Tag Date Description/Changes
2003/09/10 Initial version solving triangular system put to repository
Implemented solution of general case.
Implemented a memory pool (Paris).
Implemented MEX interface to the routine (Paris).
Implemented QuasiTriangularZero (Paris) (not fully used yet).
rel-1 2003/10-02 Version sent to Michel.
Inheritance streamlined, QuasiTriangular inherits from GeneralMatrix.
Implemented block diagonalization algorithm.
Solution routines rewritten so that the output rewrites input, considerable memory improvement.
MEX interface now links with LAPACK library from Matlab.
Added a hack to MEX library loading in order to avoid Matlab crash in Wins.
rel-2 2003/10/15 Version sent to Michel.
KronUtils now rewrite input by output using less memory.
Added iterative solution algorithm (doubling).
Introduced abstraction for set of parameters (SylvParams).
Algorithm enabled to solve problems with singular C.
Implemented a class chooser chossing between QuasiTriangularZero, and QuasiTriangular (padded with zero) depending on size of the problem. Full use of QuasiTriangularZero.
Reimplemented QuasiTriangular::solve, offdiagonal elements are eleiminated by gauss with partial pivoting, not by transformation of complex eigenvalues. More stable for ill conditioned eigenvalues.
Reimplemented calculation of eliminating vectors, much more numerically stable now.
Implemented algorithm for ordering of eigenvalues (not used now, no numerical improvements).
rel-3 2003/12/4 Version sent to Michel.
GeneralMatrix separated for use outside, in sylv module we use its subclass SylvMatrix. Implemented ConstGeneralMatrix (useful outside).
rel-4 2004/6/4 Version, which was moved to pythie.cepremap.cnrs.fr repository.