function varargout = pooled_ols(ds, param_common, param_regex, overlapping_dates, eqtags, model_name, param_names, ds_range) % function varargout = pooled_ols(ds, param_common, param_regex, overlapping_dates, eqtags, model_name, param_names, ds_range) % Run Pooled OLS % Apply parameter values found to corresponding parameter values in the % other blocks of the model % % INPUTS % ds [dseries] data to use in estimation % param_common [cellstr] List of values to insert into param_regex, % e.g. country codes {'FR', 'DE', 'IT'} % param_regex [cellstr] Where '*' should be replaced by the first % value in param_common % overlapping_dates [bool] if the dates across the equations should % overlap % eqtags [cellstr] names of equation tags to estimate. If empty, % estimate all equations % model_name [string] name to use in oo_ and inc file % param_names [cellstr] list of parameters to estimate (if % empty, estimate all) (may contain regex % to match param_regex) % ds_range [dates] range of dates to use in estimation % % OUTPUTS % return arguments common to pooled_fgls only if called from pooled_fgls % % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % dynare must have been run with the option: json=compute % Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ oo_ %% Check input arguments if nargin < 1 || nargin > 8 error('Incorrect number of arguments') end if isempty(ds) || ~isdseries(ds) error('The first argument must be a dseries'); end if nargin < 8 ds_range = ds.dates; else if isempty(ds_range) ds_range = ds.dates; else if ds_range(1) < ds.firstdate || ds_range(end) > lastdate(ds) error('There is a problem with the 8th argument: the date range does not correspond to that of the dseries') end end end if nargin < 7 param_names = {}; else if ~isempty(param_names) && ~iscellstr(param_names) error('The 7th argument, if provided, must be a cellstr') end end st = dbstack(1); if isoctave && octave_ver_less_than('6.3.0') % Workaround for, fixed in 6.3.0 st = st(2:end); end if ~isempty(st) && strcmp(st(1).name, 'pooled_fgls') save_structure_name = 'pooled_fgls'; else save_structure_name = 'pooled_ols'; end if nargin < 6 || isempty(model_name) if ~isfield(oo_, save_structure_name) model_name = [save_structure_name '_model_number_1']; else model_name = [save_structure_name '_model_number_' num2str(length(fieldnames(oo_.(save_structure_name))) + 1)]; end else if ~isvarname(model_name) error('The 7th argument must be a valid string'); end end if nargin < 5 eqtags = {}; end if isempty(param_common) && isempty(param_regex) disp('Performing OLS instead of Pooled OLS...') dyn_ols(ds, {}, eqtags, model_name, param_names, ds_range); return end assert(~isempty(param_common) && iscellstr(param_common), 'The second argument must be a cellstr'); assert(~isempty(param_regex) && iscellstr(param_regex), 'The third argument must be a cellstr'); if nargin < 4 overlapping_dates = false; else assert(islogical(overlapping_dates) && length(overlapping_dates) == 1, 'The fourth argument must be a bool'); end %% Get Equation(s) ast = get_ast(eqtags); neqs = length(ast); %% Replace parameter names in equations country_name = param_common{1}; regexcountries = ['(' strjoin(param_common(2:end),'|') ')']; ast = replace_parameters(ast, country_name, regexcountries, param_regex); %% Replace in param_names for i = 1:length(param_names) param_names{i} = strrep(param_names{i}, '*', country_name); end %% Find parameters and variable names in every equation & Setup estimation matrices [Y, lhssub, X, ~, ~, residnames] = common_parsing(ds(ds_range), ast, overlapping_dates, param_names); clear ast nobs = zeros(length(Y), 1); nobs(1) = Y{1}.nobs; fp = Y{1}.firstobservedperiod; for i = 2:length(Y) if Y{i}.firstobservedperiod < fp fp = Y{i}.firstobservedperiod; end nobs(i) = Y{i}.nobs; end [Y, ~, X] = put_in_sur_form(Y, lhssub, X); %% Handle FGLS if strcmp(st(1).name, 'pooled_fgls') % Pass vars back to pooled_fgls varargout{1} =; varargout{2} =; varargout{3} =; varargout{4} = residnames; varargout{5} = country_name; varargout{6} = model_name; end %% Estimation % Estimated Parameters [q, r] = qr(, 0); oo_.(save_structure_name).(model_name).beta = r\(q'*; if strcmp(st(1).name, 'pooled_fgls') return end clear save_structure_name; % Assign parameter values back to parameters using param_regex & param_common regexcountries = ['(' strjoin(param_common(1:end),'|') ')']; assigned_idxs = false(size(; incidxs = []; for i = 1:length(param_regex) beta_idx = strcmp(, strrep(param_regex{i}, '*', country_name)); assigned_idxs = assigned_idxs | beta_idx; value = oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).beta(beta_idx); if isempty(eqtags) && isempty(param_names) assert(~isempty(value)); end if ~isempty(value) idxs = find(~cellfun(@isempty, regexp(M_.param_names, strrep(param_regex{i}, '*', regexcountries))))'; incidxs = [incidxs idxs]; M_.params(idxs) = value; end end idxs = find(assigned_idxs == 0); values = oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).beta(idxs); names =; assert(length(values) == length(names)); for i = 1:length(idxs) incidxs = [incidxs find(strcmp(M_.param_names, names{i}))]; M_.params(incidxs(end)) = values(i); end % Write .inc file write_param_init_inc_file('pooled_ols', model_name, incidxs, M_.params(incidxs)); residuals = - * oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).beta; for i = 1:neqs if i == 1 oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).resid.(residnames{i}) = residuals(1:nobs(1)); elseif i == neqs oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).resid.(residnames{i}) = residuals(sum(nobs(1:i-1))+1:end); else oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).resid.(residnames{i}) = residuals(sum(nobs(1:i-1))+1:sum(nobs(1:i))); end oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).varcovar.(['eq' num2str(i)]) = oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).resid.(residnames{i})*oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).resid.(residnames{i})'; idx = find(strcmp(residnames{i}, M_.exo_names)); M_.Sigma_e(idx, idx) = var(oo_.pooled_ols.(model_name).resid.(residnames{i})); end end function ast = replace_parameters(ast, country_name, regexcountries, param_regex) for i = 1:length(ast) ast{i}.AST = replace_parameters_recursive(ast{i}.AST, country_name, regexcountries, param_regex); end end function node = replace_parameters_recursive(node, country_name, regexcountries, param_regex) if strcmp(node.node_type, 'VariableNode') if strcmp(node.type, 'parameter') for i = 1:length(param_regex) splitp = strsplit(param_regex{i}, '*'); assert(length(splitp) >= 2); tmp = regexprep(, strjoin(splitp, regexcountries), strjoin(splitp, country_name)); if ~strcmp(tmp, = tmp; return end end end elseif strcmp(node.node_type, 'UnaryOpNode') node.arg = replace_parameters_recursive(node.arg, country_name, regexcountries, param_regex); elseif strcmp(node.node_type, 'BinaryOpNode') node.arg1 = replace_parameters_recursive(node.arg1, country_name, regexcountries, param_regex); node.arg2 = replace_parameters_recursive(node.arg2, country_name, regexcountries, param_regex); end end