function [e_1,e_2,e_inf]=brm(v,nbr,drop) e_1=[];e_2=[];e_inf=[]; // Copyright (C) 2001 Michel Juillard // global('y_','iy_','iter_','ykmin_','ykmax_','it_','endo_nbr','ex_'); i = (iy_>0)'; iyr0 = find(i(:))'; ex_old = ex_; //! mtlb(end) can be replaced by end() or end whether end is an m-file or not ex_ = ex_(drop+1:mtlb(end),:); //! mtlb(end) can be replaced by end() or end whether end is an m-file or not y = y_(:,drop+1:mtlb(end)); y = y(:); iter = iter_-drop-ykmin_-ykmax_; z = zeros(endo_nbr,iter); for it_ = ykmin_+1:iter+ykmin_ z(:,it_) = ff_(y(iyr0)); iyr0 = iyr0+endo_nbr; end t1 = z(nbr,:)'; //! mtlb(end) can be replaced by end() or end whether end is an m-file or not t2 = v(drop+1:mtlb(end)-2); t = t1 ./ t2; //! mtlb_mean(abs(t)) may be replaced by //! mean(abs(t)) if abs(t)is a vector //! mean(abs(t),1) if abs(t)is a matrix e_1 = log(mtlb_mean(abs(t)))/log(10); //!! Unknown function var ,the original calling sequence is used e_2 = log(var(t))/log(10); //! mtlb_max(abs(t)) may be replaced by //! max(abs(t)) if abs(t)is a vector //! max(abs(t),'r') if abs(t)is a matrix e_inf = log(mtlb_max(abs(t)))/log(10); ex_ = ex_old;