/* * This file shows how to solve an RBC model with two occasionally binding constraints: * 1. The INEG constraint implements quadratic capital adjustment costs if investment * falls below its steady state. If investment is above steady state, there are no * adjustment costs * 2. The IRR constraint implements irreversible investment. Investment cannot be lower * than a factor phi of its steady state. * * Notes: * - This mod-file is based on an example originally provided by Luca Guerrieri * and Matteo Iacoviello provided at https://www.matteoiacoviello.com/research_files/occbin_20140630.zip * - The INEG constraint should theoretically be log_Invest-log(steady_state(Invest))<0, but this will lead * to numerical issues. Instead we allow for a small negative value of <-0.000001 * * Please note that the following copyright notice only applies to this Dynare * implementation of the model. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2021 Dynare Team * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For A copy of the GNU General Public License, * see . */ var A $A$ (long_name='TFP') C $C$ (long_name='consumption') Invest $I$ (long_name='investment') K $K$ (long_name='capital') Lambda $\lambda$ (long_name='Lagrange multiplier') log_K ${\hat K}$ (long_name='log capital') log_Invest ${\hat I}$ (long_name='log investment') log_C ${\hat C}$ (long_name='log consumption') ; varexo epsilon $\varepsilon$ (long_name='TFP shock'); parameters alpha $\alpha$ (long_name='capital share') delta $\delta$ (long_name='depreciation') beta $\beta$ (long_name='discount factor') sigma $\sigma$ (long_name='risk aversion') rho $\rho$ (long_name='autocorrelation TFP') phi $\phi$ (long_name='irreversibility fraction of steady state investment') psi $\psi$ (long_name='capital adjustment cost') ; beta=0.96; alpha=0.33; delta=0.10; sigma=2; rho = 0.9; phi = 0.975; psi = 5; model; // 1. [name='Euler', bind = 'INEG'] -C^(-sigma)*(1+2*psi*(K/K(-1)-1)/K(-1))+ beta*C(+1)^(-sigma)*((1-delta)-2*psi*(K(+1)/K-1)* (-K(+1)/K^2)+alpha*exp(A(+1))*K^(alpha-1))= -Lambda+beta*(1-delta)*Lambda(+1); [name='Euler', relax = 'INEG'] -C^(-sigma) + beta*C(+1)^(-sigma)*(1-delta+alpha*exp(A(+1))*K^(alpha-1))= -Lambda+beta*(1-delta)*Lambda(+1); // 2. [name='Budget constraint',bind = 'INEG'] C+K-(1-delta)*K(-1)+psi*(K/K(-1)-1)^2=exp(A)*K(-1)^(alpha); [name='Budget constraint',relax = 'INEG'] C+K-(1-delta)*K(-1)=exp(A)*K(-1)^(alpha); // 3. [name='LOM capital'] Invest = K-(1-delta)*K(-1); // 4. [name='investment',bind='IRR,INEG'] (log_Invest - log(phi*steady_state(Invest))) = 0; [name='investment',relax='IRR'] Lambda=0; [name='investment',bind='IRR',relax='INEG'] (log_Invest - log(phi*steady_state(Invest))) = 0; // 5. [name='LOM TFP'] A = rho*A(-1)+epsilon; // Definitions [name='Definition log capital'] log_K=log(K); [name='Definition log consumption'] log_C=log(C); [name='Definition log investment'] log_Invest=log(Invest); end; occbin_constraints; name 'IRR'; bind log_Invest-log(steady_state(Invest))