// Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik // Integer sequence. /* Here we define an auxiliary abstraction for a sequence of integers. The basic functionality is to hold an ordered sequence of integers with constant length. We prefer using this simple class before STL |vector| since it is more efficient for our purposes. The class is used in index of a tensor, in symmetry definition, in Kronecker product dimensions, or as a class of an equivalence. The latter case is not ordered, but we always order equivalence classes in order to ensure unique representativeness. For almost all cases we need the integer sequence to be ordered (sort), or monotonize (indices of folded tensors), or partially monotonize (indices of folded tensors not fully symmetric), or calculate a product of all members or only of a part (used in Kronecker product dimensions). When we calculate offsets in folded tensors, we need to obtain a number of the same items in the front (|getPrefixLength|), and also to add some integer number to all items. Also, we need to construct a subsequence of a sequence, so some instances do destroy the underlying data, and some not. */ #ifndef INT_SEQUENCE_H #define INT_SEQUENCE_H #include #include using namespace std; /* The implementation of |IntSequence| is straightforward. It has a pointer |data|, a |length| of the data, and a flag |destroy|, whether the instance must destroy the underlying data. */ class Symmetry; class IntSequence { int *data; int length; bool destroy; public: /* We have a constructor allocating a given length of data, constructor allocating and then initializing all members to a given number, a copy constructor, a conversion from |vector|, a subsequence constructor, a constructor used for calculating implied symmetry from a more general symmetry and one equivalence class (see |Symmetry| class). Finally we have a constructor which unfolds a sequence with respect to a given symmetry and constructor which inserts a given number to the ordered sequence or given number to a given position. */ IntSequence(int l) : data(new int[l]), length(l), destroy(true) { } IntSequence(int l, int n) : data(new int[l]), length(l), destroy(true) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) data[i] = n; } IntSequence(const IntSequence &s) : data(new int[s.length]), length(s.length), destroy(true) { memcpy(data, s.data, length*sizeof(int)); } IntSequence(IntSequence &s, int i1, int i2) : data(s.data+i1), length(i2-i1), destroy(false) { } IntSequence(const IntSequence &s, int i1, int i2) : data(new int[i2-i1]), length(i2-i1), destroy(true) { memcpy(data, s.data+i1, sizeof(int)*length); } IntSequence(const Symmetry &sy, const vector &se); IntSequence(const Symmetry &sy, const IntSequence &se); IntSequence(int i, const IntSequence &s); IntSequence(int i, const IntSequence &s, int pos); IntSequence(int l, const int *d) : data(new int[l]), length(l), destroy(true) { memcpy(data, d, sizeof(int)*length); } const IntSequence &operator=(const IntSequence &s); virtual ~IntSequence() { if (destroy) delete [] data; } bool operator==(const IntSequence &s) const; bool operator!=(const IntSequence &s) const { return !operator==(s); } int & operator[](int i) { return data[i]; } int operator[](int i) const { return data[i]; } int size() const { return length; } /* We provide two orderings. The first |operator<| is the linear lexicographic ordering, the second |less| is the non-linear Cartesian ordering. */ bool operator<(const IntSequence &s) const; bool operator<=(const IntSequence &s) const { return (operator==(s) || operator<(s)); } bool lessEq(const IntSequence &s) const; bool less(const IntSequence &s) const; void sort(); void monotone(); void pmonotone(const Symmetry &s); int sum() const; int mult(int i1, int i2) const; int mult() const { return mult(0, length); } void add(int i); void add(int f, const IntSequence &s); int getPrefixLength() const; int getNumDistinct() const; int getMax() const; bool isPositive() const; bool isConstant() const; bool isSorted() const; void print() const; }; #endif