function [fval, info, exit_flag, junk1, junk2, oo_, M_, options_mom_] = method_of_moments_objective_function(xparam1, Bounds, oo_, estim_params_, matched_moments_, M_, options_mom_) % [fval, info, exit_flag, junk1, junk2, oo_, M_, options_mom_] = method_of_moments_objective_function(xparam1, Bounds, oo_, estim_params_, matched_moments_, M_, options_mom_) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function evaluates the objective function for GMM/SMM estimation % ========================================================================= % INPUTS % o xparam1: current value of estimated parameters as returned by set_prior() % o Bounds: structure containing parameter bounds % o oo_: structure for results % o estim_params_: structure describing the estimated_parameters % o matched_moments_: structure containing information about selected moments to match in estimation % o M_ structure describing the model % o options_mom_: structure information about all settings (specified by the user, preprocessor, and taken from global options_) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OUTPUTS % o fval: value of the quadratic form of the moment difference (except for lsqnonlin, where this is done implicitly) % o info: vector storing error code and penalty % o exit_flag: 0 if error, 1 if no error % o junk1: empty matrix required for optimizer interface % o junk2: empty matrix required for optimizer interface % o oo_: structure containing the results with the following updated fields: % - mom.model_moments [numMom x 1] vector with model moments % - mom.Q value of the quadratic form of the moment difference % o M_: Matlab's structure describing the model % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function is called by % o method_of_moments.m % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function calls % o check_bounds_and_definiteness_estimation % o pruned_state_space_system % o resol % o set_all_parameters % ========================================================================= % Copyright (C) 2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Author(s): % o Willi Mutschler ( % o Johannes Pfeifer ( % ========================================================================= %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 0. Initialization of the returned variables and others... %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ junk1 = []; junk2 = []; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 1. Get the structural parameters & define penalties %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [fval,info,exit_flag,M_]=check_bounds_and_definiteness_estimation(xparam1, M_, options_mom_, estim_params_, Bounds); if info(1) if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output fval = ones(size(,1),1)*options_mom_.huge_number; end return end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 2. call resol to compute steady state and model solution %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Compute linear approximation around the deterministic steady state [dr, info, M_, options_mom_, oo_] = resol(0, M_, options_mom_, oo_); % Return, with endogenous penalty when possible, if resol issues an error code if info(1) if info(1) == 3 || info(1) == 4 || info(1) == 5 || info(1)==6 ||info(1) == 19 ||... info(1) == 20 || info(1) == 21 || info(1) == 23 || info(1) == 26 || ... info(1) == 81 || info(1) == 84 || info(1) == 85 || info(1) == 86 %meaningful second entry of output that can be used fval = Inf; info(4) = info(2); exit_flag = 0; if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output fval = ones(size(,1),1)*options_mom_.huge_number; end return else fval = Inf; info(4) = 0.1; exit_flag = 0; if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output fval = ones(size(,1),1)*options_mom_.huge_number; end return end end if strcmp(,'GMM') %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 3. Set up pruned state-space system and compute model moments %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- pruned_state_space = pruned_state_space_system(M_, options_mom_, dr, oo_.dr.obs_var,, 0, 0); = NaN(,1); offset = 0; % First moments if ~options_mom_.prefilter && isfield(,'E_y') && nnz( > 0 E_y = pruned_state_space.E_y; E_y_nbr = nnz(;,1) = E_y(; offset = offset + E_y_nbr; end % Second moments % Contemporaneous covariance if isfield(,'E_yy') && nnz( > 0 if options_mom_.prefilter E_yy = pruned_state_space.Var_y; else E_yy = pruned_state_space.Var_y + pruned_state_space.E_y*pruned_state_space.E_y'; end E_yy_nbr = nnz(tril(;,1) = E_yy(tril(; offset = offset + E_yy_nbr; end % Lead/lags covariance if isfield(,'E_yyt') && nnz( > 0 if options_mom_.prefilter E_yyt = pruned_state_space.Var_yi; else E_yyt = pruned_state_space.Var_yi + repmat(pruned_state_space.E_y*pruned_state_space.E_y',[1 1 size(pruned_state_space.Var_yi,3)]); end E_yyt_nbr = nnz(;,1) = E_yyt(; end elseif strcmp(,'SMM') %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 3. Compute Moments of the model solution for normal innovations %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % create shock series with correct covariance matrix from iid standard normal shocks i_exo_var = setdiff(1:M_.exo_nbr, find(diag(M_.Sigma_e) == 0 )); %find singular entries in covariance chol_S = chol(M_.Sigma_e(i_exo_var,i_exo_var)); scaled_shock_series = zeros(size(; %initialize scaled_shock_series(:,i_exo_var) =,i_exo_var)*chol_S; %set non-zero entries % simulate series y_sim = simult_(M_, options_mom_, dr.ys, dr, scaled_shock_series, options_mom_.order); % provide meaningful penalty if data is nan or inf if any(any(isnan(y_sim))) || any(any(isinf(y_sim))) if options_mom_.mode_compute==13 fval = Inf(size(,1),1); else fval = Inf; end info(1)=180; info(4) = 0.1; exit_flag = 0; if options_mom_.mode_compute == 13 fval = ones(size(,1),1)*options_mom_.huge_number; end return end % Remove burn-in and focus on observables (note that y_sim is in declaration order) y_sim = y_sim(oo_.dr.order_var(oo_.dr.obs_var) ,'; if ~all(diag(M_.H)==0) i_ME = setdiff([1:size(M_.H,1)],find(diag(M_.H) == 0)); % find ME with 0 variance chol_S = chol(M_.H(i_ME,i_ME)); %decompose rest shock_mat=zeros(size(; %initialize shock_mat(:,i_ME),i_exo_var)*chol_S; y_sim = y_sim+shock_mat; end % Remove mean if centered moments if options_mom_.prefilter y_sim = bsxfun(@minus, y_sim, mean(y_sim,1)); end = method_of_moments_data_moments(y_sim, oo_, matched_moments_, options_mom_); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 4. Compute quadratic target function %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- moments_difference = -; residuals = sqrt(**moments_difference; = residuals'*residuals; if options_mom_.vector_output == 1 % lsqnonlin requires vector output fval = residuals; if fval=[fval;(xparam1-oo_.prior.mean)./sqrt(diag(oo_.prior.variance))]; end else fval =; if fval=fval+(xparam1-oo_.prior.mean)'/oo_.prior.variance*(xparam1-oo_.prior.mean); end end end%main function end