function pm3(n1,n2,ifil,B,tit1,tit2,tit3,tit_tex,names1,names2,name3,DirectoryName,var_type) % pm3(n1,n2,ifil,B,tit1,tit2,tit3,tit_tex,names1,names2,name3,DirectoryName,var_type) % Computes, stores and plots the posterior moment statistics. % % Inputs: % n1 [scalar] size of first dimension of moment matrix % n2 [scalar] size of second dimension of moment matrix % ifil [scalar] number of moment files to load % B [scalar] number of subdraws % tit1 [string] Figure title % tit2 [string] not used % tit3 [string] Save name for figure % tit_tex [cell array] TeX-Names for Variables % name1 [cell array] Names of variables subset selected for moments % name2 [cell array] Names of all variables in the moment matrix from % which names1 is selected % name3 [string] Name of the field in oo_ structure to be set % name3 [string] Name of the field in oo_ structure to be set % DirectoryName [string] Name of the directory in which to save and from % where to read % var_type [string] suffix of the filename from which to load moment % matrix % PARALLEL CONTEXT % See also the comment in random_walk_metropolis_hastings.m funtion. % Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global options_ M_ oo_ nn = 3; MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure = nn^2; % must be square varlist = names2; if isempty(varlist) varlist = names1; SelecVariables = (1:M_.endo_nbr)'; nvar = M_.endo_nbr; else nvar = size(varlist,1); SelecVariables = []; for i=1:nvar if ~isempty(strmatch(varlist(i,:),names1,'exact')) SelecVariables = [SelecVariables;strmatch(varlist(i,:),names1,'exact')]; end end end if options_.TeX if isempty(tit_tex), tit_tex=names1; end varlist_TeX = []; for i=1:nvar if i==1 varlist_TeX = tit_tex(SelecVariables(i),:); else varlist_TeX = char(varlist_TeX,tit_tex(SelecVariables(i),:)); end end end Mean = zeros(n2,nvar); Median = zeros(n2,nvar); Var = zeros(n2,nvar); Distrib = zeros(9,n2,nvar); HPD = zeros(2,n2,nvar); fprintf(['Estimation::mcmc: ' tit1 '\n']); stock1 = zeros(n1,n2,B); k = 0; filter_step_ahead_indicator=0; for file = 1:ifil load([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname var_type int2str(file)]); if strcmp(var_type,'_filter_step_ahead') if file==1 %on first run, initialize variable for storing filter_step_ahead stock1_filter_step_ahead=NaN(n1,n2,B,length(options_.filter_step_ahead)); end filter_step_ahead_indicator=1; stock_filter_step_ahead=zeros(n1,n2,size(stock,4),length(options_.filter_step_ahead)); for ii=1:length(options_.filter_step_ahead) K_step_ahead=options_.filter_step_ahead(ii); stock_filter_step_ahead(:,:,:,ii)=stock(ii,:,1+K_step_ahead:n2+K_step_ahead,:); end stock = squeeze(stock(1,:,1+1:1+n2,:)); %1 step ahead starts at entry 2 end k = k(end)+(1:size(stock,3)); stock1(:,:,k) = stock; if filter_step_ahead_indicator stock1_filter_step_ahead(:,:,k,:) = stock_filter_step_ahead; end end clear stock if filter_step_ahead_indicator clear stock_filter_step_ahead filter_steps=length(options_.filter_step_ahead); Mean_filter_step_ahead = zeros(filter_steps,nvar,n2); Median_filter_step_ahead = zeros(filter_steps,nvar,n2); Var_filter_step_ahead = zeros(filter_steps,nvar,n2); Distrib_filter_step_ahead = zeros(9,filter_steps,nvar,n2); HPD_filter_step_ahead = zeros(2,filter_steps,nvar,n2); end tmp =zeros(B,1); for i = 1:nvar for j = 1:n2 [Mean(j,i),Median(j,i),Var(j,i),HPD(:,j,i),Distrib(:,j,i)] = ... posterior_moments(squeeze(stock1(SelecVariables(i),j,:)),0,options_.mh_conf_sig); if filter_step_ahead_indicator for K_step = 1:length(options_.filter_step_ahead) [Mean_filter_step_ahead(K_step,i,j),Median_filter_step_ahead(K_step,i,j),Var_filter_step_ahead(K_step,i,j),HPD_filter_step_ahead(:,K_step,i,j),Distrib_filter_step_ahead(:,K_step,i,j)] = ... posterior_moments(squeeze(stock1_filter_step_ahead(SelecVariables(i),j,:,K_step)),0,options_.mh_conf_sig); end end end end clear stock1 if filter_step_ahead_indicator %write matrices corresponding to ML clear stock1_filter_step_ahead FilteredVariablesKStepAhead=zeros(length(options_.filter_step_ahead),nvar,n2+max(options_.filter_step_ahead)); FilteredVariablesKStepAheadVariances=zeros(length(options_.filter_step_ahead),nvar,n2+max(options_.filter_step_ahead)); for K_step = 1:length(options_.filter_step_ahead) FilteredVariablesKStepAhead(K_step,:,1+options_.filter_step_ahead(K_step):n2+options_.filter_step_ahead(K_step))=Mean_filter_step_ahead(K_step,:,:); FilteredVariablesKStepAheadVariances(K_step,:,1+options_.filter_step_ahead(K_step):n2+options_.filter_step_ahead(K_step))=Mean_filter_step_ahead(K_step,:,:); end oo_.FilteredVariablesKStepAhead=FilteredVariablesKStepAhead; oo_.FilteredVariablesKStepAheadVariances=FilteredVariablesKStepAheadVariances; end for i = 1:nvar name = deblank(names1(SelecVariables(i),:)); eval(['oo_.' name3 '.Mean.' name ' = Mean(:,i);']); eval(['oo_.' name3 '.Median.' name ' = Median(:,i);']); eval(['oo_.' name3 '.Var.' name ' = Var(:,i);']); eval(['oo_.' name3 '.deciles.' name ' = Distrib(:,:,i);']); eval(['oo_.' name3 '.HPDinf.' name ' = HPD(1,:,i)'';']); eval(['oo_.' name3 '.HPDsup.' name ' = HPD(2,:,i)'';']); if filter_step_ahead_indicator for K_step = 1:length(options_.filter_step_ahead) name4=['Filtered_Variables_',num2str(K_step),'_step_ahead']; eval(['oo_.' name4 '.Mean.' name ' = squeeze(Mean_filter_step_ahead(K_step,i,:));']); eval(['oo_.' name4 '.Median.' name ' = squeeze(Median_filter_step_ahead(K_step,i,:));']); eval(['oo_.' name4 '.Var.' name ' = squeeze(Var_filter_step_ahead(K_step,i,:));']); eval(['oo_.' name4 '.deciles.' name ' = squeeze(Distrib_filter_step_ahead(:,K_step,i,:));']); eval(['oo_.' name4 '.HPDinf.' name ' = squeeze(HPD_filter_step_ahead(1,K_step,i,:));']); eval(['oo_.' name4 '.HPDsup.' name ' = squeeze(HPD_filter_step_ahead(2,K_step,i,:));']); end end end %% %% Finally I build the plots. %% % Block of code executed in parallel, with the exception of file % .tex generation always run sequentially. This portion of code is execute in parallel by % pm3_core1.m function. % %%%%%%%%% PARALLEL BLOCK % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % %%% The file .TeX! are not saved in parallel. % Store the variable mandatory for local/remote parallel computing. localVars=[]; localVars.tit1=tit1; localVars.nn=nn; localVars.n2=n2; localVars.Distrib=Distrib; localVars.varlist=varlist; localVars.MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure=MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure; localVars.name3=name3; localVars.tit3=tit3; localVars.Mean=Mean; % Like sequential execution! nvar0=nvar; if ~isoctave % Commenting for testing! if isnumeric(options_.parallel) || ceil(size(varlist,1)/MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure)<4, fout = pm3_core(localVars,1,nvar,0); % Parallel execution! else isRemoteOctave = 0; for indPC=1:length(options_.parallel), isRemoteOctave = isRemoteOctave + (findstr(options_.parallel(indPC).MatlabOctavePath, 'octave')); end if isRemoteOctave fout = pm3_core(localVars,1,nvar,0); else globalVars = struct('M_',M_, ... 'options_', options_, ... 'oo_', oo_); [fout, nvar0, totCPU] = masterParallel(options_.parallel, 1, nvar, [],'pm3_core', localVars,globalVars, options_.parallel_info); end end else % For the time being in Octave enviroment the pm3.m is executed only in % serial modality, to avoid problem with the plots. fout = pm3_core(localVars,1,nvar,0); end subplotnum = 0; if options_.TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format))) fidTeX = fopen([M_.dname '/Output/' M_.fname '_' name3 '.TeX'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by Dynare.\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); nvar0=cumsum(nvar0); i=0; for j=1:length(nvar0), NAMES = []; TEXNAMES = []; nvar=nvar0(j); while i 10^(-6) subplotnum = subplotnum+1; name = deblank(varlist(i,:)); texname = deblank(varlist_TeX(i,:)); if subplotnum==1 NAMES = name; TEXNAMES = ['$' texname '$']; else NAMES = char(NAMES,name); TEXNAMES = char(TEXNAMES,['$' texname '$']); end end if subplotnum == MaxNumberOfPlotsPerFigure || i == nvar fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:size(TEXNAMES,1) fprintf(fidTeX,['\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n'],deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TEXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s/Output/%s_' name3 '_%s}\n'],M_.dname,M_.fname,deblank(tit3(i,:))); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:%s:%s}\n',name3,deblank(tit3(i,:))); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{%s}\n',tit1); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); subplotnum = 0; NAMES = []; TEXNAMES = []; end end end fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end fprintf(['Estimation::mcmc: ' tit1 ', done!\n']);