/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include "linbcg.hh" //#define DEBUG LinBCG::LinBCG() { ijat_p=NULL; } void LinBCG::Preconditioner(int periods, int y_kmin, int y_kmax, int Size, std::map ,int>, int> IM_i, int* index_vara, int* index_equa, int y_size, double *y, bool print_it, int type, Mat_O_DP &a, Vec_O_INT &indx) { std::map, int> , int>::iterator it4_i; std::map, double>::iterator it4; int i, j, k, eq=0, eqp, var, lag, pos_u; std::map, double> IM; LinBCG U_linbcg, L_linbcg; Vec_INT ijL, ijU; Vec_DP sL, sU; double d; IM.clear(); it4_i=IM_i.begin(); int u_size=IM_i.size(); //mexPrintf("Preconditioner\n"); double u_pos_u; while(it4_i!=IM_i.end()) { eq= it4_i->first.first.first; var=it4_i->first.first.second; lag=it4_i->first.second; pos_u=it4_i->second; if(pos_u>=Size) // to eliminate the residual contain in the first (Size) elements of IM { //mexPrintf("IM_i[%d, (%d, %d)]=%d val=%f ",eq, var, lag, pos_u, u[pos_u]); IM[make_pair(eq,var-lag*Size)]+=u[pos_u/*+(periods-1)*u_size*/]; //mexPrintf(" IM[%d, %d]=%f\n",eq,var-lag*Size, IM[make_pair(eq,var-lag*Size)]); } it4_i++; } int Size_SparseMatrixRow=IM.size(); //mexPrintf("Size_SparseMatrixRow+1=%d\n",Size_SparseMatrixRow+1); int ija_d[Size_SparseMatrixRow+1]; DP sa_d[Size_SparseMatrixRow+1]; k=Size; ija_d[0]=k+1; j=0; eqp=-99; it4=IM.begin(); while(it4!=IM.end()) { eq=it4->first.first; var=it4->first.second; u_pos_u=it4->second; //mexPrintf("IM[eq=%d, var=%d]=%f \n",eq, var, u_pos_u); if(eq!=eqp) ija_d[eq+j*Size]=k+1; if(eq==var) sa_d[var+j*Size]+=u_pos_u;//u[pos_u+j*u_size]; else { k++; sa_d[k]+=u_pos_u;//u[pos_u+j*u_size]; ija_d[k]=var+j*Size; } eqp=eq; it4++; } eq=Size;//Size*periods; ija_d[eq]=k+1; sa_d[eq]=0; ija_p.Format(ija_d,Size_SparseMatrixRow+1); sa_p.Format(sa_d,Size_SparseMatrixRow+1); /*sprsprt(); sprs_sprt();*/ //mexPrintf("ok0\n"); a.Format(Size,Size); sprsout(a); indx.Format(Size); //mexPrintf("ok1\n"); /*Mat_DP aa(0.0,Size*periods,Size*periods); for(k=0;k ,int>, int> IM_i, int* index_vara, int* index_equa, int y_size, double *y, bool print_it, bool cvg, Mat_DP &a, Vec_IO_INT &indx) { // Solve iteratively the systme A*x=b // A is sparse and rewritten using sa_p and ija_p mexPrintf("SolveLinear\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); std::map, int> , int>::iterator it4_i; std::map >, int>::iterator it4; int i, j, k, eq=0, eqp, var, lag, pos_u; std::map >, int> IM; clock_t t1 = clock(); IM.clear(); it4_i=IM_i.begin(); int u_size=IM_i.size(); int Size_SparseMatrixRow=0; Vec_DP b(Size*periods), x(Size*periods); int ITMAX=10*Size*periods; double TOL=1e-9; int ITOL=1; int sub_iter; DP err; //Vec_DP Err(Size*periods); if (iter>0) mexPrintf("Sim : %f ms\n",(1000.0*(double(clock())-double(time00)))/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); if (isnan(res1) || isinf(res1)) { if (slowc_save<1e-8) { mexPrintf("Dynare cannot improve the simulation\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); filename+=" stopped"; mexEvalString("st=fclose('all');clear all;"); mexErrMsgTxt(filename.c_str()); } slowc_save/=2; mexPrintf("Error: Simulation diverging, trying to correct it using slowc=%f\n",slowc_save); for (i=0;ifirst.first.first; var=it4_i->first.first.second; lag=it4_i->first.second; pos_u=it4_i->second; if(pos_u>=Size) // to eliminate the residual contain in the first (Size) elements of IM { //mexPrintf("IM[%d, (%d, %d)]=%d\n",eq, var, lag, pos_u); IM[make_pair(eq,make_pair(var,lag))]=pos_u; for(j=0;j<=min(y_kmax+y_kmin,periods-1);j++) { //mexPrintf("j=%d\n",j); if(j-y_kmin<=0) k=j; else k=periods+j-y_kmin-y_kmax-1; if(lag+j<0 || lag+j>min(periods-1,y_kmax+y_kmin)) { //mexPrintf("eliminate b[eq+(k)*Size=%d]=u[%d]*y[%d]\n",eq+(k)*Size,pos_u+(k)*u_size,var+(k+1)*y_size); b[eq+(k)*Size]-=u[pos_u+k*u_size]*y[index_vara[var-lag*Size]+(k+lag+1)*y_size]; Size_SparseMatrixRow--; } } } it4_i++; } //mexPrintf("Size_SparseMatrixRow+1=%d\n",Size_SparseMatrixRow+1); int ija_d[Size_SparseMatrixRow+1]; DP sa_d[Size_SparseMatrixRow+1]; k=Size*periods; ija_d[0]=k+1; for(j=0;jfirst.first; var=it4->first.second.first; lag=it4->first.second.second; pos_u=it4->second; /*if(j==1) mexPrintf("IM[eq=%d, var=%d, lag=%d]=%d val=%f \n",eq, var, lag, pos_u,u[pos_u+j*u_size]);*/ if(lag+j>=0 && lag+j=0 && j+lag fabs(sx[isamax])) isamax=i; } return fabs(sx[isamax]); } } void LinBCG::sprsax(Vec_I_DP &sa, Vec_I_INT &ija, Vec_I_DP &x, Vec_O_DP &b) { int i,k; //mexPrintf("sprsax\n"); int n=x.size(); /*mexPrintf("n=%d\n",n); mexPrintf("ija[0]=%d\n",ija[0]);*/ if (ija[0] != n+1) mexPrintf("Error: \n sprsax: mismatched vector and matrix\n"); /*mexPrintf("ok0a\n");*/ for (i=0;i=thresh && ((i)%(NbRow+1))!=0) j++; } //mexPrintf("j=%d\n",j); ija_p.Format(j+NbRow+1); sa_p.Format(j+NbRow+1); //mexPrintf("nz=%d\n",j+NbRow+1); for(j=0;j= thresh && i != j) { sa_p[++k]=a[j*n+i]; ija_p[k]=j; } } ija_p[i+1]=k+1; } } void LinBCG::sprsin(Mat_DP &a, const DP thresh) { int i,j,k=0; int n=a.nrows(); for(i=0;i=thresh && j!=i) k++; ija_p.Format(k+n+1); sa_p.Format(k+n+1); for (j=0;j= thresh && i != j) { //if (++k > nmax) nrerror("sprsin: sa and ija too small"); k++; sa_p[k]=a[i][j]; ija_p[k]=j; } } ija_p[i+1]=k+1; } } void LinBCG::sprsout(Mat_DP &a) { int i,j,k,l,ke; double maxi=0; int N=ija_p[0]-1; //int total=ija_p[N]; //mexPrintf("sprsout\n"); for(i=0;imaxi) maxi=fabs(sa_p[i]); int size=int(log10(maxi))+1; if(size<7) { itoa(size+8,fmt,10); pf= fmt; pf.insert(0,"% "); pf.append(".6f "); pf.copy(fmt,8); } else strcpy(fmt,"%e "); for(i=0;imaxi) maxi=fabs(sa_p[i]); int size=int(log10(maxi))+1; if(size<7) { itoa(size+8,fmt,10); pf= fmt; pf.insert(0,"% "); pf1=pf2=pf; pf.append(".6f "); pf1.append("s "); pf2.append("d "); pf.copy(fmt,8); pf1.copy(fmts,8); pf2.copy(fmtd,8); } else strcpy(fmt,"%e "); mexPrintf(fmts,"i"); mexPrintf(fmts,"ija"); mexPrintf(fmts,"sa"); if(ijat_p.size()) { mexPrintf(fmts,"ijat"); mexPrintf(fmts,"sat"); } mexPrintf("\n"); for(i=0;i EPS*znrm) { dxnrm=fabs(ak)*snrm(p,itol); err=znrm/fabs(zm1nrm-znrm)*dxnrm; } else { err=znrm/bnrm; continue; } xnrm=snrm(x,itol); if (err <= 0.5*xnrm) err /= xnrm; else { err=znrm/bnrm; continue; } } //cout << "iter=" << setw(4) << iter+1 << setw(12) << err << endl; mexPrintf("iter=%d err=%f ak=%f akden=%f\n",iter,err,ak,akden); if (err <= tol) break; } } void LinBCG::BiCGStab(Vec_I_DP &b, Vec_IO_DP &x, const int itol, const DP tol, const int itmax, int &iter, DP &err, Mat_DP &a, Vec_IO_INT &indx, const int periods) { DP akden,bkden=1.0,bknum,bnrm=0,dxnrm,xnrm,zm1nrm,znrm=0, alpha, omega, beta, omega_num, omega_den, snorm; const DP EPS=1.0e-14; int j; int n=b.size(); //mexPrintf("n=%d\n",n); Vec_DP p(n),v(n),r(n),rr(n),z(n),s(n), t(n), phat(n), shat(n); iter=0; // Compute the residual atimes(x,r,0); for (j=0;j EPS*znrm) { dxnrm=fabs(alpha)*snrm(p,itol); err=znrm/fabs(zm1nrm-znrm)*dxnrm; } else { err=znrm/bnrm; continue; } xnrm=snrm(x,itol); if (err <= 0.5*xnrm) err /= xnrm; else { err=znrm/bnrm; continue; } } //cout << "iter=" << setw(4) << iter+1 << setw(12) << err << endl; mexPrintf("iter=%d err=%f alpha=%f akden=%f\n",iter,err,alpha,akden); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); if (err <= tol) break; } } void LinBCG::sprs_col_index() { int i, j, k, begin, end; int nze=sa_p.size(); ijat_p.Format(nze); sat_p.Format(nze); begin=ija_p[0]; int n=begin-1; //mexPrintf("n=%d\n",n); map, double> list; map, double>::iterator list_it; for(j=0;jfirst.first=%d, list_it->first.second=%d, list_it->second=%f\n",list_it->first.first, list_it->first.second, list_it->second); while(col!=list_it->first.first) { //while(col!=list_it->first.first col++; ijat_p[col]=cur_pos; } ijat_p[cur_pos]=list_it->first.second; sat_p[cur_pos++]=list_it->second; list_it++; } } void LinBCG::sprs_swap_line_copy(map, double> &list, int &pos_2_blck, int begin, int end) { int i, j, init_pos; for(i=begin;i, double> &list, int &pos_2_blck, int LS, int LD) { int j; bool OK=false, OK1=true; int init_pos=pos_2_blck; for(j=ija_p[LS];j=LS && OK1) { OK1=false; if(sa_p[LS]!=0.0) { //mexPrintf("list[%d,%d]=%f\n",pos_2_blck,LS,sa_p[LS]); list[make_pair(pos_2_blck++,LS)]=sa_p[LS]; } } //mexPrintf("list[%d,%d]=%f\n",pos_2_blck,ija_p[j],sa_p[j]); list[make_pair(pos_2_blck++,ija_p[j])]=sa_p[j]; } } if(OK1) { if(sa_p[LS]!=0.0) { //mexPrintf("list[%d,%d]=%f\n",pos_2_blck,LS,sa_p[LS]); list[make_pair(pos_2_blck++,LS)]=sa_p[LS]; } } if(!OK) { list[make_pair(LD,init_pos)]=0.0; //mexPrintf("not found list[%d,%d]=%f\n",LD,init_pos,0.0); } } void LinBCG::sprs_swap_line(int L0, int L1) { int i,j,k, pos_2_blck, init_pos; map, double> list; map, double>::iterator list_it; int n=ija_p[0]-1; if(L0>L1) { i=L0; L0=L1; L1=i; } else if(L0==L1) return; else if(L0>=n || L1>=n) { mexPrintf("out of range in sprs_swap_line (L0=%d and L1=%d)\n",L0, L1); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); mexEvalString("st=fclose('all');clear all;"); filename+=" stopped"; mexErrMsgTxt(filename.c_str()); } int nze=sa_p.size(); bool OK, OK1; int nze0=0, nze1=0; pos_2_blck=n+1; sprs_swap_line_copy(list, pos_2_blck, 0, L0); //mexPrintf("L1=>L0\n"); sprs_swap_line_exchange(list, pos_2_blck, L1, L0); sprs_swap_line_copy(list, pos_2_blck, L0+1, L1); //mexPrintf("L0=>L1\n"); sprs_swap_line_exchange(list, pos_2_blck, L0, L1); sprs_swap_line_copy(list, pos_2_blck, L1+1, n); sa_p.Format(list.size()+1); ija_p.Format(list.size()+1); //mexPrintf("list.size()+1=%d\n",list.size()+1); list_it=list.begin(); while(list_it!=list.end()) { //mexPrintf("sa_p[list_it->first.first=%d]=list_it->second=%f\n",list_it->first.first,list_it->second); sa_p[list_it->first.first]=list_it->second; //mexPrintf("ija_p[list_it->first.first=%d]=list_it->first.second=%d\n",list_it->first.first,list_it->first.second); ija_p[list_it->first.first]=list_it->first.second; list_it++; } ija_p[n]=list.size()+1; sa_p[n]=0; sprs_col_index(); } void LinBCG::sprsludcmp(Mat_DP &a, Vec_O_INT &indx, DP &d) { const DP TINY=1.0e-20; int i,imax,j,k, ii, ik, begin_ija, end_ija, begin_ijat, end_ijat, dum1, dum2; DP big,dum,sum,temp; Vec_DP saa_p(sa_p); Vec_INT ijaa_p(ija_p); int nze=sa_p.size(); int n=ija_p[0]-1; Vec_DP vv(n); d=1.0; n=a.nrows(); //a=(double**)mxMalloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); //mexPrintf("sprsludcmp\n"); for (i=0;i big) big=temp; } //mexPrintf("\n"); if(big == 0.0) { mexPrintf("Singular Matrix in routine sprsludcmp\n"); mexEvalString("st=fclose('all');clear all;"); mexErrMsgTxt("End of simulate"); } vv[i]=1.0/big; } /*mexPrintf("First Step\n"); mexPrintf("a.ncols()=%d\n",a.ncols()); mexPrintf("a.nrows()=%d\n",a.nrows());*/ /*for(i=0;ibig) big=temp; if(big==0.0) { mexPrintf("Singular Matrix in routine sprsludcmp\n"); mexErrMsgTxt("End of simulate"); } vv[i]=1.0/big; }*/ /*sprs_col_index(); // create a col-index compact storage for (j=0;jijat_p[begin_ijat]) begin_ijat++; else sum -= sa_p[begin_ija++]*sat_p[begin_ijat++]; } sat_p[i]=sum; } big=0.0; for (;iijat_p[begin_ijat]) begin_ijat++; else sum -= sa_p[begin_ija++]*sat_p[begin_ijat++]; } sat_p[i]=sum; if((dum=vv[ija_p[i]]*fabs(sum)) >= big) { big=dum; mexPrintf("imax=i=%d\n",i); imax=ija_p[i]; } } if (j != imax) { sprs_swap_line(j,imax); //for (k=0;kj) sa_p[i] *= dum; } } }*/ for (j=0;j= big) { big=dum; imax=i; } } //mexPrintf("ok1\n"); if (j != imax) { for (k=0;k=0;k--) { for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { sum=b[i+k*n]; for (j=i+1;j=0;k--) { for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { sum=b[i+k*n]; for (j=i+1;j=0;i--) { sum=b[i]; for (j=i+1;j (LU)'.x=b <=> U'L'x=b <=> U'.y=b with x solution of L'x=y int i,ii,ip,j; DP sum; int n=a.nrows(); ii=0; // Solving U'.y=b // U' is a lower triangular matrix with element on the main diagonal differnet from 1 // Implementation of a foreward substitution to solve this system for (i=0;i=0;i--) { sum=b[i]; for (j=i+1;j