function ts = baxter_king_filter(ts, high_frequency, low_frequency, K) % --*-- Unitary tests --*-- % ts = baxter_king_filter(ts, high_frequency, low_frequency, K) % % Implementation of Baxter and King (1999) band pass filter for dseries objects. The code is adapted from % the one provided by Baxter and King. This filter isolates business cycle fluctuations with a period of length % ranging between high_frequency to low_frequency (quarters). % % INPUTS % o ts dseries object. % o high_frequency positive scalar, period length (default value is 6). % o low_frequency positive scalar, period length (default value is 32). % o K positive scalar integer, truncation parameter (default value is 12). % % OUTPUTS % o ts dseries object. % % REMARKS % This filter use a (symmetric) moving average smoother, so that K observations at the beginning and at the end of the % sample are lost in the computation of the filter. % Copyright (C) 2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if nargin<4 || isempty(truncature) K = 12; if nargin<3 || isempty(low_frequency) % Set default number of periods corresponding to the lowest frequency. low_frequency = 32; if nargin<2 || isempty(high_frequency) % Set default number of periods corresponding to the highest frequency. high_frequency = 6; if nargin<1 error('dseries::baxter_king_filter: I need at least one argument') end else if high_frequency<2 error('dseries::baxter_king_filter: Second argument must be greater than 2!') end if high_frequency>low_frequency error('dseries::baxter_king_filter: Second argument must be smaller than the third argument!') end end end end % translate periods into frequencies. hf=2.0*pi/high_frequency; lf=2.0*pi/low_frequency; % Set weights for the band-pass filter's lag polynomial. weights = zeros(K+1,1); lpowers = transpose(1:K); weights(2:K+1) = (sin(lpowers*hf)-sin(lpowers*lf))./(lpowers*pi); weights(1) = (hf-lf)/pi; % Set the constraint on the sum of weights. if low_frequency>1000 % => low pass filter. sum_of_weights_constraint = 1.0; else sum_of_weights_constraint = 0.0; end % Compute the sum of weights. sum_of_weights = weights(1) + 2*sum(weights(2:K+1)); % Correct the weights. weights = weights + (sum_of_weights_constraint - sum_of_weights)/(2*K+1); % Weights are symmetric! weights = [flipud(weights(2:K+1)); weights]; tmp = zeros(size(; % Filtering step. for t = K+1:ts.nobs-K tmp(t,:) = weights'*,:); end % Update dseries object. = tmp(K+1:end-K,:); ts.nobs = ts.nobs-2*K; ts.init = ts.init+K; ts.dates = ts.init:ts.init+(ts.nobs-1); %@test:1 %$ plot_flag = 0; %$ %$ % Create a dataset. %$ e = .2*randn(200,1); %$ u = randn(200,1); %$ stochastic_trend = cumsum(e); %$ deterministic_trend = .1*transpose(1:200); %$ x = zeros(200,1); %$ for i=2:200 %$ x(i) = .75*x(i-1) + e(i); %$ end %$ y = x + stochastic_trend + deterministic_trend; %$ %$ % Test the routine. %$ try %$ ts = dseries(y,'1950Q1'); %$ ts = ts.baxter_king_filter(); %$ xx = dseries(x,'1950Q1'); %$ t(1) = 1; %$ catch %$ t(1) = 0; %$ end %$ %$ if t(1) %$ t(2) = dyn_assert(ts.freq,4); %$ t(3) = dyn_assert(ts.init.freq,4); %$ t(4) = dyn_assert(ts.init.time,[1953, 1]); %$ t(5) = dyn_assert(ts.vobs,1); %$ t(6) = dyn_assert(ts.nobs,176); %$ end %$ %$ % Show results %$ if plot_flag %$ plot(xx(ts.dates).data,'-k'); %$ hold on %$ plot(,'--r'); %$ hold off %$ axis tight %$ id = get(gca,'XTick'); %$ set(gca,'XTickLabel',strings(ts.dates(id))); %$ legend({'Stationary component of y', 'Filtered y'}) %$ print('-depsc2','../doc/dynare.plots/BaxterKingFilter.eps') %$ system('convert -density 1200 ../doc/dynare.plots/BaxterKingFilter.eps ../doc/dynare.plots/BaxterKingFilter.png'); %$ system('convert -density 1200 ../doc/dynare.plots/BaxterKingFilter.eps ../doc/dynare.plots/BaxterKingFilter.pdf'); %$ system('convert -density 1200 ../doc/dynare.plots/BaxterKingFilter.eps ../doc/dynare.plots/BaxterKingFilter.jpg'); %$ end %$ %$ T = all(t); %@eof:1