function writedata(fname) % function writedata(fname) % store endogenous and exogenous variables in a text file % INPUT % fname: name of the text file % OUTPUT % none % ALGORITHM % none % SPECIAL REQUIREMENT % none % % part of DYNARE, copyright (2007) % Gnu Public License. global M_ oo_ S=[fname '_endo.dat']; fid = fopen(S,'w'); for i = 1:size(M_.endo_names,1) fprintf(fid,'%s ',M_.endo_names(i,:)'); end; fprintf(fid,'\n'); for i = 1:size(oo_.endo_simul,2) fprintf(fid,'%15.7f ',oo_.endo_simul(:,i)); fprintf(fid,'\n'); end fclose(fid); S=[fname '_exo.dat']; fid = fopen(S,'w'); for i = 1:size(M_.exo_names,1) fprintf(fid,'%s ',M_.exo_names(i,:)); end; fprintf(fid,'\n'); for i = 1:size(oo_.exo_simul,1) fprintf(fid,'%15.7f ',oo_.exo_simul(i,:)); fprintf(fid,'\n'); end fclose(fid); return;