function Draws = GetAllPosteriorDraws(column,FirstMhFile,FirstLine,TotalNumberOfMhFile,NumberOfDraws) % function Draws = GetAllPosteriorDraws(column,FirstMhFile,FirstLine,TotalNumberOfMhFile,NumberOfDraws) % Gets all posterior draws % % INPUTS % column: column % FirstMhFile: first mh file % FirstLine: first line % TotalNumberOfMhFile: total number of mh file % NumberOfDraws: number of draws % OUTPUTS % Draws: draws from posterior distribution % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2005-2008) % Gnu Public License. global M_ options_ nblck = options_.mh_nblck; iline = FirstLine; linee = 1; DirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis'); Draws = zeros(NumberOfDraws*nblck,1); logpo = zeros(NumberOfDraws*nblck,1); ipost=0; if column<=0, column=1; ipost=1; end iline0=iline; for blck = 1:nblck iline=iline0; for file = FirstMhFile:TotalNumberOfMhFile load([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh' int2str(file) '_blck' int2str(blck)],'x2','logpo2') NumberOfLines = size(x2(iline:end,:),1); Draws(linee:linee+NumberOfLines-1) = x2(iline:end,column); logpo(linee:linee+NumberOfLines-1) = logpo2(iline:end); linee = linee+NumberOfLines; iline = 1; end end if ipost, Draws=logpo; end