function dsge_posterior_theoretical_covariance() % This function estimates the posterior density of the endogenous % variables second order moments. % % INPUTS % None. % % OUTPUTS % None. % % ALGORITHM % None. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % % % part of DYNARE, copyright S. Adjemian, M. Juillard (2007) % Gnu Public License. global M_ options_ oo_ type = 'posterior';% To be defined as a input argument later... NumberOfSimulations = 800;% To be defined in a global structure... % Set varlist (vartan) if necessary varlist = options_.varlist; if isempty(varlist) varlist = options_.varobs; options_.varlist = varlist; end nvar = rows(varlist); if ~isempty(options_.unit_root_vars) vartan = []; for i=1:nvar if isempty(strmatch(deblank(varlist(i,:)),options_.unit_root_vars,'exact')) vartan = strvcat(vartan,varlist(i,:)); end end else vartan = varlist; end nvar = rows(vartan); ivar = zeros(nvar,1); for i = 1:nvar ivar(i) = strmatch(deblank(vartan(i,:)),M_.endo_names,'exact'); end % Set various parameters & Check or create files and directories if strcmpi(type,'posterior') MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis'); else MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('prior'); end fname = [ MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname]; %save([fname '_Posterior2ndOrder'],'varlist'); DrawsFiles = dir([fname '_' type '_draws*' ]); if ~rows(DrawsFiles) if strcmpi(type,'posterior') SampleAddress = selec_posterior_draws(NumberOfSimulations,1); else% (samples from the prior) To be done later... end DrawsFiles = dir([fname '_' type '_draws*']); end nar =;% Saves size of the auto-correlation function. = 0;% Set the size of the auto-correlation function. NumberOfDrawsFiles = rows(DrawsFiles); MaXNumberOfCovarLines = ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/(nvar*(nvar+1)/2)/8); if NumberOfSimulations<=MaXNumberOfCovarLines Covariance_matrix = zeros(NumberOfSimulations,nvar*(nvar+1)/2); NumberOfCovarFiles = 1; else Covariance_matrix = zeros(MaXNumberOfCovarLines,nvar*(nvar+1)/2); NumberOfLinesInTheLastCovarFile = mod(NumberOfSimulations,MaXNumberOfCovarLines); NumberOfCovarFiles = ceil(NumberOfSimulations/MaXNumberOfCovarLines); end NumberOfCovarLines = rows(Covariance_matrix); CovarFileNumber = 1; % Compute 2nd order moments and save them in *_Posterior2ndOrderMoments* files linea = 0; for file = 1:NumberOfDrawsFiles load([MhDirectoryName '/' DrawsFiles(file).name]); NumberOfDraws = rows(pdraws); for linee = 1:NumberOfDraws linea = linea+1; draw = pdraws(linee,:); set_parameters(draw); [dr,info] = resol(oo_.steady_state,0); tmp = th_autocovariances(dr,ivar); for i=1:nvar for j=i:nvar Covariance_matrix(linea,idx(i,j,nvar)) = tmp{1}(i,j); end end if linea == NumberOfCovarLines save([fname '_Posterior2ndOrderMoments' int2str(CovarFileNumber)],'Covariance_matrix'); CovarFileNumber = CovarFileNumber + 1; linea = 0; test = CovarFileNumber-NumberOfCovarFiles; if ~(CovarFileNumber-NumberOfCovarFiles)% Prepare the last round... Covariance_matrix = zeros(NumberOfLinesInTheLastCovarFile,nvar*(nvar+1)/2); NumberOfCovarLines = NumberOfLinesInTheLastCovarFile; elseif CovarFileNumber-NumberOfCovarFiles<0; Covariance_matrix = zeros(MaXNumberOfCovarLines,nvar*(nvar+1)/2); else clear('Covariance_matrix'); end end end end = nar; clear('pdraws','tmp'); % Compute statistics and save in oo_ for i=1:nvar for j=i:nvar i1 = 1; tmp = zeros(NumberOfSimulations,1); for file = 1:NumberOfDrawsFiles load([fname '_Posterior2ndOrderMoments' int2str(file)]); i2 = i1 + rows(Covariance_matrix) - 1; tmp(i1:i2) = Covariance_matrix(:,idx(i,j,nvar)); i1 = i2+1; end [post_mean, post_median, post_var, hpd_interval, post_deciles, density] = posterior_moments(tmp,1); name = fieldname(i,j,vartan); eval(['oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments.dsge.covariance.mean.' name ' = post_mean;']); eval(['oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments.dsge.covariance.median.' name ' = post_median;']); eval(['oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments.dsge.covariance.variance.' name ' = post_var;']); eval(['oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments.dsge.covariance.hpdinf.' name ' = hpd_interval(1);']); eval(['oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments.dsge.covariance.hpdsup.' name ' = hpd_interval(2);']); eval(['oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments.dsge.covariance.deciles.' name ' = post_deciles;']); eval(['oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments.dsge.covariance.density.' name ' = density;']); end end function k = idx(i,j,n) k = (i-1)*n+j-i*(i-1)/2; function r = rows(M) r = size(M,1); function name = fieldname(i,j,vlist) n1 = deblank(vlist(i,:)); n2 = deblank(vlist(j,:)); name = [n1 '.' n2];