@q $Id: random.cweb 1491 2007-12-19 14:36:53Z kamenik $ @> @q Copyright 2007, Ondra Kamenik @> @ Start of {\tt random.cpp} file. @c #include "random.h" #include #include #include @<|RandomGenerator::int_uniform| code@>; @<|RandomGenerator::normal| code@>; SystemRandomGenerator system_random_generator; @<|SystemRandomGenerator::uniform| code@>; @<|SystemRandomGenerator::initSeed| code@>; @ @<|RandomGenerator::int_uniform| code@>= int RandomGenerator::int_uniform() { double s = std::numeric_limits::max()*uniform(); return (int)s; } @ This implements Marsaglia Polar Method. @<|RandomGenerator::normal| code@>= double RandomGenerator::normal() { double x1, x2; double w; do { x1 = 2*uniform()-1; x2 = 2*uniform()-1; w = x1*x1 + x2*x2; } while (w >= 1.0 || w < 1.0e-30); return x1*std::sqrt((-2.0*std::log(w))/w); } @ @<|SystemRandomGenerator::uniform| code@>= double SystemRandomGenerator::uniform() { #ifndef __MINGW32__ return drand48(); #else return ((double)rand())/RAND_MAX; #endif } @ @<|SystemRandomGenerator::initSeed| code@>= void SystemRandomGenerator::initSeed(int seed) { #ifndef __MINGW32__ srand48(seed); #else srand(seed); #endif } @ End of {\tt random.cpp} file.