// Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik // Dynamic model abstraction /* This file only defines a generic interface to a DSGE model. The model takes the form: $$E_t\left[f(g^{**}(g^*(y,u_t),u_{t+1}),g(y,u),y,u_t)\right]=0$$ The interface is defined via pure virtual class |DynamicModel|. */ #ifndef DYNAMIC_MODEL_H #define DYNAMIC_MODEL_H #include "t_container.hh" #include "sparse_tensor.hh" #include "Vector.hh" #include #include /* The class is a virtual pure class which provides an access to names of the variables. */ class NameList { public: virtual ~NameList() = default; virtual int getNum() const = 0; virtual const std::string &getName(int i) const = 0; void print() const; void writeMat(mat_t *fd, const std::string &vname) const; void writeMatIndices(mat_t *fd, const std::string &prefix) const; }; /* This is the interface to an information on a generic DSGE model. It is sufficient for calculations of policy rule Taylor approximations at some (not necessarily deterministic) steady state. We need to know a partitioning of endogenous variables $y$. We suppose that $y$ is partitioned as $$y=\left[\matrix{\hbox{static}\cr\hbox{pred}\cr\hbox{both}\cr\hbox{forward}}\right]$$ of which we define $$y^*=\left[\matrix{\hbox{pred}\cr\hbox{both}}\right]\quad y^{**}=\left[\matrix{\hbox{both}\cr\hbox{forward}}\right]$$ where ``static'' are meant those variables, which appear only at time $t$; ``pred'' are meant those variables, which appear only at $t$ and $t-1$; ``both'' are meant those variables, which appear at least at $t-1$ and $t+1$; and ``forward'' are meant those variables, which appear only at $t$ and $t+1$. This partitioning is given by methods |nstat()|, |npred()|, |nboth()|, and |nforw()|. The number of equations |numeq()| must be the same as a number of endogenous variables. In order to complete description, we need to know a number of exogenous variables, which is a size of $u$, hence |nexog()| method. The model contains an information about names of variables, the variance-covariance matrix of the shocks, the derivatives of equations of $f$ at some steady state, and the steady state. These can be retrieved by the corresponding methods. The derivatives of the system are calculated with respect to stacked variables, the stack looks as: $$\left[\matrix{y^{**}_{t+1}\cr y_t\cr y^*_{t-1}\cr u_t}\right].$$ There are only three operations. The first |solveDeterministicSteady()| solves the deterministic steady steate which can be retrieved by |getSteady()| later. The method |evaluateSystem| calculates $f(y^{**},y,y^*,u)$, where $y$ and $u$ are passed, or $f(y^{**}_{t+1}, y_t, y^*_{t-1}, u)$, where $y^{**}_{t+1}$, $y_t$, $y^*_{t-1}$, $u$ are passed. Finally, the method |calcDerivativesAtSteady()| calculates derivatives of $f$ at the current steady state, and zero shocks. The derivatives can be retrieved with |getModelDerivatives()|. All the derivatives are done up to a given order in the model, which can be retrieved by |order()|. The model initialization is done in a constructor of the implementing class. The constructor usually calls a parser, which parses a given file (usually a text file), and retrieves all necessary information about the model, inluding variables, partitioning, variance-covariance matrix, information helpful for calculation of the deterministic steady state, and so on. */ class DynamicModel { public: virtual std::unique_ptr clone() const = 0; virtual ~DynamicModel() = default; virtual int nstat() const = 0; virtual int nboth() const = 0; virtual int npred() const = 0; virtual int nforw() const = 0; virtual int nexog() const = 0; virtual int order() const = 0; int numeq() const { return nstat()+nboth()+npred()+nforw(); } virtual const NameList &getAllEndoNames() const = 0; virtual const NameList &getStateNames() const = 0; virtual const NameList &getExogNames() const = 0; virtual const TwoDMatrix &getVcov() const = 0; virtual const TensorContainer &getModelDerivatives() const = 0; virtual const Vector &getSteady() const = 0; virtual Vector &getSteady() = 0; virtual void solveDeterministicSteady() = 0; virtual void evaluateSystem(Vector &out, const ConstVector &yy, const Vector &xx) = 0; virtual void evaluateSystem(Vector &out, const ConstVector &yym, const ConstVector &yy, const ConstVector &yyp, const Vector &xx) = 0; virtual void calcDerivativesAtSteady() = 0; }; #endif