@q $Id: twod_matrix.cweb 148 2005-04-19 15:12:26Z kamenik $ @> @q Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik @> @ Start of {\tt twod\_matrix.cpp} file. @c #include "twod_matrix.h" #include "tl_exception.h" @<|ConstTwoDMatrix| constructors@>; @<|ConstTwoDMatrix::writeMat| code@>; @<|TwoDMatrix| row methods code@>; @<|TwoDMatrix| column methods code@>; @<|TwoDMatrix::save| code@>; @ @<|ConstTwoDMatrix| constructors@>= ConstTwoDMatrix::ConstTwoDMatrix(const TwoDMatrix& m) : ConstGeneralMatrix(m)@+ {} ConstTwoDMatrix::ConstTwoDMatrix(const TwoDMatrix& m, int first_col, int num) : ConstGeneralMatrix(m, 0, first_col, m.nrows(), num)@+ {} ConstTwoDMatrix::ConstTwoDMatrix(const ConstTwoDMatrix& m, int first_col, int num) : ConstGeneralMatrix(m, 0, first_col, m.nrows(), num)@+ {} ConstTwoDMatrix::ConstTwoDMatrix(int first_row, int num, const TwoDMatrix& m) : ConstGeneralMatrix(m, first_row, 0, num, m.ncols())@+ {} ConstTwoDMatrix::ConstTwoDMatrix(int first_row, int num, const ConstTwoDMatrix& m) : ConstGeneralMatrix(m, first_row, 0, num, m.ncols())@+ {} @ @<|ConstTwoDMatrix::writeMat| code@>= void ConstTwoDMatrix::writeMat(mat_t* fd, const char* vname) const { #if MATIO_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 || (MATIO_MAJOR_VERSION == 1 && MATIO_MINOR_VERSION >= 5) size_t dims[2]; const matio_compression compression = MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE; #else int dims[2]; const int compression = COMPRESSION_NONE; #endif dims[0] = nrows(); dims[1] = ncols(); double *data = new double[nrows()*ncols()]; for (int j = 0; j < ncols(); j++) for (int i = 0; i < nrows(); i++) data[j*nrows()+i] = get(i,j); matvar_t *v = Mat_VarCreate(vname, MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims, data, 0); Mat_VarWrite(fd, v, compression); Mat_VarFree(v); delete[] data; } @ @<|TwoDMatrix| row methods code@>= void TwoDMatrix::copyRow(int from, int to) { if (from != to) copyRow(ConstTwoDMatrix(*this), from, to); } void TwoDMatrix::copyRow(const ConstTwoDMatrix& m, int from, int to) { ConstVector fr_row(from, m); Vector to_row(to, *this); to_row = fr_row; } void TwoDMatrix::addRow(double d, const ConstTwoDMatrix& m, int from, int to) { ConstVector fr_row(from, m); Vector to_row(to, *this); to_row.add(d, fr_row); } @ @<|TwoDMatrix| column methods code@>= void TwoDMatrix::copyColumn(int from, int to) { if (from != to) copyColumn(ConstTwoDMatrix(*this), from, to); } void TwoDMatrix::copyColumn(const ConstTwoDMatrix& m, int from, int to) { ConstVector fr_col(m, from); Vector to_col(*this, to); to_col = fr_col; } void TwoDMatrix::addColumn(double d, const ConstTwoDMatrix& m, int from, int to) { ConstVector fr_col(m, from); Vector to_col(*this, to); to_col.add(d, fr_col); } @ @<|TwoDMatrix::save| code@>= void TwoDMatrix::save(const char* fname) const { FILE* fd; if (NULL==(fd = fopen(fname,"w"))) { TL_RAISE("Cannot open file for writing in TwoDMatrix::save"); } for (int row = 0; row < nrows(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < ncols(); col++) fprintf(fd, " %20.10g", get(row, col)); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } fclose(fd); } @ End of {\tt twod\_matrix.cpp} file.