function [z, steady_state] = plot_shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,options_,varlist) % function plot_shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,options_,varlist) % Plots the results of shock_decomposition % % INPUTS % M_: [structure] Definition of the model % oo_: [structure] Storage of results % options_: [structure] Options % varlist: [char] List of variables % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . options_.nodisplay = options_.plot_shock_decomp.nodisplay; options_.graph_format = options_.plot_shock_decomp.graph_format; % indices of endogenous variables if isempty(varlist) varlist = M_.endo_names(1:M_.orig_endo_nbr); end [i_var, ~, index_uniques] = varlist_indices(varlist, M_.endo_names); varlist = varlist(index_uniques); % number of variables endo_nbr = M_.endo_nbr; % number of shocks nshocks = M_.exo_nbr; fig_name=''; if isfield(options_.plot_shock_decomp,'expand') % private trap for uimenu calls expand=options_.plot_shock_decomp.expand; else expand=0; options_.plot_shock_decomp.expand=0; end if ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.fig_name) fig_name=[' ' options_.plot_shock_decomp.fig_name]; end type=options_.plot_shock_decomp.type; detail_plot=options_.plot_shock_decomp.detail_plot; realtime_= options_.plot_shock_decomp.realtime; vintage_ = options_.plot_shock_decomp.vintage; forecast_ = options_.shock_decomp.forecast; steadystate = options_.plot_shock_decomp.steadystate; write_xls = options_.plot_shock_decomp.write_xls; if vintage_ forecast_ = min(forecast_,options_.nobs-vintage_); end initial_date = options_.initial_date; if isempty(initial_date) if isempty(type) % we assume annual model initial_date = dates('1Y'); else % we assume the sample starts in Q1 initial_date = dates('1Q1'); end end if isfield(options_.plot_shock_decomp,'q2a') % private trap for aoa calls q2a=options_.plot_shock_decomp.q2a; if isstruct(q2a) && isempty(fieldnames(q2a)) q2a=0; end else q2a=0; end switch realtime_ case 0 if ~expand z = oo_.shock_decomposition; end fig_name1=fig_name; case 1 % realtime if vintage_ if ~expand z = oo_.realtime_shock_decomposition.(['time_' int2str(vintage_)]); end fig_name1=[fig_name ' realtime (vintage ' char(initial_date+vintage_-1) ')']; else if ~expand z = oo_.realtime_shock_decomposition.pool; end fig_name1=[fig_name ' realtime (rolling)']; end case 2 % conditional if vintage_ if ~expand z = oo_.realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['time_' int2str(vintage_)]); end initial_date = initial_date+vintage_-1; fig_name1=[fig_name ' ' int2str(forecast_) '-step ahead conditional forecast (given ' char(initial_date) ')']; else if ~expand z = oo_.conditional_shock_decomposition.pool; end fig_name1=[fig_name ' 1-step ahead conditional forecast (rolling)']; end case 3 % forecast if vintage_ if ~expand z = oo_.realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition.(['time_' int2str(vintage_)]); end initial_date = initial_date+vintage_-1; fig_name1=[fig_name ' ' int2str(forecast_) '-step ahead forecast (given ' char(initial_date) ')']; else if ~expand z = oo_.realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition.pool; end fig_name1=[fig_name ' 1-step ahead forecast (rolling)']; end end if isfield(oo_.dr,'ys') steady_state = oo_.dr.ys; else steady_state = oo_.steady_state; end if isequal(type,'aoa') && isstruct(q2a) if expand za = options_.plot_shock_decomp.zfull; genda = size(za,3); endo_nbra = size(za,1); [za, shock_names, M_] = make_the_groups(za,genda,endo_nbra,nshocks,M_, options_); end if realtime_ % take all dates where realtime is saved qqq=options_.initial_date+options_.shock_decomp.save_realtime(:)-1; % take the first Q4 of saved realtime t0=min(options_.shock_decomp.save_realtime(qqq.time(:,2)==4)); if isempty(t0) error('the realtime decompositions are not stored in Q4! Please check your dates and settings.') end if ~isfield(q2a,'var_type') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.var_type=1; end if ~isfield(q2a,'islog') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.islog=0; end if ~isfield(q2a,'GYTREND0') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.GYTREND0=0; end if ~isfield(q2a,'aux') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.aux=0; end if ~isfield(q2a,'cumfix') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.cumfix=1; end if ~isfield(q2a,'plot') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.plot=1; % growth rate end if ~expand if options_.plot_shock_decomp.interactive && ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups) mygroup = options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups; options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups=''; zafull = ... annualized_shock_decomposition(oo_,M_, options_, i_var, t0, options_.nobs, realtime_, vintage_, steady_state,q2a); options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups = mygroup; end [za, endo_names, endo_names_tex, steady_state, i_var, oo_] = ... annualized_shock_decomposition(oo_,M_, options_, i_var, t0, options_.nobs, realtime_, vintage_, steady_state,q2a); end end end if ~expand fig_name = fig_name1; end if options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups fig_name=[fig_name ' group ' options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups]; if expand z = options_.plot_shock_decomp.zfull; endo_names = options_.plot_shock_decomp.endo_names; endo_names_tex = options_.plot_shock_decomp.endo_names_tex; steady_state=steady_state(i_var); i_var = 1; if ~(isequal(type,'aoa') && isstruct(q2a)) gend = size(z,3); endo_nbr = size(z,1); [z, shock_names, M_] = make_the_groups(z,gend,endo_nbr,nshocks,M_,options_); M_.endo_names = endo_names; M_.endo_names_tex = endo_names_tex; end else gend = size(z,3); zfull = z; [z, shock_names, M_] = make_the_groups(z,gend,endo_nbr,nshocks,M_,options_); end else shock_names = M_.exo_names; end func = @(x) colorspace('RGB->Lab',x); MAP = distinguishable_colors(size(z,2)-1,'w',func); % MAP = [MAP; MAP(end,:)]; MAP(end,:) = [0.7 0.7 0.7]; % MAP = [MAP; [0.7 0.7 0.7]; [0.3 0.3 0.3]]; if isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.colormap) options_.plot_shock_decomp.colormap = MAP; end switch type case '' % default case 'qoq' case 'yoy' z=z(:,:,1:end-3)+z(:,:,2:end-2)+z(:,:,3:end-1)+z(:,:,4:end); if ~isempty(initial_date) initial_date = initial_date+3; else initial_date = dates('1Q4'); end steady_state = 4*steady_state; case 'aoa' if isempty(initial_date) t0=1; % we assume the sample starts Q1 of 1st year initial_date = dates('1Y'); else initial_date0 = dates([int2str(initial_date.time(1)) 'Y']); if initial_date.time(2)==1 % the first year is full t0=1; initial_date1=initial_date0; else t0=(4-initial_date.time(2)+2); % 1st period of the 1st full year in sample initial_date1=initial_date0+1; end end if realtime_ == 0 t0=t0+4-1; % we start in Q4 of the first full year end if isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_init_date) && realtime_ == 0 options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_init_date=initial_date+t0; end if isstruct(q2a) if realtime_ == 0 if ~isfield(q2a,'var_type') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.var_type=1; end if ~isfield(q2a,'islog') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.islog=0; end if ~isfield(q2a,'GYTREND0') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.GYTREND0=0; end if ~isfield(q2a,'aux') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.aux=0; end if ~isfield(q2a,'cumfix') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.cumfix=1; end if ~isfield(q2a,'plot') % private trap for aoa calls q2a.plot=1; % growth rate end if ~expand if isstruct(q2a.aux) && ischar(q2a.aux.y) opts=options_; opts.plot_shock_decomp.type='qoq'; [y_aux, steady_state_aux] = plot_shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,opts,q2a.aux.y); q2a.aux.y=y_aux; q2a.aux.yss=steady_state_aux; end [za, endo_names, endo_names_tex, steady_state, i_var, oo_] = ... annualized_shock_decomposition(z,M_, options_, i_var, t0, options_.nobs, realtime_, vintage_, steady_state,q2a); if options_.plot_shock_decomp.interactive && ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups) mygroup = options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups; options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups=''; zafull = ... annualized_shock_decomposition(z,M_, options_, i_var, t0, options_.nobs, realtime_, vintage_, steady_state,q2a); options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups = mygroup; end end end z = za; if options_.plot_shock_decomp.interactive && ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups) zfull = zafull; end M_.endo_names = endo_names; M_.endo_names_tex = endo_names_tex; % endo_nbr = size(z,1); if realtime_<2 initial_date = initial_date1; else initial_date = initial_date0; end else % this is for quarterly-annualized variables already defined in model, so we can just take Q4 t0=4-initial_date.time(2)+1; initial_date = initial_date0; z=z(:,:,t0:4:end); end if ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_init_date) options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_init_date = dates([int2str(options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_init_date.time(1)) 'Y']); end if ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_end_date) options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_end_date = dates([int2str(options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_end_date.time(1)) 'Y']); end otherwise error('plot_shock_decomposition:: Wrong type') end if steadystate options_.plot_shock_decomp.steady_state=steady_state; end if nargout z=z(i_var,:,:); steady_state = steady_state(i_var); return end % here we crop data if needed my_initial_date = initial_date; a = 1; b = size(z,3); if ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_init_date) my_initial_date = max(initial_date,options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_init_date); a = find((initial_date:initial_date+b-1)==options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_init_date); end if ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_end_date) b = find((initial_date:initial_date+b-1)==options_.plot_shock_decomp.plot_end_date); end z = z(:,:,a:b); % end crop data options_.plot_shock_decomp.fig_name=fig_name; options_.plot_shock_decomp.orig_varlist = varlist; if options_.plot_shock_decomp.interactive && ~isempty(options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups) options_.plot_shock_decomp.zfull = zfull; end if detail_plot graph_decomp_detail(z, shock_names, M_.endo_names, i_var, my_initial_date, M_, options_) else graph_decomp(z, shock_names, M_.endo_names, i_var, my_initial_date, M_, options_); end if write_xls WriteShockDecomp2Excel(z,shock_names,M_.endo_names,i_var,my_initial_date,M_,options_,options_.plot_shock_decomp); end end function [z, shock_names, M_] = make_the_groups(z,gend,endo_nbr,nshocks,M_,options_) shock_groups = M_.shock_groups.(options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups); shock_ind = fieldnames(shock_groups); ngroups = length(shock_ind); shock_names = shock_ind; for i=1:ngroups shock_names{i} = (shock_groups.(shock_ind{i}).label); end zz = zeros(endo_nbr,ngroups+2,gend); kcum=[]; for i=1:ngroups for j = shock_groups.(shock_ind{i}).shocks k = find(strcmp(j,cellstr(M_.exo_names))); zz(:,i,:) = zz(:,i,:) + z(:,k,:); z(:,k,:) = 0; kcum = [kcum k]; end end zothers = sum(z(:,1:nshocks,:),2); shock_groups.(['group' int2str(ngroups+1)]).label = 'Others'; shock_groups.(['group' int2str(ngroups+1)]).shocks = cellstr(M_.exo_names(find(~ismember([1:M_.exo_nbr],kcum)),:))'; M_.shock_groups.(options_.plot_shock_decomp.use_shock_groups)=shock_groups; if any(any(zothers)) shock_names = [shock_names; {'Others + Initial Values'}]; end zz(:,ngroups+1,:) = sum(z(:,1:nshocks+1,:),2); zz(:,ngroups+2,:) = z(:,nshocks+2,:); z = zz; end