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function [xparam1, hh, gg, fval, igg] = newrat(func0, x, hh, gg, igg, ftol0, nit, flagg, varargin)


  Copyright (C) 2004 Marco Ratto

  [xparam1, hh, gg, fval, igg] = newrat(func0, x, hh, gg, igg, ftol0, nit, flagg, varargin)

  Optimiser with outer product gradient and 'Gibbs type' steps
  uses Chris Sims subroutine for line search

  func0 = name of the function
  there must be a version of the function called [func0,'_hh.m'], that also
  gives as second OUTPUT the single contributions at times t=1,...,T
    of the log-likelihood to compute outer product gradient

  x = starting guess
  hh = initial Hessian [OPTIONAL]
  gg = initial gradient [OPTIONAL]
  igg = initial inverse Hessian [OPTIONAL]
  ftol0 = ending criterion for function change 
  nit = maximum number of iterations

  In each iteration, Hessian is computed with outer product gradient.
  for final Hessian (to start Metropolis):
  flagg = 0, final Hessian computed with outer product gradient
  flagg = 1, final 'mixed' Hessian: diagonal elements computed with numerical second order derivatives
             with correlation structure as from outer product gradient, 
  flagg = 2, full numerical Hessian

  varargin = list of parameters for func0


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [xparam1, hh, gg, fval, igg] = newrat(func0, x, hh, gg, igg, ftol0, nit, flagg, varargin)
0002 %
0003 %  Copyright (C) 2004 Marco Ratto
0004 %
0005 %  [xparam1, hh, gg, fval, igg] = newrat(func0, x, hh, gg, igg, ftol0, nit, flagg, varargin)
0006 %
0007 %  Optimiser with outer product gradient and 'Gibbs type' steps
0008 %  uses Chris Sims subroutine for line search
0009 %
0010 %  func0 = name of the function
0011 %  there must be a version of the function called [func0,'_hh.m'], that also
0012 %  gives as second OUTPUT the single contributions at times t=1,...,T
0013 %    of the log-likelihood to compute outer product gradient
0014 %
0015 %  x = starting guess
0016 %  hh = initial Hessian [OPTIONAL]
0017 %  gg = initial gradient [OPTIONAL]
0018 %  igg = initial inverse Hessian [OPTIONAL]
0019 %  ftol0 = ending criterion for function change
0020 %  nit = maximum number of iterations
0021 %
0022 %  In each iteration, Hessian is computed with outer product gradient.
0023 %  for final Hessian (to start Metropolis):
0024 %  flagg = 0, final Hessian computed with outer product gradient
0025 %  flagg = 1, final 'mixed' Hessian: diagonal elements computed with numerical second order derivatives
0026 %             with correlation structure as from outer product gradient,
0027 %  flagg = 2, full numerical Hessian
0028 %
0029 %  varargin = list of parameters for func0
0030 %
0032   global bayestopt_
0033 icount=0;
0034 nx=length(x);
0035 xparam1=x;
0036 %ftol0=1.e-6;
0037 htol_base = max(1.e-5, ftol0);
0038 flagit=0;  % mode of computation of hessian in each iteration
0039 ftol=ftol0;
0040 gtol=1.e-3;
0041 htol=htol_base;
0042 htol0=htol_base;
0043 gibbstol=length(bayestopt_.pshape)/12;
0045 func_hh = [func0,'_hh'];
0046 func = str2func(func0);
0047 fval0=feval(func,x,varargin{:});
0048 fval=fval0;
0049 if isempty(hh)
0050     [dum, gg, htol0, igg, hhg]=mr_hessian(func_hh,x,flagit,htol,varargin{:});
0051     hh0 = reshape(dum,nx,nx);
0052     hh=hhg;
0053     if min(eig(hh0))<0,
0054         hh0=hhg; %generalized_cholesky(hh0);
0055     elseif flagit==2,
0056         hh=hh0;
0057         igg=inv(hh);
0058     end
0059     if htol0>htol,
0060         htol=htol0;
0061         %ftol=htol0;
0062     end
0063 else
0064     hh0=hh;
0065     hhg=hh;
0066     igg=inv(hh);
0067 end
0068 disp(['Gradient norm ',num2str(norm(gg))])
0069 ee=eig(hh);
0070 disp(['Minimum Hessian eigenvalue ',num2str(min(ee))])
0071 disp(['Maximum Hessian eigenvalue ',num2str(max(ee))])
0072 g=gg;
0073 check=0;
0074 if max(eig(hh))<0, disp('Negative definite Hessian! Local maximum!'), pause, end,
0075 save m1 x hh g hhg igg fval0
0077 igrad=1;
0078 igibbs=1;
0079 inx=eye(nx);
0080 jit=0;
0081 while norm(gg)>gtol & check==0 & jit<nit,
0082     jit=jit+1;
0083     tic
0084     icount=icount+1;
0085     bayestopt_.penalty = fval0(icount);
0086     disp([' '])
0087     disp(['Iteration ',num2str(icount)])
0088     [fval x0 fc retcode] = csminit(func0,xparam1,fval0(icount),gg,0,igg,varargin{:});
0089     if igrad,
0090         [fval1 x01 fc retcode1] = csminit(func0,x0,fval,gg,0,inx,varargin{:});
0091         if (fval-fval1)>1, %(fval0(icount)-fval),
0092             disp('Gradient step!!')
0093         else
0094             igrad=0;
0095         end
0096         fval=fval1;
0097         x0=x01;        
0098     end
0099     if (fval0(icount)-fval)<1.e-2*(gg'*(igg*gg))/2 & igibbs,
0100         [fvala, x0] = mr_gstep(func0,x0,htol,varargin{:});
0101          if (fval-fvala)<gibbstol*(fval0(icount)-fval),
0102              igibbs=0;
0103              disp('Last Gibbs step, gain too small!!')
0104          else
0105             disp('Gibbs step!!')
0106         end
0107         fval=fvala;
0108     end
0109     if (fval0(icount)-fval)<ftol & flagit==0,
0110         disp('Try diagonal Hessian')
0111         ihh=diag(1./(diag(hhg)));        
0112         [fval2 x0 fc retcode2] = csminit(func2str(func),x0,fval,gg,0,ihh,varargin{:});
0113             if (fval-fval2)>=ftol ,
0114                 %hh=diag(diag(hh));
0115                 disp('Diagonal Hessian successful')            
0116             end
0117         fval=fval2;
0118     end        
0119     if (fval0(icount)-fval)<ftol & flagit==0,
0120         disp('Try gradient direction')
0121         ihh0=inx.*1.e-4;        
0122         [fval3 x0 fc retcode3] = csminit(func2str(func),x0,fval,gg,0,ihh0,varargin{:});
0123             if (fval-fval3)>=ftol ,
0124                 %hh=hh0;
0125                 %ihh=ihh0;
0126                 disp('Gradient direction successful')            
0127             end
0128             fval=fval3;
0129     end        
0130     xparam1=x0;
0131     x(:,icount+1)=xparam1;
0132     fval0(icount+1)=fval;
0133     %if (fval0(icount)-fval)<ftol*ftol & flagg==1;,
0134     if (fval0(icount)-fval)<ftol,
0135         disp('No further improvement is possible!')
0136         check=1;
0137         if flagit==2,
0138             hh=hh0;
0139         elseif flagg>0,
0140             [dum, gg, htol0, igg, hhg]=mr_hessian(func_hh,xparam1,flagg,ftol0,varargin{:});   
0141             if flagg==2,
0142                 hh = reshape(dum,nx,nx);
0143                 ee=eig(hh);
0144                 if min(ee)<0
0145                     hh=hhg;
0146                 end
0147             else
0148                 hh=hhg;
0149             end
0150         end
0151         disp(['Actual dxnorm ',num2str(norm(x(:,end)-x(:,end-1)))])
0152         disp(['FVAL          ',num2str(fval)])
0153         disp(['Improvement   ',num2str(fval0(icount)-fval)])
0154         disp(['Ftol          ',num2str(ftol)])
0155         disp(['Htol          ',num2str(htol0)])
0156         disp(['Gradient norm  ',num2str(norm(gg))])
0157         ee=eig(hh);
0158         disp(['Minimum Hessian eigenvalue ',num2str(min(ee))])
0159         disp(['Maximum Hessian eigenvalue ',num2str(max(ee))])
0160          g(:,icount+1)=gg;
0161     else
0163         df = fval0(icount)-fval;
0164         disp(['Actual dxnorm ',num2str(norm(x(:,end)-x(:,end-1)))])
0165         disp(['FVAL          ',num2str(fval)])
0166         disp(['Improvement   ',num2str(df)])
0167         disp(['Ftol          ',num2str(ftol)])
0168         disp(['Htol          ',num2str(htol0)])
0170         if df<htol0,
0171             htol=max(htol_base,df/10);
0172         end
0174         if norm(x(:,icount)-xparam1)>1.e-12,
0175             save m1 x fval0 -append
0176             [dum, gg, htol0, igg, hhg]=mr_hessian(func_hh,xparam1,flagit,htol,varargin{:});
0177             if htol0>htol, %ftol,
0178                 %ftol=htol0;
0179                 htol=htol0;
0180                 disp(' ')
0181                 disp('Numerical noise in the likelihood')
0182                 disp('Tolerance has to be relaxed')
0183                 disp(' ')
0184 %             elseif htol0<ftol,
0185 %                 ftol=max(htol0, ftol0);
0186             end
0187             hh0 = reshape(dum,nx,nx);
0188             hh=hhg;
0189             if flagit==2,
0190                 if min(eig(hh0))<=0,
0191                     hh0=hhg; %generalized_cholesky(hh0);
0192                 else 
0193                     hh=hh0;
0194                     igg=inv(hh);
0195                 end
0196             end
0197         end
0198         disp(['Gradient norm  ',num2str(norm(gg))])
0199         ee=eig(hh);
0200         disp(['Minimum Hessian eigenvalue ',num2str(min(ee))])
0201         disp(['Maximum Hessian eigenvalue ',num2str(max(ee))])
0202         if max(eig(hh))<0, disp('Negative definite Hessian! Local maximum!'), pause, end,
0203         t=toc;
0204         disp(['Elapsed time for iteration ',num2str(t),' s.'])
0206          g(:,icount+1)=gg;
0207         save m1 x hh g hhg igg fval0
0208     end
0209 end
0211 save m1 x hh g hhg igg fval0
0212 if ftol>ftol0,
0213     disp(' ')
0214     disp('Numerical noise in the likelihood')
0215     disp('Tolerance had to be relaxed')
0216     disp(' ')
0217 end
0219 if jit==nit,
0220     disp(' ')
0221     disp('Maximum number of iterations reached')
0222     disp(' ')
0223 end
0225 if norm(gg)<=gtol,
0226     disp(['Estimation ended:'])
0227     disp(['Gradient norm < ', num2str(gtol)])
0228 end
0229 if check==1,
0230     disp(['Estimation successful.'])
0231 end
0233 return
0235 %
0236 function f00 = lsearch(lam,func,x,dx,varargin)
0239 x0=x-dx*lam;
0240 f00=feval(func,x0,varargin{:});

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