function [LIK, lik, a, P] = missing_observations_kalman_filter(data_index,number_of_observations,no_more_missing_observations,Y,start,last,a,P,kalman_tol,riccati_tol,rescale_prediction_error_covariance,presample,T,Q,R,H,Z,mm,pp,rr,Zflag,diffuse_periods,occbin_) % Computes the likelihood of a state space model in the case with missing observations. % % INPUTS % data_index [cell] 1*smpl cell of column vectors of indices. % number_of_observations [integer] scalar. % no_more_missing_observations [integer] scalar. % Y [double] pp*smpl matrix of data. % start [integer] scalar, index of the first observation. % last [integer] scalar, index of the last observation. % a [double] pp*1 vector, levels of the predicted initial state variables (E_{0}(alpha_1)). % P [double] pp*pp matrix, covariance matrix of the initial state vector. % kalman_tol [double] scalar, tolerance parameter (rcond). % riccati_tol [double] scalar, tolerance parameter (riccati iteration). % presample [integer] scalar, presampling if strictly positive. % T [double] mm*mm transition matrix of the state equation. % Q [double] rr*rr covariance matrix of the structural innovations. % R [double] mm*rr matrix, mapping structural innovations to state variables. % H [double] pp*pp (or 1*1 =0 if no measurement error) covariance matrix of the measurement errors. % Z [integer] pp*1 vector of indices for the observed variables. % mm [integer] scalar, dimension of the state vector. % pp [integer] scalar, number of observed variables. % rr [integer] scalar, number of structural innovations. % % OUTPUTS % LIK [double] scalar, MINUS loglikelihood % lik [double] vector, density of observations in each period. % a [double] mm*1 vector, current estimate of the state vector tomorrow (E_{T}(alpha_{T+1})). % P [double] mm*mm matrix, covariance matrix of the states. % % % NOTES % The vector "lik" is used to evaluate the jacobian of the likelihood. % Copyright © 2004-2021 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Set defaults if nargin<20 Zflag = 0; diffuse_periods = 0; end if nargin<21 diffuse_periods = 0; end if isempty(Zflag) Zflag = 0; end if isempty(diffuse_periods) diffuse_periods = 0; end if isequal(H,0) H = zeros(pp,pp); end % Get sample size. smpl = last-start+1; % Initialize some variables. dF = 1; isqvec = false; if ndim(Q)>2 Qvec = Q; Q=Q(:,:,1); isqvec = true; end QQ = R*Q*transpose(R); % Variance of R times the vector of structural innovations. t = start; % Initialization of the time index. lik = zeros(smpl,1); % Initialization of the vector gathering the densities. LIK = Inf; % Default value of the log likelihood. oldK = Inf; notsteady = 1; F_singular = true; s = 0; rescale_prediction_error_covariance0=rescale_prediction_error_covariance; if occbin_.status Qt = repmat(Q,[1 1 3]); a0 = zeros(mm,last); a1 = zeros(mm,last); P0 = zeros(mm,mm,last); P1 = zeros(mm,mm,last); vv = zeros(pp,last);{1};{2};{3};{4}; opts_regime.regime_history = occbin_options.opts_simul.init_regime; opts_regime.binding_indicator = occbin_options.opts_simul.init_binding_indicator; if t>1 first_period_occbin_update = max(t+1,options_.occbin.likelihood.first_period_occbin_update); else first_period_occbin_update = options_.occbin.likelihood.first_period_occbin_update; end if isempty(opts_regime.binding_indicator) && isempty(opts_regime.regime_history) opts_regime.binding_indicator=zeros(last+2,M_.occbin.constraint_nbr); end [~, ~, ~, regimes_] = occbin.check_regimes([], [], [], opts_regime, M_, options_, oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state); if length(>4{5};{6};{7};{8};{9}; TT = cat(3,TT,T); RR = cat(3,RR,R); CC = cat(2,CC,zeros(mm,1)); if size(TT,3)<(last+1) TT=repmat(T,1,1,last+1); RR=repmat(R,1,1,last+1); CC=repmat(zeros(mm,1),1,last+1); end end else first_period_occbin_update = inf; C=0; end while notsteady && t<=last if occbin_.status a1(:,t) = a; P1(:,:,t) = P; C = CC(:,t+1); R = RR(:,:,t+1); T = TT(:,:,t+1); if ~(isqvec) QQ = R*Q*transpose(R); % Variance of R times the vector of structural innovations. end if t==1 Pinit = P1(:,:,1); ainit = a1(:,1); end end s = t-start+1; d_index = data_index{t}; if isqvec QQ = R*Qvec(:,:,t+1)*transpose(R); end if isempty(d_index) a = T*a; P = T*P*transpose(T)+QQ; else % Compute the prediction error and its variance if Zflag z = Z(d_index,:); v = Y(d_index,t)-z*a; F = z*P*z' + H(d_index,d_index); else z = Z(d_index); v = Y(d_index,t) - a(z); F = P(z,z) + H(d_index,d_index); end badly_conditioned_F = false; if rescale_prediction_error_covariance sig=sqrt(diag(F)); if any(diag(F)=no_more_missing_observations && ~isqvec && ~occbin_.status notsteady = max(abs(K(:)-oldK))>riccati_tol; oldK = K(:); end end end end if occbin_.status && t>=first_period_occbin_update occbin_options.opts_simul.waitbar=0; if t==1 if isqvec Qt = cat(3,Q,Qvec(:,:,t:t+1)); end a00 = ainit; a10 = [a00 a(:,1)]; P00 = Pinit; P10 = P1(:,:,[1 1]); data_index0{1}=[]; data_index0(2)=data_index(1); v0(:,2)=vv(:,1); Y0(:,2)=Y(:,1); Y0(:,1)=nan; TT01 = cat(3,T,TT(:,:,1)); RR01 = cat(3,R,RR(:,:,1)); CC01 = zeros(size(CC,1),2); CC01(:,2) = CC(:,1); [ax, a1x, Px, P1x, vx, Tx, Rx, Cx, regimes_(t:t+2), info, M_, likx] = occbin.kalman_update_algo_1(a00, a10, P00, P10, data_index0, Z, v0, Y0, H, Qt, T0, R0, TT01, RR01, CC01, regimes_(t:t+1), M_, oo_, options_, occbin_options); else if isqvec Qt = Qvec(:,:,t-1:t+1); end [ax, a1x, Px, P1x, vx, Tx, Rx, Cx, regimes_(t:t+2), info, M_, likx] = occbin.kalman_update_algo_1(a0(:,t-1),a1(:,t-1:t),P0(:,:,t-1),P1(:,:,t-1:t),data_index(t-1:t),Z,vv(:,t-1:t),Y(:,t-1:t),H,Qt,T0,R0,TT(:,:,t-1:t),RR(:,:,t-1:t),CC(:,t-1:t),regimes_(t:t+1),M_,oo_,options_,occbin_options); end if info if options_.debug fprintf('\nmissing_observations_kalman_filter:PKF failed with: %s\n', get_error_message(info,options_)); end return end if options_.occbin.likelihood.use_updated_regime lik(s) = likx; end a0(:,t) = ax(:,1); a1(:,t) = a1x(:,2); a = ax(:,2); vv(d_index,t) = vx(d_index,2); TT(:,:,t:t+1) = Tx; RR(:,:,t:t+1) = Rx; CC(:,t:t+1) = Cx; P0(:,:,t) = Px(:,:,1); P1(:,:,t) = P1x(:,:,2); P = Px(:,:,2); end t = t+1; end if F_singular error('The variance of the forecast error remains singular until the end of the sample') end % Divide by two. lik(1:s) = .5*lik(1:s); % Call steady state Kalman filter if needed. if t<=last [tmp, lik(s+1:end)] = kalman_filter_ss(Y, t, last, a, T, K, iF, log_dF, Z, pp, Zflag); end % Compute minus the log-likelihood. if presample>=diffuse_periods LIK = sum(lik(1+presample-diffuse_periods:end)); else LIK = sum(lik); end