function SampleAddress = selec_posterior_draws(SampleSize,drsize) % Selects a sample of draws from the posterior distribution and if nargin>1 % saves the draws in _pdraws mat files (metropolis folder). If drsize>0 % the dr structure, associated to the parameters, is also saved in _pdraws. % This routine is more efficient than metropolis_draw.m because here an % _mh file cannot be opened twice. % % INPUTS % o SampleSize [integer] Size of the sample to build. % o drsize [double] structure dr is drsize megaoctets. % % OUTPUTS % o SampleAddress [integer] A (SampleSize*4) array, each line specifies the % location of a posterior draw: % Column 2 --> Chain number % Column 3 --> (mh) File number % Column 4 --> (mh) line number % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % % Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ options_ estim_params_ oo_ % Number of parameters: npar = estim_params_.nvx; npar = npar + estim_params_.nvn; npar = npar + estim_params_.ncx; npar = npar + estim_params_.ncn; npar = npar +; % Select one task: switch nargin case 1 info = 0; case 2 MAX_mega_bytes = 10;% Should be an option... if drsize>0 info=2; else info=1; end drawsize = drsize+npar*8/1048576; otherwise error(['selec_posterior_draws:: Unexpected number of input arguments!']) end % Get informations about the mcmc: MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis'); fname = [ MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname]; load([ fname '_mh_history.mat']); FirstMhFile = record.KeepedDraws.FirstMhFile; FirstLine = record.KeepedDraws.FirstLine; TotalNumberOfMhFiles = sum(record.MhDraws(:,2)); LastMhFile = TotalNumberOfMhFiles; TotalNumberOfMhDraws = sum(record.MhDraws(:,1)); NumberOfDraws = TotalNumberOfMhDraws-floor(options_.mh_drop*TotalNumberOfMhDraws); MAX_nruns = ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/(npar+2)/8); mh_nblck = options_.mh_nblck; % Randomly select draws in the posterior distribution: SampleAddress = zeros(SampleSize,4); for i = 1:SampleSize ChainNumber = ceil(rand*mh_nblck); DrawNumber = ceil(rand*NumberOfDraws); SampleAddress(i,1) = DrawNumber; SampleAddress(i,2) = ChainNumber; if DrawNumber <= MAX_nruns-FirstLine+1 MhFileNumber = FirstMhFile; MhLineNumber = FirstLine+DrawNumber-1; else DrawNumber = DrawNumber-(MAX_nruns-FirstLine+1); MhFileNumber = FirstMhFile+ceil(DrawNumber/MAX_nruns); MhLineNumber = DrawNumber-(MhFileNumber-FirstMhFile-1)*MAX_nruns; end SampleAddress(i,3) = MhFileNumber; SampleAddress(i,4) = MhLineNumber; end SampleAddress = sortrows(SampleAddress,[3 2]); % Selected draws in the posterior distribution, and if drsize>0 % reduced form solutions, are saved on disk. if info if SampleSize*drawsize <= MAX_mega_bytes% The posterior draws are saved in one file. pdraws = cell(SampleSize,info); old_mhfile = 0; old_mhblck = 0; for i = 1:SampleSize mhfile = SampleAddress(i,3); mhblck = SampleAddress(i,2); if (mhfile ~= old_mhfile) | (mhblck ~= old_mhblck) load([fname '_mh' num2str(mhfile) '_blck' num2str(mhblck) '.mat'],'x2') end pdraws(i,1) = {x2(SampleAddress(i,4),:)}; if info-1 set_parameters(pdraws{i,1}); [dr,info] = resol(oo_.steady_state,0); pdraws(i,2) = { dr }; end old_mhfile = mhfile; old_mhblck = mhblck; end clear('x2') save([fname '_posterior_draws1'],'pdraws') else% The posterior draws are saved in xx files. NumberOfDrawsPerFile = fix(MAX_mega_bytes/drawsize); NumberOfFiles = ceil(SampleSize*drawsize/MAX_mega_bytes); NumberOfLines = SampleSize - (NumberOfFiles-1)*NumberOfDrawsPerFile; linee = 0; fnum = 1; pdraws = cell(NumberOfDrawsPerFile,info); old_mhfile = 0; old_mhblck = 0; for i=1:SampleSize linee = linee+1; mhfile = SampleAddress(i,3); mhblck = SampleAddress(i,2); if (mhfile ~= old_mhfile) | (mhblck ~= old_mhblck) load([fname '_mh' num2str(mhfile) '_blck' num2str(mhblck) '.mat'],'x2') end pdraws(linee,1) = {x2(SampleAddress(i,4),:)}; if info-1 set_parameters(pdraws{linee,1}); [dr,info] = resol(oo_.steady_state,0); pdraws(linee,2) = { dr }; end old_mhfile = mhfile; old_mhblck = mhblck; if fnum < NumberOfFiles && linee == NumberOfDrawsPerFile linee = 0; save([fname '_posterior_draws' num2str(fnum)],'pdraws') fnum = fnum+1; if fnum < NumberOfFiles pdraws = cell(NumberOfDrawsPerFile,info); else pdraws = cell(NumberOfLines,info); end end end save([fname '_posterior_draws' num2str(fnum)],'pdraws') end end