function nls(eqname, params, data, range, optimizer, varargin) % Estimates the parameters of a PAC equation by Nonlinear Least Squares. % % INPUTS % - eqname [string] Name of the pac equation. % - params [struct] Describes the parameters to be estimated. % - data [dseries] Database for the estimation % - range [dates] Range of dates for the estimation. % - optimizer [string] Set the optimization algorithm. Possible values % are 'fmincon', 'fminunc', 'csminwel', % 'fminsearch', 'simplex' and % 'annealing'. Default is 'csminwel'. % - varargin List of key/value pairs, each key must be a % string and values can be strings or real numbers. % % OUTPUTS % - none % % REMARKS % [1] The estimation results are printed in the command line window, and the % parameters are updated accordingly in M_.params. % [2] The second input is a structure. Each fieldname corresponds to the % name of an estimated parameter, the value of the field is the initial % guess used for the estimation (by NLS). % [3] The third input is a dseries object which must at least contain all % the variables appearing in the estimated equation. The residual of the % equation must have NaN values in the object. % [4] It is assumed that the residual is additive. % [5] If the used optimization routines handles inequalities over the % estimated parameters, we impose the positivity of the error correction parameter. % % EXAMPLE % % pac.estimate.nls('zpac', eparams, dbase, dates('2003Q1'):dates('2016Q3'),'fminunc', 'MaxIter', 50); % % where zpac is the name of the PAC equation, eparams is a structure % containing the guess values for the estimated parameters (in each field), % dbase is a dseries object containing the data, % dates('2003Q1'):dates('2016Q3') is the range of the sample used for % estimation, 'fminunc' is the name of the optimization algorithm (this one % is available only if the matylab optimization toolbox is installed), the % remaining inputs are the options (key/value) passed to the optimizers. % Copyright (C) 2018 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ oo_ options_ is_gauss_newton = false; is_lsqnonlin = false; objective = 'ssr_'; if nargin>4 && (isequal(optimizer, 'GaussNewton') || isequal(optimizer, 'lsqnonlin')) switch optimizer case 'GaussNewton' is_gauss_newton = true; case 'lsqnonlin' is_lsqnonlin = true; otherwise % Cannot happen. end objective = 'r_'; end [pacmodl, lhs, rhs, pnames, enames, xnames, pid, eid, xid, ~, ipnames_, params, data, islaggedvariables] = ... pac.estimate.init(M_, oo_, eqname, params, data, range); % Check that the error correction term is correct. if M_.pac.(pacmodl).ec.isendo(1) error(['\nThe error correction term in PAC equation (%s) is not correct.\nThe ' ... 'error correction term should be the difference between a trend\n' ... 'and the level of the endogenous variable.'], pacmodl); end % List of objects to be replaced objNames = [pnames; enames; xnames]; objIndex = [pid; eid; xid]; objTypes = [ones(length(pid), 1); 2*ones(length(eid), 1); 3*ones(length(eid), 1);]; [~,I] = sort(cellfun(@length, objNames), 'descend'); objNames = objNames(I); objIndex = objIndex(I); objTypes = objTypes(I); % Substitute parameters and variables. for i=1:length(objNames) switch objTypes(i) case 1 rhs = strrep(rhs, objNames{i}, sprintf('DynareModel.params(%u)', objIndex(i))); case {2,3} k = find(strcmp(objNames{i},; if isempty(k) error('Variable %s is missing in the database.', objNames{i}) end j = regexp(rhs, ['\<', objNames{i}, '\>']); if islaggedvariables jlag = regexp(rhs, ['\<(', objNames{i}, '\(-1\))\>']); if ~isempty(jlag) rhs = regexprep(rhs, ['\<(' objNames{i} '\(-1\))\>'], sprintf('data(1:end-1,%u)', k)); end if ~isempty(setdiff(j, jlag)) rhs = regexprep(rhs, ['\<' objNames{i} '\>'], sprintf('data(2:end,%u)', k)); end else rhs = regexprep(rhs, ['\<' objNames{i} '\>'], sprintf('data(:,%u)', k)); end if contains(lhs, objNames{i}) if islaggedvariables lhs = strrep(lhs, objNames{i}, sprintf('data(2:end,%u)', k)); else lhs = strrep(lhs, objNames{i}, sprintf('data(:,%u)', k)); end end end end % Create a routine for evaluating the residuals of the nonlinear model fun = ['r_' eqname]; fid = fopen(['+' M_.fname filesep() fun '.m'], 'w'); fprintf(fid, 'function r = %s(params, data, DynareModel, DynareOutput)\n', fun); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '%% Evaluates the residuals for equation %s.\n', eqname); fprintf(fid, '%% File created by Dynare (%s).\n', datestr(datetime)); fprintf(fid, '\n'); for i=1:length(ipnames_) fprintf(fid, 'DynareModel.params(%u) = params(%u);\n', ipnames_(i), i); end fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, 'DynareModel = pac.update.parameters(''%s'', DynareModel, DynareOutput);\n', pacmodl); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, 'r = %s-(%s);\n', lhs, rhs); fclose(fid); % Create a routine for evaluating the sum of squared residuals of the nonlinear model fun = ['ssr_' eqname]; fid = fopen(['+' M_.fname filesep() fun '.m'], 'w'); fprintf(fid, 'function [s, fake1, fake2, fake3, fake4] = %s(params, data, DynareModel, DynareOutput)\n', fun); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, '%% Evaluates the sum of square residuals for equation %s.\n', eqname); fprintf(fid, '%% File created by Dynare (%s).\n', datestr(datetime)); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, 'fake1 = 0;\n'); fprintf(fid, 'fake2 = [];\n'); fprintf(fid, 'fake3 = [];\n'); fprintf(fid, 'fake4 = [];\n'); fprintf(fid, '\n'); for i=1:length(ipnames_) fprintf(fid, 'DynareModel.params(%u) = params(%u);\n', ipnames_(i), i); end fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, 'DynareModel = pac.update.parameters(''%s'', DynareModel, DynareOutput);\n', pacmodl); fprintf(fid, '\n'); fprintf(fid, 'r = %s-(%s);\n', lhs, rhs); fprintf(fid, 's = r''*r;\n'); fclose(fid); % Copy (sub)sample data in a matrix. DATA = data([range(1)-1, range]).data; % Create a function handle returning the sum of square residuals for a given vector of parameters. ssrfun = @(p) feval([M_.fname '.ssr_' eqname], p, DATA, M_, oo_); % Create a function handle returning the sum of square residuals for a given vector of parameters. resfun = @(p) feval([M_.fname '.r_' eqname], p, DATA, M_, oo_); % Set initial condition. params0 = cell2mat(struct2cell(params)); % Set defaults for optimizers bounds = []; parameter_names = []; % Set optimizer routine. if nargin<5 || isempty(optimizer) % Use csminwel by default. minalgo = 4; else switch optimizer case 'GaussNewton' % Nothing to do here. case 'lsqnonlin' bounds = ones(length(params0),1)*[-10,10]; bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(,1) = .0; case 'fmincon' if isoctave error('Optimization algorithm ''fmincon'' is not available under Octave') elseif ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox') error('Optimization algorithm ''fmincon'' requires the Optimization Toolbox') end minalgo = 1; bounds = ones(length(params0),1)*[-10,10]; bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(,1) = .0; case 'fminunc' if isoctave && ~user_has_octave_forge_package('optim') error('Optimization algorithm ''fminunc'' requires the optim package') elseif ~isoctave && ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox') error('Optimization algorithm ''fminunc'' requires the Optimization Toolbox') end minalgo = 3; case 'csminwel' minalgo = 4; case 'fminsearch' if isoctave && ~user_has_octave_forge_package('optim') error('Optimization algorithm ''fminsearch'' requires the optim package') elseif ~isoctave && ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox') error('Optimization algorithm ''fminsearch'' requires the Optimization Toolbox') end minalgo = 7; case 'simplex' minalgo = 8; case 'annealing' minalgo = 2; bounds = ones(length(params0),1)*[-10,10]; bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(,1) = .0; parameter_names = fieldnames(params); case 'particleswarm' if isoctave error('Optimization ''particleswarm'' is not available under Octave') elseif ~user_has_matlab_license('global_optimization_toolbox') error('Optimization ''particleswarm'' requires the Global Optimization Toolbox') end minalgo = 12; bounds = ones(length(params0),1)*[-10,10]; bounds(strcmp(fieldnames(params), M_.param_names(,1) = .0; parameter_names = fieldnames(params); otherwise msg = sprintf('%s is not an implemented optimization routine.\n', optimizer); msg = sprintf('%sAvailable algorithms are:\n', msg); msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'fmincon'); msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'fminunc'); msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'csminwel'); msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'fminsearch'); msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'simplex'); msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'annealing'); msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'lsqnonlin'); msg = sprintf('%s - %s\n', msg, 'GaussNewton'); error(msg) end end % Set options if provided as input arguments to nls routine. oldopt = options_.optim_opt; if nargin>5 if mod(nargin-5, 2) error('Options must come by key/value pairs.') end i = 1; opt = ''; while i