function [borneinf,bornesup,x1,x2,f1,f2,top,nam,texnam] = ... posterior_distribution(indx,number_of_mh_files,first_mh_file,first_line,... number_of_blocks,number_of_simulations,... number_of_simulations_per_file,TeX); % [07-15-2004] global M_ bayestopt_ estim_params_ options_ number_of_grid_points = 2^9; % 2^9 = 512 !... Must be a power of two. bandwidth = 0; % Rule of thumb optimal bandwidth parameter. kernel_function = 'gaussian'; % Gaussian kernel for Fast Fourrier Transform approximaton. mcsimulations = zeros(number_of_simulations,1); if number_of_blocks == 1 EndOfFile = number_of_simulations_per_file(first_mh_file+1)-first_line+1; instr = [M_.fname '_mh' int2str(first_mh_file)]; eval(['load ' instr]); clear post2 logpo2; mcsimulations(1:EndOfFile) = x2(first_line:end,indx); OldEndOfFile = EndOfFile; for f = first_mh_file+1:number_of_mh_files NewEndOfFile = number_of_simulations_per_file(f+1); instr = [M_.fname '_mh' int2str(f)]; eval(['load ' instr]); clear post2 logpo2; mcsimulations(OldEndOfFile+1:OldEndOfFile+NewEndOfFile) = x2(:,indx); OldEndOfFile = OldEndOfFile + NewEndOfFile; end clear x2; else EndOfFile = number_of_simulations_per_file(first_mh_file+1)-first_line+1; NewStartLine = 0; inst = [M_.fname '_mh' int2str(first_mh_file)]; for b = 1:number_of_blocks instr = [inst '_blck' int2str(b)]; eval(['load ' instr]); clear post2 logpo2; mcsimulations(NewStartLine+1:NewStartLine+EndOfFile,1) = x2(first_line:end,indx); NewStartLine = NewStartLine + EndOfFile; end for f = first_mh_file+1:number_of_mh_files EndOfFile = number_of_simulations_per_file(f+1); inst = [M_.fname '_mh' int2str(f)]; for B = 1:number_of_blocks instr = [inst '_blck' int2str(b)]; eval(['load ' instr]); clear post2 logpo2; mcsimulations(NewStartLine+1:NewStartLine+EndOfFile,1) = x2(:,indx); NewStartLine = NewStartLine + EndOfFile; end end clear x2; end [nam,texnam] = get_the_name(indx,TeX); %% Kernel estimator of the posterior density: optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(mcsimulations,number_of_simulations,bandwidth,kernel_function); [x1,f1] = kernel_density_estimate(mcsimulations,number_of_grid_points,... optimal_bandwidth,kernel_function); binf1 = x1(1); bsup1 = x1(length(x1)); %% Prior density: [x2,f2,abscissa,dens,binf2,bsup2] = draw_prior_density(indx); clear abscissa dens; borneinf = min(binf1,binf2); bornesup = max(bsup1,bsup2); top = max([max(f1);max(f2)]);