function write_table_prior(lb, ub, DynareOptions, ModelInfo, BayesInfo, EstimationInfo) % This routine builds a latex table with some descriptive statistics about the prior distribution. % Copyright (C) 2015 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . PriorNames = { 'Beta' , 'Gamma' , 'Gaussian' , 'Inverted Gamma' , 'Uniform' , 'Inverted Gamma -- 2' }; if size(ModelInfo.param_names,1)==size(ModelInfo.param_names_tex,1)% All the parameters have a TeX name. fidTeX = fopen('priors_data.tex','w+'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX-table generated by Dynare.\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% Prior Information\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0)]); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{longtable}{l|cccccccc} \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Prior information (parameters)}\\\\\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Table:Prior}\\\\\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior mode & Prior s.d. & Lower Bound & Upper Bound & LB Untrunc. 80\\%% HPDI & UB Untrunc. 80\\%% HPDI \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endfirsthead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{(continued)}\\\\\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline\\hline \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' & Prior distribution & Prior mean & Prior mode & Prior s.d. & Lower Bound & Upper Bound & LB Untrunc. 80\\%% HPDI & UB Untrunc. 80\\%% HPDI \\\\ \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\endhead \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\multicolumn{9}{r}{(Continued on next page)} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot \n'); % Column 1: a string for the name of the prior distribution. % Column 2: the prior mean. % Column 3: the prior mode. % Column 4: the prior standard deviation. % Column 5: the lower bound of the prior density support. % Column 6: the upper bound of the prior density support. % Column 7: the lower bound of the interval containing 80% of the prior mass. % Column 8: the upper bound of the interval containing 80% of the prior mass. prior_trunc_backup = DynareOptions.prior_trunc ; DynareOptions.prior_trunc = (1-DynareOptions.prior_interval)/2 ; PriorIntervals = prior_bounds(BayesInfo,DynareOptions) ; DynareOptions.prior_trunc = prior_trunc_backup ; for i=1:size(,1) [tmp,TexName] = get_the_name(i,1,ModelInfo,EstimationInfo,DynareOptions); PriorShape = PriorNames{ BayesInfo.pshape(i) }; PriorMean = BayesInfo.p1(i); PriorMode = BayesInfo.p5(i); PriorStandardDeviation = BayesInfo.p2(i); switch BayesInfo.pshape(i) case { 1 , 5 } LowerBound = BayesInfo.p3(i); UpperBound = BayesInfo.p4(i); if ~isinf(lb(i)) LowerBound=max(LowerBound,lb(i)); end if ~isinf(ub(i)) UpperBound=min(UpperBound,ub(i)); end case { 2 , 4 , 6 } LowerBound = BayesInfo.p3(i); if ~isinf(lb(i)) LowerBound=max(LowerBound,lb(i)); end if ~isinf(ub(i)) UpperBound=ub(i); else UpperBound = '$\infty$'; end case 3 if isinf(BayesInfo.p3(i)) && isinf(lb(i)) LowerBound = '$-\infty$'; else LowerBound = BayesInfo.p3(i); if ~isinf(lb(i)) LowerBound=max(LowerBound,lb(i)); end end if isinf(BayesInfo.p4(i)) && isinf(ub(i)) UpperBound = '$\infty$'; else UpperBound = BayesInfo.p4(i); if ~isinf(ub(i)) UpperBound=min(UpperBound,ub(i)); end end otherwise error('get_prior_info:: Dynare bug!') end format_string = build_format_string(PriorMode, PriorStandardDeviation,LowerBound,UpperBound); fprintf(fidTeX,format_string, ... TexName, ... PriorShape, ... PriorMean, ... PriorMode, ... PriorStandardDeviation, ... LowerBound, ... UpperBound, ..., ... PriorIntervals.ub(i) ); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{longtable}\n '); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{center}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end function format_string = build_format_string(PriorMode,PriorStandardDeviation,LowerBound,UpperBound) format_string = ['%s & %s & %6.4f &']; if isnan(PriorMode) format_string = [ format_string , ' %s &']; else format_string = [ format_string , ' %6.4f &']; end if ~isnumeric(PriorStandardDeviation) format_string = [ format_string , ' %s &']; else format_string = [ format_string , ' %6.4f &']; end if ~isnumeric(LowerBound) format_string = [ format_string , ' %s &']; else format_string = [ format_string , ' %6.4f &']; end if ~isnumeric(UpperBound) format_string = [ format_string , ' %s &']; else format_string = [ format_string , ' %6.4f &']; end format_string = [ format_string , ' %6.4f & %6.4f \\\\ \n'];