/* Test for multiple model blocks, model_remove, model_options and var_remove commands, and model_replace block. It should give the same results as ramst.mod. */ var c k; varexo x; var dummy1 dummy2 dummy3; parameters alph gam delt bet aa; alph=0.5; gam=0.5; delt=0.02; bet=0.05; aa=0.5; model; c + k - aa*x*k(-1)^alph - (1-delt)*k(-1); end; model; [ name = 'eq:dummy1', endogenous = 'dummy1' ] dummy1 = c + 1; [ foo = 'eq:dummy2' ] // Since dummy2 is alone on the LHS, it is considered as the variable set by this equation log(dummy2) = k + 2; [ name = 'eq:dummy3' ] c(+1) = c; end; model_options(block); model_remove('eq:dummy1', foo = 'eq:dummy2'); model_replace('eq:dummy3'); c^(-gam) - (1+bet)^(-1)*(aa*alph*x(+1)*k^(alph-1) + 1 - delt)*c(+1)^(-gam); end; var_remove dummy3; initval; x = 1; k = ((delt+bet)/(1.0*aa*alph))^(1/(alph-1)); c = aa*k^alph-delt*k; end; steady; check; shocks; var x; periods 1; values 1.2; end; perfect_foresight_setup(periods=200); perfect_foresight_solver; S = load('ramst/Output/ramst_results.mat'); if any(size(oo_.endo_simul) ~= size(S.oo_.endo_simul)) || any(any(abs(oo_.endo_simul - S.oo_.endo_simul) > 1e-10)) error('Model editing failure') end