%function msstart2(options_) % This .m file is called for point graphics or error bands and % It starts for both data and Bayesian estimation (when IxEstimat==0, % no estimation but only data analysis), which allows you to set % (a) available data range, % (b) sample range, % (c) rearrangement of actual data such as mlog, qg, yg % (d) conditions of shocks 'Cms', % (c) conditions of variables 'nconstr', % (e) soft conditions 'nbancon,' % (f) produce point conditional forecast (at least conditions on variables). % % February 2004 % Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % ** ONLY UNDER UNIX SYSTEM %path(path,'/usr2/f1taz14/mymatlab') %addpath('C:\SoftWDisk\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\cstz') msstart_setup %=========================================== % Exordium II %=========================================== %options_.ms.ncsk = 0; % conditional directly on shoocks. Unlike Cms, not on variables that back out shocks %options_.ms.nstd = 6; % number of standard deviations to cover the range in which distributions are put to bins %options_.ms.ninv = 1000; % the number of bins for grouping, say, impulse responses %options_.ms.Indxcol = [1:nvar]; % a vector of random columns in which MC draws are made. % %options_.ms.indxparr = 1; % 1: parameters random; 0: no randomness in parameters % Note, when 0, there is no effect from the values of options_.ms.IndxAp, options_.ms.Aband, etc. %options_.ms.indxovr = 0; % 1: distributions for other variables of interest; 0: no distribution. % Example: joint distribution of a(1) and a(2). Only for specific purposes %options_.ms.Aband = 1; % 1: error bands with only A0 and A+ random. %options_.ms.IndxAp = 1; % 1: generate draws of A+; 0: no such draws. % Note: when options_.ms.IndxAp=0, there is no effect from the values of options_.ms.options_.ms.options_.ms.options_.ms.indximf, IndxFore, % or options_.ms.apband. %options_.ms.apband = 1; % 1: error bands for A+; 0: no error bands for A+. %*** The following (impulse responses and forecasts) is used only if options_.ms.IndxAp=1 %options_.ms.indximf = 1; % 1: generate draws of impulse responses; 0: no such draws (thus no effect % from options_.ms.imfband) %options_.ms.imfband = 1; % 1: error bands for impulse responses; 0: no error bands %options_.ms.indxfore = 0; % 1: generate draws of forecasts; 0: no such draws (thus no effect from options_.ms.foreband) %options_.ms.foreband = 0; % 1: error bands for out-of-sample forecasts; 0: no error bands % %options_.ms.indxgforhat = 1; % 1: plot unconditoinal forecasts; 0: no such plot rnum = nvar; % number of rows in the graph cnum = 1; % number of columns in the graph if rnum*cnum> nconstr=0 ; %6*nconstr1; options_.ms.eq_ms = []; % location of MS equation; if [], all shocks PorR = [4*ones(nconstr1,1);2*ones(nconstr1,1);3*ones(nconstr1,1)]; % the variable conditioned. 1: Pcm; 3: FFR; 4: CPI PorR = [PorR;1*ones(nconstr1,1);5*ones(nconstr1,1);6*ones(nconstr1,1)]; %PorR = [3 5]; % the variable conditioned. 3: FFR; 5: CPI %PorR = 3; %%%%---------------------------------------- % Conditions directly on future shocks % %options_.ms.cms = 0 % 1: condition on ms shocks; 0: disable this and "fidcnderr.m" gives % unconditional forecasts if nconstr = 0 as well; <<>> %options_.ms.ncms = 0; % number of the stance of policy; 0 if no tightening or loosening %options_.ms.eq_cms = 1; % location of MS shocks options_.ms.tlindx = 1*ones(1,options_.ms.ncms); % 1-by-options_.ms.ncms vector; 1: tightening; 0: loosen options_.ms.tlnumber = [0.5 0.5 0 0]; %94:4 % [2 2 1.5 1.5]; %79:9 %[1.5 1.5 1 1]; 90:9 % 1-by-options_.ms.ncms vector; cut-off point for MS shocks TLmean = zeros(1,options_.ms.ncms); % unconditional, i.e., 0 mean, for the final report in the paper if options_.ms.cms options_.ms.eq_ms = []; % At least at this point, it makes no sense to have DLS type of options_.ms.eq_ms; 10/12/98 if all(isfinite(options_.ms.tlnumber)) for k=1:options_.ms.ncms TLmean(k) = lcnmean(options_.ms.tlnumber(k),options_.ms.tlindx(k)); % shock mean magnitude. 1: tight; 0: loose % Never used for any subsequent computation but % simply used for the final report in the paper. %options_.ms.tlnumber(k) = fzero('lcutoff',0,[],[],TLmean(k)) % get an idea about the cutoff point given TLmean instead end end else options_.ms.ncms = 0; % only for the use of the graph by msprobg.m options_.ms.tlnumber = NaN*ones(1,options_.ms.ncms); % -infinity, only for the use of the graph by msprobg.m end %%%%---------------------------------------- % Soft conditions on variables % %cnum = 0 % # of band condtions; when 0, disable this option % Note (different from "fidencon") that each condition corres. to variable %options_.ms.banact = 1; % 1: use infor on actual; 0: preset without infor on actual if cnum banindx = cell(cnum,1); % index for each variable or conditon banstp = cell(cnum,1); % steps: annual in general banvar = zeros(cnum,1); % varables: annual in general banval = cell(cnum,1); % band value (each variable occupy a cell) badval{1} = zeros(length(banstp{1}),2); % 2: lower or higher bound banstp{1} = 1:4; % 3 or 4 years banvar(1) = 3; % 3: FFR; 5: CPI if ~options_.ms.banact for i=1:length(banstp{1}) banval{1}(i,:) = [5.0 10.0]; end end end % pause(1) skipline() disp('For uncondtional forecasts, set nconstr = options_.ms.cms = cnum = 0') pause(1) % %================================================= %====== End of exordium ========================== %================================================= %(1)-------------------------------------- % Further data analysis %(1)-------------------------------------- % if (options_.ms.freq==12) nStart=(yrStart-options_.ms.initial_year )*12+qmStart-options_.ms.initial_subperiod ; % positive number of months at the start nEnd=(yrEnd-options_.ms.final_year )*12+qmEnd-options_.ms.final_subperiod ; % negative number of months towards end elseif (options_.ms.freq==4) nStart=(yrStart-options_.ms.initial_year )*4+qmStart-options_.ms.initial_subperiod ; % positive number of months at the start nEnd=(yrEnd-options_.ms.final_year )*4+qmEnd-options_.ms.final_subperiod ; % negative number of months towards end elseif (options_.ms.freq==1) nStart=(yrStart-options_.ms.initial_year )*1+qmStart-options_.ms.initial_subperiod ; % positive number of months at the start nEnd=(yrEnd-options_.ms.final_year )*1+qmEnd-options_.ms.final_subperiod ; % negative number of months towards end else error('Error: this code is only good for monthly/quarterly/yearly data!!!') return end % if nEnd>0 || nStart<0 disp('Warning: this particular sample consider is out of bounds of the data!!!') return end %*** Note, both xdgel and xdata have the same start with the specific sample xdgel=options_.data(nStart+1:nData+nEnd,options_.ms.vlist); % gel: general options_.data within sample (nSample) if ~(nSample==size(xdgel,1)) warning('The sample size (including options_.ms.nlags ) and data are incompatible') disp('Check to make sure nSample and size(xdgel,1) are the same') return end % baddata = find(isnan(xdgel)); if ~isempty(baddata) warning('Some data for this selected sample are actually unavailable.') disp('Hit any key to continue, or ctrl-c to abort') pause end % if options_.ms.initial_subperiod ==1 yrB = options_.ms.initial_year ; qmB = options_.ms.initial_subperiod ; else yrB = options_.ms.initial_year +1; qmB = 1; end yrF = options_.ms.final_year ; qmF = options_.ms.final_subperiod ; [Mdate,tmp] = fn_calyrqm(options_.ms.freq,[options_.ms.initial_year options_.ms.initial_subperiod ],[options_.ms.final_year options_.ms.final_subperiod ]); xdatae=[Mdate options_.data(1:nData,options_.ms.vlist)]; % beyond sample into forecast horizon until the end of the data options_.ms.final_year :options_.ms.final_subperiod % Note: may contain NaN data. So must be careful about its use %=========== Obtain prior-period, period-to-last period, and annual growth rates [yactyrge,yactyre,yactqmyge,yactqmge,yactqme] = fn_datana(xdatae,options_.ms.freq,options_.ms.log_var,options_.ms.percent_var,[yrB qmB],[yrF qmF]); qdates = zeros(size(yactqmyge,1),1); for ki=1:length(qdates) qdates(ki) = yactqmyge(1,1) + (yactqmyge(1,2)+ki-2)/options_.ms.freq; end for ki=1:nvar figure plot(qdates, yactqmyge(:,2+ki)/100) xlabel(options_.ms.varlist{ki}) end save outactqmygdata.prn yactqmyge -ascii %=========== Write the output on the screen or to a file in an organized way ============== %disp([sprintf('%4.0f %2.0f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n',yactyrge')]) spstr1 = 'disp([sprintf('; spstr2 = '%4.0f %2.0f'; yactyrget=yactyrge'; for ki=1:length(options_.ms.vlist) if ki==length(options_.ms.vlist) spstr2 = [spstr2 ' %8.3f\n']; else spstr2 = [spstr2 ' %8.3f']; end end spstr = [spstr1 'spstr2' ', yactyrget)])']; eval(spstr) % fid = fopen('outyrqm.prn','w'); %fprintf(fid,'%4.0f %2.0f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n',yactyrge'); fpstr1 = 'fprintf(fid,'; fpstr2 = '%4.0f %2.0f'; for ki=1:nvar if ki==nvar fpstr2 = [fpstr2 ' %8.3f\n']; else fpstr2 = [fpstr2 ' %8.3f']; end end fpstr = [fpstr1 'fpstr2' ', yactyrget);']; eval(fpstr) fclose(fid); if options_.ms.indxestima %(2)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Estimation % ML forecast and impulse responses % Hard or soft conditions for conditional forecasts %(2)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % %* Arranged data information, WITHOUT dummy obs when 0 after mu is used. See fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m for using the dummy % observations as part of an explicit prior. [xtx,xty,yty,fss,phi,y,ncoef,xr,Bh] = fn_dataxy(nvar,options_.ms.nlags ,xdgel,mu,0,nexo); if qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -options_.ms.dummy_obs >0 qmStartEsti = rem(qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -options_.ms.dummy_obs ,options_.ms.freq); % dummy observations are included in the sample. if (~qmStartEsti) qmStartEsti = options_.ms.freq; end yrStartEsti = yrStart + floor((qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -options_.ms.dummy_obs )/(options_.ms.freq+0.01)); % + 0.01 (or any number < 1) is used so that qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -options_.ms.dummy_obs ==?*options_.ms.freq doesn't give us an extra year forward. else qmStartEsti = options_.ms.freq + rem(qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -options_.ms.dummy_obs ,options_.ms.freq); % dummy observations are included in the sample. if (qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -options_.ms.dummy_obs ==0) yrStartEsti = yrStart - 1; % one year back. else yrStartEsti = yrStart + floor((qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -options_.ms.dummy_obs )/(options_.ms.freq-0.01)); % - 0.01 (or any number < 1) is used so that qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -options_.ms.dummy_obs ==-?*options_.ms.freq give us an extra year back. end end dateswd = fn_dataext([yrStartEsti qmStartEsti],[yrEnd qmEnd],xdatae(:,[1:2])); % dates with dummies phie = [dateswd phi]; ye = [dateswd y]; %* Obtain linear restrictions [Uiconst,Viconst,n0,np,ixmC0Pres] = feval(options_.ms.restriction_fname,nvar,nexo,options_.ms ); if min(n0)==0 skipline() warning('A0: restrictions in dlrprior.m give no free parameter in one of equations') disp('Press ctrl-c to abort') pause elseif min(np)==0 skipline() warning('Ap: Restrictions in dlrprior.m give no free parameter in one of equations') disp('Press ctrl-c to abort') pause end if options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form Uiconst=cell(nvar,1); Viconst=cell(ncoef,1); for kj=1:nvar Uiconst{kj} = eye(nvar); Viconst{kj} = eye(ncoef); end end if options_.ms.bayesian_prior %*** Obtains asymmetric prior (with no linear restrictions) with dummy observations as part of an explicit prior (i.e, % reflected in Hpmulti and Hpinvmulti). See Forecast II, pp.69a-69b for details. if 1 % Liquidity effect prior on both MS and MD equations. [Pi,H0multi,Hpmulti,H0invmulti,Hpinvmulti] = fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs(nvar,options_.ms.freq,options_.ms.nlags ,xdgel,mu,indxDummy,hpmsmd,indxmsmdeqn); else [Pi,H0multi,Hpmulti,H0invmulti,Hpinvmulti] = fn_rnrprior(nvar,options_.ms.freq,options_.ms.nlags ,xdgel,mu); end %*** Combines asymmetric prior with linear restrictions [Ptld,H0invtld,Hpinvtld] = fn_rlrprior(Uiconst,Viconst,Pi,H0multi,Hpmulti,nvar); %*** Obtains the posterior matrices for estimation and inference [Pmat,H0inv,Hpinv] = fn_rlrpostr(xtx,xty,yty,Ptld,H0invtld,Hpinvtld,Uiconst,Viconst); if options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form %*** Obtain the ML estimate A0hatinv = chol(H0inv{1}/fss); % upper triangular but lower triangular choleski A0hat=inv(A0hatinv); a0indx = find(A0hat); else %*** Obtain the ML estimate % load idenml x = 10*rand(sum(n0),1); H0 = eye(sum(n0)); crit = 1.0e-9; nit = 10000; % [fhat,xhat,grad,Hhat,itct,fcount,retcodehat] = ... csminwel('fn_a0freefun',x,H0,'fn_a0freegrad',crit,nit,Uiconst,nvar,n0,fss,H0inv); A0hat = fn_tran_b2a(xhat,Uiconst,nvar,n0) A0hatinv = inv(A0hat); fhat xhat grad itct fcount retcodehat save outm.mat xhat A0hat A0hatinv grad fhat itct itct fcount retcodehat end else %*** Obtain the posterior matrices for estimation and inference [Pmat,H0inv,Hpinv] = fn_dlrpostr(xtx,xty,yty,Uiconst,Viconst); if options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form %*** Obtain the ML estimate A0hatinv = chol(H0inv{1}/fss); % upper triangular but lower triangular choleski A0hat=inv(A0hatinv); a0indx = find(A0hat); else %*** Obtain the ML estimate % load idenml x = 10*rand(sum(n0),1); H0 = eye(sum(n0)); crit = 1.0e-9; nit = 10000; % [fhat,xhat,grad,Hhat,itct,fcount,retcodehat] = ... csminwel('fn_a0freefun',x,H0,'fn_a0freegrad',crit,nit,Uiconst,nvar,n0,fss,H0inv); A0hat = fn_tran_b2a(xhat,Uiconst,nvar,n0) A0hatinv = inv(A0hat); fhat xhat grad itct fcount retcodehat save outm.mat xhat A0hat A0hatinv grad fhat itct itct fcount retcodehat end end %**** impulse responses swish = A0hatinv; % each column corresponds to an equation if options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form xhat = A0hat(a0indx); Bhat=Pmat{1}; Fhat = Bhat*A0hat ghat = NaN; else xhat = fn_tran_a2b(A0hat,Uiconst,nvar,n0); [Fhat,ghat] = fn_gfmean(xhat,Pmat,Viconst,nvar,ncoef,n0,np); if options_.ms.cross_restrictions Fhatur0P = Fhat; % ur: unrestriced across A0 and A+ for ki = 1:size(ixmC0Pres,1) % loop through the number of equations in which % cross-A0-A+ restrictions occur. See St. Louis Note p.5. ixeq = ixmC0Pres{ki}(1,1); % index for the jth equation in consideration. Lit = Viconst{ixeq}(ixmC0Pres{ki}(:,2),:); % transposed restriction matrix Li % V_j(i,:) in f_j(i) = V_j(i,:)*g_j ci = ixmC0Pres{ki}(:,4) .* A0hat(ixmC0Pres{ki}(:,3),ixeq); % s * a_j(h) in the restriction f_j(i) = s * a_j(h). LtH = Lit/Hpinv{ixeq}; HLV = LtH'/(LtH*Lit'); gihat = Viconst{ixeq}'*Fhatur0P(:,ixeq); Fhat(:,ixeq) = Viconst{ixeq}*(gihat + HLV*(ci-Lit*gihat)); end end Fhat Bhat = Fhat/A0hat; % ncoef-by-nvar reduced form lagged parameters. end nn = [nvar options_.ms.nlags imstp]; imfhat = fn_impulse(Bhat,swish,nn); % in the form that is congenial to RATS imf3hat=reshape(imfhat,size(imfhat,1),nvar,nvar); % imf3: row--steps, column--nvar responses, 3rd dimension--nvar shocks imf3shat=permute(imf3hat,[1 3 2]); % imf3s: permuted so that row--steps, column--nvar shocks, % 3rd dimension--nvar responses % Note: reshape(imf3s(1,:,:),nvar,nvar) = A0in (columns -- equations) if options_.ms.indxgimfhat figure end scaleout = fn_imcgraph(imfhat,nvar,imstp,xlab,ylab,options_.ms.indxgimfhat); imfstd = max(abs(scaleout)'); % row: nvar (largest number); used for standard deviations % % %**** save stds. of both data and impulse responses in idfile1 % temp = [std(yactqmyge(:,3:end)); std(yactyrge(:,3:end)); imfstd]; %<<>> % save idenyimstd.prn temp -ascii % export forecast and impulse response to the file "idenyimstd.prn", 3-by-nvar % % % %**** save stds. of both data and impulse responses in idfile1 % temp = [std(yactqmyge(:,3:end)); std(yactyrge(:,3:end)); imfstd]; %<<>> % save idenyimstd.prn temp -ascii % export forecast and impulse response to the file "idenyimstd.prn", 3-by-nvar % if options_.ms.indxparr % idfile1='idenyimstd'; % end %===================================== % Now, out-of-sample forecasts. Note: Hm1t does not change with A0. %===================================== % % * updating the last row of X (phi) with the current (last row of) y. tcwx = nvar*options_.ms.nlags ; % total coefficeint without exogenous variables phil = phi(size(phi,1),:); phil(nvar+1:tcwx) = phil(1:tcwx-nvar); phil(1:nvar) = y(end,:); %*** exogenous variables excluding constant terms if (nexo>1) Xexoe = fn_dataext([yrEnd qmEnd],[yrEnd qmEnd],xdatae(:,[1:2 2+nvar+1:2+nvar+nexo-1])); phil(1,tcwx+1:tcwx+nexo-1) = Xexoe(1,3:end); end % %*** ML unconditional point forecast nn = [nvar options_.ms.nlags nfqm]; if nexo<2 yforehat = fn_forecast(Bhat,phil,nn); % nfqm-by-nvar, in log else Xfexoe = fn_dataext(fdates(1,:),fdates(numel(fdates),:),xdatae(:,[1:2 2+nvar+1:2+nvar+nexo-1])); %Xfexoe = fn_dataext(fdates(1,:),fdates(end,:),xdatae(:,[1:2 2+nvar+1:2+nvar+nexo-1])); yforehat = fn_forecast(Bhat,phil,nn,nexo,Xfexoe(:,3:end)); % nfqm-by-nvar, in log end yforehate = [fdates yforehat]; % yact1e = fn_dataext([yrEnd-nayr 1],[yrEnd qmEnd],xdatae(:,1:nvar+2)); if options_.ms.real_pseudo_forecast %yact2e = fn_dataext([yrEnd-nayr 1],E2yrqm,xdatae); yact2e = fn_dataext([yrEnd-nayr 1],[fdates(end,1) options_.ms.freq],xdatae(:,1:nvar+2)); else yact2e=yact1e; end yafhate = [yact1e; yforehate]; % actual and forecast % %===== Converted to mg, qg, and calendar yg % [yafyrghate,yafyrhate,yafqmyghate] = fn_datana(yafhate,options_.ms.freq,options_.ms.log_var(1:nlogeno),options_.ms.percent_var(1:npereno)); % actual and forecast growth rates [yact2yrge,yact2yre,yact2qmyge] = fn_datana(yact2e,options_.ms.freq,options_.ms.log_var(1:nlogeno),options_.ms.percent_var(1:npereno)); % only actual growth rates yafyrghate if options_.ms.indxgforhat keyindx = [1:nvar]; conlab=['unconditional']; figure yafyrghate(:,3:end) = yafyrghate(:,3:end)/100; yact2yrge(:,3:end) = yact2yrge(:,3:end)/100; fn_foregraph(yafyrghate,yact2yrge,keyindx,rnum,cnum,options_.ms.freq,ylab,forelabel,conlab) end %------------------------------------------------- % Setup for point conditional forecast % ML Conditional Forecast %------------------------------------------------- % %% See Zha's note "Forecast (1)" p. 5, RATS manual (some errors in RATS), etc. % %% Some notations: y(t+1) = y(t)B1 + e(t+1)inv(A0). e(t+1) is 1-by-n. %% Let r(t+1)=e(t+1)inv(A0) + e(t+2)C + .... where inv(A0) is impulse %% response at t=1, C at t=2, etc. The row of inv(A0) or C is %% all responses to one shock. %% Let r be q-by-1 (such as r(1) = r(t+1) %% = y(t+1) (constrained) - y(t+1) (forecast)). %% Use impulse responses to find out R (k-by-q) where k=nvar*nsteps %% where nsteps the largest constrained step. The key of the program %% is to creat R using impulse responses %% Optimal solution for shock e where R'*e=r and e is k-by-1 is %% e = R*inv(R'*R)*r. % if (nconstr > 0) %*** initializing stepcon=cell(nconstr,1); % initializing, value y conditioned valuecon=zeros(nconstr,1); % initializing, value y conditioned varcon=zeros(nconstr,1); % initializing, endogous variables conditioned varcon(:)=PorR; % 1: Pcm; 3: FFR; 5: CPI % for i=1:nconstr if i<=nconstr1 stepcon{i}=i; % FFR elseif i<=2*nconstr1 stepcon{i}=i-nconstr1; % FFR elseif i<=3*nconstr1 stepcon{i}=i-2*nconstr1; % FFR elseif i<=4*nconstr1 stepcon{i}=i-3*nconstr1; % FFR elseif i<=5*nconstr1 stepcon{i}=i-4*nconstr1; % FFR elseif i<=6*nconstr1 stepcon{i}=i-5*nconstr1; % FFR end end % for i=1:nconstr % stepcon{i}=i; % FFR % end % bend=12; % stepcon{1}=[1:bend]'; % average over % stepcon{nconstr1+1}=[1:options_.ms.freq-qmSub]'; % average over the remaing months in 1st forecast year % stepcon{nconstr1+2}=[options_.ms.freq-qmSub+1:options_.ms.freq-qmSub+12]'; % average over 12 months next year % stepcon{nconstr1+3}=[options_.ms.freq-qmSub+13:options_.ms.freq-qmSub+24]'; % average over 12 months. 3rd year % stepcon{nconstr1+4}=[options_.ms.freq-qmSub+25:options_.ms.freq-qmSub+36]'; % average over 12 months. 4th year % %**** avearage condition over, say, options_.ms.freq periods % if qmEnd==options_.ms.freq % stepcon{1}=[1:options_.ms.freq]'; % average over the remaing periods in 1st forecast year % else % stepcon{1}=[1:options_.ms.freq-qmEnd]'; % average over the remaing periods in 1st forecast year % end % for kj=2:nconstr % stepcon{kj}=[length(stepcon{kj-1})+1:length(stepcon{kj-1})+options_.ms.freq]'; % average over 12 months next year % end if options_.ms.real_pseudo_forecast % %*** conditions in every period % for i=1:nconstr % valuecon(i) = yact(actup+i,varcon(i)); % %valuecon(i) = mean( yact(actup+1:actup+bend,varcon(i)) ); % %valuecon(i) = 0.060; % 95:01 % %valuecon(i) = (0.0475+0.055)/2; % 94:10 % end % %*** average condtions over,say, options_.ms.freq periods. % for i=nconstr1+1:nconstr1+nconstr2 % i=1; % valuecon(nconstr1+i) = ( ( mean(ylast12Cal(:,varcon(nconstr1+i)),1) + ... % log(1+yactCalyg(yAg-yFg+i,varcon(nconstr1+i))/100) )*options_.ms.freq - ... % yCal_1(:,varcon(nconstr1+i)) ) ./ length(stepcon{nconstr1+i}); % % the same as unconditional "yactCalyg" 1st calendar year % i=2; % valuecon(nconstr1+i) = mean(ylast12Cal(:,varcon(nconstr1+i))) + ... % log(1+yactCalyg(yAg-yFg+1,varcon(nconstr1+i))/100) ... % + log(1+yactCalyg(yAg-yFg+i,varcon(nconstr1+i))/100); % % the same as actual "yactCalgy" 2nd calendar year % i=3; % valuecon(nconstr1+i) = valuecon(nconstr1+i-1) + ... % log(1+yactCalyg(yAg-yFg+i,varcon(nconstr1+i))/100); % % the same as actual "yactCalgy" 3rd calendar year % %i=4; % %valuecon(nconstr1+i) = valuecon(nconstr1+i-1) + ... % % log(1+yactCalyg(yAg-yFg+i,varcon(nconstr1+i))/100); % % the same as actual "yactCalgy" 4th calendar year % end %*** conditions in every period vpntM = fn_dataext(E1yrqm, E2yrqm,xdatae); % point value matrix with dates % vaveM = fn_dataext([yrEnd+1 0],[yrEnd+options_.forecast 0],yact2yre); % average value matrix with dates for i=1:nconstr if i<=nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i,2+varcon(i)); % 2: first 2 elements are dates elseif i<=2*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); elseif i<=3*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-2*nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); elseif i<=4*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-3*nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); elseif i<=5*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-4*nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); elseif i<=6*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-5*nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); end end % %*** average condtions over,say, options_.ms.freq periods. % if qmEnd==options_.ms.freq % vaveM = fn_dataext([yrEnd+1 0],[yrEnd+options_.forecast 0],yact2yre); % average value matrix with dates % valuecon(1) = vaveM(1,2+varcon(1)); % 2: first 2 elements are dates % else % vaveM = fn_dataext([yrEnd 0],[yrEnd+options_.forecast 0],yact2yre); % average value matrix with dates % yactrem = fn_dataext([yrEnd qmEnd+1],[yrEnd options_.ms.freq],xdatae); % valuecon(1) = sum(yactrem(:,2+varcon(1)),1)/length(stepcon{1}); % % 2: first 2 elements are dates % end % for kj=2:nconstr % valuecon(kj) = vaveM(kj,2+varcon(kj)); % 2: first 2 elements are dates % end else vpntM = dataext([yrEnd qmEnd+1],[yrEnd qmEnd+2],xdatae); % point value matrix with dates for i=1:nconstr if i<=nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i,2+varcon(i)); % 2: first 2 elements are dates; Poil elseif i<=2*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); % 2: first 2 elements are dates; M2 elseif i<=3*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-2*nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); % 2: first 2 elements are dates; FFR elseif i<=4*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-3*nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); % 2: first 2 elements are dates; CPI elseif i<=5*nconstr1 valuecon(i) = vpntM(i-4*nconstr1,2+varcon(i)); % 2: first 2 elements are dates; U elseif i<=5*nconstr1+nconstr2 valuecon(i)=xdata(end,5)+(i-5*nconstr1)*log(1.001)/options_.ms.freq; %CPI elseif i<=5*nconstr1+2*nconstr2 valuecon(i)=0.0725; %FFR else valuecon(i)=xdata(end,6)+(i-5*nconstr1-2*nconstr2)*0.01/nfqm; %U end end %valuecon(i) = 0.060; % 95:01 end else valuecon = []; stepcon = []; varcon = []; end nstepsm = 0; % initializing, the maximum step in all constraints for i=1:nconstr nstepsm = max([nstepsm max(stepcon{i})]); end if cnum if options_.ms.real_pseudo_forecast && options_.ms.banact for i=1:length(banstp{1}) banval{1}(1:length(banstp{1}),1) = ... yactCalyg(yAg-yFg+1:yAg-yFg+length(banstp{1}),banvar(1)) - 2; banval{1}(1:length(banstp{1}),2) = ... yactCalyg(yAg-yFg+1:yAg-yFg+length(banstp{1}),banvar(1)) + 2; end end end %=================================================== % ML conditional forecast %=================================================== %/* [ychat,Estr,rcon] = fn_fcstidcnd(valuecon,stepcon,varcon,nstepsm,... nconstr,options_.ms.eq_ms,nvar,options_.ms.nlags ,phil,0,0,yforehat,imf3shat,A0hat,Bhat,... nfqm,options_.ms.tlindx,options_.ms.tlnumber,options_.ms.ncms,options_.ms.eq_cms); ychate = [fdates ychat]; yachate = [yact1e; ychate]; % actual and condtional forecast %===== Converted to mg, qg, and calendar yg [yacyrghate,yacyrhate,yacqmyghate] = fn_datana(yachate,options_.ms.freq,options_.ms.log_var(1:nlogeno),options_.ms.percent_var(1:npereno)); % actual and conditional forecast growth rates if options_.ms.indxgdls && nconstr keyindx = [1:nvar]; % conlab=['conditional on' ylab{PorR(1)}]; conlab=['v-conditions']; figure fn_foregraph(yafyrghate,yact2yrge,keyindx,rnum,cnum,options_.ms.freq,ylab,forelabel,conlab) end if options_.ms.ncsk Estr = zeros(nfqm,nvar); Estr(1:2,:) = [ -2.1838 -1.5779 0.53064 -0.099425 -0.69269 -1.0391 1.9407 3.3138 -0.10563 -0.55457 -0.68772 1.3534 ]; Estr(3:6,3) = [0.5*ones(1,4)]'; % MD shocks Estr(3:10,2) = [1.5 1.5 1.5*ones(1,6)]'; % MS shocks %Estr(3:6,6) = 1*ones(4,1); % U shocks %Estr(8:11,4) = 1*ones(4,1); % y shocks %Estr(3:10,2) = [2.5 2.5 1.5*ones(1,6)]'; % MS shocks alone nn = [nvar options_.ms.noptions_.ms.nlags nfqm]; ycEhat = forefixe(A0hat,Bhat,phil,nn,Estr); ycEhate = [fdates ycEhat]; yacEhate = [yact1e; ycEhate]; % actual and condtional forecast %===== Converted to mg, qg, and calendar yg [yacEyrghate,yacEyrhate,yacEqmyghate] = datana(yacEhate,options_.ms.freq,options_.ms.log_var(1:nlogeno),options_.ms.percent_var(1:npereno)); % actual and conditional forecast growth rates disp([sprintf('%4.0f %2.0f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n',yacEyrghate')]) if 1 keyindx = [1:nvar]; % conlab=['conditional on' ylab{PorR(1)}]; conlab=['shock-conditions']; figure gyrfore(yacEyrghate,yact2yrge,keyindx,rnum,cnum,ylab,forelabel,conlab) end end %----------------------------------------------------------- % Compute structural shocks for the whole sample period excluding dummy observations. %----------------------------------------------------------- ywod = y(options_.ms.dummy_obs +1:end,:); % without dummy observations phiwod=phi(options_.ms.dummy_obs +1:end,:); % without dummy observations eplhat=ywod*A0hat-phiwod*Fhat; qmStartWod = mod(qmStart+options_.ms.nlags ,options_.ms.freq); if (~qmStartWod) qmStartWod = options_.ms.freq; end yrStartWod = yrStart + floor((qmStart+options_.ms.nlags -1)/options_.ms.freq); dateswod = fn_dataext([yrStartWod qmStartWod],[yrEnd qmEnd],xdatae(:,[1:2])); eplhate = [dateswod eplhat]; Aphat = Fhat; end %---------------------------------------- % Tests for LR, HQ, Akaike, Schwarz. The following gives a guidance. % But the computation has to be done in a different M file by exporting fhat's % from different idfile's. %---------------------------------------- % %if ~options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form % SpHR=A0in'*A0in; %end %% %if ~isnan(SpHR) && ~options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form % warning(' ') % disp('Make sure you run the program with options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form =1 first.') % disp('Otherwise, the following test results such as Schwartz are incorrect.') % disp('All other results such as A0ml and imfs, however, are correct.') % disp('Press anykey to contintue or ctrl-c to stop now') % pause % load SpHUout % logLHU=-fss*sum(log(diag(chol(SpHU)))) -0.5*fss*nvar % unrestricted logLH % logLHR=-fhat % restricted logLH % tra = reshape(SpHU,nvar*nvar,1)'*reshape(A0*A0',nvar*nvar,1); % df=(nvar*(nvar+1)/2 - length(a0indx)); % S=2*(logLHU-logLHR); % SC = (nvar*(nvar+1)/2 - length(a0indx)) * log(fss); % disp(['T -- effective sample size: ' num2str(fss)]) % disp(['Trace in the overidentified posterior: ' num2str(tra)]) % disp(['Chi2 term -- 2*(logLHU-logLHR): ' num2str(S)]) % disp(['Degrees of freedom: ' num2str(df)]) % disp(['SC -- df*log(T): ' num2str(SC)]) % disp(['Akaike -- 2*df: ' num2str(2*df)]) % disp(['Classical Asymptotic Prob at chi2 term: ' num2str(cdf('chi2',S,df))]) % %*** The following is the eigenanalysis in the difference between % %*** unrestricted (U) and restricted (R) % norm(A0'*SpHU*A0-diag(diag(ones(6))))/6; % norm(SpHU-A0in'*A0in)/6; % corU = corr(SpHU); % corR = corr(SpHR); % [vU,dU]=eigsort(SpHU,1); % [vR,dR]=eigsort(SpHR,1); % [log(diag(dU)) log(diag(dR)) log(diag(dU))-log(diag(dR))]; % sum(log(diag(dU))); % sum(log(diag(dR))); %else % disp('To run SC test, turn options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form =1 first and then turn options_.ms.contemp_reduced_form =0') %end %***** Simply regression %X=[phi(:,3) y(:,2)-phi(:,2) y(:,1)-phi(:,7) ones(fss,1)]; %� Y=y(:,3); %� b=regress(Y,X) %=== Computes the roots for the whole system. rootsinv = fn_varoots(Bhat,nvar,options_.ms.nlags ) abs(rootsinv) bhat =xhat; n0const=n0; % For constant parameter models. n0const=n0; % For constant parameter models. npconst=np; % For constant parameter models. save outdata_a0dp_const.mat A0hat bhat Aphat n0const