2007): "Shocks and Frictions in US Business Cycles: A Bayesian * DSGE Approach", American Economic Review, 97(3), 586-606, that are compatible with Dynare 4.5 onwards * * To replicate the full results, you have to get back to the original replication files available at * https://www.aeaweb.org/articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer.97.3.586 and include the respective estimation commands and mode-files. * * Notes: * - The consumption Euler equation in the paper, equation (2), premultiplies the risk premium process \varepsilon_t^b, * denoted by b in this code, by the coefficient c_3. In the code this prefactor is omitted by setting the * coefficient to 1. As a consequence, b in this code actually is b:=c_3*\varepsilon_t^b. As a consequence, in * the arbitrage equation for the value of capital in the paper, equation (4), the term 1*\varepsilon_t^b * is replaced by 1/c_3*b, which is equal to \varepsilon_t^b given the above redefinition. This rescaling also explains why the * standard deviation of the risk premium shock in the AR(1)-process for b has a different standard deviation than reported * in the paper. However, the results are unaffected by this scaling factor (except for the fact that the posterior distribution * reported in the paper cannot be directly translated to the present mod-file due to parameter correlation in the posterior. * - As pointed out in Del Negro/Schorfheide (2012): "Notes on New-Keynesian Models" * in the code implementation of equation (8) for both the flex price and the sticky price/wage economy, * there is a (1/(1+cbetabar*cgamma)) missing in the i_2 in front of q_t (denoted qs in the code). * Equation (8) in the paper reads: * (1-(1-delta)/gamma)*(1+beta*gamma^(1-sigma))*gamma^2*varphi * which translates to the code snippet: * (1-(1-ctou)/cgamma)*(1+cbetabar*cgamma)*cgamma^2*csadjcost * But the code implements * (1-(1-ctou)/cgamma)*cgamma^2*csadjcost * which corresponds to an equation reading * (1-(1-delta)/gamma)*gamma^2*varphi * - Chib/Ramamurthy (2010): "Tailored randomized block MCMC methods with application to DSGE models", Journal of Econometrics, 155, pp. 19-38 * have pointed out that the mode reported in the original Smets/Wouters (2007) paper is not actually the mode. \bar \pi (constepinf) is estimated lower * while \bar \l (constelab) is higher. * - Note that at the prior mean, [cmap,crhopinf] and [cmaw,crhow] are pairwise collinear. Thus, running identification at the prior * mean will return a warning. But this is only a local issue. These parameters are only indistinguishable at the prior mean, but not * at different points. * - In the prior Table 1A in the paper, the * - habit parameter $\lambda$ is erroneously labeled h * - the fixed cost parameter $\phi_p$ is labeled $\Phi$ * - Table 1B claims that $\rho_{ga}$ follows a beta prior with B(0.5,0.2^2), but the code shows that it actually * follows a normal distribution with N(0.5,0.25^2) * * This file was originally written by Frank Smets and Rafeal Wouters and has been updated by * Johannes Pfeifer. * * Please note that the following copyright notice only applies to this Dynare * implementation of the model */ /* * Copyright © 2007-2013 Frank Smets and Raf Wouters * Copyright © 2013-15 Johannes Pfeifer * Copyright © 2020 Dynare Team * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You can receive a copy of the GNU General Public License * at . */ var labobs ${lHOURS}$ (long_name='log hours worked') robs ${FEDFUNDS}$ (long_name='Federal funds rate') pinfobs ${dlP}$ (long_name='Inflation') dy ${dlGDP}$ (long_name='Output growth rate') dc ${dlCONS}$ (long_name='Consumption growth rate') dinve ${dlINV}$ (long_name='Investment growth rate') dw ${dlWAG}$ (long_name='Wage growth rate') ewma ${\eta^{w,aux}}$ (long_name='Auxiliary wage markup moving average variable') epinfma ${\eta^{p,aux}}$ (long_name='Auxiliary price markup moving average variable') zcapf ${z^{flex}}$ (long_name='Capital utilization rate flex price economy') rkf ${r^{k,flex}}$ (long_name='rental rate of capital flex price economy') kf ${k^{s,flex}}$ (long_name='Capital services flex price economy') pkf ${q^{flex}}$ (long_name='real value of existing capital stock flex price economy') cf ${c^{flex}}$ (long_name='Consumption flex price economy') invef ${i^{flex}}$ (long_name='Investment flex price economy') yf ${y^{flex}}$ (long_name='Output flex price economy') labf ${l^{flex}}$ (long_name='hours worked flex price economy') wf ${w^{flex}}$ (long_name='real wage flex price economy') rrf ${r^{flex}}$ (long_name='real interest rate flex price economy') mc ${\mu_p}$ (long_name='gross price markup') zcap ${z}$ (long_name='Capital utilization rate') rk ${r^{k}}$ (long_name='rental rate of capital') k ${k^{s}}$ (long_name='Capital services') pk ${q}$ (long_name='real value of existing capital stock') c ${c}$ (long_name='Consumption') inve ${i}$ (long_name='Investment') y ${y}$ (long_name='Output') lab ${l}$ (long_name='hours worked') pinf ${\pi}$ (long_name='Inflation') w ${w}$ (long_name='real wage') r ${r}$ (long_name='nominal interest rate') a ${\varepsilon_a}$ (long_name='productivity process') b ${c_2*\varepsilon_t^b}$ (long_name='Scaled risk premium shock') g ${\varepsilon^g}$ (long_name='Exogenous spending') qs ${\varepsilon^i}$ (long_name='Investment-specific technology') ms ${\varepsilon^r}$ (long_name='Monetary policy shock process') spinf ${\varepsilon^p}$ (long_name='Price markup shock process') sw ${\varepsilon^w}$ (long_name='Wage markup shock process') kpf ${k^{flex}}$ (long_name='Capital stock flex price economy') kp ${k}$ (long_name='Capital stock') ; varexo ea ${\eta^a}$ (long_name='productivity shock') eb ${\eta^b}$ (long_name='Investment-specific technology shock') eg ${\eta^g}$ (long_name='Spending shock') eqs ${\eta^i}$ (long_name='Investment-specific technology shock') em ${\eta^m}$ (long_name='Monetary policy shock') epinf ${\eta^{p}}$ (long_name='Price markup shock') ew ${\eta^{w}}$ (long_name='Wage markup shock') ; parameters curvw ${\varepsilon_w}$ (long_name='Curvature Kimball aggregator wages') cgy ${\rho_{ga}}$ (long_name='Feedback technology on exogenous spending') curvp ${\varepsilon_p}$ (long_name='Curvature Kimball aggregator prices') constelab ${\bar l}$ (long_name='steady state hours') constepinf ${\bar \pi}$ (long_name='steady state inflation rate') constebeta ${100(\beta^{-1}-1)}$ (long_name='time preference rate in percent') cmaw ${\mu_w}$ (long_name='coefficient on MA term wage markup') cmap ${\mu_p}$ (long_name='coefficient on MA term price markup') calfa ${\alpha}$ (long_name='capital share') czcap ${\psi}$ (long_name='capacity utilization cost') csadjcost ${\varphi}$ (long_name='investment adjustment cost') ctou ${\delta}$ (long_name='depreciation rate') csigma ${\sigma_c}$ (long_name='risk aversion') chabb ${\lambda}$ (long_name='external habit degree') ccs ${d_4}$ (long_name='Unused parameter') cinvs ${d_3}$ (long_name='Unused parameter') cfc ${\phi_p}$ (long_name='fixed cost share') cindw ${\iota_w}$ (long_name='Indexation to past wages') cprobw ${\xi_w}$ (long_name='Calvo parameter wages') cindp ${\iota_p}$ (long_name='Indexation to past prices') cprobp ${\xi_p}$ (long_name='Calvo parameter prices') csigl ${\sigma_l}$ (long_name='Frisch elasticity') clandaw ${\phi_w}$ (long_name='Gross markup wages') crdpi ${r_{\Delta \pi}}$ (long_name='Unused parameter') crpi ${r_{\pi}}$ (long_name='Taylor rule inflation feedback') crdy ${r_{\Delta y}}$ (long_name='Taylor rule output growth feedback') cry ${r_{y}}$ (long_name='Taylor rule output level feedback') crr ${\rho}$ (long_name='interest rate persistence') crhoa ${\rho_a}$ (long_name='persistence productivity shock') crhoas ${d_2}$ (long_name='Unused parameter') crhob ${\rho_b}$ (long_name='persistence risk premium shock') crhog ${\rho_g}$ (long_name='persistence spending shock') crhols ${d_1}$ (long_name='Unused parameter') crhoqs ${\rho_i}$ (long_name='persistence risk premium shock') crhoms ${\rho_r}$ (long_name='persistence monetary policy shock') crhopinf ${\rho_p}$ (long_name='persistence price markup shock') crhow ${\rho_w}$ (long_name='persistence wage markup shock') ctrend ${\bar \gamma}$ (long_name='net growth rate in percent') cg ${\frac{\bar g}{\bar y}}$ (long_name='steady state exogenous spending share') ; // fixed parameters ctou=.025; clandaw=1.5; cg=0.18; curvp=10; curvw=10; // estimated parameters initialisation calfa=.24; cbeta=.9995; csigma=1.5; cfc=1.5; cgy=0.51; csadjcost= 6.0144; chabb= 0.6361; cprobw= 0.8087; csigl= 1.9423; cprobp= 0.6; cindw= 0.3243; cindp= 0.47; czcap= 0.2696; crpi= 1.488; crr= 0.8762; cry= 0.0593; crdy= 0.2347; crhoa= 0.9977; crhob= 0.5799; crhog= 0.9957; crhols= 0.9928; crhoqs= 0.7165; crhoas=1; crhoms=0; crhopinf=0; crhow=0; cmap = 0; cmaw = 0; constelab=0; %% Added by JP to provide full calibration of model before estimation constepinf=0.7; constebeta=0.7420; ctrend=0.3982; model(linear); //deal with parameter dependencies; taken from usmodel_stst.mod #cpie=1+constepinf/100; %gross inflation rate #cgamma=1+ctrend/100 ; %gross growth rate #cbeta=1/(1+constebeta/100); %discount factor #clandap=cfc; %fixed cost share/gross price markup #cbetabar=cbeta*cgamma^(-csigma); %growth-adjusted discount factor in Euler equation #cr=cpie/(cbeta*cgamma^(-csigma)); %steady state net real interest rate #crk=(cbeta^(-1))*(cgamma^csigma) - (1-ctou); %R^k_{*}: steady state rental rate #cw = (calfa^calfa*(1-calfa)^(1-calfa)/(clandap*crk^calfa))^(1/(1-calfa)); %steady state real wage //cw = (calfa^calfa*(1-calfa)^(1-calfa)/(clandap*((cbeta^(-1))*(cgamma^csigma) - (1-ctou))^calfa))^(1/(1-calfa)); #cikbar=(1-(1-ctou)/cgamma); %k_1 in equation LOM capital, equation (8) #cik=(1-(1-ctou)/cgamma)*cgamma; %i_k: investment-capital ratio #clk=((1-calfa)/calfa)*(crk/cw); %labor to capital ratio #cky=cfc*(clk)^(calfa-1); %k_y: steady state output ratio #ciy=cik*cky; %consumption-investment ratio #ccy=1-cg-cik*cky; %consumption-output ratio #crkky=crk*cky; %z_y=R_{*}^k*k_y #cwhlc=(1/clandaw)*(1-calfa)/calfa*crk*cky/ccy; %W^{h}_{*}*L_{*}/C_{*} used in c_2 in equation (2) #cwly=1-crk*cky; %unused parameter #conster=(cr-1)*100; %steady state federal funds rate ($\bar r$) // flexible economy [name='FOC labor with mpl expressed as function of rk and w, flex price economy'] 0*(1-calfa)*a + 1*a = calfa*rkf+(1-calfa)*(wf) ; [name='FOC capacity utilization, flex price economy'] zcapf = (1/(czcap/(1-czcap)))* rkf ; [name='Firm FOC capital, flex price economy'] rkf = (wf)+labf-kf ; [name='Definition capital services, flex price economy'] kf = kpf(-1)+zcapf ; [name='Investment Euler Equation, flex price economy'] invef = (1/(1+cbetabar*cgamma))* ( invef(-1) + cbetabar*cgamma*invef(1)+(1/(cgamma^2*csadjcost))*pkf ) +qs ; [name='Arbitrage equation value of capital, flex price economy'] pkf = -rrf-0*b+(1/((1-chabb/cgamma)/(csigma*(1+chabb/cgamma))))*b +(crk/(crk+(1-ctou)))*rkf(1) + ((1-ctou)/(crk+(1-ctou)))*pkf(1) ; [name='Consumption Euler Equation, flex price economy'] cf = (chabb/cgamma)/(1+chabb/cgamma)*cf(-1) + (1/(1+chabb/cgamma))*cf(+1) +((csigma-1)*cwhlc/(csigma*(1+chabb/cgamma)))*(labf-labf(+1)) - (1-chabb/cgamma)/(csigma*(1+chabb/cgamma))*(rrf+0*b) + b ; [name='Aggregate Resource Constraint, flex price economy'] yf = ccy*cf+ciy*invef+g + crkky*zcapf ; [name='Aggregate Production Function, flex price economy'] yf = cfc*( calfa*kf+(1-calfa)*labf +a ); [name='Wage equation, flex price economy'] wf = csigl*labf +(1/(1-chabb/cgamma))*cf - (chabb/cgamma)/(1-chabb/cgamma)*cf(-1) ; [name='Law of motion for capital, flex price economy (see header notes)'] kpf = (1-cikbar)*kpf(-1)+(cikbar)*invef + (cikbar)*(cgamma^2*csadjcost)*qs ; // sticky price - wage economy [name='FOC labor with mpl expressed as function of rk and w, SW Equation (9)'] mc = calfa*rk+(1-calfa)*(w) - 1*a - 0*(1-calfa)*a ; [name='FOC capacity utilization, SW Equation (7)'] zcap = (1/(czcap/(1-czcap)))* rk ; [name='Firm FOC capital, SW Equation (11)'] rk = w+lab-k ; [name='Definition capital services, SW Equation (6)'] k = kp(-1)+zcap ; [name='Investment Euler Equation, SW Equation (3)'] inve = (1/(1+cbetabar*cgamma))* (inve(-1) + cbetabar*cgamma*inve(1)+(1/(cgamma^2*csadjcost))*pk ) +qs ; [name='Arbitrage equation value of capital, SW Equation (4)'] pk = -r+pinf(1)-0*b + (1/((1-chabb/cgamma)/(csigma*(1+chabb/cgamma))))*b + (crk/(crk+(1-ctou)))*rk(1) + ((1-ctou)/(crk+(1-ctou)))*pk(1) ; [name='Consumption Euler Equation, SW Equation (2)'] c = (chabb/cgamma)/(1+chabb/cgamma)*c(-1) + (1/(1+chabb/cgamma))*c(+1) +((csigma-1)*cwhlc/(csigma*(1+chabb/cgamma)))*(lab-lab(+1)) - (1-chabb/cgamma)/(csigma*(1+chabb/cgamma))*(r-pinf(+1) + 0*b) +b ; [name='Aggregate Resource Constraint, SW Equation (1)'] y = ccy*c+ciy*inve+g + 1*crkky*zcap ; [name='Aggregate Production Function, SW Equation (5)'] y = cfc*( calfa*k+(1-calfa)*lab +a ); [name='New Keynesian Phillips Curve, SW Equation (10)'] pinf = (1/(1+cbetabar*cgamma*cindp)) * ( cbetabar*cgamma*pinf(1) +cindp*pinf(-1) +((1-cprobp)*(1-cbetabar*cgamma*cprobp)/cprobp)/((cfc-1)*curvp+1)*(mc) ) + spinf ; [name='Wage Phillips Curve, SW Equation (13), with (12) plugged for mu_w'] w = (1/(1+cbetabar*cgamma))*w(-1) +(cbetabar*cgamma/(1+cbetabar*cgamma))*w(1) +(cindw/(1+cbetabar*cgamma))*pinf(-1) -(1+cbetabar*cgamma*cindw)/(1+cbetabar*cgamma)*pinf +(cbetabar*cgamma)/(1+cbetabar*cgamma)*pinf(1) +(1-cprobw)*(1-cbetabar*cgamma*cprobw)/((1+cbetabar*cgamma)*cprobw)*(1/((clandaw-1)*curvw+1))* (csigl*lab + (1/(1-chabb/cgamma))*c - ((chabb/cgamma)/(1-chabb/cgamma))*c(-1) -w) + 1*sw ; [name='Taylor rule, SW Equation (14)'] r = crpi*(1-crr)*pinf +cry*(1-crr)*(y-yf) +crdy*(y-yf-y(-1)+yf(-1)) +crr*r(-1) +ms ; [name='Law of motion for productivity'] a = crhoa*a(-1) + ea; [name='Law of motion for risk premium'] b = crhob*b(-1) + eb; [name='Law of motion for spending process'] g = crhog*(g(-1)) + eg + cgy*ea; [name='Law of motion for investment specific technology shock process'] qs = crhoqs*qs(-1) + eqs; [name='Law of motion for monetary policy shock process'] ms = crhoms*ms(-1) + em; [name='Law of motion for price markup shock process'] spinf = crhopinf*spinf(-1) + epinfma - cmap*epinfma(-1); epinfma=epinf; [name='Law of motion for wage markup shock process'] sw = crhow*sw(-1) + ewma - cmaw*ewma(-1) ; ewma=ew; [name='Law of motion for capital, SW Equation (8) (see header notes)'] kp = (1-cikbar)*kp(-1)+cikbar*inve + cikbar*cgamma^2*csadjcost*qs ; // measurement equations [name='Observation equation output'] dy=y-y(-1)+ctrend; [name='Observation equation consumption'] dc=c-c(-1)+ctrend; [name='Observation equation investment'] dinve=inve-inve(-1)+ctrend; [name='Observation equation real wage'] dw=w-w(-1)+ctrend; [name='Observation equation inflation'] pinfobs = 1*(pinf) + constepinf; [name='Observation equation interest rate'] robs = 1*(r) + conster; [name='Observation equation hours worked'] labobs = lab + constelab; end; steady_state_model; dy=ctrend; dc=ctrend; dinve=ctrend; dw=ctrend; pinfobs = constepinf; robs = (((1+constepinf/100)/((1/(1+constebeta/100))*(1+ctrend/100)^(-csigma)))-1)*100; labobs = constelab; end; shocks; var ea; stderr 0.4618; var eb; stderr 1.8513; var eg; stderr 0.6090; var eqs; stderr 0.6017; var em; stderr 0.2397; var epinf; stderr 0.1455; var ew; stderr 0.2089; end; estimated_params; // PARAM NAME, INITVAL, LB, UB, PRIOR_SHAPE, PRIOR_P1, PRIOR_P2, PRIOR_P3, PRIOR_P4, JSCALE // PRIOR_SHAPE: BETA_PDF, GAMMA_PDF, NORMAL_PDF, INV_GAMMA_PDF stderr ea,0.4618,0.01,3,INV_GAMMA_PDF,0.1,2; stderr eb,0.1818513,0.025,5,INV_GAMMA_PDF,0.1,2; stderr eg,0.6090,0.01,3,INV_GAMMA_PDF,0.1,2; stderr eqs,0.46017,0.01,3,INV_GAMMA_PDF,0.1,2; stderr em,0.2397,0.01,3,INV_GAMMA_PDF,0.1,2; stderr epinf,0.1455,0.01,3,INV_GAMMA_PDF,0.1,2; stderr ew,0.2089,0.01,3,INV_GAMMA_PDF,0.1,2; crhoa,.9676 ,.01,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.20; crhob,.2703,.01,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.20; crhog,.9930,.01,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.20; crhoqs,.5724,.01,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.20; crhoms,.3,.01,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.20; crhopinf,.8692,.01,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.20; crhow,.9546,.001,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.20; cmap,.7652,0.01,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.2; cmaw,.8936,0.01,.9999,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.2; csadjcost,6.3325,2,15,NORMAL_PDF,4,1.5; csigma,1.2312,0.25,3,NORMAL_PDF,1.50,0.375; chabb,0.7205,0.001,0.99,BETA_PDF,0.7,0.1; cprobw,0.7937,0.3,0.95,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.1; csigl,2.8401,0.25,10,NORMAL_PDF,2,0.75; cprobp,0.7813,0.5,0.95,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.10; cindw,0.4425,0.01,0.99,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.15; cindp,0.3291,0.01,0.99,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.15; czcap,0.2648,0.01,1,BETA_PDF,0.5,0.15; cfc,1.4672,1.0,3,NORMAL_PDF,1.25,0.125; crpi,1.7985,1.0,3,NORMAL_PDF,1.5,0.25; crr,0.8258,0.5,0.975,BETA_PDF,0.75,0.10; cry,0.0893,0.001,0.5,NORMAL_PDF,0.125,0.05; crdy,0.2239,0.001,0.5,NORMAL_PDF,0.125,0.05; constepinf,0.7,0.1,2.0,GAMMA_PDF,0.625,0.1;//20; constebeta,0.7420,0.01,2.0,GAMMA_PDF,0.25,0.1;//0.20; constelab,1.2918,-10.0,10.0,NORMAL_PDF,0.0,2.0; ctrend,0.3982,0.1,0.8,NORMAL_PDF,0.4,0.10; cgy,0.05,0.01,2.0,NORMAL_PDF,0.5,0.25; calfa,0.24,0.01,1.0,NORMAL_PDF,0.3,0.05; end; stoch_simul(order=1,irf=0,periods=0); options_.qz_criterium = 1; indx = [M_.nstatic+(1:M_.nspred)]'; indy = 1:M_.endo_nbr'; SS.A = oo_.dr.ghx(indx,:); SS.B = oo_.dr.ghu(indx,:); SS.C = oo_.dr.ghx(indy,:); SS.D = oo_.dr.ghu(indy,:); [CheckCO,minnx,minSS] = get_minimal_state_representation(SS,0); Sigmax_full = lyapunov_symm(SS.A, SS.B*M_.Sigma_e*SS.B', options_.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol, options_.qz_criterium, options_.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 1, options_.debug); Sigmay_full = SS.C*Sigmax_full*SS.C' + SS.D*M_.Sigma_e*SS.D'; Sigmax_min = lyapunov_symm(minSS.A, minSS.B*M_.Sigma_e*minSS.B', options_.lyapunov_fixed_point_tol, options_.qz_criterium, options_.lyapunov_complex_threshold, 1, options_.debug); Sigmay_min = minSS.C*Sigmax_min*minSS.C' + minSS.D*M_.Sigma_e*minSS.D'; ([Sigmay_full(:) - Sigmay_min(:)]'); sqrt(([diag(Sigmay_full), diag(Sigmay_min)]')); dx = norm( Sigmay_full - Sigmay_min, Inf); if dx > 3e-8 error(sprintf('something wrong with minimal state space computations, as numerical error is %d',dx)) else fprintf('numerical error for moments computed from minimal state system is %d\n',dx) end