function [abscissa,f] = kernel_density_estimate(data,number_of_grid_points,number_of_draws,bandwidth,kernel_function) % Estimates a continuous density. % % INPUTS % data [double] Vector (number_of_draws*1) of draws. % number_of_grid_points [integer] Scalar, number of points where the density is estimated. % This (positive) integer must be a power of two. % number_of_draws [integer] Scalar, number of draws. % bandwidth [double] Real positive scalar. % kernel_function [string] Name of the kernel function: 'gaussian', 'triweight', % 'uniform', 'triangle', 'epanechnikov', 'quartic', % 'triweight' and 'cosinus' % % OUTPUTS % abscissa [double] Vector (number_of_grid_points*1) of values on the abscissa axis. % f: [double] Vector (number_of_grid_points*1) of values on the ordinate axis, % (density estimates). % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none. % % REFERENCES % A kernel density estimator is used (see Silverman [1986], "Density estimation for statistics and data analysis") % The code is adapted from Anders Holtsberg's matlab toolbox (stixbox). % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2004-2008) % Gnu Public License. if min(size(data))>1 error('kernel_density_estimate:: data must be a one dimensional array.'); else data = data(:); end test = log(number_of_grid_points)/log(2); if (abs(test-round(test)) > 1e-12) error('kernel_density_estimate:: The number of grid points must be a power of 2.'); end %% Kernel specification. if strcmpi(kernel_function,'gaussian') kernel = @(x) inv(sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-0.5*x.^2); elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'uniform') kernel = @(x) 0.5*(abs(x) <= 1); elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'triangle') kernel = @(x) (1-abs(x)).*(abs(x) <= 1); elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'epanechnikov') kernel = @(x) 0.75*(1-x.^2).*(abs(x) <= 1); elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'quartic') kernel = @(x) 0.9375*((1-x.^2).^2).*(abs(x) <= 1); elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'triweight') kernel = @(x) 1.09375*((1-x.^2).^3).*(abs(x) <= 1); elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'cosinus') kernel = @(x) (pi/4)*cos((pi/2)*x).*(abs(x) <= 1); end %% Non parametric estimation (Gaussian kernel should be used (FFT)). lower_bound = min(data) - (max(data)-min(data))/3; upper_bound = max(data) + (max(data)-min(data))/3; abscissa = linspace(lower_bound,upper_bound,number_of_grid_points)'; inc = abscissa(2)-abscissa(1); xi = zeros(number_of_grid_points,1); xa = (data-lower_bound)/(upper_bound-lower_bound)*number_of_grid_points; for i = 1:number_of_draws indx = floor(xa(i)); temp = xa(i)-indx; xi(indx+[1 2]) = xi(indx+[1 2]) + [1-temp,temp]'; end xk = [-number_of_grid_points:number_of_grid_points-1]'*inc; kk = kernel(xk/bandwidth); kk = kk / (sum(kk)*inc*number_of_draws); f = ifft(fft(fftshift(kk)).*fft([ xi ; zeros(number_of_grid_points,1) ])); f = real(f(1:number_of_grid_points));