function [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_dynamic, derivatives_info, info, error_indicator] = identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, init) % [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_dynamic, derivatives_info, info, error_indicator] = identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, init) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function wraps all identification analysis, i.e. it % (1) wraps functions for the theoretical identification analysis based on moments (Iskrev, 2010), % spectrum (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012), minimal system (Komunjer and Ng, 2011), information matrix, % reduced-form solution and dynamic model derivatives (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011). % (2) computes the identification strength based on moments (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011) % (3) checks which parameters are involved. % If options_ident.order>1, then the identification analysis is based on % Mutschler (2015), i.e. the pruned state space system and the corresponding % moments, spectrum, reduced-form solution and dynamic model derivatives % ========================================================================= % INPUTS % * params [mc_sample_nbr by totparam_nbr] % parameter values for identification checks % * indpmodel [modparam_nbr by 1] % index of model parameters for which identification is checked % * indpstderr [stderrparam_nbr by 1] % index of stderr parameters for which identification is checked % * indpcorr [corrparam_nbr by 2] % matrix of corr parmeters for which identification is checked % * options_ident [structure] % identification options % * dataset_info [structure] % various information about the dataset (descriptive statistics and missing observations) for Kalman Filter % * prior_exist [integer] % 1: prior exists. Identification is checked for stderr, corr and model parameters as declared in estimated_params block % 0: prior does not exist. Identification is checked for all stderr and model parameters, but no corr parameters % * init [integer] % flag for initialization of persistent vars. This is needed if one may want to make more calls to identification in the same mod file % * error_indicator [structure] % boolean information on errors (1 is an error, 0 is no error) while computing the criteria stored in fields identification_strength, identification_reducedform, identification_moments, identification_minimal, identification_spectrum % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OUTPUTS % * ide_moments [structure] % identification results using theoretical moments (Iskrev, 2010; Mutschler, 2015) % * ide_spectrum [structure] % identification results using spectrum (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012; Mutschler, 2015) % * ide_minimal [structure] % identification results using theoretical mean and minimal system (Komunjer and Ng, 2011) % * ide_hess [structure] % identification results using asymptotic Hessian (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011) % * ide_reducedform [structure] % identification results using steady state and reduced form solution (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011) % * ide_dynamic [structure] % identification results using steady state and dynamic model derivatives (Ratto and Iskrev, 2011) % * derivatives_info [structure] % info about first-order perturbation derivatives, used in dsge_likelihood.m % * info [integer] % output from dynare_resolve % * error_indicator [structure] % indicator on problems % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function is called by % * dynare_identification.m % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function calls % * [M_.fname,'.dynamic'] % * dseries % * dsge_likelihood.m % * dyn_vech % * ident_bruteforce % * identification_checks % * identification_checks_via_subsets % * isoctave % * get_identification_jacobians (previously getJJ) % * matlab_ver_less_than % * prior_bounds % * resol % * set_all_parameters % * simulated_moment_uncertainty % * stoch_simul % * vec % ========================================================================= % Copyright © 2008-2021 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % ========================================================================= global oo_ M_ options_ bayestopt_ estim_params_ persistent ind_dMOMENTS ind_dREDUCEDFORM ind_dDYNAMIC % persistent indices are necessary, because in a MC loop the numerical threshold % used may provide vectors of different length, leading to crashes in MC loops %initialize output structures ide_hess = struct(); %Identification structure based on asymptotic/simulated information matrix ide_reducedform = struct(); %Identification structure based on steady state and reduced form solution ide_dynamic = struct(); %Identification structure based on steady state and dynamic model derivatives ide_moments = struct(); %Identification structure based on first two moments (Iskrev, 2010; Mutschler, 2015) ide_spectrum = struct(); %Identification structure based on Gram matrix of Jacobian of spectral density plus Gram matrix of Jacobian of steady state (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012; Mutschler, 2015) ide_minimal = struct(); %Identification structure based on mean and minimal system (Komunjer and Ng, 2011) derivatives_info = struct(); %storage for first-order perturbation Jacobians used in dsge_likelihood.m totparam_nbr = length(params); %number of all parameters to be checked modparam_nbr = length(indpmodel); %number of model parameters to be checked stderrparam_nbr = length(indpstderr); %number of stderr parameters to be checked corrparam_nbr = size(indpcorr,1); %number of stderr parameters to be checked indvobs = bayestopt_.mf2; %index of observable variables if ~isempty(estim_params_) %estimated_params block is available, so we are able to use set_all_parameters.m M_ = set_all_parameters(params,estim_params_,M_); end %get options (see dynare_identification.m for description of options) nlags =; advanced = options_ident.advanced; replic = options_ident.replic; periods = options_ident.periods; max_dim_cova_group = options_ident.max_dim_cova_group; normalize_jacobians = options_ident.normalize_jacobians; checks_via_subsets = options_ident.checks_via_subsets; tol_deriv = options_ident.tol_deriv; tol_rank = options_ident.tol_rank; tol_sv = options_ident.tol_sv; error_indicator.identification_strength=0; error_indicator.identification_reducedform=0; error_indicator.identification_moments=0; error_indicator.identification_minimal=0; error_indicator.identification_spectrum=0; %Compute linear approximation and fill dr structure [oo_.dr,info,M_.params] = compute_decision_rules(M_,options_,oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state); if info(1) == 0 %no errors in solution % Compute parameter Jacobians for identification analysis [MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params_, M_, options_, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state); if isempty(dMINIMAL) % Komunjer and Ng is not computed if (1) minimality conditions are not fullfilled or (2) there are more shocks and measurement errors than observables, so we need to reset options error_indicator.identification_minimal = 1; %options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1; end if init %check stationarity if ~options_ident.no_identification_moments if any(any(isnan(MOMENTS))) if options_.diffuse_filter == 1 % use options_ as it inherits diffuse_filter from options_ident if set by user error('There are NaN''s in the theoretical moments. Make sure that for non-stationary models stationary transformations of non-stationary observables are used for checking identification. [TIP: use first differences].') else error('There are NaN''s in the theoretical moments. Please check whether your model has units roots, and you forgot to set diffuse_filter=1.' ) end error_indicator.identification_moments=1; end ind_dMOMENTS = (find(max(abs(dMOMENTS'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows if isempty(ind_dMOMENTS) && any(any(isnan(dMOMENTS))) error('There are NaN in the dMOMENTS matrix.') error_indicator.identification_moments=1; end end if ~options_ident.no_identification_spectrum ind_dSPECTRUM = (find(max(abs(dSPECTRUM'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows if any(any(isnan(dSPECTRUM))) warning_SPECTRUM = 'WARNING: There are NaN in the dSPECTRUM matrix. Note that identification based on spectrum does not support non-stationary models (yet).\n'; warning_SPECTRUM = [warning_SPECTRUM ' Skip identification analysis based on spectrum.\n']; fprintf(warning_SPECTRUM); %set indicator to neither display nor plot dSPECTRUM anymore error_indicator.identification_spectrum = 1; end end if ~options_ident.no_identification_minimal ind_dMINIMAL = (find(max(abs(dMINIMAL'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows if any(any(isnan(dMINIMAL))) warning_MINIMAL = 'WARNING: There are NaN in the dMINIMAL matrix. Note that identification based on minimal system does not support non-stationary models (yet).\n'; warning_MINIMAL = [warning_MINIMAL ' Skip identification analysis based on minimal system.\n']; fprintf(warning_MINIMAL); %set indicator to neither display nor plot dMINIMAL anymore error_indicator.identification_minimal = 1; end end %The following cannot be reached yet due to erroring out when %error_indicator.identification_moments is triggered if error_indicator.identification_moments && error_indicator.identification_minimal && error_indicator.identification_spectrum %display error if all three criteria fail error(sprintf('identification_analyis: Stationarity condition(s) failed and/or diffuse_filter option missing.\nMake sure that for non-stationary models stationary transformations of non-stationary observables are used for checking identification.\n[TIP: use first differences].')); end % Check order conditions if ~options_ident.no_identification_moments && ~error_indicator.identification_moments %check order condition of Iskrev (2010) while length(ind_dMOMENTS) < totparam_nbr && nlags < 10 %Try to add lags to autocovariogram if order condition fails disp('The number of moments with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters') disp(['Try increasing ar = ', int2str(nlags+1)]) nlags = nlags + 1; options_ident_local=options_ident; options_ident_local.no_identification_minimal = 1; %do not recompute dMINIMAL options_ident_local.no_identification_spectrum = 1; %do not recompute dSPECTRUM = nlags; %store new lag number = nlags; %store new lag number [~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, ~, ~, ~, ~] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params_, M_, options_, options_ident_local, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, oo_.dr, oo_.steady_state, oo_.exo_steady_state, oo_.exo_det_steady_state); ind_dMOMENTS = (find(max(abs(dMOMENTS'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %new index with non-zero rows end if length(ind_dMOMENTS) < totparam_nbr warning_MOMENTS = 'WARNING: Order condition for dMOMENTS failed: There are not enough moments and too many parameters.\n'; warning_MOMENTS = [warning_MOMENTS ' The number of moments with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters up to 10 lags.\n']; warning_MOMENTS = [warning_MOMENTS ' Either reduce the list of parameters, or further increase ar, or increase number of observables.\n']; warning_MOMENTS = [warning_MOMENTS ' Skip identification analysis based on moments.\n']; warning_MOMENTS = [warning_MOMENTS ' Skip identification strength analysis.\n']; fprintf(warning_MOMENTS); %set indicator to neither display nor plot dMOMENTS anymore error_indicator.identification_moments = 1; %options_ident.no_identification_moments = 1; error_indicator.identification_strength = 1; %options_ident.no_identification_strength = 1; end end if ~options_ident.no_identification_minimal && ~error_indicator.identification_minimal if length(ind_dMINIMAL) < size(dMINIMAL,2) warning_MINIMAL = 'WARNING: Order condition for dMINIMAL failed: There are too many parameters or too few observable variables.\n'; warning_MINIMAL = [warning_MINIMAL ' The number of minimal system elements with non-zero derivative is smaller than the number of parameters.\n']; warning_MINIMAL = [warning_MINIMAL ' Either reduce the list of parameters, or increase number of observables.\n']; warning_MINIMAL = [warning_MINIMAL ' Skip identification analysis based on minimal state space system.\n']; fprintf(warning_MINIMAL); %set indicator to neither display nor plot dMINIMAL anymore error_indicator.identification_minimal = 1; end end %Note that there is no order condition for dSPECTRUM, as the matrix is always of dimension totparam_nbr by totparam_nbr if error_indicator.identification_moments && error_indicator.identification_minimal && error_indicator.identification_spectrum %error if all three criteria fail error('identification_analyis: Order condition(s) failed'); end if ~options_ident.no_identification_reducedform && ~error_indicator.identification_reducedform ind_dREDUCEDFORM = (find(max(abs(dREDUCEDFORM'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index with non-zero rows end ind_dDYNAMIC = (find(max(abs(dDYNAMIC'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index with non-zero rows end DYNAMIC = DYNAMIC(ind_dDYNAMIC); %focus only on non-zero entries si_dDYNAMIC = (dDYNAMIC(ind_dDYNAMIC,:)); %focus only on non-zero rows if ~options_ident.no_identification_reducedform && ~error_indicator.identification_reducedform REDUCEDFORM = REDUCEDFORM(ind_dREDUCEDFORM); %focus only on non-zero entries si_dREDUCEDFORM = (dREDUCEDFORM(ind_dREDUCEDFORM,:)); %focus only on non-zero rows end if ~options_ident.no_identification_moments && ~error_indicator.identification_moments MOMENTS = MOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS); %focus only on non-zero entries si_dMOMENTS = (dMOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS,:)); %focus only on non-zero derivatives %% MOMENTS IDENTIFICATION STRENGTH ANALYSIS if ~options_ident.no_identification_strength && ~error_indicator.identification_strength && init %only for initialization of persistent vars ide_strength_dMOMENTS = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %initialize ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %initialize ide_uncert_unnormaliz = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %initialize if prior_exist offset_prior = 0; if ~isempty(estim_params_.var_exo) %stderr parameters come first normaliz_prior_std = bayestopt_.p2(1:estim_params_.nvx)'; % normalize with prior standard deviation offset_prior = offset_prior+estim_params_.nvx+estim_params_.nvn; else normaliz_prior_std=[]; %initialize end if ~isempty(estim_params_.corrx) %corr parameters come second normaliz_prior_std = [normaliz_prior_std bayestopt_.p2(offset_prior+1:offset_prior+estim_params_.ncx)']; % normalize with prior standard deviation offset_prior = offset_prior+estim_params_.ncx+estim_params_.ncn; end if ~isempty(estim_params_.param_vals) %model parameters come third normaliz_prior_std = [normaliz_prior_std bayestopt_.p2(']; % normalize with prior standard deviation end else normaliz_prior_std = NaN(1,totparam_nbr); %no prior information available, do not normalize end try %try to compute asymptotic Hessian for identification strength analysis based on moments if options_.order > 1 error('IDENTIFICATION STRENGTH: Analytic computation of Hessian is not available for ''order>1''. Identification strength is based on simulated moment uncertainty'); end % reset some options for faster computations options_.irf = 0; options_.noprint = 1; options_.SpectralDensity.trigger = 0; options_.periods = periods+100; if options_.kalman_algo > 2 options_.kalman_algo = 1; end analytic_derivation = options_.analytic_derivation; options_.analytic_derivation = -2; %this sets asy_Hess=1 in dsge_likelihood.m [info, oo_, options_, M_] = stoch_simul(M_, options_, oo_, options_.varobs); dataset_ = dseries(oo_.endo_simul(options_.varobs_id,100+1:end)',dates('1Q1'), options_.varobs); %get information on moments derivatives_info.no_DLIK = 1; bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); %reset bounds as lb and ub must only be operational during mode-finding %note that for order>1 we do not provide any information on DT,DYss,DOM in derivatives_info, such that dsge_likelihood creates an error. Therefore the computation will be based on simulated_moment_uncertainty for order>1. [fval, info, cost_flag, DLIK, AHess, ys, trend_coeff, M_, options_, bayestopt_, oo_] = dsge_likelihood(params', dataset_, dataset_info, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, bounds, oo_, derivatives_info); %non-used output variables need to be set for octave for some reason %note that for the order of parameters in AHess we have: stderr parameters come first, corr parameters second, model parameters third. the order within these blocks corresponds to the order specified in the estimated_params block options_.analytic_derivation = analytic_derivation; %reset option AHess = -AHess; %take negative of hessian if min(eig(AHess))<-tol_rank error('identification_analysis: Analytic Hessian is not positive semi-definite!') end ide_hess.AHess = AHess; %store asymptotic Hessian %normalize asymptotic hessian deltaM = sqrt(diag(AHess)); iflag = any((deltaM.*deltaM)==0); %check if all second-order derivatives wrt to a single parameter are nonzero tildaM = AHess./((deltaM)*(deltaM')); %this normalization is for numerical purposes if iflag || rank(AHess)>rank(tildaM) [ide_hess.cond, ide_hess.rank, ide_hess.ind0, ide_hess.indno, ide_hess.ino, ide_hess.Mco, ide_hess.Pco] = identification_checks(AHess, 0, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr); else %use normalized version if possible [ide_hess.cond, ide_hess.rank, ide_hess.ind0, ide_hess.indno, ide_hess.ino, ide_hess.Mco, ide_hess.Pco] = identification_checks(tildaM, 0, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr); end indok = find(max(ide_hess.indno,[],1)==0); ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok) = sqrt(diag(inv(AHess(indok,indok))))'; ind1 = find(ide_hess.ind0); cmm = si_dMOMENTS(:,ind1)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_dMOMENTS(:,ind1)'); %covariance matrix of moments temp1 = ((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ind1)'); diag_chh = sum(si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ind1)'.*temp1)'; ind1 = ind1(ind1>stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr); cdynamic = si_dDYNAMIC(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)*((AHess(ind1,ind1))\si_dDYNAMIC(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)'); flag_score = 1; %this is used for the title in plot_identification.m catch %Asymptotic Hessian via simulation if options_.order > 1 % reset some options for faster computations options_.irf = 0; options_.noprint = 1; options_.SpectralDensity.trigger = 0; options_.periods = periods+100; end replic = max([replic, length(ind_dMOMENTS)*3]); cmm = simulated_moment_uncertainty(ind_dMOMENTS, periods, replic,options_,M_,oo_); %covariance matrix of moments sd = sqrt(diag(cmm)); cc = cmm./(sd*sd'); [VV,DD,WW] = eig(cc); id = find(diag(DD)>tol_deriv); siTMP = si_dMOMENTS./repmat(sd,[1 totparam_nbr]); MIM = (siTMP'*VV(:,id))*(DD(id,id)\(WW(:,id)'*siTMP)); clear siTMP; ide_hess.AHess = MIM; %store asymptotic hessian %normalize asymptotic hessian deltaM = sqrt(diag(MIM)); iflag = any((deltaM.*deltaM)==0); tildaM = MIM./((deltaM)*(deltaM')); if iflag || rank(MIM)>rank(tildaM) [ide_hess.cond, ide_hess.rank, ide_hess.ind0, ide_hess.indno, ide_hess.ino, ide_hess.Mco, ide_hess.Pco] = identification_checks(MIM, 0, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr); else %use normalized version if possible [ide_hess.cond, ide_hess.rank, ide_hess.ind0, ide_hess.indno, ide_hess.ino, ide_hess.Mco, ide_hess.Pco] = identification_checks(tildaM, 0, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr); end indok = find(max(ide_hess.indno,[],1)==0); ind1 = find(ide_hess.ind0); temp1 = ((MIM(ind1,ind1))\si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ind1)'); diag_chh = sum(si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ind1)'.*temp1)'; ind1 = ind1(ind1>stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr); cdynamic = si_dDYNAMIC(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)*((MIM(ind1,ind1))\si_dDYNAMIC(:,ind1-stderrparam_nbr-corrparam_nbr)'); if ~isempty(indok) ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok) = (sqrt(diag(inv(tildaM(indok,indok))))./deltaM(indok))'; %sqrt(diag(inv(MIM(indok,indok))))'; end flag_score = 0; %this is used for the title in plot_identification.m end % end of computing sample information matrix for identification strength measure ide_strength_dMOMENTS(indok) = (1./(ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok)'./abs(params(indok)'))); %this is s_i in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.13) ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior(indok) = (1./(ide_uncert_unnormaliz(indok)'./normaliz_prior_std(indok)')); %this is s_i^{prior} in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.14) sensitivity_zero_pos = find(isinf(deltaM)); deltaM_prior = deltaM.*abs(normaliz_prior_std'); %this is \Delta_i^{prior} in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.14) deltaM = deltaM.*abs(params'); %this is \Delta_i in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, p.14) quant = si_dMOMENTS./repmat(sqrt(diag(cmm)),1,totparam_nbr); if size(quant,1)==1 si_dMOMENTSnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std; else si_dMOMENTSnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std; end iy = find(diag_chh); ind_dREDUCEDFORM = ind_dREDUCEDFORM(iy); si_dREDUCEDFORM = si_dREDUCEDFORM(iy,:); if ~isempty(iy) quant = si_dREDUCEDFORM./repmat(sqrt(diag_chh(iy)),1,totparam_nbr); if size(quant,1)==1 si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std; else si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std; end else si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = []; end diag_cdynamic = diag(cdynamic); iy = find(diag_cdynamic); ind_dDYNAMIC = ind_dDYNAMIC(iy); si_dDYNAMIC = si_dDYNAMIC(iy,:); if ~isempty(iy) quant = si_dDYNAMIC./repmat(sqrt(diag_cdynamic(iy)),1,modparam_nbr); if size(quant,1)==1 si_dDYNAMICnorm = abs(quant).*normaliz_prior_std(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end); else si_dDYNAMICnorm = vnorm(quant).*normaliz_prior_std(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end); end else si_dDYNAMICnorm=[]; end %store results of identification strength ide_hess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS = ide_strength_dMOMENTS; ide_hess.ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior = ide_strength_dMOMENTS_prior; ide_hess.deltaM = deltaM; ide_hess.deltaM_prior = deltaM_prior; ide_hess.sensitivity_zero_pos = sensitivity_zero_pos; ide_hess.identified_parameter_indices = indok; ide_hess.flag_score = flag_score; ide_dynamic.si_dDYNAMICnorm = si_dDYNAMICnorm; ide_moments.si_dMOMENTSnorm = si_dMOMENTSnorm; ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm; end %end of identification strength analysis end %% Normalization of Jacobians % For Dynamic, ReducedForm, Moment and Minimal Jacobian: rescale each row by its largest element in absolute value % For Spectrum: transform into correlation-type matrices (as above with AHess) if normalize_jacobians norm_dDYNAMIC = max(abs(si_dDYNAMIC),[],2); norm_dDYNAMIC = norm_dDYNAMIC(:,ones(size(dDYNAMIC,2),1)); else norm_dDYNAMIC = 1; end % store into structure (not everything is used later on) ide_dynamic.ind_dDYNAMIC = ind_dDYNAMIC; ide_dynamic.norm_dDYNAMIC = norm_dDYNAMIC; ide_dynamic.si_dDYNAMIC = si_dDYNAMIC; ide_dynamic.dDYNAMIC = dDYNAMIC; ide_dynamic.DYNAMIC = DYNAMIC; if ~options_ident.no_identification_reducedform && ~error_indicator.identification_reducedform if normalize_jacobians norm_dREDUCEDFORM = max(abs(si_dREDUCEDFORM),[],2); norm_dREDUCEDFORM = norm_dREDUCEDFORM(:,ones(totparam_nbr,1)); else norm_dREDUCEDFORM = 1; end % store into structure (not everything is used later on) ide_reducedform.ind_dREDUCEDFORM = ind_dREDUCEDFORM; ide_reducedform.norm_dREDUCEDFORM = norm_dREDUCEDFORM; ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORM = si_dREDUCEDFORM; ide_reducedform.dREDUCEDFORM = dREDUCEDFORM; ide_reducedform.REDUCEDFORM = REDUCEDFORM; end if ~options_ident.no_identification_moments && ~error_indicator.identification_moments if normalize_jacobians norm_dMOMENTS = max(abs(si_dMOMENTS),[],2); norm_dMOMENTS = norm_dMOMENTS(:,ones(totparam_nbr,1)); else norm_dMOMENTS = 1; end % store into structure (not everything is used later on) ide_moments.ind_dMOMENTS = ind_dMOMENTS; ide_moments.norm_dMOMENTS = norm_dMOMENTS; ide_moments.si_dMOMENTS = si_dMOMENTS; ide_moments.dMOMENTS = dMOMENTS; ide_moments.MOMENTS = MOMENTS; if advanced % here we do not normalize (i.e. we set norm_dMOMENTS=1) as the OLS in ident_bruteforce is very sensitive to norm_dMOMENTS [, ide_moments.cosndMOMENTS] = ident_bruteforce(dMOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS,:), max_dim_cova_group, options_.TeX, options_ident.name_tex, options_ident.tittxt, tol_deriv); end %here we focus on the unnormalized S and V, which is then used in plot_identification.m and for prior_mc > 1 [~, S, V] = svd(dMOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS,:),0); if size(S,1) == 1 S = S(1); % edge case that S is not a matrix but a row vector else S = diag(S); end S = [S;zeros(size(dMOMENTS,2)-length(ind_dMOMENTS),1)]; if totparam_nbr > 8 ide_moments.S = S([1:4, end-3:end]); ide_moments.V = V(:,[1:4, end-3:end]); else ide_moments.S = S; ide_moments.V = V; end end if ~options_ident.no_identification_minimal && ~error_indicator.identification_minimal if normalize_jacobians ind_dMINIMAL = (find(max(abs(dMINIMAL'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows norm_dMINIMAL = max(abs(dMINIMAL(ind_dMINIMAL,:)),[],2); norm_dMINIMAL = norm_dMINIMAL(:,ones(size(dMINIMAL,2),1)); else norm_dMINIMAL = 1; end % store into structure (not everything is used later on) ide_minimal.ind_dMINIMAL = ind_dMINIMAL; ide_minimal.norm_dMINIMAL = norm_dMINIMAL; ide_minimal.dMINIMAL = dMINIMAL; end if ~options_ident.no_identification_spectrum && ~error_indicator.identification_spectrum if normalize_jacobians ind_dSPECTRUM = (find(max(abs(dSPECTRUM'),[],1) > tol_deriv)); %index for non-zero rows tilda_dSPECTRUM = zeros(size(dSPECTRUM)); delta_dSPECTRUM = sqrt(diag(dSPECTRUM(ind_dSPECTRUM,ind_dSPECTRUM))); tilda_dSPECTRUM(ind_dSPECTRUM,ind_dSPECTRUM) = dSPECTRUM(ind_dSPECTRUM,ind_dSPECTRUM)./((delta_dSPECTRUM)*(delta_dSPECTRUM')); norm_dSPECTRUM = max(abs(dSPECTRUM(ind_dSPECTRUM,:)),[],2); norm_dSPECTRUM = norm_dSPECTRUM(:,ones(size(dSPECTRUM,2),1)); else tilda_dSPECTRUM = dSPECTRUM; norm_dSPECTRUM = 1; end % store into structure (not everything is used later on) ide_spectrum.ind_dSPECTRUM = ind_dSPECTRUM; ide_spectrum.norm_dSPECTRUM = norm_dSPECTRUM; ide_spectrum.tilda_dSPECTRUM = tilda_dSPECTRUM; ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM = dSPECTRUM; ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN; end %% Perform identification checks, i.e. find out which parameters are involved if checks_via_subsets % identification_checks_via_subsets is only for debugging [ide_dynamic, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = ... identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_dynamic, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident, error_indicator); if ~error_indicator.identification_minimal ide_minimal.minimal_state_space=1; else ide_minimal.minimal_state_space=0; end else [ide_dynamic.cond, ide_dynamic.rank, ide_dynamic.ind0, ide_dynamic.indno, ide_dynamic.ino, ide_dynamic.Mco, ide_dynamic.Pco, ide_dynamic.jweak, ide_dynamic.jweak_pair] = ... identification_checks(dDYNAMIC(ind_dDYNAMIC,:)./norm_dDYNAMIC, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, modparam_nbr); if ~options_ident.no_identification_reducedform && ~error_indicator.identification_reducedform [ide_reducedform.cond, ide_reducedform.rank, ide_reducedform.ind0, ide_reducedform.indno, ide_reducedform.ino, ide_reducedform.Mco, ide_reducedform.Pco, ide_reducedform.jweak, ide_reducedform.jweak_pair] = ... identification_checks(dREDUCEDFORM(ind_dREDUCEDFORM,:)./norm_dREDUCEDFORM, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr); end if ~options_ident.no_identification_moments && ~error_indicator.identification_moments [ide_moments.cond, ide_moments.rank, ide_moments.ind0, ide_moments.indno, ide_moments.ino, ide_moments.Mco, ide_moments.Pco, ide_moments.jweak, ide_moments.jweak_pair] = ... identification_checks(dMOMENTS(ind_dMOMENTS,:)./norm_dMOMENTS, 1, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr); end if ~options_ident.no_identification_minimal if ~error_indicator.identification_minimal [ide_minimal.cond, ide_minimal.rank, ide_minimal.ind0, ide_minimal.indno, ide_minimal.ino, ide_minimal.Mco, ide_minimal.Pco, ide_minimal.jweak, ide_minimal.jweak_pair] = ... identification_checks(dMINIMAL(ind_dMINIMAL,:)./norm_dMINIMAL, 2, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr); ide_minimal.minimal_state_space=1; else ide_minimal.minimal_state_space=0; end end if ~options_ident.no_identification_spectrum && ~error_indicator.identification_spectrum [ide_spectrum.cond, ide_spectrum.rank, ide_spectrum.ind0, ide_spectrum.indno, ide_spectrum.ino, ide_spectrum.Mco, ide_spectrum.Pco, ide_spectrum.jweak, ide_spectrum.jweak_pair] = ... identification_checks(tilda_dSPECTRUM, 3, tol_rank, tol_sv, totparam_nbr); end end end