function [Y, lhssub, X, startdates, enddates, residnames] = common_parsing(ds, ast, overlapping_dates, param_names) %function [Y, lhssub, X, startdates, enddates, residnames] = common_parsing(ds, ast, overlapping_dates, param_names) % % Code common to sur.m and pooled_ols.m % % INPUTS % ds [dseries] dataset % ast [cell array] JSON representation of abstract syntax tree % overlapping_dates [boolean] if true, dates are same across equations % % OUTPUTS % Y [cell array] dependent variables % lhssub [cell array] RHS subtracted from LHS % X [cell array] regressors % startdates [cell array] first observed period for each % equation % enddates [cell array] last observed period for each % equation % startidxs [vector] rows corresponding to each % equation's observations % residnames [cell array] name of residual in each equation % param_names [cellstr or cell] list of parameters to estimate (if % empty, estimate all) % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ %% Initialize variables neqs = length(ast); Y = cell(neqs, 1); lhssub = cell(neqs, 1); X = cell(neqs, 1); startdates = cell(neqs, 1); enddates = cell(neqs, 1); residnames = cell(neqs, 1); %% Loop over equations for i = 1:neqs [Y{i}, lhssub{i}, X{i}, residnames{i}, startdates{i}, enddates{i}] = ... parse_ols_style_equation(ds, ast{i}); end if overlapping_dates maxfp = max([startdates{:}]); minlp = min([enddates{:}]); for i = 1:neqs Y{i} = Y{i}(maxfp:minlp); if ~isempty(X{i}) X{i} = X{i}(maxfp:minlp); end if ~isempty(lhssub{i}) lhssub{i} = lhssub{i}(maxfp:minlp); end startdates{i} = maxfp; enddates{i} = minlp; end end if ~isempty(param_names) if iscell(param_names) && ~iscellstr(param_names) assert(length(param_names) == neqs, 'error w param_names arg'); else pn = param_names; pn_found_cellstr = false(length(param_names), 1); end for i = 1:neqs if iscell(param_names) && ~iscellstr(param_names) pn = param_names{i}; pn_found_cellstr_i = false(length(pn), 1); end names = X{i}.name; newlhssub = dseries(); for j = 1:length(names) idx = find(strcmp(names{j}, pn)); if isempty(idx) pval = M_.params(strcmp(names{j}, M_.param_names)); if isnan(pval) || isinf(pval) error(['Could not find param init value for ' names{j}]) end newlhssub = newlhssub + pval * X{i}.(names{j}); X{i} = X{i}.remove(names{j}); else if iscell(param_names) && ~iscellstr(param_names) pn_found_cellstr_i = true; else pn_found_cellstr(idx) = true; end end end Y{i} = Y{i} - newlhssub; lhssub{i} = lhssub{i} + newlhssub; if iscell(param_names) && ~iscellstr(param_names) if ~all(pn_found_cellstr_i) error(['parameters specified in param_names (' ... strjoin(pn(~pn_found_cellstr_i), ', ') ... ') were not found in eq ' num2str(i) ' to be estimated']) end end end if ~(iscell(param_names) && ~iscellstr(param_names)) if ~all(pn_found_cellstr) error(['parameters specified in param_names (' ... strjoin(pn(~pn_found_cellstr), ', ') ... ') were not found in the equation(s) to be estimated']) end end end end